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Rumors: Angela & Tyler

Page 1

by Rachael Brownell


  Angela & Tyler

  Rachael Brownell


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Imperfect Love Story

  About the Author

  Also by Rachael Brownell

  Chapter One

  The ceiling is stark white. Just like my sheets. The sheets Angela picked out for me. For us.

  The ones I had before weren't soft enough according to her. So she bought these. Two sets to be exact. She also threw out the navy sheets I had before. Along with the comforter that was too thin and the pillows that were flat.

  I'd never admit it to her, but I liked the new digs. Not that I put up a fight when she showed up and stripped the bed, rattling on about how important good sheets were. Nope, I let her have her moment if it meant she would stay here more often.

  That was a few months after we started dating.

  Reaching across the bed to where she normally sleeps, a frown forms on my face. I hate when she's not here. I hate being alone in this bed. It's too big for just me and I barely sleep, even with the softness of the sheets surrounding me.

  Our visit with her parents last night was rough on her. When it's just the four of us, things are great. Throw in her brother and his girlfriend who are both in college, and her sister and her fiancé, who just graduated college... things get tense to say the least.

  Mom doesn't like the girlfriend.

  Dad doesn't like the fiancé.

  Angela hates them both.

  They both hate her parents and show no respect for them at all.

  Me? I could normally care less. It's family. Family is important.

  Mine keeps things low-key. There's never a harsh word spoken, my mother wouldn't stand for it. Fighting is not allowed in my parents’ house, it never has been. That didn't stop us when we were younger, but we've grown up. It's a sign of respect to listen to your elders, especially your parents.

  They'll learn. They’re young. But last night... it was a shit show. I sat there, quiet as always when things hit the fan, and watched it all unfold around me. I try not to comment on anything, it's really none of my business, but last night I couldn't stop myself. I'd had enough and could see Mr. and Mrs. Walker needed backup.

  Standing from my chair, I looked around the table and said my peace. They were Angela's family, if I was with her they were a part of the package, but I was sick of listening to the stupid drama. Of course, that made Angela mad, along with her brother, Henry, and sister, Jill.

  Too. Damn. Bad.

  They were giving me a headache, and I wasn't going to sit through another family dinner and listen to everyone fight with one another. I didn't sign up for that shit.

  On the way home, Angela apologized. It wasn't her fault and I made sure to tell her that, but she still asked me to take her to her apartment.

  So here I am, staring up at my ceiling, wide awake at the ass-crack of dawn. I'm thinking about Angela, wishing she was here, and wondering why she isn't. Aside from the obvious situation last night, there's no reason she shouldn't be here.

  All the time.

  Every day.

  With me.

  There's only one way to make that happen.

  I've been thinking about it for a while now. I've even talked to her parents, asking them for their permission. They've given me their blessing, and even after last night, I'm still certain they'd give it to me again if I asked.

  When Hunter proposed to Brianna, I helped him pick out the ring. Not because I was an expert or knew anything about diamonds, but because I was available. He needed someone by his side. Someone to support him.

  Ryder would have been my number one choice today, but I can't risk Emerson finding out. I'm sure she can keep a secret, but she's Angela's closest friend. They live together. I don't want to put her in that position. Plus, when the day comes that Ryder prepares to propose, because that day will come, I won't want Angela in that position.

  Waiting as long as I can, I call Hunter. He owes me for helping him and I'm about to collect.

  "Hey, man. What's up?" His voice is heavy with sleep at this hour.

  It's barely seven o'clock. I've been up since five, my excitement and nerves keeping me awake. I've also consumed a pot of coffee already, ran ten miles on my treadmill, and I'm fresh out of the shower. He's lucky I was able to contain myself this long before calling.

  "I need your help," I state. Knowing he's probably not paying attention to me, I keep talking, hoping my news will jolt him awake. "I'm proposing to Angela."

  "What?" he asks, sounding more asleep than he did a few minutes ago.

  Hunter's the most responsible of the three of us. Up early and in the office before anyone else. Always the first to offer help to anyone who needs it, even if they don't think they do.

  Being the oldest, he paved the way for me and Ryder and felt he needed to set a good example. He's done a great job so far. On many levels.

  First to get married. Only one to stay that way. Brianna is great, though, so I have to give most of the credit there to her. She keeps him balanced.

  My father's right-hand-man, he's the one you can always count on to get the job done and get it done right.

  Loyal, almost to a fault. He'll stick by your side even when he disagrees with you. Well, only if you're family. Blood is thicker than water.

  Right now, I need blood. I need my big brother to help me choose a ring for my bride-to-be.

  "I'm going to ask Ang to marry me, and I need help picking out a ring. Get your ass up, bro."

  "I can't today, Ty. Brianna and I have an appointment with the specialist. She'll kill me if I cancel. It took us six months to get in."

  That's today? Damn.

  I'd never ask him to cancel that appointment, even if it meant missing my wedding. They've been trying to have a child for six years, since their honeymoon, and haven't been able to get pregnant.

  Hunter took the reins and went to get checked out first. I'm sure he was hoping something would be wrong with him. It would be easier that way. He could shoulder the burden so Brianna didn't have to. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

  They don't talk about it often, but I overheard Hunter talking to my mother one night about it after family dinner. Brianna hadn't come with him. She was depressed and falling deeper and deeper as the days went by. He didn't know how to help her and was asking for advice.

  I heard bits and pieces of their conversation from my seat at the game table. The doctors said her infertility was likely due to the years she was anorexic as a teen. I didn't even know one could affect the other.

  Brianna was a gymnast, a damn talented one, when she was growing up. They met in college. Both were freshmen and enjoying their new-found freedom. Hunter didn't take too many liberties. He was the responsible one even back then. Brianna on the other hand, she liked to party.

  The story goes that one night, Hunter was at a party after a football game with his friends. Things were starting to get out of control and so he decided to leave. As he stepped out into the crisp fall air, he ran straight into Brianna.
  She was wearing a green and white jersey, while Hunter was in the signature gold and maize. That didn't stop him from striking up a conversation with her. It didn't stop him from sitting on the front porch of the house and talking with her until the cops came and broke up the party a few hours later.

  She was a different person back then from what I remember. Outgoing. A social butterfly. Always chatty.

  These days she's more reserved. If you didn't know her well, you would think she's unhappy. I know that's not true, but something is missing from her life. Hunter's too.

  What it boils down to is Brianna blames herself. She has her highs and lows, and right now, she's having a low. You can tell it still weighs her down. Hopefully they'll get the answers they need today. I can't imagine what life will be like for them if not.

  "No worries, man. Good luck today," I say, my voice catching in my throat.

  Hanging up with Hunter, I pull up Ryder's number but reconsider before I can press send. Maybe this is something I need to do on my own. I'm a grown-ass man. I can handle this.

  Pulling a hoodie over my head, I stick my cell in my pocket and grab my wallet. Walking through the house, I'm reminded how empty it is. Not of possessions or furniture, but of people.

  Why haven't I at least asked Ang to move in with me yet? That should have happened a long time ago. Right after she helped me pick out this house. It's more than enough for the two of us, but not too big that it makes me feel alone. Unlike my brothers, I bought an older house. It has historic charm and classic finishes. Three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

  The basics. I don't need more than that and Ang wouldn't want anything fancy.

  I've updated the kitchen, but instead of putting in modern finishes like granite countertops and stainless-steel appliances, I went for a more rustic look. Concrete countertops. A simple white subway tile back-splash. Dark wood cabinets.

  It's my favorite room in the house. More importantly, Angela loved it once it was finished.

  My phone rings as I back out of the garage.

  Vincent Redding

  Damn! I haven't heard that name in a long ass time.

  Putting the car in park, I slide my finger across the screen, smiling at the thought of talking to my best friend after all these years.

  "Vinnie?" I ask, my surprise evident.

  "Dix!" he hollers into the phone.

  "What the hell, man? Where you been?" I ask, putting him on speaker phone so I can drive.

  "You know, livin' the dream. What have you been up to?"

  "Not much. Working for my dad. Golfing as much as the weather allows."

  "You still in Sunnyside?" he asks, catching me off guard. The last time we spoke, I was headed home to visit my parents in Chicago. When I came back from break, he'd dropped out of UCLA and was rumored to be on a plane to Europe with some chick he met in Mexico on break.

  "How the hell'd you know that?"

  "Come on, man. You know I never give up my source."

  Vinnie knows everything about everyone. And no one knows how. He knew my college girlfriend was cheating on me with one of our frat brothers. He knew the same frat brother was also sleeping with three other girls. When our fraternity was put on probation for hazing, he knew who the nark was.

  Everything. Anything. You need to know something, ask Vinnie. He won't just have an answer for you, he'll have the right answer. Just don't ask him to reveal his source. It hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it ever will.

  "You thinking of coming up for a visit?"

  "I was, but I have this feeling like you have something big going on right now."

  For fuck's sake! Is he psychic now?

  "I might. That doesn't mean I wouldn't welcome a visit from an old friend. I still haven't heard the story about the hottie you disappeared with."

  "Who the hell you calling old?" he retorts, taking a serious tone with me for the first time.

  Vinnie changes the subject, but I mentally note to ask him about the girl. There's a reason he blew that question off. Probably a good reason. And I want to know what it is.

  When I arrive at the jewelry store, I suck in a deep breath. Vinnie's still on the other end of the line, ribbing me for all the stupid shit I did in college. If he only knew what happened after he left.

  What am I saying? I'm sure he does.

  "What's up, man? See something that scared you?"

  "Nah. Just mentally preparing, that's all. So you gonna come visit so I can beat your ass for talking shit?"



  There are a few moments of silence before he answers me. In those moments, I become acutely aware of what he's doing. He's analyzing the situation, figuring shit out. He's always been a talker, but when he's silent, that's when you need to watch out.

  "When's the wedding?" he finally asks.

  How in the hell?

  Chapter Two

  Vinnie set my mind at ease. He stayed on the phone with me while I chose a ring. He listened as I explained to the sales lady the kind of person Angela was so she could help me pick a style for her. It didn't take long to find the perfect ring.

  The moment I saw it, I saw Angela. That ring on her finger and a giant smile on her face.

  White gold with an antique finish. One large diamond in the center, princess cut from what the lady tells me. The band has three small diamonds on either side of the large one.

  Enough bling to catch your eye, not too much that Ang wouldn't want to wear it.

  Money has never been a big thing with us. Sure, I make more than her, but she's not strapped for cash. This ring is the perfect balance of the two of us.

  Less than I wanted to spend on her because, really, you can't put a price tag on the one you love. It's also more than she'd want me to spend. I'm sure she'll give me a little shit for spending so much, but I can take it. Plus, her concern comes from a place filled with love.

  Her heart.

  Back in the car, Vinnie asks the one question I don't know the answer to.

  "So, when you gonna ask her?"

  My knees are bouncing with anticipation, but rushing over to her apartment and dropping to one knee doesn't feel right. Tonight is our "friends-giving," whatever the hell that is. I was told to be at Ryder's at four thirty, so I'll be there. Tomorrow she has plans with Emerson to have a girl’s day.

  "I'm not sure man. Things are pretty busy right now."

  "They'll always be busy, so let me give you a little friendly advice. The same advice I gave Declan when he proposed."

  Declan. Poor guy. He thought he found the perfect woman. She turned out to be insane, certifiably. They're technically still married, but she's in a rehab facility and he's stuck footing the bill. I keep telling him to file the paperwork, but he won't. He's sticking by her side.

  His heart is broken. He wants the woman he fell in love with, and I think he's holding out hope that one day she'll find her way back to him. For his sake, I pray that happens.

  "You can't plan the perfect moment, Dix. It's going to sneak up on you, so you have to be ready. Take that expensive-ass ring you just bought, put it in your pocket, and keep it on you at all times. That way, when you know the moment’s right, you can make it happen."

  I can work with that. As long as I remember to take the ring out of my pocket before Ang starts shoving my clothes in the washer. She says she hates cleaning up after me, not that I'm a slob or anything, but for some reason, she's always doing my laundry.

  "One more thing," Vinnie says, cutting into my thoughts. "Don't wait too long. I know you and you hate secrets. The longer you wait, the more suspicious she'll become."

  True that. Secrets are like poison. The longer you keep them, allow them to invade your system, the slower they kill you. They break you down, make you act differently.

  Plus, my mama always taught me secrets don't make friends. I listen to my mama.

  Keeping a secret from Ang is not something I want to do. She'll know something is

  "Thanks, man."

  "Let me know when the wedding is. You can't have a party without me."

  He's right. It wouldn't be the same without him there. Even after all these years, I want him up there with me, standing by my side. He's always been a great friend and that hasn't changed.

  Angela is waiting for me in the driveway when I pull up to Ryder's. She waves and rushes my window. Patting my front pocket to make sure the ring is safely tucked away, I watch her strawberry-blond hair float behind her. Her steel-colored eyes lock on mine, and I can't look away.

  "Hey, baby," she says, leaning through the window as soon as it's down far enough. Dropping a gentle kiss on my lips, there's a smile on her face when she pulls back. "Devon should be pulling up any minute. I need you to wait for him. We're pulling his car in the garage so Justine doesn't see it."

  Lifting my eyebrow suspiciously, Ang smirks at me before jogging back up the driveway so I can back out and park on the street.

  "Spill," I say as soon as I'm close enough for her to hear me.

  Justine's been a mess since she came back from the mandatory vacation I put her on. She didn't have to tell me what happened, Devon called me. He asked a lot of questions and I answered them the best I could. I did my best to assure him there was not an ounce of truth to what was being implied.

  It wasn't a shock he was under the impression Justine's ex-boyfriend, one of our clients, had wooed her into bed. I'd heard the rumors floating around the office. All you had to do was spend one lunch hour in the breakroom to know everything there is to know about the people that work there.

  Our staff has no shame sometimes.

  The rumors don't normally bother me. I heard about Emerson and Ryder but knew nothing was actually going on. At least, they weren't yet. When Hunter, Ryder, and I went out for beers Ryder told us he was going to make a move on her. He was blunt about it.


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