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Rumors: Angela & Tyler

Page 2

by Rachael Brownell

  There was passion in his eyes. Seeing them together now, a month after things started to heat up between them, it reminds me of that night.

  When the rumor about Justine and her ex started to spread, I blew it off. I contemplated saying something to Devon but held my tongue. Silently, I watched. JP was a persistent asshole. He found ways to be around her, to stand a little too close, her body language told me all I needed to know.

  She hated him.

  There was no doubt in my mind that the rumor being whispered in the halls were nothing but gossip meant to hurt Justine's feelings.

  "Devon's on his way. I think it'd be best if he explains everything."

  "Why does that make me think you're not telling me because you're somehow involved?" Crossing my arms over my chest, Ang looks at me innocently before giving herself away with a sinister smile.

  "I may have helped a little."

  "As in?"

  I was going to get her to tell me what was going on if it killed me. I hate surprises. This, what was happening right now, was a surprise. If Devon is parking in the garage, it'll be a surprise for Justine as well. I hope she doesn't mind them as much as I do.

  "As in I may have helped cook food, organize a few details, made sure Justine wouldn't be here when Devon arrives. You know, helped a sista out."

  Damn her. She knows I love it when she goes a little ghetto on me. It's a special thing she does only for me and it always brings a smile to my face. Right now, I don't want to smile at her, but I can't help it.

  Resting my hands on her hips, I pull her in close and lean in to kiss her. She takes control, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me as close as she can.

  Ang isn't a short woman, but I have her by a few inches. When she pushes up on her tiptoes, I barely have to lean in. That extra inch allows me to fuse out lips together as my tongue explores every part of her mouth.

  Wrapping my arms around her slender body, I lift her off the ground and walk backward until her body is pushed up against the garage door. Pressing against her, Ang growls and rotates her hips, eliciting a moan from me. She knows what I like. She knows how to get the response she wants from me.

  In public, we're the flirty and fun couple. Behind closed doors is different. She's demanding, and I'm more than willing to give her everything she wants. Right now, my girls wants me, and that brings out the caveman hiding inside me. The need to pound my fists against my chest is overwhelming when she lifts herself and wraps her legs around my waist, grinding against the growing bulge in my pants.

  The faint sound of an engine purring behind me causes me to draw back. When I look over my shoulder, Devon is staring at us, shaking his head.

  "Get a room!" he hollers, the sound of his voice muffled by the window.

  Gently setting Ang on her feet, I hold onto her hips for a second to make sure she has her footing. When she smiles up at me as she cups my bulge, I know she's good to walk.

  "I'll take care of this later, baby." She waves to Devon and scurries inside before I can reply.

  Damn woman. I'm gonna need to take care of this before tonight. I'm about to bust a nut in my pants just from her gentle grip.

  After Devon's car is situated in the garage, we head inside to join the rest of the group. Allison, Emerson, and Ang are in the kitchen, finishing up the last of dinner. Ryder's watching Emerson move around the kitchen from his seat at the island. She's not paying him any attention as she jokes with Em and Ang. That doesn't stop him from making her the center of his attention.

  "Devon!" Emerson hollers as we each take a seat at the counter with Ryder.

  "Hey, Emerson. Sorry I'm late. How much time do we have?" His eyes shift to find Allison's.

  "Don't worry. I made a call, sent her on an errand. She won't be here for," pausing, Allison looks at the clock on the stove. "Fifteen minutes at least."

  Letting out a sigh, Devon rests his head on the countertop.

  "So what's the plan?" Allison asks.

  "Basically I'm going to lay it all out there. I need to apologize for not believing her and pray to god she forgives me." Devon never lifts his head as he speaks. I've never seen him this distraught. He's always exuded confidence even when we were younger, and he was the smallest of all of us.

  "Did you write a speech?" I ask, nudging him in the elbow.

  "No. I figured I'd speak from the heart."

  His heart is what got him into this mess to begin with. He should have listened to it from the start. When he called, I heard the conflict in his voice. He didn't believe what he was being told. He knew she wouldn't cheat on him. He needed to hear it from someone other than her, though. Someone who had nothing to lose or gain by telling the truth.

  "Don't worry. We got your back, man," Ryder says, leaning across me and patting Devon on the arm.

  The girls turn their attention back to the food, hustling around the kitchen. Allison stops suddenly, turning toward the front door. I hear a car door slam and my heart starts pounding in my chest.

  What the hell? Why am I nervous all the sudden?

  "Turn the lights off. She's here!" Allison hollers, her voice whisper soft yet filled with excitement.

  Emerson runs for the switches while Devon takes off into the living room. Ang grabs my hand and we follow the others into the dining room. The girls stand close to the entrance, their ears turned in the direction of the living room so they can listen in.

  Not me. I stare at my girlfriend. I take her in, head to toe. I think about all the reasons I fall in love with her more and more each day.

  She's an amazing woman. She has a heart that's too big for such a tiny body. She cares more about the happiness of others than she does her own. She's a giver.

  She's also the type of woman that can hold a conversation. She can banter better than anyone I know. She's quick to call someone out on their bullshit, but never if she's not certain she's right.

  Ang hates to admit when she's wrong. She's stubborn as hell and will stand up for what she thinks is right. Her opinion matters to her, and when we fight, the few times we've allowed that to happen, she's won based on principle. She's smart as hell, and I'm one lucky son of a bitch.

  She chose me.

  I may have followed her that day, intrigue and anger racing through me, but I feel like she found me. She stole my heart the second our eyes met, and I've trusted her with it ever since.

  Chapter Three

  As we gather around the table, the conversation flowing lightly, I look at each of my friends and really soak in the moment.


  I never knew there was such a thing, but I get it now. It's a celebration of our friendships. A time to thank each other for their support and for being a part of our lives. I'm thankful for each person at this table. Some more than others, but they all play an important role in my life.

  To my left, Ryder is scooping mashed potatoes onto Emerson's plate while she laughs at something Allison says. He's watching her laugh, probably soaking in the sweet sound of happiness emitted from the person he loves.

  Next to him, the weight I first saw on Emerson's shoulders, before she and Ryder were together, is forgotten. The smile on her face tells me more than her words could. She's happy. Not just with Ryder, but with life in general. She's found her family of friends.

  Allison's next to Emerson, telling the story of how Devon hung up on her. Repeatedly. She's looking across the table at Justine, her eyes filled with excitement and love. Her best friend, her confidant. Those two once worried me. They were the original gossip queens but seem to have changed their ways.

  At least Justine seems to have. The jury's still out on Allison.

  Ang is next to me. She's sitting quietly, slowly putting food on her plate as she listens to the story. She's engrossed in it. There's a smile on her face as her eyes dance between Devon and Justine.

  Devon's looking across the table at Ryder for help. They share a look, Ryder rolling his eyes, before turning their
attention back to their respective women. Justine is leaning into Devon's body, one hand under the table, probably holding his, the other gripping a roll.

  She's worked for me for almost two years, and I've never seen her this happy. This past week had been hell on her. She did a great job of masking her sorrow. Emerson had been keeping her busy and I hope it kept her mind occupied.

  Tonight, though. Tonight, she appears truly happy. There's a glow about her that I've never noticed. I'm happy for her. Happy she's found someone that completes her the way Angela completes me.

  Then there's me. I'm watching everything unfold in front of me. I'm half-ass listening to the stories and keeping to myself.

  When my eyes meet Angela's, my hand immediately goes to my pocket, tapping it once to make sure the ring is still there. I feel the stone press against my hand and a thought crosses my mind.

  What if I ask her tonight? Here, in front of all our friends?

  Would she be okay with that? Would she prefer I do it when we're alone? Somewhere more romantic?

  Ang isn't a flowers and chocolate kind of girl. She doesn't need romance or to be swept off her feet. She only wants to be loved, and that's something I do well. I love her with every breath I breathe and never plan to stop.

  Vinnie said I would know when the moment was right. That there wasn't a perfect time or place to ask. I think he was both right and wrong.

  The moment is right but it's also the perfect time.

  She's not expecting it. This is the first time I've seen her since I decided I was going to propose. If anything, she's going to be shocked.

  Ryder nudges me, bringing my attention back to the table. He's ribbing Devon about the summer we spent driving cross country. Laughing, I get in on the action.

  One story turns into two and then four. Everyone's laughing when I finally decide it's time to make my move. When I stand, I must look awkward. Ryder immediately asks me what I'm doing, and everyone's laughter comes to a halt.

  "There's something I've been meaning to do for a while now, and I haven't been able to find the right time." Looking down at Angela, I see the confusion in her eyes. "We've been together for two years now. The best two years of my life. I'm a better man because I have you in my life."

  "Awe, babe. I love you, too," Angela says, reaching up and placing her hand on my arm.

  "Good," I say as I drop to one knee.

  There's a loud clatter behind me and a squeaking noise. Emerson. It has to be. Or Allison. I'm sure both of them are watching in anticipation of what's about to happen.

  "Angela Anne Walker, I've loved you since the first time I saw you. You were on fire that day, telling me off before I even had a chance to ask you your name. I've fallen more and more in love with you since that moment, and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you."

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the ring at the same time I take Angela's hand in mine. The hand I'm not holding quickly covers her mouth, her surprise evident. Good. I'm glad she didn't see this coming. Now, as long as she says yes, this is going to be a perfect day.

  Her hand begins to shake when I place the ring at the tip of her finger. That doesn't stop me from continuing.

  "Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

  There's a single tear rolling down her cheek. It takes all my willpower not to release her hand and wipe it away. I hate when she cries, even though I'm sure that's a happy tear. Damn, I hope it is anyway.

  She needs to answer me.

  It feels like minutes but I'm sure it's only a few seconds before I hear the muffled sound of her voice saying yes. Quickly sliding the ring on her finger before she changes her mind, Ang takes my face in her hands and pulls me to her.

  Her kiss is demanding. As needy as the one we shared in the driveway, causing my body to react.

  We need to get the hell out of here. Friends-giving over. It's time to celebrate with my woman. The only woman for me. The one that has my heart and holds it with care. My future wife.

  That can't happen, of course. We have to celebrate with our friends first. The girls need to inspect her ring. The guys need to pat me on the back and tell me I'm a lucky man.

  Typical bullshit.

  So I wait patiently for everyone to get it out of their system so we can leave. I want to be alone with her. I need to. My body is craving hers. Every time I glance at her hand and see my ring on her finger, my dick grows in my pants. It's pressing against the zipper of my jeans already. If we stay here much longer, I'm going to have to relieve myself, something I'd rather have Ang take care of for me.

  As the buzz begins to die down, I watch Ryder and Emerson share a look. She slides up next to him and when she nods, he clears his throat and everyone’s eyes fall on him.

  "If we're making life-changing announcements tonight," Ryder begins. As Emerson slides up next to him, wrapping her arm around his waist, we all wait for him continue. "I've asked Emerson to move in with me and she's agreed."

  For fuck’s sake. Anyone else want to make an announcement tonight? Ryder just stole my thunder. Although, I kind of stole Devon's thunder.

  Wait. This works in my favor. Ang can move in with me sooner. As soon as possible. I'm sure Ryder is eager to get Emerson moved in here.

  Allison produces shots. Probably not a good idea, but I learned a long time ago it's easier not to argue with her. As we all lift our glasses in the air, Devon clears his throat to make a toast.

  "I've known both of these guys for most of my life, and I couldn't be happier for either of you right now," he says, making eye contact with Justine. "I'm excited to see what the future holds and to be a part of it. Here's to new beginnings for all of us. Moving to Sunnyside is the best decision I've made in a long time."

  I toss back my shot as I watch Justine choke on hers. Pulling Ang into my side, I kiss her temple and she rests her head against my shoulder. We watch as Justine puts all the pieces together. Devon's not just here to get her back, he's here to stay. It's his big gesture. It's not a ring or a proposal. They're not even moving in together, but it's still huge. Especially for him.

  Ryder and I realize this. I'm sure Justine gets it as well. At least, I hope she does. When they first got together, I assumed she would be the one to leave. She would go to him, not the other way around. He refused to leave his mother alone in Chicago after his father died.

  He's a good man. A great friend. He's going to make Justine very happy, and I can tell she already makes him happy.

  Allison, being the only single person here tonight, steps in to break up the lovey-dovey shit going on between Justine and Devon. She's smiling while she talks, but I'm sure she's feeling left out tonight. Had I known all this was going to happen, I would have invited a friend. Anyone sitting next to her would be better than no one at this point.

  "Are we done being all romantic and shit now? I'm not sure I can take much more of this. I might have to unfriend all of you. Bottoms up, bitches."

  Laughing as I take another shot of tequila, I grimace as the warm liquid coats my stomach. No more shots for me. I'm not getting stuck here tonight. I plan to take my fiancée home and remind her of one of the many reasons she loves me. I'm not sleeping in that bed alone anymore.

  Two hours later, Devon and Justine disappear, Emerson tucks a very drunk Allison in the guest bedroom, and I escort my better half out the front door. I'm straining against the fly of my jeans. I've been watching her gracefully move around the room, chatting with each of our friends.

  The sway of her hips. The way she throws her head back and laughs, the sound coming from somewhere down deep, as her hair falls across her face, covering her eyes. The slightest things, average, everyday things, turning me on. That's not what threw me over the edge, though.

  It was the sexy grin she would shoot me over her shoulder every few minutes. The "come get me" look on her face. It was a challenge. One that I plan on accepting and conquering as soon as we get home. As soon as she is beneath me.
/>   Angela's body was made for mine. She fits perfectly in my arms. A place I like to keep her. As close to me as possible. Preferably naked.

  Reaching for her hand as I shut the car off, Ang gives mine a light squeeze before opening her door. Not ready to let go, I tug her back to me, kissing her on her temple.

  Slowly turning toward me, a playful smirk crosses her lips as she slides out of the car. Ducking her head back in, she snags her purse and offers me another challenge.

  "Race ya!"

  Pulling the keys from the ignition, I'm opening my door as she slams hers shut. She's got a good head start on me, but her heels are slowing her down. They click-clack as she shuffles up the driveway. Her left foot lands on the bottom step of the porch, her body lurching forward as I wrap my arms around her waist, lifting her in the air and twirling her around to face me.

  "Going somewhere?" I ask.

  "I was thinking about going to bed," she purrs before raising her hands above her head and stretching as if she's tired.

  "Want some company?" My hands slide up her body, grazing past her hips and stopping below the swell of her breasts. I want to grip them, one in each hand and pinch her nipples. My body is humming with need.

  "There's only room for one man in bed with me."

  "Oh yeah? Who's the lucky guy?" Pulling her in closer, I squeeze her ass and press her to me. She inhales deeply, letting out a sigh as she releases her breath.

  "My future husband," she states, reaching up and pulling my face down to her.

  As I capture her lips, I lift her. Wrapping her legs around me, I turn, taking the porch steps slowly, enjoying the way her body shifts with each step I take. By the time I press her against the door, straining to get the key in the in the lock, I'm about to explode in my pants.

  Chapter Four

  "I'm supposed to meet Em in an hour," Ang says, rolling off me and staring up at the ceiling. Her breathing is still labored, her words coming out harsh.


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