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Tales of Casporix (Journal of Deiham)

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by Clifford Paxton

  Tales of Casporix

  (Journal of Deiham)



  Copyright © 2015 by Clifford Paxton All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

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  A young boy walks into a library, in Seattle Washington, he is only 14 years old. Today is his birthday. His mother said she would buy him a new book. He walks along the bookshelves, dragging his fingers along each book, reading title-by-title. Then, something mysterious happens. A bookshelf opens up, deep within the hallways, a hidden room. The boy walks into the room. The room looks as if no one has been in it for decades. The walls are covered in the words, ARE YOU AWAKE? The question was wrote hundreds of times, in big letters, and small. There are four tables inside; each table holds a journal. The pages have been organized the best they could be. The boy walks through the cobwebs, to the first table. He picks up the first compiled journal, wipes the dust off of it, and opens it. He flips through it quickly and realizes there are dates, not accounted for. He notices, some loose papers, pieces of the journal, not yet put into the hardback. He decides he will read the first journal from the beginning…

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: Abandoned and Forgotten

  Chapter 2: Menace to Society

  Chapter 3: The Awakening

  Chapter 4: Struggles with Power

  Chapter 5: 25 to Knife

  Chapter 1

  Adopted Then Forgotten

  Journal date: Feb 25th, 1995

  Dear journal, or whatever. My name is Deiham; I’m 8 years old. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to write in this thing. Anyway, Mrs. Caldwell said it would be a good Idea for me to keep a journal. She said it would help me deal with the crazy dreams, and anger issues I have…blah blah blah. At least I don’t have to write in it all the time. She said to write, just when I have a weird dream, or something I want to get off my chest. She says, (Your too stressed, for someone only 8 years old) my stress would go away if I could just find a family. That is exactly what I told her. I have no real family, or friends, just a bunch of mean kids in an adoption agency. I only have one friend here. His name is Jayson, and he gets picked on just as much as I do. I’ve always been in state custody. I don’t even know how I got here.

  Journal date: March 3rd, 1995

  I had a really weird dream last night. I was 10ft under water in a swimming pool. I was sitting with my arms wrapped around my legs, and my forehead between my knees. I was chained to a drain, at the bottom of a pool. The chain was on my ankle. I could see the lock, and I had a key in my left hand. In my dream, I told myself to just give up…nobody loves me. Then I found the willpower to survive. I unlocked the chains and swam towards the top. Beams of sunlight were hitting my face, as the top got closer, and closer. As I reached the surface, I was blinded by light, gasping for air, and then I woke up.

  Journal date: March 5th, 1995

  Some stupid little fat kid stole my candy today. By the time I could tell on him, he had already eaten it. I hate the kids here, they are so mean.

  Journal date: March 10th, 1995

  I can’t believe this! The only friend I had from this place got adopted. My one friend, Jayson is gone! I am happy for him, but I can’t help but to feel sad for myself. Now I literally have no friends.

  Journal date: March 15th, 1995

  My dream last night really got me thinking. I dreamt I was standing on the street, and the ice cream man came by. As he stopped, kids rushed to get their ice cream, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t hear, or touch. All I could do is watch. All the kids were enjoying their ice cream, and I was stuck on the side the street. I feel like all the kids are getting what they what expect for me. I’m just stuck here, lonely.

  Journal date: March 18th, 1995

  Today at the playground, some kids were throwing sand at me. I asked them nicely to stop, but they wouldn’t. Finally, Mrs. Caldwell came over and made them stop. She talked to me afterwards. She told me everything would be ok, but I disagreed with her. She kept saying, that someday I will find a home, but I don’t believe her. I just want to get out of this place.

  Journal date: April 4th, 1995

  Some of the other kids thought it would be funny to hand me bag of Cheetos, filled with carrots! Oh ha ha. They said (They are both orange, just eat them). I didn’t find it funny, but they were all laughing at me. I can’t stand these kids.

  Journal date: April 10th, 1995

  Yet another kid is getting out today. She is so lucky! I just can’t wait to get out of here.

  Journal date: April 12th, 1995

  I had a nightmare last night. A beast was chasing me through the woods. He had a sword in his hand. Just when I thought I was going to get away, he appeared in front of me. I’m not sure how he ended up in front of me. He put his sword down onto my neck, but then he stopped. I woke up screaming. I haven’t dreamt of anything that scary in a long time. It took forever to fall back asleep, and I am so tired today. I talked to Mrs. Caldwell about my dream. She said, I just need to remember what she told me before. That dreams are not real, it’s just our imagination. I never want to imagine anything like that again.

  Journal date: April 15th, 1995

  I had a really cool dream last night. I dreamt that I had super powers. I was creating all the superheroes I love. I was giving them backstories, and special powers. All of them answered to me! I was their leader! I couldn’t even begin to think how awesome that would be! Yes, Superman, I want you to travel to New York and watch over the people! HA…that would be so cool! I really didn’t want to wake up from that dream it was awesome!

  Journal date: April 15h, 1995

  I normally don’t make two journal entries in one day, but some kids were picking on me earlier. I was playing out my dream in real life, when it happened. I was acting like I was giving superheroes some orders, and one of the kids said, (Yea right, like anyone, would ever listen to you, nerd!). Then they all started laughing at me.

  Journal date: April 20th, 1995

  Today was a pretty good day. I didn’t get picked on, and I had a lot of fun. There is a new kid here, his name is Jack; we actually played for a little bit together.

  Journal date: April 21st, 1995

  Well, my friendship with Jack didn’t last long. Some of the other kids told him, that I was a nerd, and if he wanted to be cool, he shouldn’t hang out with me. I hate followers, good riddance Jack.

  Journal date: April 25th, 1995

  I am getting kind of use to being alone. What is the point of having friends? Especially in this place, kids come, and go all the time. Except me, I’m stuck here.

  Journal date: May 1st, 1995

  I dreamt I was standing on top of a snowy mountain. It was freezing cold. All I was wearing was a pair of shorts. Then the weather changed, and I was on a beach. I was building a sandcastle. All the sudden it began to rain heavily, but I couldn’t move. I could only see the sandcastle fall apart, as the hard rain hit it. I can’t begin to imagine what this dream meant, I’m not even sure if dreams have meanings, or why Mrs. Caldwell said to write them down.

  Journal date: May 14, 1995

  I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it! I’m sooooooo excited! I finally got adopted! I was sitting at the park earlier today, and a gi
rl named Paisley came up to me. At first I was thinking, who is this blonde little girl, in this pink dress, full of yellow flowers. She must be new here. But she wasn’t a new girl! She told me that she was going to be my sister! I knew it was true because her eyes were full of excitement, just like mine! We played at the park, going up, and down the slide, and playing tag. Then Paisley said, (Look its mommy, and daddy!) I couldn’t believe I was finally getting parents. It is an orphan’s dream to be adopted, to be in a real home. When I looked over at my new parents I was super excited. Mark and Brenda were their names. They told me that today was going to be my birthday! I’m super excited; I’ve never had a birthday before! Gotta go…

  Journal date: May 18, 1995

  Wow! Birthday parties are fun! I had a blast. Mark and Brenda had taken me to a pizza place. The pizza place had video games, and I earned tickets from playing them! When we were done, I got to spend my tickets on toys! How cool!

  Journal date: June 15th, 1995

  Whoa, the time has been flying. I’m having so much fun with Paisley. We get along so good. We are inseparable. I found out a little bit more about my new mom and dad. My dad Mark works at a steel factory. He works around a lot of fire, and hot steel all day. He likes to come home, and have a drink after work. Which is okay with me. He is a nice dad. My new mom Brenda is an English teacher. She tries, and tries to correct my grammar…I keep telling her, I’ll get it someday.

  Journal date: July 3rd, 1995

  Paisley told me today, that Brenda couldn’t have kids after they had her. That is why they had to adopt me. I didn’t care what the reason was. I was just glad that I had a family.

  Journal date: July 6th, 1995

  Fireworks, and barbecue! It was so fun. I must admit, I was a little scared of the mortal shells, Mark made me go light one, but it was fun! I survived. I had such a blast on the fourth.

  Journal date: July 18th, 1995

  Paisley said that we are going to be moving soon. Not too far away though. Mark wants to be closer to his work. We are going to get a bigger house! I’m super excited!

  Journal date: Feb 21st, 1999

  Oh wow! I thought I lost this old thing. I haven’t seen this book forever. I have been keeping another journal because I thought this one was long gone! Maybe one day I’ll combine the pages, but I’m a little to busy right now. Just an update for this journal, I’m 12 years old now! The time has flown! It’s already been 3 years, heck almost 4. My birthday is right around the corner. Everything is still good! We love the house, been in it for quite some time now. I need to keep writing in this journal. I like to look back at my life…it’s pretty cool!

  Journal date: May 12th, 1999

  Well, this is just freaking great! A couple days before my birthday, and I get attacked by a loose dog. Darn thing knocked me down to the ground and scratched up my face. It left a big gash. The doctors had to put in stitches…ugh…dogs! I was scarred for life!

  I thought they were supposed to be a man’s best friend! Now I’m stuck in this stinking hospital, just sitting in bed, bored. Paisley fell asleep on me, and Mark and Brenda went to get us food. Hospital food sucks. Especially the food at St. Richards Hospital, ATTN ATTN…Room 65 would like to stop all food service! GROSS!

  Journal date: August 9th, 1999

  I had a pretty good summer. I spent most of the time hanging with Paisley. School is about to start up soon. I am worried about dealing with other kids. I never get along with other kids in school. Hopefully, this time will be different.

  Journal date: August 18th, 1999

  Well, I’ve come to find out that not much has changed with kids. A-holes. I don’t understand why it’s always so hard for me to fit in. I figured with my black hair, and blue eyes, that it’d be easier to fit in. I’m not overweight, and I don’t even have acne. I just have a scar, big deal. I thought I could at least get a girlfriend, but it is hard to get girls to like me, when all the boys pick on me. They always call me (Scarface or Track cheeks)…GOD! I hate this scar; I think that’s what the issue is with these stupid kids. I just look different. Well, at least I still have Paisley.

  Journal date: Jan 18th, 2000

  I had another weird dream today. I was on a train. It just kept going and going. It never made stop. It just passed people at all the places we were supposed to make a stop. There was only light passing through the windows, from the sides of the tunnel. It was so dark and lonely. I was the only person on the train, besides one man. He was standing with his back towards me, facing the door to the next cart. He was just swaying back and forth. He never tried to open the door. I kept yelling at him “Mister! Mister! But he never said anything. As soon as he started to turn around, I woke up. That dream was like a symbol of my life. Every time I tried to talk to someone, to make a friend, I couldn’t. I just passed the world by unnoticed. No one to share a seat with, anywhere, Blah…I need to snap out of this. At least I have Paisley and my family. It’s not so bad I guess. I just wish I could make friends.

  Journal date: March 5th, 2000

  I’ve finally made a couple friends. My best friend is a kid named Devin. He is cool. We like to hang out, and play video games together, and a lot of other stuff. I’m glad I have a friend. Paisley keeps wanting to tag along when we play together. Devin, and I did stuff that any normal 13-year-old kids would do. If we weren’t playing video games, we were shooting his old brother’s BB gun. I’m always like (You can come, just don’t tell on us for nothing!) I knew I could trust Paisley. She never did me wrong before. Plus even though I had a friend. She was my first true friend/sister…so I didn’t mind.

  Journal date: June 20th, 2001

  It has been so long since I’ve written anything. But what the FUCK! What the FUCK! What the FUCK! I don’t know what the hell is going on with my life. It is all falling apart. I’m lucky that I even got some paper, and a pencil, in this shit hole. I’m in a damn questioning room at a police station. I’m going to write down, everything I told the cops. A couple of weeks ago, Mark came home from work early. Paisley and I were just about to watch a movie. We even asked that ass-hole if he wanted to watch it with us. Well, that SOB sat during the whole movie, just drinking his whiskey. He didn’t say a word. When the movie was over, Paisley and I were talking about how cool it would be if she could become a famous actress. All I remember is Mark saying, (So you want to be an actress? Come into my bedroom, I’ll teach you some things) then he told me to go to bed. What the hell ever dude. I went to sleep; I didn’t want to argue with that asshole. When I woke up, all I could hear was yelling in the kitchen. I walked down the hallway into the living room. I had seen Paisley sitting on the couch. She had bruises around her neck, crying her eyes out. I’ve never heard that kind of yelling, and cussing in that house. Brenda was yelling at Mark. All I could remember her yelling was (What the fuck did you do! Did you rape her!) I then reached down for Paisley; I wanted to get her to come outside. She pulled away as if I was going to hurt her. I reassured her, that everything was going to be okay. She finally came outside with me. Then all of the arguing inside stopped. I just thought they finally calmed down. Then all of the sudden Mark came outside. He looked really angry, and said, (Get out of here you little shit!) as he pushed me away from Paisley. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know what the hell was going on. Then Mark said (If you don’t get out of here now, I’m going to grab my gun). I told the cops I was terrified, that all I wanted to do was get Paisley out of there. She wouldn’t come with me. Mark said, (You have 30 seconds) and went inside. He came back out with his gun. He pointed the gun in the air and cocked it. I ran…I ran like never before. I told the cops Mark even fired a shot at me. I don’t know how the hell that shot missed me, but somehow it did. It hit the tree next to me as I was running down the sidewalk. I told them, I was running toward my friend Devin’s house, but stopped when I seen the cop cars and ambulance. I figured that I could go back, and check on Paisley, and see what the hell was going on. When I was walking back
, I saw them putting Brenda into an ambulance. Mark was standing outside with some neighbors, who witnessed the whole thing. They told the police, Mark warned me to leave, but I didn’t, and that is why he got his gun. Mark told the police, that he had just got back from the store. He said he left to get a pack of cigarettes. Bullshit!...all bullshit! He never left. He said when he got back, that Brenda was unconscious on the floor, and I was on the couch choking Paisley. I’ve never felt so betrayed. I mean what the fuck! Paisley wouldn’t say a word! She was like a walking zombie mime. I guess I’ll wait and see what happens. I know I didn’t do anything, but it’s my word against Mark’s.


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