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Alien Breeder

Page 10

by Honey Phillips

  She slid his other hand down between her legs, and he needed no additional guidance this time, rubbing one thick finger along the seam of her jeans, pressing it against her clit.

  “A warrior who knows how to touch me. How to send my body soaring.”

  “Take off your clothes,” he said hoarsely. “I want to see you.”

  Her hands shook as she pulled the cami over her head, leaving her in a white lacy bra. Their previous encounters had taken place in the dark or in a dimly lit cabin. She was all too conscious of the fact that she was no longer in her twenties but T’gana didn’t seem to find her lacking. His eyes were focused on her breasts and her nipples thrusting against the lace. He covered them with his big hands, squeezing and caressing the soft flesh and teasing the stiff peaks. Once again, he tried to slide his hand beneath her jeans and growled in frustration at the tight fabric.

  “And these,” he demanded.

  Peeling off the jeans made her flush, but his eyes heated, his hunger so strong that she felt an answering pulse in her clit. He covered her mons with one hand, pressing hard enough to make her knees shake. She chanced her own glance in the mirror. The sight of her body, covered in only a few scraps of lace, pressed against her warrior, still fully clothed, gave her an erotic thrill. He was just so big and powerful, from the massive arms wrapped around her to the awe-inspiring horns towering over his head. She was completely at his mercy, but she knew to the bottom of her soul that he would never harm her.

  “Look at us,” she said softly. “We fit together perfectly.”

  And it was true, despite the difference in size and species. Her pale skin gleamed against the dark uniform. They shouldn’t have worked, but they did.

  “Remove the rest,” he ordered.

  She shivered and obeyed, standing naked in front of him. Fighting back her instinctive desire to cover herself, she let him look, the heat in his eyes a reassuring warmth.

  “You are so beautiful, my S’rah.”


  “Beautiful,” he repeated firmly. “And you are even more beautiful when you come. It is your turn to watch.”

  One big hand parted her legs, his finger sliding easily through an almost embarrassing wetness. He circled her clit and she jumped and clutched his wrist, not to push him away but to anchor herself. With tantalizing delicacy, he teased the swollen nub until she was shaking with anticipation.

  “Look,” he growled. “See how beautiful.”

  When she reluctantly obeyed, she barely recognized herself. Her eyes were heavy, her mouth parted. A pink flush ran from her cheeks down over her chest, her nipples tight red buds. She looked wanton, beautiful, and the sight of that large alien hand parting her folds only added to the erotic picture.

  “Come for me,” he ordered, pressing down on her clit, and she obeyed, her body quivering in helpless ecstasy.

  Still lost in the sensation, she barely registered that he had freed his cock until she felt the broad tip probing at her entrance as he gently pushed her forward until her hands were braced against the mirrored wall.

  “Keep looking,” he demanded, and drove into her in one long hard stroke which raised her high on her toes. Her pussy fluttered wildly, trying to cope with the overwhelming fullness, but he didn’t pause, dragging the rough surface of his cock over her sensitive nerve endings as he withdrew, sending sparks of pleasure rippling through her body. She watched in the mirror as he plunged forward, her naked body looking small and helpless compared to that big, dark figure. His horns reared above them, his eyes glowed gold, and her body hovered on the edge of climax once more. His hands tightened on her hips as he moved faster, driving into her with frantic urgency, and all she could do was accept him. Their eyes met in the mirror and his cock jerked inside her, then he was coming in a heated rush, taking her over with him into an overwhelming climax.

  Later that night, Sarah was the one who couldn’t sleep. For once, T’gana slept soundly, his face serene in the moonlight slanting through the uncovered windows. Despite the unfortunate incident with Mae, she suspected she had been right to bring him here.

  After their mirror encounter, he had carried her limp body to the bed, cleansed her gently, and they had both dozed until hunger drove them from the bed. He had combed through her kitchen cabinets—still stocked due to Mae—and together they had cooked dinner. It was an experience she had never shared with Jeff. When they were in college they weren’t interested; when he was in residency, he was too busy; and once he started his practice, he thought it unnecessary. She enjoyed it more than she had anticipated and the sight of T’gana’s tall horned figure bent over a cutting board brought both an unexpected flare of lust and a longing for more such nights.

  After dinner, he proceeded to study her few cookbooks—chosen by the decorator because they matched the kitchen decor—while she dug through her patterns and her stock of yarn.

  “What are you making?” he asked when she settled down with her crochet hook.

  “Some toys for the girls. This will be a mermaid in a seashell and this one a mouse in a block of cheese.”

  He stroked a finger across the delicate stitches, then studied her face. “You care for them, do you not?”

  “I do. And I think they remind me of myself. I told you that my father was very busy. He did a better job of making sure that I was cared for than their father does, but I was often lonely. Mae was kind to me, but her world rose and set on her son.”

  “I should meet your male parent,” he said decisively.

  A lump caught in her throat, but she forced a smile. “I’m afraid you can’t. He died not long after he bought me this house. I think that’s one of the reasons I have waited so long to sell it.”

  “I am sorry, my L— my S’rah.”

  God, it hurt every time he kept himself from asserting a claim on her. Keeping the smile plastered to her face with an effort, she tried to change the subject.

  “What about your parents? Are they still living?”

  His face turned to stone. “I believe so.”

  “Believe? You don’t know?”

  “I have not spoken to them since I left to go to the Warrior House.”

  “They didn’t approve?” she guessed.

  “No,” he said shortly, then sighed. “They were successful scholars. This house reminds me of the one where I grew up in many ways.”

  It was obviously not a compliment.

  “We can go back to the ship,” she offered again, and tried to sound enthusiastic.

  “No,” he said, and turned back to his book, his face grim. “After all, I will not be here for that long.”

  Those were the words that were keeping her awake now. Twenty-six more days and then he would leave her. The way Jeff had left her. The way her father had left her. At least T’gana would still be alive, even if he wasn’t with her. She tried to take comfort in that thought but it didn’t change the fact that she would be alone again. If only she could get pregnant, and finally have someone to receive all the love locked in her heart.

  She flipped to her other side, trying to find a position that would let her drift off, and a big, warm arm curled around her waist, tugging her back against his body.

  “Sleep, my S’rah,” he said sleepily, and she tried to relax. His warmth and scent surrounded her, and she could feel his hearts beating a steady rhythm against her back. She tried to match her breathing to his and gradually her turbulent thoughts slowed, and she drifted into sleep.

  The next morning, she woke up still tucked against his body. Despite her restless night, she felt surprisingly content and she nestled closer. T’gana’s hand slid from her waist up to cover her breast, plucking gently at her nipple and she was suddenly conscious of a massive erection nestled against her bottom. She gave a cautious wiggle and he groaned.

  “You tempt me to forget my manners,” he said, deliberately sliding his cock deeper between her cheeks. Good lord, he was big. She still couldn’t believe that they fit toget
her so well.

  “Manners?” She rolled her hips, massaging his cock, and he immediately pulled her closer.

  “To wait for you to awaken and indicate your desire.”

  Despite his words, one hand held her firmly against his erection and the other teased her breasts into aching awareness.

  “I’m indicating,” she said breathlessly, and he immediately flipped them over so that he was on top. His cock was a rigid bar between her legs, but he smiled down at her.

  “Good morning, my S’rah.”

  “Good morning, my T’gana.”

  “I like the sound of that on your lips.”

  “I like saying it.” She grinned and wiggled her hips. “Are the formalities over now?”

  “We could recite the morning ritual of praise for the Ancestors,” he said solemnly, but he was grinding his cock between her legs, applying a steady pressure to her needy clit.

  “That sounds very polite,” she agreed breathlessly. “But perhaps we could save that for another morning?”

  As she started to draw him down, a bell chimed. He was off the bed and consulting his tablet before she could blink.

  “What is it?”

  His tense frame relaxed, and he smiled.

  “The small females approach.”

  “The girls? It’s awfully early, I hope nothing is wrong.”

  She pulled on pajama pants and a tank and headed for the door, T’gana close behind her. They reached it just as the doorbell rang. When she flung open the door, the two girls were standing there in identical nightgowns, their hair unbrushed, and their faces as dirty as they had been the night before.

  “Hi, girls. Is everything all right?”

  “We’re hungry,” Jane announced. “And you said we could come back.”

  Sarah cast an infuriated glance at their house, but their father’s car was gone. “Isn’t Crystal going to fix you breakfast?”

  “She’s asleep. Daddy said she had a hard night and to let her sleep.”

  Her fingernails were digging holes in her palms, but she smiled at the two girls. “I expect we can find something for you to eat.”

  “Pancakes.” The soft whisper came from Tabitha. She was staring up at T’gana and he was returning her gaze with equal fascination.

  “You want pancakes? I don’t know if I have—”

  “Then you shall have pancakes,” T’gana said. Since he sounded absolutely confident, she didn’t argue.

  “Come on then. Let’s get you cleaned up while T’gana cooks.”

  “I wanna watch,” Jane said, and Tabby nodded.

  “How about we wash your hands and face in the kitchen sink? Then after breakfast, you can have a nice bath in my tub.”

  “Okay,” Jane agreed, and her little shadow bobbed her head.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The pancakes were a great success. Without fresh eggs and milk, they were a little dry, but copious amounts of syrup poured over the top disguised any shortcomings. T’gana refused the syrup with an expression of abject disgust. After depositing two extremely sticky children in the tub with a vast quantity of bubbles, she left T’gana to watch over them while she went to call Crystal.

  “Hellooo?” the girl yawned.

  “Crystal? This is Sarah Anderson from down the street. I wanted to let you know that the girls are here with me.”

  “Oh, that’s nice,” Crystal said sleepily. “They talk about you all the time.”

  Sarah closed her eyes in frustration. “You really need to keep a closer eye on them.”

  “Darryl says not to worry about it. It’s a safe neighborhood and kids should be free to roam around.” The sulky note in Crystal’s voice made her sound not much older than a child herself.

  Sarah ground her teeth, but in the face of their father’s attitude, she temporarily abandoned her attempt to bring the girl to her senses. “Is it all right if they stay with me for a while?”

  “That’d be cool. I wanted to run some errands today and they get whiny in the car.”

  “Can you bring me some clothes for them?”

  “Yeah, okay. I’ll be right there.”

  Sarah didn’t believe her for a minute, but to her surprise, by the time the girls were tired of playing in the tub and were wrapped in warm towels, T’gana told her that someone was approaching. Once again, he accompanied her to the door.

  Crystal turned out to be a very young and very attractive blonde wearing a cropped tee and cutoff shorts. Her eyes widened at the sight of T’gana but then she gave his arms an overly appreciative stare and licked her lips.

  “Cool ink,” she said. “You wanna see my tats?”

  “No, he does not,” Sarah said. “Did you bring clothes for the girls?”

  Crystal dragged her eyes away from T’gana to thrust a bag at Sarah. “Yeah. Here ya go. Is it cool if they stay with you all day? I’m gonna be gone for a while.”

  “Yes, that’s fine.”

  “Awesome. I’ll be back later.” With one last lingering look at T’gana she sauntered down the steps, hips swinging.

  Sarah looked up to find T’gana staring after Crystal and her heart sank. Would a hot young girl have convinced him to put aside his determination not to claim a mate?

  “Take a picture, it will last longer,” she muttered, and his eyes swung to her.


  “The way you were staring, I thought you wanted a picture,” she said a little sheepishly.

  “I was thinking that she was not a worthy female and wondering if it was because she was so young. That perhaps we should raise the minimum age for the breeding contracts.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks heated.

  T’gana studied her expression and then a slow smile spread across his face. “My S’rah, are you jealous?”

  “N-no. Of course not.”

  He pulled her inside, closed the door, and backed her against it, his heat and scent surrounding her. His hips pressed against hers and she felt the enormous ridge of his cock. He lowered his head to whisper in her ear, the hot rush of his breath sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine.

  “There is only one female I desire, S’rah. Shall I prove it to you?”

  “Sarah,” Jane called, skidding into the foyer with Tabby in tow. “Why’s Tigga hugging you?”

  “Because I like her,” T’gana said gravely.

  Jane frowned. “Don’t you like us?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then hug us too,” she demanded.

  Sarah had to blink back tears when T’gana nodded solemnly and went to one knee, opening his arms to the girls. Jane flung her arms around his neck immediately, but to Sarah’s surprise, Tabby followed just as readily, tucking her head against his chest.

  This. This was what she wanted, but she wanted it with him, and he showed no sign of giving up his plans to leave.

  Once the girls were dressed, T’gana declared that they needed fresh food so all of them climbed into her Escalade. Fortunately, she had taken the girls places before, so she still had car seats for them in the garage. They drew more than a few stares at the grocery store, but the Yehrin had been a constant presence on Earth for over a year and most people had warily accepted the aliens. She was able to ignore the reactions and, for a little while, let herself dwell in the illusion that they were just a normal family shopping together.

  Over the next week, it was even easier to forget that they weren’t a family. No matter how sternly she talked to Crystal about keeping an eye on the girls, the girls showed up unaccompanied every morning and spent most of the day with them. T’gana had decided to take on the garden and Tabby was his constant companion, digging happily in the dirt next to him as he weeded and trimmed. Jane usually preferred to stay with Sarah and helped as Sarah once again boxed up all of Jeff’s things. Mae had even returned his clothes to the master closet. Once everything had been disposed of—permanently this time—Sarah started teaching Jane some basic crochet stitches and the two of them would sit o
n the back porch while T’gana and Tabby gardened.

  Only two things disturbed her happiness. She still wasn’t pregnant. Every morning T’gana scanned her and every morning she knew from the look on his face that the results were negative. But even more than that, the knowledge that the days were counting down tore at her and her dreams were haunted.

  T’gana found himself settling into life in S’rah’s house with an ease that he had not expected. He still found the domicile uncomfortably large and elaborate, but as S’rah had promised, when they were inside, they spent most of their time in her room and the kitchen. And, of course, the ridiculous bedroom—but how could he regret a room where his female came apart in his arms in such delicious ecstasy? Even the mirrors no longer held any terrors for him. Whenever he was tempted to dwell on his changed appearance, he remembered S’rah bent over in front of him, her eyes meeting his with undisguised lust and… something more.

  The warmth in her eyes had not diminished and his decision to leave her at the end of the breeding contract no longer seemed quite so necessary. His strength was returning, and his limp did not seem to bother her. More importantly, his sleep remained undisturbed and he had not experienced the terrifying feeling of being out of control and trapped on Klendat once more. A’rathia had called to check on him and she had mentioned Commander T’lan’s Earth colony a little too casually.

  “Is that a hint?” he asked bluntly.

  Even in the small viewing screen, he could see her shrug.

  “It is a viable option. The human females enjoy the company of their own kind and the warriors join together to provide protection.”

  “I am no longer a warrior.” The realization still hurt—it was all he had wanted to be since he was old enough to remember. How ironic that he had fought his way past his parents’ obstacles only to wind up here, in a scholar’s house. No, he reminded himself, in S’rah’s house.


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