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Alien Breeder

Page 11

by Honey Phillips

  “You are not too damaged to watch a monitor or perform guard duty,” A’rathia said tartly. “Unless you are too lazy?” She only laughed at his answering growl. “Just consider it.”

  He had been considering it, increasingly tempted, but one factor still weighed heavily against it. S’rah was not with child. Each morning he dreaded the moment when she asked him to scan her, knowing how her beautiful face would fall when he was forced to tell her that he had failed. He had tried to tell her that the Yehrin did not breed easily but he could see how much she hoped that it would occur. He knew how much it meant to her and seeing her with the girls only reinforced what an excellent mother she would be.

  If he was no longer male enough to fulfill her desires, should he step aside? But the thought of another touching her body, hearing her gasps of delight, experiencing the tight clasp of her cunt, made him growl in anguish.

  “Tigga hurt?” A small hand tugged at his leg and enormous blue eyes stared up at him.

  He blew out a big breath and went to one knee beside her. “No, T’bitha. I had an unpleasant thought.”

  She nodded solemnly and patted his cheek with a small dirty hand. Unlike her older sister, she preferred actions to words. When he returned her nod, she gave him a sunny smile and returned to filling her little pink bucket with the weeds he had plucked before trotting off across the garden to add them to his growing compost heap.

  He regarded both the small figure and the pile of weeds thoughtfully. He would not be here to see either one mature, and he found the thought unexpectedly distressing.

  “Tabitha. Time for your nap,” S’rah called.

  T’bitha looked at him hopefully but he knew she didn’t really expect him to contradict S’rah. Since she turned obediently towards the house, he rewarded her obedience by scooping her up on his shoulder and carrying her to the house. She giggled and clutched his horns.

  J’ne scowled at them from her position next to S’rah. “No fair. I want a ride.”

  “After your nap,” he promised.

  “I’m too old for naps.”

  “Then you can just rest your eyes,” S’rah said firmly. “Come on now. I’m going to read the next chapter about Laura and Mary.”

  “Okay. But I get the gold pillow because I’m the oldest.”

  “You get it because it’s your turn.”

  The three disappeared into the bedroom and he decided to take advantage of the time to start the casserole he was planning for dinner. Once it was waiting in the refrigerator, he poked his head in the bedroom door. All three of his girls were asleep. Good. S’rah still wasn’t sleeping well and she needed her rest.

  Returning to the garden, he decided to take out his frustrations on some of the larger plants. The afternoon sun beat down and for a moment he was unpleasantly reminded of the Klendat desert. But here the earth was rich and fertile and the sky a brilliant blue. He dug his feet in the soil and realized that his missing rear claw no longer threw him off balance. He attacked the weeds with greater enthusiasm. Sweat dripped steadily down his back and after a cautious glance at the house, he stripped off his uniform top.

  Except for a brief shower behind a locked door, he was never without his uniform. The sun and air felt surprisingly good and he took a moment to stretch before returning to his task.

  The sound of S’rah’s soft footsteps on the grass reached him a fraction of a second before her delicious fragrance perfumed the air. He whirled, searching for his top, but it was on the other side of the garden.

  “T’gana,” she gasped, and he closed his eyes, unable to face the disgust he knew he would see on her face. Fuck. A warrior did not hide. He forced his eyes open. She was indeed staring at him, but her expression was not one of repulsion. Instead, it was one of lust. Her scent deepened unmistakably into arousal as she came towards him.

  “I thought you were asleep,” he said hoarsely.

  “Hm?” She appeared to be too concentrated on his chest to listen to him. “No. I had a dream.”

  A shadow crossed her face, but she shook it off and reached out to run her fingers across his naked abdomen. His cock surged into full, aching arousal.

  “Why have you been hiding all this from me?” she asked, and he caught his breath as her hand traced the thin line of hair that disappeared under his uniform pants.

  “You are not repulsed?”

  She very deliberately licked her lips. “Repulsed? By tattoos and muscles all glistening in the sun?”

  “But my scars…”

  “These?” She stroked a cautious finger down the deep grooves that marred the right side of his chest. “I’m so sorry that you were hurt, but the scars are actually kind of…” Pink spread across her cheeks. “Kind of sexy.”

  Sexy? He forced himself to follow her gaze. No longer red and ragged, the way they had been after the bug raked its pincers across his flesh… A faint chittering filled his ears and his breath started to speed up, but S’rah’s lips brought him back. To his infinite shock and gratitude, she was pressing small kisses along each ridged line. He could feel the hard peaks of her nipples as she leaned against him and caught the ripening scent of her arousal. The signs of her desire were unmistakable, and relief flooded him.

  “I think perhaps it is time to grant your wish, S’rah.”

  “My wish?” she asked absently, and he groaned as her small hot mouth closed down on one of his nipples, her tongue laving the hardened nub. He had never considered that such an action would be enjoyable but when she sucked gently, he felt it like an electric spark to his cock.

  “To have your naked skin against mine,” he growled.

  Her breath caught, but she shot a quick glance at the house. “What about the girls? They usually sleep for an hour, but…”

  “Did you bring the communicator?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then I will hear them awaken.” J’ne usually started talking the moment her eyes opened. “But perhaps…”

  He lifted her easily into his arms, relishing even the soft fabric of her dress against his bare skin. Before she could object, he whisked her around the row of bushes to the small structure half-concealed at the back of the garden. She had called it a gazebo, but all he cared about right now was that it was out of the direct view of the house and it had a wall to place her against.

  Unwilling to give up the feeling of her body against his for even a second, he simply ripped the top of her dress open. They both groaned as bare skin touched for the first time. By the Ancestors, he had never felt anything as delightful as her soft warm breasts against his chest, her nipples scraping across his skin. Well, perhaps one thing was more delightful. He ripped the rest of the fabric between them away, then fumbled impatiently to release his throbbing cock.

  “You could take those off too,” she whispered in his ear, before running a teasing tongue around the sensitive flesh. For a moment he almost considered it, but the damage to his leg was so much more extensive, the weakness so apparent.

  “No. Not yet.”

  “When you’re ready,” she said softly, then smiled seductively. “And when you are, I’ll kiss every inch.”

  The thought of her soft mouth kissing his exposed flesh was too much. He pulled her down over his cock in one hard thrust. She was wet but not quite wet enough and she gasped and threw her head back as her cunt struggled to take him. Reaching between them he thrummed a finger across her swollen clit and she groaned again, deeper this time and pressed against his hand. Slowly he worked himself deeper, fighting for every inch, every drop of wetness to ease his path, while she shivered and rubbed her breasts against his chest.

  By the time his cock was completely buried in her cunt, they were both panting, and fine tremors skated over his skin. He was aware of every sensation from the tight silk of her cunt to the soft press of her breasts. Her eyes opened, pale and human and beautiful.

  “My warrior.”

  “My L’chka.” For once he didn’t curb his tongue. Her e
yes widened and then he felt her come, her channel rippling around him in exquisitely tight waves as she clung to him helplessly. His control deserted him, and he started thrusting desperately while she was still convulsing, his only thought to fill her with his seed. His world narrowed to the deep thrusts, the clinging withdrawals, the silken fist of her cunt drawing him impossibly deeper as his cock stiffened and his balls drew tight and he exploded in a series of heated waves that drained him completely.

  He slid to the ground, still holding her impaled on his cock, and buried his face in her soft hair. When he finally raised his head, she smiled up at him, but her eyes were damp.

  “My S’rah. Did I hurt you?”

  “Of course not.” She shook her head, then devoted her attention to stroking his chest. “You called me L’chka.”

  They both felt his cock jerk and stiffen at the word, but his hearts began to pound.

  “You know that I want more than anything to claim you,” he said slowly.

  “You do?”

  “Of course, I do.” How could she doubt it?

  “Why do I expect there is a but coming?”

  “A but?”

  “That you are about to tell me why you can’t.” He could tell she was trying to speak casually, despite the obvious pain in her beautiful eyes.

  “I have nothing to offer you,” he admitted.

  “I don’t need any—”

  He put a gentle finger across her lips.

  “And I need to find my place, now that I am no longer a warrior.”

  “I suppose I understand,” she said reluctantly, and lifted herself free. He almost protested and pulled her back down where she belonged, but he clenched his fists instead.

  She pulled what was left of her dress around her and gave him a watery smile. “I’d better go change before the girls wake up.”

  Then she was gone, and he was left alone to curse his wounds, his fears, and the Ancestors forsaken day he had stepped onto Klendat soil.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A’rathia called again the next morning.

  “Can you get S’rah? This may affect you both.”

  He frowned at the small screen but called for S’rah. She looked pale and tired and he knew she hadn’t slept. He had not either. His words from the previous afternoon lingered and they had each remained on their own side of the bed, the silence like a wall between them.

  “Hi A’rathia,” S’rah said, her face falling into the false pleasant mask he had not seen for many days.

  The medic studied her. “Are you well?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Not pregnant, if that’s what you’re asking.” Her attempt at a casual tone fell flat and he saw her lip tremble before she controlled it.

  A’rathia frowned, but let it drop. “I wanted to tell you both that the Supreme Council has decided to move up the schedule and open the breeding contracts to all human females.”

  “What?” To his knowledge, the time frame had never been shortened before. Usually the medics took at least a month and often more to examine the results of the initial contracts before taking such an action.

  “Yes. The results have been extremely… promising, and they see no reason to wait.”

  His hearts pounded. Did this mean that humans were truly compatible for mating? If so, perhaps he could give S’rah what she desired most. Belatedly, he realized that this was also excellent news for his people. He looked over at S’rah to share his excitement, but she had turned pale.

  “How promising?” she asked slowly.

  “More than half so far,” A’rathia said reluctantly.

  “Half? This is wonderful news,” he said. “No wonder the Council wishes to move ahead.”

  A tiny cry, quickly extinguished, came from next to him and he turned in time to see S’rah sway.


  He caught her before she hit the ground and cradled her to his chest. When her eyes opened, they were anguished.

  “I knew it wouldn’t happen for me,” she whispered.

  “T’gana. S’rah. One of you listen to me,” A’rathia demanded, the screen still open.

  “What is it?” he asked impatiently, more concerned about the female in his arms.

  “I am going to send more of the breeding drug. It may help S’rah to relax.”

  “Thank you.” It was a thoughtful suggestion, and perhaps it would help.

  S’rah leaned past him, her eyes on the screen. “What about Heather? Was she one of them?”

  An unusually soft expression crossed A’rathia’s face. “Yes,” she said gently. “T’hadar has already claimed her.”

  “I see,” S’rah said, and pulled her mask back in place. “Thank you for letting us know.”

  “There could be some unrest,” the medic warned. “Be alert.”

  She thought he needed to be told to keep his female safe? Biting back his outrage, he gave a curt nod and ended the conversation.

  Still pale and trembling, S’rah clung to his arms, and he tried to find the words to comfort her.

  “I am very sorry, S’rah but as I told you, the Yehrin do not… breed easily. This gives us great hope as a people, but it still doesn’t mean that it will occur quickly.”

  “I think it will happen faster than you think,” she said, and he heard the edge of bitterness in her voice.

  “What do you mean?”

  “First Emily, then Rachel, now Heather. It seems to be happening pretty quickly for everyone else.”

  “M’lee was pregnant with a human child,” he reminded her gently.

  “No, T’gana, she wasn’t. And I’ve seen the baby—she is definitely part Yehrin.”

  “She?” The world actually spun. A female child? Already? “I know you do not understand why, but this is wonderful news for my people.”

  “I suspect I understand more than you think I do.” Her eyes flickered away from him.

  Ah. The females had talked. The Yehrin issues with reproduction were a closely guarded secret but he doubted that any warrior would keep a secret from his L’chka.

  “I am happy for your people, of course. I just wish that it would happen for me.”

  “I will do everything I can to make it happen.” He gave her an encouraging smile. “And the trying is very pleasant, is it not?”

  Her lips tipped up in response, but her smile did not reach her eyes.

  S’rah’s frantic urgency infused their love making that night. While he couldn’t help but appreciate her passion, he didn’t like the desperation in her touch. Instead of letting her start a second round, he gathered her close and stroked her back until she fell into an uneasy, restless sleep.

  By the next morning, the announcement was everywhere. Healthy, unmated females between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five could apply for a breeding contract at one of the new breeding centers which were being setup in all major cities. They felt the effects almost immediately. When the girls came over as usual, J’ne stared up at him.

  “Daddy says you can’t have Crystal.”

  “I do not want Cr’stal,” he said with a quick glance at S’rah. She shook her head, but to his relief she also smiled.

  “I told him you only wanted Miss Sarah,” J’ne said importantly.

  “You were quite right. She is all I will ever want.”

  S’rah stared at him and he knew she was remembering his words from the previous day. His decision to leave at the end of the contract did nothing to change the fundamental truth—he was her warrior and he would be until the day he died.

  T’bitha tugged on his pants. “Bacon, please.”

  He bent down and scooped her up, her little arms going around his neck. “If my little one wants bacon, then she shall have bacon.”

  “And strawberries. Can we have strawberries and cream?” J’ne asked. She tugged on his other leg, so he picked her up as well.

  “I see that we will need to procure more supplies,” he said.

  “Yes,” S’rah laughed. “Load
up, everyone.”

  As soon as they entered the store, he noticed the difference. During their previous visits, he found that people were curious, but not unfriendly. Today, he could feel the tension.

  “Perhaps we should leave,” he murmured to S’rah.

  “Let’s just grab what we came for quickly and then go.”

  “Very well. Can you push the girls?”

  “Of course I can. You just don’t usually let me.”

  “Good. I want my hands free.” He dropped one to the blast tube on his belt, and her eyes widened.

  “Are you expecting that much trouble?”

  “No. These are civilians. But it is best to be prepared.”

  As they made a rapid trip around the store, he kept one hand on the tube and listened carefully. There was a lot of speculation but most of it was not harmful.

  “They look human,” one person muttered, obviously referring to the girls, and he shook his head. The Yehrin had only been on Earth for one year and the girls were clearly older.

  “I thought she was such a nice lady too,” another idiot said, and he had to fight the impulse to defend S’rah’s honor.

  “You think they’re, you know, doing it?” a young female whispered to her friend.

  “But he’s so big! Do you think his dick is that big?”

  “Maybe we should ask him.” The two dissolved into a bout of laughter.

  The worst incident came as he was paying for their food supplies. The male cashier kept staring at S’rah’s stomach and he sneered as T’gana paid the bill. As they turned to leave, he heard the cashier quite clearly as he spoke to the next customer.

  “Slut. Letting some fucking alien knock her up just to have her bills paid.”

  Rage rolled through him.

  “Take the girls to the car.”

  “Is something wrong?” Fortunately, she did not appear to have heard the borag’s comment.

  “Just something I need to remedy. I will not be long.”

  She frowned but nodded and started for the car. As soon as she was away from the store, he stalked back to the register and hauled the man off his feet, his claws at his throat.


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