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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 4

by Dinia Steel

  When she was ready to get out of the tub, she'd called out pretending to not know what was coming next. The same woman who'd helped her off the cross, came in and helped her get dry. She then assisted Reggie in putting on a dark grey cashmere feeling robe and some black sandals. Her hair was brushed out and flowed down her back in long dark auburn waves. She was then lead out of the facilities, through the first initiation room and an arched doorway. Next, she was led down a long hall that was lighted only by candles and through another arched doorway into a large gallery like room with a second level upon which many people stood against the railings to observe what would be happening next.

  There was a raised platform upon which 11 gold leafed chairs that were meant to appear as thrones sat with 11 robed, masked individuals. Reggie knew these were the last ones to honor her during the initiation she'd suffered through. From their thoughts, Reggie knew the answers she gave in the next few minutes would dictate if she lived or not. These individuals indeed thought themselves very important. Reggie almost laughed, but managed to keep it under control.

  The person in the center chair stood and walked to within two feet of Reggie. It was indicated by this individual she was to be put on her knees. This was accomplished very roughly and Reggie knew her knees would be bruised badly before it was all over.

  “We understand that thee seeks admission into this august group. Is this correct?” The robed and masked person, a woman, asked.

  “Yes, that is correct,” Reggie replied quietly.

  “Why should thee be allowed to learn our secrets?”

  From the woman's mind, Reggie picked out the correct response. “In order to serve.”

  A collective gasp escaped most of those witnessing the rite. “How knowest thou our most sacred rites response, child? Did someone of our membership disclose this response to you?”

  Reggie smiled to herself. “It seemed the appropriate response O' Most High One.” She felt the honorific she'd attached was perfect as another collective gasp circulated through the open hall.

  The woman-in-charge, as Reggie was referring to her Inquisitor, stepped down and took Reggie by her hands causing her to rise from her knees. “Come with me, child.”

  Reggie was taken from the cold sterile hall, through another rounded arch and door and into a very warm, study like room with a roaring fire. In front of the fireplace, several chairs were stationed with small tables on either side of them. Reggie was motioned to sit, and the woman-in-charge removed her mask. Reggie heard from this woman's mind how this removal of her mask was unprecedented.

  “I'm sorry my dear for all the drama, but the rites you were forced through are a very, very old necessary part of our Lodge. If you'd fought, you'd have been killed at once. If you'd given the wrong answer to my questions, you'd have been killed at once. We must protect ourselves. I understand that you are to become a psychiatrist and have a practice in the US?”

  Reggie nodded in the affirmative.

  “So you understand the reasons for this barbaric act upon your person? As a woman, I find the act abhorrent and have been working for years to try and find some other way to accomplish the same ends, but as of yet been unable to convince my fellow Inner Circle members. I want you to join us, and I want you to eventually sit upon the Raised Dais.” Gazing into Reggie's eyes, the older woman continued, “Would you like that Regina? Would you like to join me on this elevated position within our very old group?”

  This was actually what Reggie wanted, but didn't think it would have been so easy to obtain. In truth, it wasn’t easy, and she wouldn’t have been able to pass the tests necessary if it were not for her 'gift' of being able to read people’s minds.

  After that, Reggie began to rise quickly through the ranks from that fateful day.


  Chapter 6

  Testing of Potentials

  Reggie - Today

  About mid way through the second semester, it was time to start testing the potentials. Notices went up around campus that there would be interviews starting on the weekend, and those interested need to be at the Psych building Saturday morning at 9:00 am. It's not surprising there were over two hundred volunteers, since many of them would want to prove there was no such thing as ESP to begin with, while others will be staunch believers that there was. This was something Reggie had to deal with all her life. She, James and her secretary dealt with all those who'd decided they would like to try their hand at either proving or disproving ESP. It will take them about two weeks to get through the questionnaires...from the two hundred applicants they are now down to fifty potentials.

  Her team would start with the usual test using images and procedures that have proven to be quite accurate. The tester would sit on one side of a table with a divider that prevents what was being done from being seen by the applicant sitting on the other side of the table.

  A series of five images would be on one hundred cards. The image on each card was either a triangle, a square, wavy lines, a heart, or a circle. The simplicity of the images helped the tester to project and the receiver to see the simple objects better. The tester would hold each card up, in turn concentrating upon the image and ask those being tested to describe what image they see or pick up. The number of correct times the image would be called helped to determine the psychic ability of the applicant.

  From the fifty they’d whittled it down to, there were only fifteen who possessed any kind of demonstrable psychic abilities. Out of those 15, there were only two who showed high psychic abilities. The thirteen who were left were given many more tests and used to help in the testing of others. Several more were winnowed out until there were only ten left who even come close to being psychic. Reggie would work with those individually to see if any improvement could be made to their test scores.

  Those who score highest would be taken to the next level, psychometry. This would entail holding objects and telling where they came from, who held them or how they'd been used. Those who received the higher scores from this are moved on to yet another set of tests. And so it went with each succeeding test being more difficult than the previous.

  Before they were done, however, Reggie would add two more to the group who have been accepted into the potentials. Pat and Mike London were a set of twins who were rather young, 15 or l6 years old. They'd already received basic testing through an agency off campus that advertises in various magazines for volunteers and therefore progressed quickly to the same level as the original two from Reggie’s test group. It was unusual to have two who were so young and not of university age, but she’d gotten all the necessary forms signed by their parents or in this case, guardians allowing this.

  In the original testing group was Josephine Wallace and Leo Jordan, who were from one of her classes and both really good. Josephine was up to 97% correct in her future predictions and Leo picked up on everyone's moods and then could actually change them 86% of the time.

  It appeared however, that Josephine's predictions changed as those involved changed their minds. This made sense in that every time someone changed their mind about what they wanted to or will do, it changes their personal future, as each of us have certain effects on the lives of those who are closest to us, this blip in their future was perfectly understandable. This was why “fortune tellers” should not be consulted unless they open with the caveat that the futures they see, are only good for the current path and that each decision made might change the future.

  Leo's talent was very interesting. His ability to influence moods could have uses in crowd control and possibly even in advertising. Reggie was anxious to test her theory. Leo could be employable to either government agencies or private industry and she could act as his agent in obtaining those positions and would receive a percentage in acting for him. He really had the better potential for making money with his talent.

  Josephine would have potential also, but in the private sector and most probably in covert activities, but she seemed to have a strong
ethical streak in her personality that Reggie didn't think she could breech. Only time would tell. If she could, Reggie could act as her agent as well. The potential of those two to make me a great deal of money was astounding.

  The twins were extremely interesting. Pat was capable of taking pain away from people forty-five percent of the time and with work, Reggie felt strongly that she could improve this percentage. There was one more way Reggie wanted to test her ability but it would be the opposite of how she'd been demonstrating it. It would be to cause pain instead of taking it away. This ability would come in very handy when trying to get information from someone who didn’t want to give it.

  Mike's presence had a disrupting effect on crowds of people…very much like Leo's mood altering, but more like a dampening sensation. Reggie wanted to try at least one experiment pitting the two against each other, without them being aware of what she was doing. She wanted to take these four personally under her wing. The four were extremely exciting.

  Unfortunately, her time was currently limited due to the requirements of her daily schedule of classes and writing projects. She could do it with James’ help, but that would mean he would have to pretty much hold the lectures. If the head of her department got wind of a non-degreed individual doing the lectures, no matter how talented, they would surely raise hell and probably reprimand her which would influence her tenure. He could however, on a very limited basis act as her substitute, if she got him registered as one. It's up to the teacher who could act in their absence and it might work. Just getting James to do it would take manipulation on her part. She could do it though, and it looked like the only way she would be able to accomplish what she wanted to do.

  Reggie wasn't too sure how James would take running the class in her absence though. He was such a boy scout, a real Dudley Do-Right. He might even run to administration and tell them. I'd have to give this some real thought. Hmmm. The only other way I could think of was just working with these four after class and have James there to testify to the validity of the test results. I could use him for taping the sessions also. That would fall into the brief of an assistant. Yes, that's what I could do. But! Could I trust him to not try and stop me? Decisions. Decisions.

  She took her opportunity during one of their work sessions. “James, I want to work extra with the four really standout potentials. I need you there to tape and witness the test results. We need to work that into our schedules.”

  “Honestly Reggie, I'm strapped for time as it is. Exactly when and how long, did you have in mind?”

  James has gotten more comfortable calling me Reggie. I much prefer that to his calling me Dr. Adams. It just wasn't personal enough coming from him. I need him more emotionally invested with me and with my project. He's turned out to be more of a challenge than I’d originally thought. I love a good challenge! I always win!


  He and Reggie spent another 20 or 30 minutes going over their schedules and were both as happy as possible with the times and places they would do this special work with the four best potentials. I really don't understand how Dr. Adams, er Reggie, is going to do what she wants to. I have this nagging feeling that she's progressing much too quickly. Sigh. For someone who has an advanced degree in psychology she's not taking this work seriously enough about the effect it can have on a person’s mind and emotions. I'm glad she wants me to monitor the test results as well as when she's working with them. I think I'll have to run interference for them. Sigh. I really really hate this.

  Josephine Wallace…

  I feel very excited about Dr. Adams asking me to participate in these further tests and that she wants to work personally with me! I have a feeling that something very special is about to happen, and I have a strong feeling about that Leo too. There is just something about him that's so sexy! I'll have to watch carefully if anything is going to happen between us. She giggled. Hmmm. I'm hungry. Snack Shop! That's where I need...want to go. I hate all these stairs! Going to have to start using the elevator – if it doesn't take forever.

  Finally reaching the bottom floor and pushing her way through the exit to the Psych building, she shifted her backpack and trudged the two blocks to the Snack Shop. It was about two in the afternoon and she'd missed lunch. No wonder I'm hungry! I really need to find out what I can about Leo. Funny, I don't recall seeing him in my future. Maybe he's blocking. That would make sense.

  Josephine continued through the food line grabbing a Dr. Pepper and salad with some Italian dressing. She reached the cashier and dug into her backpack looking for her wallet. As Josephine was thinking about Leo, he came up to her as she stood in line and tapped her on the shoulder. Josephine turned her head and looked at him with a smile. She knew the minute he touched her, it was Leo and she had a bright flash of the two of them doing all kinds of fun things together ending with them making the most intense love ever.

  Now we're cooking!

  “Hello Leo. What'cha doing here? You hungry too?” Josephine asked as she glanced back to the cashier to receive her change.

  Very quietly, so only Josephine could hear him, Leo answered, “Yes, I missed lunch just like you did.” He looked over his shoulder and pointed to a table with a backpack and tray with food sitting on it. “I saw you come in and thought I'd ask you if you'd like to sit and talk with me while we eat?” Leo kept blushing and ducked his head so the last part of his sentence wasn’t too easy to hear. He then gazed up at Josephine with an anxious expression.

  How could any woman deny this man anything? “Sure Leo! I'd love to sit and talk to you.” She went to pick up her tray, but Leo was quicker. He picked it up and walked away. “Awww, that's so sweet” Josephine says, talking to his back, grinning from ear to ear. This is the start of something very special! God! He's so beautiful! Josephine followed Leo to his table and noticed he didn't set her tray across from his but right next to it, so she would have to sit there, unless she moved it herself. She then experienced more flashes of what was to come between the two of them. It's then when flashes come of the same scene twice but with different scenarios and both involving James Franklin. In one, the three of them are laughing and having a great time while in the second, James was kneeling next to Leo who's laying on the floor with blood seeping from his eyes and ears. Josephine was hysterically screaming at James to do something. As a result of the vision’s impact upon her, Josephine stumbled when the second and last vision flashed before her.

  Leo seemed to realize Josephine was about to fall and caught her. “Josephine! What's wrong?”

  “Leo, I just had a flash of our futures and something wonderful or terribly wrong is going to happen involving us and James Franklin. I don't know when it's going to happen, because—I don't know.” Tears welled up her eyes as she spoke, “It feels like someone needs to decide upon a course of action and that decision can lead to what I just saw,” Josephine explained, and proceeded to tell him about the two separate visions with the common thread.

  “Ok, I can definitely understand why you’re so upset! And you're sure we're with James Franklin?” Leo asked then he pulled Josephine to his chest folding his arms around her protectively.

  Yes, he is so sweet. So wonderful…I hope he survives this unknown future.


  Chapter 7

  The Twins


  So today the Twins are coming in. Hmm. I need to see what they consider to be wrong, and we'll go from there. I'll have to be sure and caution them not to say anything to their guardian about these special training sessions too. But first things first, as the saying goes.

  Reggie had no intention of including James in the meeting with Pat and Mike because he wouldn't like the direction she was going to suggest the twins take. What she was most interested in was seeing if Pat could produce pain in someone, which would be the opposite of what she’d demonstrated in taking pain away. It should just be the opposite end of the stick. The negative side of anything was easier to achieve…always. Why
Pat probably never tried it on her own was the silly notion it was wrong to use one's power in a harmful way. Use of power was just that. If one had a penchant for it, use it. Regardless of the consequences.

  What was it her father used to say? “Use it or lose it.” Of course, he wasn't referring to psychic abilities. He never encouraged her to use her abilities, in fact, he strongly discouraged their use. The one and only time William had ever laid his hands on her was the one time he knew she used her ability. But that was years and years ago, and he'd never be able to do that again. Best forgotten. It did make her much more cautious these days not to let anyone ever know what she was doing or even really thinking. Honesty only seemed to get you into trouble with normals!

  Mike and Pat arrived on time with their guardian, William London. The boy, Mike was only slightly taller than his twin, really the only apparent difference at first glance. They both looked much younger than their 15 years. Both had short light brown hair. Pat's was just a tiny bit lighter than Mike's. Their eye coloring seemed to be such a dark brown their gazes appeared to be black.

  I can see why they can be unnerving when you first see them. Reggie suppressed a shudder. Their guardian, William’s eyes were the same black coloring. There must be a blood connection there too. “I was wondering, William, if there is a blood relation between you and the twins?”

  “Yes, there is Dr. Adams. Most people miss it because of their hair coloring, but they are my niece and nephew. Their parents were killed in an airplane crash when they were 2 years old. My wife and I have raised them as our own.” William smiled.


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