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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 5

by Dinia Steel

  His surface thoughts are of the twins as babies and how sweet they both were, and still are, in his mind.

  Reggie then asked the question of talent, “Do you share the same talents as the twins do William?”

  “No, but I can accurately gauge people's moods.”

  “I see here from the testing results that Mike's presence has a disrupting effect on crowds of people. This is very much like another potential I have from one of my classes which is mood altering, but Mike seems to have more of a dampening sensation. I want to try a couple of experiments using both Leo and Mike, but without them knowing about the other. It's called a blind experiment. Then I compare the results I get from the two of them. I have an assistant who'll keep track of the time line, and be in another room with Leo while I guide Mike. Would you be agreeable to this experiment?"

  “I think so. I can't see any reason not to. I would like to be present if it won't cause any conflicts.”

  Reggie definitely didn't want William present, but hid this well, she managed to pass it off as worry about keeping the results clean. “I don't think it'd be advisable, William; I think it might alter the results. I swear I'll not do anything that will harm Mike in any way or manner.”

  William signed the waiver for Mike.

  Reggie then moved on to Pat. “According to the early test results, Pat is capable of taking pain away from people 45% of the time and with work I feel strongly that she can improve that with some experiments I have in mind to try with Pat. I have a couple of colleagues who suffer from Crohn's disease which is extremely painful. Again, I want to perform these experiments as blinds. My assistant will be in another room with one or both of my colleagues without them being aware of why they are waiting for me. At a set time, I'll ask Pat to exercise what I've set forth for her and then we'll see what the results are. Will you agree to this, again without you being present?”

  “I don't think you have anything but the twins welfare at heart, so I'll sign the waiver for Pat's experiments also.” William agreed.

  “Thank you William, and yes, I only have the twin’s welfare in mind. If I'm successful in my findings, their futures will be secured in well paying private sector jobs using their talents. I get requests all the time from various agencies for just these types of talents.” Reggie felt very pleased and couldn't wait to set up the first experiment. “So, now if you don't mind, I'd love to be able to talk with the twins alone. You know, just to get to know them, and for them to know me. Can you come back in say, an hour? That should give us plenty of time to talk a little for the first time.” Reggie smiled most enchantingly and also sent out her most compelling thoughts of confidence and friendliness.

  Of course, William succumbed to it.

  Alone at last.

  Mike and Pat were sitting quietly waiting for Reggie to begin. She shuffled papers around on her desk to give herself time to see what kind of read she could get on each in turn.

  Neither Mike nor Pat seemed to have any real moral levels. They were a blank slate.

  “Would you two like to have a secret with me?” She read them and they seemed to have many secrets and never shared anything with William about anything. That's a relief. I can tell them what I'd like to try, and in doing so, I can determine if they will have any problems trying it. “Ok, now this is to be our secret and if you're successful, you'll know great power and wealth, I promise you.” Reggie then began to layout the experiments she wanted to try with them each. They both seemed eager to begin, but Reggie told them, she needed to set up the other end, and if it wasn’t controlled, it wouldn't mean anything to prospective employers. This was of course a lie, but the children don't know any better. These “controlled” experiments were for Reggie's own research material having nothing to do with anything potential employers would be interested in. Results would be all they cared about.

  An hour later, after William picked up the twins, Reggie sat down in her office and thought about how she wanted this to work. The more she thought about everything, the more dollar signs she saw coming toward herself as the twin’s agent. She cared very little about what could happen to Leo or anyone else she used for the twins to exercise their gifts against.


  Reggie was very excited, today was the day she would observe the first experiment with Pat to see if she could cause pain. Reggie had finally figured out she didn't need to involve Leo at all. All she needed to do was to position Pat at a window and pick out one of the many people who was sure to be either sitting on the lawns, or just walking past, then suggest to Pat that she cause a particular person extreme debilitating pain.

  Reggie explained to Pat what she wanted to try. A little smile showed on Pat’s face and Reggie read from her mind that Pat already tried this little experiment on her own with some small success. Ok. This will prove very interesting. “Now Pat, see that young healthy looking boy in the red sweater sitting down there?”


  “Let's see what kind of response you can get from him.”

  Pat widened her eyes just a tiny bit.

  Reggie then watched the young man she'd picked for Pat.

  The results were stunning. No sooner had Reggie turned her head back to the window when the young man below was clutching his head and writhing in apparent agony. Looking back at Pat now, Reggie noted that Pat’s eyes went completely black. “Pat, sweetie, that's enough. We don't want to kill him.” Reggie then looked back out the window.

  Four or five people rushed to the aid of the young man now silent and still on the ground.

  She made a mental note to see if he lived or not. This process would need a lot of practice to see what kind of control Pat had and how many people she could affect at one time. “That's enough for today Pat. You did very well. I'll check with the hospital later to see what they think happened to him. Next time, I want to film the whole process.”

  “Mike, your turn dear. Come here to the window. What I want you to do is to try and remove all feeling, sight, hearing, all of it from someone down there. Just a moment, I want to get my camera.” She didn’t want to miss this opportunity like she did with Pat's first attempt. Turning the video camera on, Reggie asked Mike, “Have you attempted to render people deaf, blind and mute before Mike?”

  The boy shook his head no.

  Reggie turned the camera on and told Mike to pick someone out, so she could train the camera on that person.

  Mike pointed to a young girl standing in the middle of a group of others talking very animatedly.

  Reggie trained the camera on the girl and watched fascinated, as she seemed to freeze where she was. Reggie let this go on for about 30 seconds, and then asked Mike to stop and kept the film running.

  It was remarkable. The moment Reggie asked Mike to release the girl, she began screaming in terror.

  She turned off the camera and reviewed what she'd recorded.

  Mike and Pat both exhibited control. Her next experiment would be to see how many people they could affect at one time. This was enough for today; her time with the twins was almost up.

  “Do you think you both could arrange to come back in a couple of days? I want to lay out further tests for us to try.”

  Both of the twins nodded enthusiastically.

  “Ok. I'll clear it with your uncle for more visits.”

  Just then, there was a knocking on the door to the space they were working in. “Come in. Hello William. We've just finished up for today. Would it be possible bring to the twins back in a few days?”

  “I don't see any reason why not.” He looked at the twins. “Do you want to come back?”

  Both Mike and Pat nodded enthusiastically.

  William chuckled. “I guess that's your answer Dr. Adams. I think they like you.”

  “Well, I know it's mutual.” She smiled affectionately at the twins. “Ok, then. I'll check my schedule and see when I have some more open time. Thank you Mike…Pat. We'll see you both in a couple of days then.” The Tw
ins left with their uncle and Reggie sat down at her laptop and began to type up what she'd observed today. She was very excited but knew she would need to do more testing in a more controlled environment with documentation to back everything up.

  She sat back in the chair and grinned to herself.


  Chapter 8

  Reincarnation 101

  One of the informal get-togethers that Dr. Adams sponsored was held in the Student Union Building's coffee shop. Tonight's discussion group was on reincarnation both for and against. Dr. Adams saw to it that those who held the discussions were considered the top of their profession in the study of possible reincarnation.

  This particular evening, the guest speaker Dr. Adams invited was a middle aged woman who seemed very commonplace with an unassuming personality.

  About thirty-five students and a sprinkling of faculty were present.

  Funny how they manage to be on time for these informal discussions and not regular classes, Reggie stood up and everyone in the immediate area quieted down. “Is this everyone for tonight? Are we missing anyone that said they wanted to be here?” No one spoke up, so Reggie continued, “Group, I'd like to introduce you to Mrs. Archer. She is an ordained minister in the Unitarian Universal Church. She is here tonight to discuss with you the pros of reincarnation and what that might mean to you personally.” Dr. Adams indicated to the speaker,

  Mrs. Archer stood up and immediately gave off a different feel.


  James, lightly scanned Mrs. Archer. She was no longer the nondescript woman who'd been sitting there moments ago. This was a strong personality who would broach no nonsense; an individual with strong moral convictions. He liked her right off. She knew who she was, where she was going and where she'd been. He felt sure she would have some surprises for the others there.

  “Thank you Dr. Adams.” Mrs. Archer turned from Reggie to face those assembled. “Yes, I am an ordained minister, but I have no intention of trying to brainwash you into joining my church. Quite the opposite, I'm here to encourage you to think for yourselves, hopefully, give you a broader view of the world, and a tool for thinking in a different way. To begin, I think I'll field questions from those of you gathered here tonight.” She smiled at the group.

  James noticed how she seemed to have the ability to make you think she was speaking only to you.

  The same blonde who kept asking stupid...uninformed questions in the classroom had her hand up first.

  Mrs. Archer nodded to her.

  What was her name, ah yes, Betty Rogers. Lovely, but the way she held and dressed herself, she came off as rather easy sexually. She was far from cheap looking and James was sure if Dr. Adams were a male, Betty would be the first to offer her, umm—services.

  “Mrs. Archer, do you personally believe that you are the reincarnation of someone?”

  Mrs. Archer, looked levelly at the blonde girl, “Miss...” Mrs. Archer looked to Reggie.

  “Rogers” Reggie supplied.

  “Miss Rogers, do you have any idea what reincarnation is?”

  Betty’s expression looked blank.

  “I thought not. Please sit down and listen, and don't ask questions on subjects you have no clue about.” She continued to Betty, “Do you own a computer?”


  “Do you know how to conduct a Google Search?”

  Betty nodded that she did.

  “Fantastic, now look up 'reincarnation' and see what you get, but only after I'm finished speaking here tonight.”

  There was a smattering of laughter from those assembled.

  “Now, to answer her question; yes I believe that I am the reincarnation of my Individuality which has manifested as the Personality inhabiting the body you see standing before you.” She gazed at the rapt faces turned up to her. “Can anyone tell me where the words personality and persona stem from?”

  Not a peep was heard from the assembled group.

  The silence became so painful James offered, “It comes from the Greek word, meaning face that each of us presents a face to the world.”

  Mrs. Archer smiled warmly at James, and turned to Dr. Adams saying, “Well, you have at least one in your class that has a brain.” Then back to the group. “Yes, Mr...” she turned to Dr. Adams.


  “Mr. Franklin, very good. I can tell you've done a little studying yourself. Am I correct?”

  Put on the spot, James nodded his head. “Yes Ma'am, I have.”

  “Very good Mr. Franklin, hopefully you'll help me bail these others out of any holes they'll dig for themselves.”

  James chuckled and nodded.

  The usual stupid, rather uninformed questions were asked, but Miss Betty Rogers kept silent having been told off from the start.

  James really didn't like her so much; there was something about her he didn't trust. He hoped Dr. Adams was on her guard as well.

  Mrs. Archer opened it up to the group that they could resume with their questions.

  Josephine stood. “My name is Josephine Wallace. Can you explain so we mere mortals can understand just how reincarnation works? I've heard it has to do more with cause and effect than anything else. Is that true?”

  “Very good question Ms. Wallace.” Mrs. Archer beamed at Josephine. “Yes, reincarnation brings home the laws of cause and effect, and before anyone who can't think asks, I shall endeavor to explain. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…quite simply stated. In the parlance of reincarnation, the reactions to our actions is called Karma. Thus, the admonishment to live apart and have no relationships other than those with your God or gods, as do Buddhist monks, as well in the solitary retreats of any faith you can think of. If you kill someone in one lifetime, or some other lifetime, your life will be forfeit by another human. Now that doesn't necessarily mean you'll be killed. There are many ways to make your life forfeit. For instance, you might be compelled to spend your life in the service or unwilling, mind you, to another. It's all relative. It's according to what we each require for our own personal evolution.”

  Betty couldn't contain herself any longer, “Evolution?” she scoffed. “What's that got to do with me?”

  Mrs. Archer looked at Dr. Adams and shook her head. “How do you stand it Regina?”

  Reggie just smiled at Mrs. Archer's comment.

  “Yes, Miss Rogers we are all evolving personally as well as collectively.” She shook her head, “My dear, do you ever think before you engage that lovely mouth of yours?”

  She said it so sweetly that it took Betty a little while to be sure she'd been insulted.

  “Yes, hopefully you will progress forward in the world and your personal evolutionary scale this lifetime and perhaps learn the lessons that you set for your own individuality to learn through the use of your personality.” Mrs. Archer looked to the rest of those assembled.

  James knew she was waiting for the next question that was related to what she'd just said. “How do we learn the lessons we set for ourselves?”

  “Thank you, Mr. Franklin. Good question,” Mrs. Archer complimented. “How do we learn anything? How do we know if we try to touch fire, we...”

  “...get burned.” Was supplied by someone else other than himself, for which James was pleased.

  “Yes. Very good. How else do we learn anything?” Mrs. Archer questioned.

  No one said a word. Silence. You could have heard a pin drop.

  Sighing to himself James started to offer the answer, but was silenced by another now familiar voice, “...through pain of some kind.” This answer had been offered by Leo Jordan.

  Mrs. Archer located Leo's location and beamed at him. “Oh, we have another who thinks for himself.” She turned to look at Reggie again. “Good for you Dr. Adams. That's at least three in your classes who are learning to think.”

  Reggie gave her a tight smile in return.

  “Why is it we learn through pain?”

  James read the surfa
ce thoughts of Betty Rogers “I'd like to cause you some pain, Mrs. Archer.” He suppressed a grimace, then quickly supplied, “It's something that's been built into us through physical evolution. Trial and error.”

  Again, he was rewarded with a smile from Mrs. Archer and daggers from Betty.

  “Very good. Let's move right along. Mr. Franklin, do you believe you were once a king or someone of great wealth and power?”

  “I do believe I have lived before, but not as a king, or anyone of particular consequence to the world in general. I have been a shepherd, a woman, a farmer and a warrior just to state a few,” James offered.

  Mrs. Archer gave an approving nod. “Thank you again, Mr. Franklin. This was exactly the example I was thinking of. You must be a mind reader.”

  James didn't acknowledge the question, but answered truthfully, “I have come to realize these on my own, Mrs. Archer. I practice meditation and I have been regressed.”

  Nodding to herself, Mrs. Archer spoke with what looked to James like wistfulness, “Ah, regression. Again, you don't disappoint Mr. Franklin…Regression. Yes, it's one tool to get clues about previous lives. However, a strong word of caution about that process. It can be dangerous. If not done properly, it can damage the Personality. It's through the Personality that the true self, or Individuality, learns. It must be stressed here that who you were in a past life is of no real concern. What is, however, are the lessons learned from and through that lifetime.” Mrs. Archer searched the faces of her audience. “Any more questions?”

  “Yes, do you do regressions?” It was Josephine who spoke up now.

  “Yes I do.”


  Chapter 9

  Josephine's Reincarnation Research

  After the lecture at the coffee shop, Josephine walked up to Mrs. Archer.

  “Yes dear?” Mrs. Archer smiled at Josephine.

  “I was wondering if I could talk with you more about reincarnation?” Josephine asked.

  “Of course, dear. When would you like to do it? Now, or do you want to schedule an appointment?”


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