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The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6

Page 35

by Paula Kay

  And now here she was trying to embrace that part of Arianna’s life once again. She wanted that for Antonio too. She could give him things if he wasn’t too proud to accept them. And how Arianna would have loved that. To know that part of what she’d left for Lia was being shared with her father. Lia felt sure of this. She’d have to tread carefully, though, because she did know Italian men to be very proud and stubborn when it came to accepting gifts and being able to provide for their families. She had learned that from her father and suspected that Antonio was not different when it came to such things.

  She reached over to grab Antonio’s hand as they followed the bellhop to their suites, which were right next to one another.

  As Lia sat in the restaurant later that evening across the table from Antonio, she was flooded with memories of Arianna once again. She’d had the foresight to not attempt to book either of the same suites that she and her daughter had stayed in. That would have been too strange. But she did have a good cry in her room earlier when she and Antonio had parted ways to get dressed for dinner. She’d really had no idea how intense she’d be feeling, and wondered now if coming here had been a mistake.

  “Lia? Bella?”

  Antonio was trying to get her attention.

  “What? Sorry.” She laughed lightly, reminding herself how special this night was meant to be. “What were you saying?”

  “I was just wondering what you were thinking. You looked so deep in thought.” He took her hand across the table. “And I was wondering which wine you would prefer tonight?”

  “Sorry. Yes, I have been having a lot of memories of Ari, I must admit.” She looked down for a moment before she continued, her voice a whisper. “It is hard—being here. Harder than I thought it would be.” She squeezed his hand when she noticed the pained look on his face. “But I’m glad to be here with you now. I didn’t mean that I wished I wasn’t.”

  “I know. It’s okay. I do want you to tell me all about the last time you were here with—with our daughter. Let’s get some wine, shall we? Would you like the white?”

  “No, I’ll have the Chianti.” Lia said quickly.

  “Really? I thought you preferred white wines.” He seemed to be studying her carefully, and she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking.

  “No. Well, I used to, yes. But ever since I met Ari, I’ve grown to really like the Chianti. It—it reminds me of her.”

  “Bella, I think everything reminds you of her.” He said it quietly, and she couldn’t tell exactly what it was that she detected in his voice.

  “And do you think that’s bad?” She felt herself growing a bit defensive and tried to not show it as she waited for Antonio to answer her. “Well? Do you think it’s bad that I want to remember our daughter?” She pulled her hand away.

  Antonio reached for her hand again, giving it a squeeze. “No, bella. I don’t think it’s bad to remember her. But I do think that most of the time, the memories don’t seem to make you very happy. If I can be honest?”

  Lia nodded for him to continue, wondering if she really wanted to hear what he had to say next.

  “It seems to me that you are pretty set on keeping her memory alive in a way that serves your grief—your depression about losing her.”

  Lia pulled her hand away again, instantly feeling the tears spring to her eyes. This was not starting out well at all.

  “Darling. I don’t mean to make it sound as though there is anything wrong with grieving—with missing Arianna. It’s just that sometimes it feels that you are trying so hard to stay in the grief of it all. But instead, maybe remembering her should be about thoughts that make you happy for the time that you had with her. The things that you want to share with me about her—about our daughter.”

  She felt him trying harder.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. The last thing I want is to ruin the evening with you. I do want you to tell me about her, and I know that you have many memories of being here with her; so let’s just leave it at that, okay?” He got up to come around the table, bending down to give her a kiss on the lips. “The last thing I want is to hurt you. Can we just forget that I said any of that?”

  Lia kissed him back and nodded in reply, but she felt a wall going up between them. The rest of the dinner felt awkward. The food was as delicious as she remembered it, and Antonio seemed to be enjoying his steak, but the conversation was strained and she felt that he was as anxious to retire to his room as she was to hers. She didn’t have any thoughts about them sharing the same bed that night, and she suspected it was the last thing on his mind too.

  Chapter 25

  Lia awoke the next day after a fitful sleep. This weekend had started out the way that she’d hoped, and she was determined to turn things around between her and Antonio today. They’d planned for coffee in her suite that morning, so she spent the next hour having a bath and getting ready for their day together. He’d agreed to let Lia plan the entire weekend, which she had done, but now she was second-guessing everything that she had lined up.

  There would be the dinner and the opera that night—even though she knew it was risky, given the conversation that they’d had last night, she was determined that it was something that they needed to do together. Something that Arianna would have wanted, and that was more important to her than anything else. That much she did know. She wouldn’t compromise on the promise that she’d made when she felt the shift occur weeks ago. When she decided to really give her life in Italy a try and to always keep her daughter’s wishes for her in mind. She desperately wanted to honor the memory of her, and this was the best way that she knew how.

  She’d originally planned to go to the market for some shopping and lunch and then head over to walk the steps of the Duomo, to be able to enjoy the beautiful views from the top. But now she wasn’t at all sure if it was a good plan for the day, because each thing that she’d planned was something that she had shared with Arianna. Given the thoughts that Antonio had shared with her over dinner last night, she wasn’t sure that she wouldn’t end up being an emotional mess. It seemed risky, and the whole point of the weekend away was for her and Antonio to draw closer together.

  Lia’s thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door. She took a deep breath and smoothed her hair before opening it to the welcome sight of Antonio, who quickly grabbed her in an embrace.

  “Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?”

  She instantly felt relief. “Very well, thank you. And you?”

  “Good. The bed, the suite, everything is so comfortable.” He eyed her carefully before taking her hand to lead her to the sofa in the sitting area. “I’m really sorry about dinner last night—about what I said. I feel very bad about that, and I can’t even begin to imagine everything that you must have gone through—are still going through. Can you forgive me?”

  He looked so forlorn that all of Lia’s doubts and worries about where they were at with their relationship vanished.

  “Of course, and there’s no need to be sorry. Really. They may have actually been words that I needed to hear. And—” she reached over to give him a hug. “And I know that it is I who should be begging you for forgiveness. I went through a lot losing Ari, yes. But I took so much away from you. I can’t begin to understand the pain of how that must feel to you.”

  “Shh.” Antonio pressed his lips against hers in what seemed like an effort to stop her apologies. “I’ve told you that I’ve forgiven you and I meant it. I only want to move on from it. That’s all. Yes, it’s still painful at times, but I want to know about her. So yes, I do want you to share the memories that you have with her. But, the thing is—I want to know about you too. Does that make sense?”

  She nodded, but inside she felt very confused. If she was being honest, she’d not felt like herself for a very long time. Certainly not in the year since Arianna’s death. It was hard to remember who she had been before she’d met her daughter. And she wasn’t so sure that she liked that pers
on very much. But did Antonio like this person that she was now? She was beginning to have her doubts and she wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. Room service arrived, and so she brushed the thought aside as she took the coffee offered to her. She just needed to focus on Antonio today, and she was sure that things could get back to normal for them. Just in time for the nice evening she had planned.

  Lia and Antonio had climbed the steps to the top of the Duomo. After discussing her plans with him and knowing that they had a big evening ahead, they opted to go straight to the Duomo for the morning, foregoing her idea of heading to the market first. The climb had been nice, with easy conversations and stolen kisses at various viewpoints. The morning was feeling easier and like they were more themselves.

  Antonio reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear as they stood in the light breeze looking out over the famous view: the Arno River wound through the city with the many small bridges scattered along its length. Lia was quiet as her thoughts took her back to the day that she’d been here with her daughter.

  Antonio came up behind her, sliding his arms around her waist, encouraging her to lean her slight frame back into the strength of his chest. She breathed deeply, trying just to let herself enjoy the moment.

  “What are you thinking about? Are you okay, bella?”

  “Yes, I’m okay.” She turned around to convince him of her words with a kiss. “I’m more than okay.” Smiling, she looked at him. “Isn’t it beautiful up here?”

  “Si, yes, it is. I’ve been here before but it was many years ago. I can see why it is such a popular spot.”

  “Yes, Florence is so pretty. Do you miss living in the city? In Rome?” She thought about how strange it had been picturing him there while she was shopping with Rebecca.

  “No, I don’t miss it at all. I wasn’t meant to be a city guy. Having the vineyard now has confirmed me of that. Not being outside in the fresh air and sunshine was very stifling to me. I hated having to go to the office every day, putting on a suit and tie.” He looked at her, pulling her close again. “What about you? Do you see yourself settling now in Castellina?”

  Lia thought for a moment. “Yes. I mean, I don’t see myself anywhere else in Italy. If I moved at all, I suppose it would be back to San Francisco, where I have my friends. But I do like it here and I’m enjoying the restaurant a lot, hard work and all.”

  “You were meant to own that restaurant, bella.” Antonio smiled. “I didn’t forget how much you used to talk about it when you were younger. Or all of the times that you spent cooking in your mother’s or my mother’s kitchens.”

  She smiled at his reference to the many memories that she herself had as well. “I can’t help but to think how wonderful it would have been if both of our parents could have seen us together now.”

  “Well, I’m not so sure if your father would have approved.” Antonio laughed. “That was rough going in the beginning.”

  “That’s only because he caught his daughter sneaking off to meet some strange boy working in the fields.” Lia’s laughter joined his. “Once I was honest about our relationship and introduced you, he liked you. And so did Mama.”

  “I was worthy of his little girl, then?”

  He turned her face towards his for a kiss, and Lia found herself lost in the moment kissing him, both of them oblivious to the many tourists who had made their way to the top of the steps.

  “You were always more than worthy.” She kissed him quickly before grabbing his hand to pull him towards the stairs. “I say let’s make our way down before it gets any more crowded. And I think I could go for some food. How about you?”

  “Do you know what would make me insanely happy right now?” Antonio said.

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, I can think of a few things, but since we’re still out in public, I’d say a nice little pizzeria somewhere quiet with a bottle of wine—and my favorite girl sitting across from me.” He patted her playfully on the behind and winked at her when she turned around, grabbing at his hand.

  “Oh, so I’m your girl now, am I?”

  “I think you’ve always been my girl, Lia.” He stopped and pulled her to him as he stepped to the lookout at the side of the stairs. “I mean that. I’ve never stopped thinking of you. I think a part of me always wondered.”

  She loved the serious look on his face. The way that he was so open with his feelings for her. It scared her and made her feel excited at the same time. Her heart leapt in her chest as she pressed her lips up to his in a deep kiss that she hoped expressed everything that she was feeling for him in that moment.

  “Me too.” She tilted her head back to look him in the eye. “I never stopped thinking about you either. Even when I thought you were married, although I hate to admit that. I would never have tried to contact you, but I couldn’t get you out of my mind, try as I would.”

  He grabbed her hand again as they finished their descent down the steps and out onto the square below. “Well, I for one am excited to see where we are going to go from here. You know I’ve been a little skeptical when it comes to relationships ever since my break-up, but with you, I’m really trying. I don’t want to waste any time. I’m trying to just trust what I’m feeling, and so far being with you feels very good to me.

  “Me too.”

  She let him lead her down a quiet street to a pizzeria that someone had pointed out to them, and they spent the next few hours enjoying a huge pizza and the nice bottle of white wine that Antonio chose for them.

  Chapter 26

  Lia glanced over at Antonio sitting beside her, so handsome in his tux. She was still so shocked at times when she looked at him, wondering how it could be that she’d been given a second chance. They were seated in one of the best box seats at the opera house in Florence and La Boheme was about ready to start. Antonio reached over to kiss her quickly on the cheek and whispered in her ear.

  “You look so gorgeous in that red dress, bella. I don’t think I will be able to take my eyes off you all night.”

  She smiled back, feeling her face grow hot at the compliment, and wondering if tonight would be the night that they’d take their relationship to the next level. She kissed him back, lingering a bit longer on his lips. “You look every bit as handsome as I’d imagined you would,” she whispered back. “And this is so lovely, isn’t it?”

  She wanted him to agree with her but she got the sense that he wasn’t at all sure how he felt about being there. She had second-guessed her choice for a moment when they’d had the discussion about his ex and what had gone wrong in their relationship. On the one hand, she knew that he probably wasn’t going to be entirely happy going to the opera, but on the other hand she felt duty-bound to Arianna to show this—part of what had been her world, the things that she’d loved to her father. Surely he would want that too? She didn’t have time to have a discussion with him at the moment because the curtains were rising, signifying the start of the performance. They had a long night planned, so she knew she’d have a chance to talk to him more later; and if all went well, she hoped that she wouldn’t be sleeping alone.

  She sat back to watch the performance, and to her shock, found herself drifting off at times. She’d quickly glance over to Antonio to see if he’d noticed, and saw his eyes closed a few times as well. If she wasn’t feeling so mortified, she’d laugh out loud at the situation. Neither of them must have slept after their big morning walk, and it was showing in their energy level now. Apparently La Boheme was not enough to keep them occupied and prevent their drifting off to sleep.

  Lia sat up straight in her chair, nudging Antonio awake with her leg. He reached over to take her hand, smiling as he mouthed the word “sorry” to her. She winked back, trying to make light of it but noticing the change in her own mood. Something was wrong if they couldn’t, for a few hours, just enjoy a single performance. What was wrong with them? Surely he didn’t hate it that much. But she saw his expression out of the corner of her eye and knew tha
t he was bored out of his mind. She’d definitely planned the night badly, and hoped it could be salvaged.

  Seated in the dining room back at the hotel for a late glass of wine after the opera, Lia noticed that Antonio was looking uncomfortable in his tux and couldn’t contain his yawns. She tried to laugh it off, but their conversation had turned a little strained after the performance. Now she was trying her best to salvage what was left of the night, knowing that it would probably be ending soon—and not quite the way that she’d hoped, by the looks of things.

  Lia raised her glass in a toast. “To a nice night at the opera.”

  Antonio clinked her glass half-heartedly; he looked like he was holding something back.

  “What is it? Did you really find the opera that boring?” She tried to use a teasing tone but it was coming out all wrong. She could tell it from his face the moment that the words left her mouth.

  “Well, did you like it?” He looked at her pointedly as if daring her to say otherwise. “I saw you drifting to sleep too, you know.” He laughed and she was happy to hear the teasing at least.

  “I wasn’t really sleeping.” She looked him in the eye. “Well, okay. I was tired, I admit. That walk up the stairs wore me out this morning, I guess. But back to you. Did you not enjoy it at all?”

  Antonio studied her face for a few moments before he spoke quietly. “Not really, Lia. I mean, I appreciate the effort that you went through to book it—the special box seat and everything—especially your beautiful gown.”


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