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Covet the Curves: a Romance Collections Anthology

Page 14

by Morgan, Nicole

  “I’m sorry,” she finally said, wiping tears from her eyes. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable or put you on the spot.”

  I let out a deep breath. “Okay,” I said. I picked up my fork and stabbed at my salad. “Then what?”

  “Ash really likes you,” she said. “He loved spending time with you the other night. And he loved the kiss.”

  It was a great kiss. “I did, too. But you don’t have anything to worry about. I know he’s your boyfriend and I would ever dream of doing anything –”

  “I know you wouldn’t,” Robin smiled. She had a great smile. “That’s not why I’m bringing it up.” I waited. “Ash’s birthday is in a couple weeks,” she paused. “And I always try to get him what he wants.”

  “That must make you an awesome girlfriend.” Why won’t she just tell me already? Maybe I don’t want to know. I began to feel nervous and wasn’t sure why. I took another bite of my salad and realized my nerves had caused me to lose my appetite. Picking up my cup, I sat back in my chair.

  “What he wants this year is you.” Robin stared at me, waiting for a reaction.

  I paused. The edge of the cup still touching my lips. My eyes met hers over the top of my cup. What the fuck? Slowly, I lowered the cup and placed it on the table. “Say that again.”

  “Ash wants you as his birthday present this year.” She smiled. As if her smile was going to take away the shock value of her words.

  “And just what do you mean by that? He wants me?” My fingers were still on the cup.

  “What do you think it means?” Robin said. “He wants to fuck you. He thinks you’re hot and wants to be with you.” I waited for her to tell me the punchline, or to say she was kidding, or that she changed her mind and wouldn’t allow it to happen. But she didn’t. “I don’t have to be involved – unless you want me to. I’m okay with just watching, or I can leave completely and let the two of you be alone. It’s whatever you’re comfortable with.”

  “You’re serious? Like for real?”

  “Yes, I’m serious.”

  “And you’re okay with this? I mean, we’re friends. I don’t want to lose you as a friend.” Robin and I had become fast friends and I didn’t have many of those. I wasn’t going to risk losing her, even if I did think about fucking her boyfriend.

  “You won’t.”

  “Do you guys do this a lot?”

  “No. Well, no, not a lot,” she moved her hands around and shrugged her shoulders. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince herself or me. “We have kind of an open relationship. We have threesomes sometimes or have other partners occasionally. But he’s never talked about anyone like he has you. He likes you. We both do. And he wants you. He really wants to be with you.”

  “See,” I leaned onto the table, pushing my salad out of the way. “That’s what I don’t get. How can he like me when he has you? We’re so different.”


  “You’re tall and thin and have …” I gestured toward her breasts and ample cleavage. “I’m short and the thinnest thing about me is my bank account. Plus, I barely fill out a B cup.” I put up my hand before she could say anything. “And no. I’m not complaining. I like my body. I love being curvy. It’s just the difference that confuses me. Usually when guys like a type of girl, they stay with that type of girl.”

  “Fair enough,” Robin said. “But let me ask you something. What’s your favorite kind of ice cream?”

  “Not sure what this has to do with anything, but it’s Karmal Sutra.”

  “Karmal what?” Robin furrowed her brow and cocked her head forward.

  “It’s a Ben and Jerry’s flavor,” I replied.

  “Oh, okay,” she shrugged. “Well, you like Karmal Sutra. But you probably like other flavors, right?”

  “Sure, I guess so.”

  “Okay, like what? Tell me three.” Robin took a bite of her now deformed sandwich.

  “I like cherry vanilla, rocky road, chocolate chip cookie dough…”

  “See! There you go,” she spoke with excitement. “You don’t just like one flavor of ice cream. And you wouldn’t eat only one flavor of ice cream for the rest of your life.”

  “I see what you’re saying.” He wants me to be his flavor of the week. I wanted to be his flavor of the week.

  “We would pay you.” Robin said, smiling. “A thousand dollars for twenty-four hours.”

  “I don’t want you to pay me,” I laughed. “I’m not a prostitute.” Holy shit. A thousand dollars? Would I be a prostitute? I mean, I could use the money. But I don’t want to be a prostitute. I can’t. Can I?

  “Oh my god. No. of course you’re not.” Robin seemed to panic. It was kind of funny to see her squirm. “And that’s not what we think.” She reached out and touched my arm. “Think of it as a gift or thank you for your time. Or maybe a check will arrive in the mail to pay you for helping me study – for being my tutor. Think of it however you want.”

  “I don’t know.” My mind was spinning. Part of me loved the idea of being with Ash, but another part of me was apprehensive, worried, scared.

  “He really wants this – wants you,” Robin said. “And I promise you, he’s a great lay. He’s considerate. He’ll get you off more than once. And,” she leaned in close, “he has a nice dick,” she whispered. We both laughed.

  We sat quietly for a moment. I took a few drinks from my cup and allowed her words to rattle around in my mind. Robin picked at her partially eaten sandwich, putting torn pieces of bread into her mouth.

  “And how about this,” she said, breaking the silence. “We’ll make a whole evening of it. We’ll get dressed up. Take Ash out for dinner at a nice restaurant. Have a few drinks. What do you say? Will you at least consider it?”

  “I will consider it,” I said. “I promise. But for now, can we just concentrate on the test, and maybe talk about going to see a movie?”

  “Absolutely,” Robin said. “As soon as I get us a warm chocolate chip cookie.” She smiled brightly, hopping up from the table and hurried to the front counter.

  I watched her walk away, still thinking about her offer – and my kiss with Ash.

  Chapter Six

  During one of the rare occasions when I had nothing to do, I curled up on the corner of my dark blue couch, covered my legs with a soft green blanket, and mindlessly flipped through my Netflix que. Wearing my old tattered Boston t-shirt and faded black yoga pants made it the perfect lazy day. My thoughts drifted back to the conversation I had with Robin the day before.

  Ash wants me to be his birthday present. I chuckled. Do I jump out of a cake? Put a ribbon around my body? How the hell am I supposed to be a present for someone? I stared at the screen, nothing looked interesting.

  “I could make a thousand dollars,” I said to the empty room. “A thousand dollars for just hanging out with friends. Two very hot friends. And having what I’m sure will be awesome sex.” What am I waiting for? I reached for my phone and texted Robin, asking her and Ash to come over so we could discuss her offer. She replied almost immediately.

  Be there about 4. K?

  Works for me. C U then.

  Placing my phone on the table, I looked down at my shirt. I should change.

  * * *

  I heard the knock on the door and suddenly became nervous. Fuck! I stood, took a deep breath and blew it out all at once. The door opened and somehow, my anxiety lessened. Ash smiled at me, Robin reached out to hug me, and I felt better, more at ease, comforted.

  “We’re glad you called,” she said.

  I motioned for them to come in. After exchanging pleasantries and getting everyone a glass of iced tea, we settled into the living room – them on the couch and me in the overstuffed armchair.

  “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable. I was so worried you were upset with me.” Robin’s glass thunked as she placed it on the coffee table.

  “No, not – well, okay, yeah, maybe a little uneasy.” I laughed. “It’s not every
day that someone asks me to be a birthday present for their boyfriend. And then offers to pay me to do it.” I picked up my glass of iced tea and held it between my hands, running my thumb up and down the cool glass. “And, by the way, if you’re cops you have to tell me.”

  Ash and Robin laughed. “We’re not cops!” Robin squealed. We all laughed for a moment and I realized how silly my comment was.

  “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen,” Ash said. “You have my word. And I promise, I will make it as special of a night for you as it will be for me.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked. I sipped my iced tea, attempting to hide my nerves and curiosity.

  “Well,” he slid to the edge of the couch, spread his legs, and my eyes glanced to his crotch. Dammit. I looked up and locked my eyes on his gaze. He grinned. Shit. He saw me checking him out. “We’ll pick you up,” Ash continued. “We’ll have a nice dinner. Go to a hotel suite, enjoy a great bottle of wine, and then just let the night happen naturally. No pressure.”

  “And I’m only going to be as involved as you want me to be. If you want me to watch, great. Or, if you want me, well – I’m more than happy to take part if you’d like. But again, no pressure. Or, like I said, if you want me out of the room, or even out of the suite, I will be.”

  My mind began to wander. I knew his kiss. How hot it was to touch his lips. My body began to stir as I allowed myself to imagine how hot the rest of his touch would be.

  “And,” Robin moved to the edge of the couch, “the only reason I offered to pay you was because I wanted to hire – yeah, that’s not any better.” We all laughed. “How about this – I won’t pay you. Instead, I’ll get you a gas card, a gift card to the university bookstore, and one to the local grocery store. Then it’s not cash so it doesn’t seem so –”

  “So cheap?” I said. My eyebrows lifted. “So sleazy?”

  “Yes,” she pointed at me and we laughed. “Exactly.”

  “So, what do you say?” Ash asked. He kept his gaze on me.

  “You really want me as your birthday present?” I still couldn’t believe it.

  “Yes.” His answer was direct and definitive. Ash looked at me, his heated gaze openly roaming my curves. No one has ever looked at me like that.

  “Okay,” I said. Smiling. Shaking my head. Feeling a little bit silly. “Happy birthday. I’m yours.”

  “Well don’t just sit there,” Robin said. She tapped his leg. “Go hug her!”

  Ash wasted no time. He pushed himself off the couch, moved toward me and wrapped his arms around my back. He tucked his face into my neck, his lips brushing the sensitive skin, and chills covered my body. “Thank you,” he said. “I can’t wait. We’re going to have so much fun. You’ll see.”

  “We’ll pick you up around six o’clock on Friday,” Robin said.

  “I’ll be ready,” I replied.

  We said our goodbyes and I couldn’t help but noticed how excited they both truly seemed to be. It made the excitement in me grow even more.

  Friday couldn’t get here fast enough.

  Chapter Seven

  I could listen to Ed Sheeran all day. I wiped the shelves with the dusting cloth, swaying to the sweet tune, humming along to the words. My serene cleaning was interrupted when I heard a bang. I stood still and listened, barely able to hear the knock on the door over the music.

  “I’m here, I’m here,” I yelled. I tossed the cloth down and raced to the front door, nearly tripping on my way. “Fuck! I’m here. Don’t leave!”

  Opening the door, a very handsome man dressed in a brown uniform stood on my porch. At his feet were several packages – including a very large, flat one.

  “Hello?” Instead of a standard greeting, my confusion caused me to greet him with a question. He held out a black handheld scanner and a stylus. “Um,” I put my palm out to stop him. “You must have the wrong house,” I chuckled. “I didn’t … haven’t ordered anything.”

  He looked down at the screen on the electronic scanner in his hand. “This is 427 Gleason Ave, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but –”

  “Then I’m in the right place.” He smiled, which only made him cuter. “Sign here.” I took the stylus from his hand and scribbled some illegible version of my signature. After returning the device to the belt at his side, the cute deliveryman picked up the packages – all three of them. “They’re kind of big and awkward. Would you like me to set them inside for you?”

  He smiled again. He must think that smile is his open passport. “Sure,” I said, smiling back. “You can just place them on the couch.” I watched his ass as he walked past me. Nice. The uniform showed off his body. I was still ogling when he turned around.

  I laughed through the embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to –”

  “It’s okay.” He leaned closer. “I like that you were checking me out.” Walking out the door, he winked at me, and then he turned to wave as he jumped into his truck.

  While the delivery guy was cute, the excitement of the packages quickly pulled me away. I closed the door and moved to the couch. There were three packages, stacked largest to smallest. I picked up the smallest one and began inspecting it, careful not to jostle it too much. I turned it over and over, back and forth, front to back until I noticed something curious. On the top corner was a black number three. I reached for the packages and sure enough, the mid-size package had a number two, and the largest package had a number one – and a card.

  Maybe it’s the order I’m supposed to open them? After standing and staring at the packages for a few minutes, I decided to go with my conclusion.

  I picked up the big box and placed it on the middle of the living room floor, kneeling in front of it. I pulled at the sides, breaking the grip of the industrial glue. My heart began to beat faster. I felt all the air leave my lungs and a sharp tinge of exhilaration rush through my body as I caught sight of the contents.

  The material was red satin, trimmed with glittering crystals in red and silver at the neckline and hem. I slowly reached in and, pinching the material with my fingertips, delicately pulled it from the cardboard box.

  “What the …” I rose to a standing position, pulling the remaining material from the package. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It resembled something seen on the red carpet before the Oscars or the Emmys. I held the dress against my body and looked down, admiring its beauty and amazed it was in my possession.

  Is it my size? Please let it be my size. I flipped the dress into the crook of my elbow and searched for the tags, finding it along the right side. It’s my size! I put the dress against my body again and rocked to the music still flowing through my apartment. I twirled my way to the couch and draped the dress over the back.

  If that’s only the first package, what the hell … I let out a huff of air through pursed lips, reaching for the second box. I wasn’t as slow and delicate with the second box. Ripping open the cardboard revealed a pair of beautiful red heels. I immediately thought of the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz – one of my favorite movies, ever.

  I gave no thought to the fact that I was wearing black yoga pants; I had to try them on. My feet slid into the cool soft material. The fit was perfect – like they were made for me. I bent forward to see my feet from above.

  “Oh, my god!” I sounded like a fifteen-year-old girl. I didn’t care. “They’re beautiful!” I took a few steps out and back before sliding them off and putting them back into the box.

  What’s left? Reaching for the last box, my hands shook. It was the size of a laptop, and heavy for its size. Something I hadn’t really considered before. I sat on the couch, placed the box on my lap and went to work. The package creaked and cracked as I pulled on the seam to break the seal and discover what new treasures hid inside.

  Once the box was opened, it felt like a fantasy come to life. Inside the box was bubble packing, and a black velvet box. I pushed the packing and the cardboard onto the floor, placing t
he soft black box on the coffee table. I reached for the box but paused and retracted.

  This isn’t happening. How is this happening? My cheeks hurt from the huge smile that had taken root. I reached out again and pulled open the top, locking it in place. As I caught sight of the contents, I bounced backwards onto the couch, surprised, stunned, shocked.

  “No fucking way,” I whispered to an empty room. “No. There’s no … what the hell?”

  Inside the velvet box was a gorgeous necklace, with matching earrings and a bracelet, all shimmering with red and white stones in a mirror perfect silver setting. It reminded me of the jewels Richard Gere gave Julia Roberts in the movie Pretty Woman. I was almost afraid to touch them – almost. I released the bracelet from its clasp and draped it over my wrist. The jewels were a dynamic contrast to my light ivory skin, adding another layer of character to my interesting coloring.

  “This is gonna be fun.” I couldn’t get the smile off my face. I was so excited. “I’m going to be Julia Roberts!” I looked at the dress still on the back of the couch, the shoes tucked into their box, and the bracelet still draped over my wrist and confusion set it.

  But how? “Who? I don’t …” The card. I forgot about the card. I returned the bracelet to its place and moved to retrieve the card. I ripped the envelope off the box and tore it open. Inside was a hand-written note.

  “The best birthday present ever needs the most beautiful wrapping.”

  There was no signature, but I knew who it was from.

  “Ash.” I smiled. “Robin.” Those two are something else. I placed the card on the table and glanced at my dress one last time before turning to continue my cleaning. “Nope.” I spun around, grabbed the dress and decided I had to try it on.

  As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I realized I was humming and laughed. I didn’t laugh at my humming, but instead, the song. I gave in and began singing.


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