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Redemption: A Custos Novel

Page 16

by Emjay Soren

  I watched as the women laughed, and the Nex groped as they made their way down the street. We were close to Pikes Pier and though it was late, the place was still a madhouse. I knew the Nex would try finding a discreet alley way to kill in. I liked the idea more and more. Too bad it was them, and maybe even me, that would be dying tonight. My cell phone lit up for the hundredth time that night, but looking at the screen as it vibrated in my hand, I knew who it was before I read his name. Cash was bound to come looking if I didn’t answer soon.

  As if summoned from my thoughts alone, a text message came through.

  'Preacher if you make me sense you out I’ll kick your ass. Where are you?!!!!'

  He would kick my ass if I didn’t answer, but what I had planned tonight could not involve Cash. He could seek me out no matter what, he was my Sire and that meant he could always find my essence.

  Unless I was dead.

  Hope he didn’t find a bunch of ash if he did try to sense me.

  I would feel bad about that.

  I shut the phone and put it in my pocket. I could hear the whimpers of the human women and the slurping of the Nex. Fuck, while I was distracted by Cash and his text they started the party without me.

  I did love to crash a party.

  I called on my own deceptive skills and started stumbling down the alley, singing an old Irish favorite that would tell them who I was long before I could introduce myself. “I just wanna be there. When we’re caught in the rain…” I stop, and watch for only a moment as they hear my favorite Irish tune, my calling card.

  Might as well yell, 'How ya doing there boys! My name's Preacher!' But alas, I sang my song, the one I was infamous for when on the street. This song was my warning to trouble. Though the song was beautiful and reminds me of the women I lost, it also says, 'Yep, I'm the Preacher.'

  Two of the Nex stepped from the women they had pinned to the wall. One of the women fell, not having the strength to stay standing. She was almost drained, her heartbeat faint and far too slow. I wasn’t going to be able to save her, and it only pissed me off more. Seemed I was always just shy of on time for these things!

  I called upon all my strength to be able to push aside the anger for a few more minutes. I wanted to fuck with them, so I continued singing, my brows drawn, my sinister smile stretching. “I just want to see you laugh not cry.”

  “Preacher! Holy shit Eddie, it’s the Preacher.” The Nex who’s female was almost dead cried out in excitement, “Call Angelo!”

  Not sure if that was supposed to deter me, I kept on singing, hoping my old boss would indeed show up. “I just want to see you laugh not cry.”

  “He’s fucking nuts dude!” The other said, still holding his female by her hair. This girl and the other two, I would save. The faint heartbeat of the girl slumped to the ground faded into nothing and I wanted to roar. “You gonna say anything you crazy old fuck?” He asked, and I stopped singing.

  Calling on my theatric ability, I spoke through my smile the next part of the song. “I’m lost for words, don’t tell me.” I winked and lunged, my stake falling into his chest like a sharp knife to a steak. As he fell to ash and blew down the rain soaked street, I shook my head and finished my song. “I love you till the end.”

  “The Preacher is here!” The other yelled into his phone while the remaining two circled me like prey.

  It all came down to this moment. Angelo knew I was there, waiting for him and ready to fight. I wasn’t the scared human any longer. I was Preacher, hell bent on fury and loss of faith. I looked at the three human females and motioned down the alley. “Run along, and don’t come back.” My Infatuation far more enthralling then the Nex, they scurried off without a seconds pause.

  “Would you like to tell me somethin’ now lads?” I ask, and watch each of them as they surround me. It was a profound moment when a calm I had never felt washed over me. It may have been my true death calling me, but I was excited for the fight. I stood stone still, like a snake in the grass coiled to strike.

  “Like what, you're gonna die? I figured you knew that.” The one beside me spoke with a laugh and I struck! I felt his flesh part and heard the Pop! that came from the kill as he flew away in ashes like his friend.

  “Fuckers never learn.” I say and brush invisible dust from my shirt. It was more like mud as rain pelted me from the heavens. He may have been dust, but landing in a puddle he was now a part of the earth and would be cleaned up in the coming storms.

  “Look, we don’t want any trouble.” Says one of the remaining two Nex. I had yet to fight and that bothered me.

  “Then why kill in my territory? That says trouble loud and clear to me.”

  “We gotta survive man.” He cried. I laughed at his apparent weakness.

  “Well now, survive my cross with the same devotion as you chase a vein, and maybe you will.”

  “Not a fair fight.” I hear from behind me, just before I'm struck on the back of the head. I fall forward, my cross sliding in the mud just out of my reach. I smell my own blood and it calls to me in hunger and excitement.

  I hear the faint noise of metal jingling, and see the end of a chain before it whips through the air and lands on my cheek. Damn, that hurt! Now I was pissed! I flew to my feet catching the next rotation of the chain in my hand and pulling. The Nex wielding the chain was new and dressed in the finest Armani. I thought of Cookie, and felt bad knowing the suit would be ash soon.

  The Nex flew toward me. I held the end of the chain in my hand and began looping it around the goon's neck. With each twist of my arm I felt the chain tighten. Nex, like us, don't breath so I knew the chain hurt but was truly doing no damage. I wrapped it and wrapped it until there was no slack left. The Nex's back to me, I kicked him in the middle of his spine, my hand tight on the chain. I felt and heard the crunch of his spine and the tearing of bone and muscle as his head was pulled clean off. Blood splattered seconds before he was dust, and the chain fell loosely to my feet. There were now three Nex left. I looked around and saw that Angelo was seriously underestimating my abilities. The young ones from the alley and bar were standing behind the second goon, afraid of my wrath.

  Seeing me kill their allies, I didn’t blame them for their fear. “This is a fight to the death boys.” I say as I walk to my cross and grab it feeling the comfort of it in my hand. “Care to keep going, or tuck tail and run?”

  The goon spoke to the younger Nex. “Go on now, get in the car and report to Angelo. He wants the Preacher alive. I’ll sedate him and send him back when I’m done.” I didn’t let him keep talking, I walked up and clocked him in the jaw. The other two Nex were frozen for just a second before turning and racing down the alley way to a waiting car.

  The Nex stood and I hit him again. He was prepared this time, and my fist hit the steel of his jaw as he braced for the contact. I felt the pain of my own bones crushing, and hissed before welcoming it.

  The goon wasn’t going to fight fair, not that the Nex ever did, so I got ready for the fight and called on every dirty move I knew. Punches and kicks were flying, and we were both equally injured and in need of blood. We grew tired from the punching and dodging as we each struggled to gain the advantage, the rain making it harder to land the punches.

  I spun back, after a swift kick with the back of my heel into the side of his head landed at his ears. I watched him fall and pulled my cross free, my booted and muddy foot closing in over his throat to keep him down. I fell to my knee beside him, and pressed my weight down. “I won’t go gently bleedin’ into that light. Angelo wants me he can bloody well come get me.”

  “He wants you alive.” He said through a groan and I laughed. Vampires don't get winded, but we do get exhausted, and this Nex and I were bleedin’ exhausted.

  “Well, I want him dead as you're ‘bout to be.” I palm my cross and lean to his side, my foot still over his neck. In a rare moment of conscience, I find mercy. “Anything to confess before I dust ya?”

  It’s hard to see t
hrough the blood streaming down my face. I can taste it as I talk, and it long ago had caused my fangs to drop. Mixed with the whipping rain, I can barely see, let alone hear him, when I make my mistake. I loosen my foot from his throat in a vain attempt to hear his sins. I feel the chain beat against my back, and I fall to my side. Both my arms are twisted behind me as the goon holds me close and begins whipping me with the end of the chain. I am as vulnerable now as I have ever been, and know he can kill me if he wishes. It’s Angelo whose wishes he wants to keep though, so I have time to kill before he gets me restrained.

  I struggle as the chain beats me down, but I manage to get my arms free. All my strength and all my anger center in my chest as I swing my cross, hoping to land my mark blindly to his chest. I

  miss though, and the wood splinters as I slam it into his neck. He drops the chain and falls to his knees.

  I have but a moment.

  “Why is he doing this?!!!” I roar, not expecting an answer. I am over him, my cross in his neck, and it’s a gruesome sight. Blood is spraying and his eyes have long ago gone white and bloody. “Just tell me you fuck, and I’ll make it fast. Don’t, and I call my boys and we get inventive.” I am pleading with him for answers. I have come to this, a begging, pleading man who just wants the one I love to live. Even for my own sacrifice, I’ll gladly give my life for hers.

  “Swear it!” He hisses, pleading. I know his blood is fading and with it goes his strength. I have the upper hand and he knows it. “Swear you’ll end me, and I’ll give you what you want.”

  “I swear.” And I mean it.

  I wait for the answer, and it’s like my dying breath. I wasn’t expecting what he said though.

  “He has a debt to the Cado for past transgressions. The Cado know of your history with Angelo and they're down a soul because of London Chase. The Cado want your soul, like the prize it is. Angelo wants your ashes next to Emigens skull on his mantle. Because he knows you suffer for your wife and kids still, only makes his greed stronger. He knows giving your soul to the Cado will take work, and he'll kill them all to gain it. You can’t win Father, just like I couldn't and just like the Nex you keep killing to get to him couldn’t. He won’t stop until he wins, it’s why he is as old as he is, and it’s why he's in so deep with the Cado.”

  “Fucker has her skull?” I'd suspected, but never had it confirmed.

  “He does. He has… lots.”

  I nod and as the rain poured down and with the pain my body was experiencing, I had a moment of compassion as the Nex before me spoke. It was knowing that he wasn’t given a choice, just like all the others. He was made to be a monster, and I would make sure he died like a man.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, my voice soft.

  “John Gregory.” He says, and bows his head before roaring in pain as I pull my cross free from his neck.

  “Speak freely child.” I say, the words burning with long forgotten memories from my life as a man of the cloth.

  “I’m scared…” He admits, and for men of our breed, whether we're Nex or Custos it's a hard thing to admit.

  I raise my broken hand above him, and place it over his head, silently saying a prayer to St. Joseph.

  “Don’t fear this John. Answer for your sins, and take your punishment. The Father is forgiving in all things, trust in him, and know he will shelter you if your regret is true.”

  I have not seen a vampire cry until now. There are no tears, but the emotion is true, as is the reaction of the body. Before me, John was crying with my blessing hand on his head, my killing hand holding the weapon of his fate. He looked at me, and with a silent plea he closed his eyes and bowed his head.

  I pressed my cross into his heart and twisted fast and true. John was ashes and I was left ruined.

  I fell back, disgusted by the prayer I gave, and the promise of God being all knowing and good. I found my faith to be my curse. The Cado wanted my soul, and I wasn’t sure I had an argument in the matter. I was lacking of faith and strength..... and will. I stood and raised my arms in offering, anything...something... I needed release from myself and the carnage that followed at my heels. I screamed into the night, the rain like a weapon belting my face and body. I cried for all I had lost, and all that I was yet to lose. I cried for my children and my beloved. I cried for the war that my Sire and his mate would face just to get to me. I cried for the loss of the man that I was and the man I had become.

  I gave John mercy, and in doing so he took all I had left.

  Maybe minutes, maybe hours later, I felt Cash and knew he had found me in my hour of need. My Sire crashed into my beaten and bloody body his arms around me tight. In his presence I fell to my knees. “What have you done Preacher?” He is yelling over the rain. Is that fear in his voice? I was standing in the rain, bloodied from battle and beaten, my arms in the air, roaring. He had to be freaked out.

  “I kill them all!” I scream, my hands shaking in anger. “I’ll kill you, and Cookie as well, if you stay by me.”

  He is shaking his head when Leushus shows up, standing beside him.

  “Look here you Irish fuck!” Cash snarled, his eyes a glaring ball of pure rage as he stared me down. “I won’t stand here while you wax poetic on how dark the world is, when you do nothing to stop it from darkening.” Cash cupped his face in his palms and growled in frustration. I could only muster a mild smirk at his frustration.

  “Tell me Cash, what the bloody hell have I ever done that has made a damn bit of impact? I have about as much faith left inside of me old friend, as you do.” I stood toe to toe with him, not an ounce of fear in my soul. “What the bleedin’ fuck do you think I've been tellin’ ya? I have no faith in this shell. My mask, my face, my heart, is gone …long gone.”

  Cash shook his head, annoyed, as if I were a petulant child that refused to listen. But he was too afraid to see. See what I knew all along, see what I've become. “Sober up you stupid fucking bastard. Sober the fuck up! Buy an ounce and get your fucking head straight before you disappear entirely.” He almost seemed as lost as I was.

  I looked to the sky as if it had the answers. I was beginning to think there were no right answers.

  “Tell me Preach, are you trying your damndest for him to kill you?” Leushus asked from behind me. How the fuck was it that he always knew when I had fucked up, knew when I was wrong?

  “Ah, the mind of a serial killer is less frightening Preacher. I promise you that. I’m here because I need to warn you.” I tried to roll my eyes. Tried, but they were too sore from the beating. I needed blood, stat, but I couldn’t muster the strength to move. Leushus was having none of my inner ranting though. My body still as stone, he spoke into my ear, forcing me to take in every word as if it were my last breath all over again.

  “The Cado are looking for a soul, Preacher. They believe yours is up for auction. I have just spent the better part of a fucking week making sure they kept their distance. Know why I spent that time Preach?” He wasn’t asking me. He was absolutely going to tell me though. The anger in his voice spoke volumes to the frightening shit he knew.

  “You have no idea how dark I can be Preacher. Just push me, and I will show you exactly what the Fallen are made of. There are no puffy white clouds and golden harps where I come from, Preacher. Do. Not. Push. Me.”

  I wasn’t about to. Wasn’t in the mood tonight to fuck with Leushus too.

  “You're not as far gone as you think, Preacher.” Leushus said off handedly, as if he hadn’t just threatened to show me what hell looked like.

  “I have no desire for you to ever see hell. It’s why I stopped Cash from killing you. Now, where was I?” he asked looking over his shoulder to Bastian, who had been silently taking the whole scene in.

  “The Cado.” I yelled over the rain.

  “They're following you, watching you. Hell Preacher, they're circling you daily like crows with a corpse. Waiting for you my dead friend, to finally throw in the towel.” His fangs on display like he had just told me
that I was under a puppy dogs surveillance.

  “Funny jokes for a man in jeopardy of losing his soul.”

  That got my attention. There are moments of absolute clarity in life that can take you to a place where everything stops moving and you can take it all in. I tend to focus on what I know is certain. Pain. Pain has been my one constant companion over the last decades. I hadn’t known till that instant, that my pain had been fully extinguished by absolute, complete rage.

  “Preacher, the Cado feed on that anger, that constant release of absolute fury you have around you lately. Buddy, they're looking for souls, and they are salivating over yours. They believe I owe them a soul for London. Don’t make this an easy fight.”

  “I can’t stop.” He knew what I meant. There was no need for my elaboration.

  ‘Find a way Preacher. I’ll have your back the whole way. But find it and now." He stood to leave. Leushus was like that. He made his point damn clear and would not sit around waiting for actions. “Preacher, give in to her. It’ll be ok.” Was all he said over his shoulder as he faded from sight.

  Still on my knees I felt hopeless wishing I knew how to give in to her, let go of it all and find peace. Cash bent down and lifted my giant body off the filthy ground of the alley, like I’m a child. He carried me away from the death in that alley.

  I fell into the van still weak in Cash’s arms. I feel like the failure I am, reduced to being carried like a boy.

  “Sshhh now.” Leushus says. I thought he had left me behind. My lids close when I feel his hand upon my head, blessing me as I did John.

  My last thought was if he would kill me too.


  The pounding on the door got louder, and based on the rhythm I knew it was Cookie.

  “Go ‘way.” I mumbled and tried to shut out the noise. But this was Cookie, and no amount of begging would get her moving.

  “Preacher O’Connor," She spat through the door jam. Calling me by my last name was never good. It was something she started doing to all of us if we didn’t listen. “So help me God Preacher, if you don’t open this door I am going to start talking designers… and you know how I get. I'll be here for hours.”


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