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Financial Discipline

Page 2

by Carole Archer

  “Just be grateful that I didn’t turn you across my knee,” Peter smiled.

  Lindsay held her breath. She still felt his actions had been over the top and unprofessional and she was still tempted to put a complaint in about him to HR, but she knew she needed to focus on the positives and the thought of one day getting her dream job of senior reporter surely outweighed a little bit of short term discomfort.

  “I suggest you go home now and get all your papers together for your meeting with George in the morning,” said Peter, standing up and walking across the room to his door.

  Lindsay got up and followed him, stepping through the open door. “Thank you. I’ll go and sort my paperwork and I’ll be at George’s first thing in the morning. I’m sorry I was a little difficult.” Lindsay shuffled around and looked at the floor as she once more recalled being face down across his desk and remembered all too vividly the sharp crack of his hand on each buttock and the immediate sting. “I appreciate this opportunity,” she added as she quickly left the room before her boss had chance to respond.

  Lindsay blushed crimson as Peter’s secretary Sara smiled sympathetically at her as she passed her desk. Lindsay hoped she hadn’t heard the spanks that Peter had given her.

  Lindsay hurriedly left the office and when she arrived home half an hour later she went straight to the bedroom and removed her skirt before lowering her panties and turning her back to the mirror. She was amazed to find there was no evidence that Peter had spanked her. Her bottom wasn’t even pink. She’d half expected to find two bright red handprints imprinted on her buttocks.

  Lindsay went to her bedside drawer and gathered together her latest bills, mostly unpaid. She was so terrified to face the reality of her mounting debt problem that she’d recently started to ignore her bills and stuff them into a drawer, figuring that out of sight meant out of mind.

  She sighed as she realized a debt management plan might just give her the chance to put her finances in order. Now Lindsay was torn between wanting George to help her while at the same time she desperately wanted to bring him down and get the big story that would give her a step up in her career. With more money, surely she’d be able to sort her finances without George or anyone else’s help.

  Chapter Two

  LINDSAY woke early next morning after a very restless night. She’d been unable to stop thinking about her humiliating – but thankfully short - spanking from her boss Peter, which led her to wonder how a real spanking from George West would compare.

  Lindsay dragged herself out of bed and reluctantly got dressed, gathering together her bills before setting off to George’s home. She arrived five minutes early but was too nervous to get out of her car and eventually plucked up the courage to knock on his door ten minutes later – making her five minutes late for her appointment with him.

  The door opened and Lindsay was faced with a very tall and well-built man who certainly didn’t look as old as his years. He was extremely handsome and Lindsay wished she was meeting him under different circumstances. She started to smile but as he angrily looked at his watch her smile quickly evaporated. “You’re five minutes late!”

  Lindsay swallowed nervously. “I’m sorry.”

  George reached out, grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside, slamming the door behind them. He pulled her through to his office, dragged his chair away from the desk and sat down before looking at her sternly. “Normally we’d go into the living room first and have a coffee and a chat. As you’ve decided to turn up late, you’re going to be punished now.”

  Lindsay gasped and tried to pull away, but George tugged her wrist firmly and quickly upended her across his lap. She struggled desperately. This was much worse than being across her boss’ desk. The position was much more humiliating, especially as she didn’t even know this man. She felt suddenly very childish in this position and struggled desperately to get to her feet. Suddenly his large, heavy hand landed hard on her bottom and she howled and kicked her legs. She panicked as she realized that Peter’s spanks the previous day had been nothing compared to this. She couldn’t do this and she needed to get away now. Let Peter find someone else to do the job, but it certainly wasn’t going to be her.

  Unfortunately for Lindsay she couldn’t break free and George’s big hand landed over and over again on her squirming bottom, cracking down low at the center of her buttocks. She reacted vocally to each smack as the sting intensified. This was much harder than she could ever have imagined and she found it impossible to hold still or to stay quiet. When he finally ended her torment she lay across his lap, sobbing and trembling. The two smacks Peter had delivered to her bottom the previous day had left her inadequately prepared for the reality of a proper spanking.

  “Next time you’re late I’ll bare your backside and treat you to a long and painful paddling with my hairbrush. It will make what I’ve just done feel playful in comparison. Now get up, go into the living room and we’ll start again.”

  Lindsay got up on shaky legs and rubbed her tender bottom as she made her way out of his office. She stood in the center of his living room, sniffling and wiping away her tears as she waited for him. She was ashamed at her very vocal reaction to her spanking and was genuinely disappointed she’d angered him. She wished she could go back 15 minutes and start again. This time she would definitely have no hesitation in knocking on his door as soon as she arrived.

  Her first instinct when he took her across his knee had been to quickly get out of the house and never return. Now she felt ashamed of herself and desperately wanted to make him see that she wasn’t some stupid, immature young woman who showed no regard for anyone else. She fidgeted as she waited for him to join her and wondered if he would still be angry.

  She immediately brightened up when he returned and smiled kindly, holding his hand out to her. She was relieved he wasn’t holding a grudge. “Good morning, I’m George West. You must be Lindsay Jeffries. I’m very pleased to meet you.”

  Lindsay grasped his hand and shook it firmly, nodding as she replied “pleased to meet you too Sir”. She wasn’t quite sure where the “Sir” had come from, but it seemed appropriate and very respectful.

  Lindsay blinked back tears as she tried to put her spanking out of her mind. She’d been very nervous about being spanked by George and she guessed at least it was now out of the way. At least her boss had been wrong about one thing. George had not bared her bottom, which was a very small bonus as the agonizing sting in her buttocks was difficult to ignore and having her clothing in place did not seem to have protected her bottom from the sting of his hand at all – nor did she feel any less humiliated.

  “I’m sorry Sir. I did arrive early but I was so nervous I was afraid to get out of my car. I’m really sorry I made you angry.”

  George smiled. “Don’t worry. I was watching you out of the window. I could see you were nervous. I thought it might help to get the spanking out of the way immediately as I guessed that was the reason for your reluctance to come in. I assume everyone who comes here knows of my methods. All clients come by recommendation from others on my plan. I see Emma Jones recommended me to you, so you were definitely in no doubt you would be spanked for bad behavior.”

  Lindsay blushed as he guided her to the sofa and invited her to sit down while he went to make coffee. She sat cautiously and was pleased that the soft cushions didn’t aggravate her burning bottom. She gratefully accepted a tissue from him to dry her eyes and slowly began to relax. He was so warm and friendly and she felt slightly guilty that she was secretly investigating him.

  He returned with coffee and sat beside her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. He smiled warmly as he talked about his background in finance and how he’d set up as a debt management counselor. Lindsay listened with interest and found herself quickly liking him.

  “Lindsay, I am happy to help you sort out your finances and find the best solution for you, but as you’ve already experienced I do believe in discipline. Is that going to be a problem?”

  Lindsay blushed. “No Sir.”

  “Good. I use spanking for punishment and also for motivation. You would have received your first spanking at the end of our session today, as punishment for getting yourself into debt and to motivate you to put things right. This would also help you decide whether you could handle my slightly different methods. Unfortunately for you, you’re going to be spanked twice today. I’m sure when you leave you’ll be in no doubt what’s in store for you if you decide to accept my help. Do you have any questions?”

  Lindsay quickly and effortlessly went into reporter mode and fired off numerous questions about his debt management program. George answered each question concisely and to her satisfaction. She quickly decided that he might actually be able to help her and thought that for now it would be in her best interests to tell her boss that George hadn’t spanked her. When she’d got all the help she could from him, she would consider giving her boss the story he wanted, but for now she was curious enough to see if George’s methods could actually help her.

  “How much do I pay for your services?”

  “I’m financially solvent. I don’t need to charge for my services. I took early retirement three years ago, when I was 52, but I got bored. I do this to keep myself busy and to put my skills to good use. Seeing someone clear their debts and learn how to budget sensibly is payment enough for me. Every penny you give me comes off your debt. If you’ve nothing else to ask, we’re going to set up a budget now.”

  Lindsay had asked everything she could think of and nodded in agreement.

  “I expect you to stick to your budget. It will be sensible and will allow for all your necessary household bills. It will give you enough pocket money to have a social life, though it might be a bit less than you enjoy at the moment.”

  Lindsay blushed. She felt like a small child being given pocket money and wondered how much she’d get. She guessed it wouldn’t be enough to cover the frequent partying she was enjoying at the moment, but reluctantly acknowledged that was partly why she was so deeply in debt.

  “If you don’t stick to the budget we agree on, you will be spanked. Also any future spankings will be given on your bare bottom.” Color rose in Lindsay’s cheeks. It seemed Peter hadn’t been wrong after all.

  “I’ll help you as much as I can, but I won’t tolerate disobedience. If you let me – and more importantly yourself – down, I will simply take you across my knee, bare your bottom and spank you until you see sense.”

  Lindsay was sorely tempted to walk out immediately. She had the proof she needed for her boss. She clutched her handbag close to her, knowing her recorder was switched on and everything was captured on audio tape. It would save her from another humiliating spanking, but she knew she needed to give his methods a go. She was torn between helping herself out of debt and securing herself a promotion at work. For now she decided she would stick with George and see how things worked out.

  George went through all her paperwork and calculated her total debt to be just over £28,000. Lindsay was horrified that she owed so much. She didn’t even earn that much in a year. He listed all her essential outgoings, but as soon as he set her budget for clothing and nights out, Lindsay objected vehemently.

  “Lindsay,” sighed George. “You’re in so much debt because you spend more than you earn. You need to cut back drastically. You simply cannot continue the way you have been. I’m trying to help you.”

  Lindsay scowled and was shocked to find herself pulled out of her seat and turned quickly across his lap for the second time that morning. As he tugged her skirt up and grasped the waistband of her panties, Lindsay struggled frantically. “No, I’m sorry, please stop, I’ll be good. Please don’t,” she wailed, her legs kicking hard as she tried desperately to prevent her bottom from being bared.

  Lindsay shrieked when George landed a firm spank on the center of her bottom. “Calm down, naughty girl,” he ordered as he took a firm grip on her panties and briskly yanked them downwards, baring her bottom.

  Lindsay gasped as she felt the cool air on her bare flesh. She’d never felt so utterly humiliated and squirmed desperately. George placed his hand on her bare bottom and patted it gently.

  “Please, let me keep my panties on,” begged Lindsay, squeezing her eyes tightly shut as she struggled to accept the humiliation of being bare bottomed across a man’s lap.

  “Lindsay, for a spanking to have a positive effect on a young lady’s behavior, it must always be given on her bare bottom, preferably with her held in position across his lap. Remember, young lady, it is your poor attitude that has led to you finding yourself bare bottomed across my lap, ready to be spanked soundly.”

  As he reminded her why she was in her current position, Lindsay renewed her struggles. She knew it was futile, but she couldn’t just lie quietly and accept it. It wasn’t in her nature.

  “You should be ashamed of yourself, young lady. Thirty four years old and behaving like a naughty little girl who needs to have her bottom bared and spanked. How do you feel lying across my lap with your bottom bare, knowing you’re about to be spanked very soundly?”

  Lindsay kicked her legs and screamed. “Let me go. You’ve had your fun. Now let me go,” she pleaded, feeling more and more exposed the longer she lay across his lap. She almost wished he would spank her and get it over with so she could remove herself from her mortifying position across his lap.

  George chuckled as he once more patted her bottom. “Let’s get this nasty business out of the way and then we can talk. Such a naughty little girl, across my lap with her bottom bare yet still she misbehaves. Let’s see how you react to a sound spanking on your bare bottom. I’m sure you realize this is going to sting so much more without your panties to protect you.”

  Lindsay cringed with embarrassment at his words. She wished he would stop reminding her that her bottom was bare, she was across his lap and she was about to be spanked. He was treating her like she was a naughty child who had misbehaved and she felt utterly humiliated. As he patted her bottom more firmly, she trembled with fear.

  George’s hand finally cracked down hard on her bottom and Lindsay wailed. She wouldn’t have believed it was possible but it hurt so much more on her bare flesh. It was also more embarrassing. It was bad enough being spanked, but knowing he could see her bare bottom was mortifying. She blushed as she was unable to stay still and kicked and cried like a little girl as his hand repeatedly smacked her bare flesh. Lindsay sobbed loudly as his sharp smacks stung immensely. When he asked if she was ready to look at her budget sensibly, she whimpered “yes Sir”. George gave her a few more sharp smacks before eventually releasing her.

  Lindsay was sobbing as George helped her up. “Go and stand in the corner until you’ve calmed down, young lady,” he ordered, putting his arm around her and leading her across the room. George turned her to face the corner and put her hands on her head, tucking her skirt into her waistband and pulling her panties down to her knees. Lindsay sobbed louder as she felt utterly humiliated. George gave her another sharp smack, causing her to whimper, before he walked away and left her to her pitiful sobbing. She could think of nothing but the stinging pain in her buttocks and the humiliation of standing in the corner with her red bottom on display to the man who had chastised her so firmly yet effectively. Lindsay was certainly ready to listen to whatever he had to say now.

  After several minutes of feeling sorry for herself, Lindsay finally calmed down. She couldn’t believe she was still standing in the corner with her well spanked bottom on display. It was simply awful.

  “Lindsay, are you ready to do your budget properly now?”

  Lindsay wiped away her tears. “Yes Sir.”

  Lindsay cringed as George’s hand gently rubbed her bare bottom before tugging her panties up over her throbbing backside. He straightened her clothing, turned her to face him and led her back to the table.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had to spank anyone this much during their first session. Y
ou’re such a naughty girl.”

  Lindsay swallowed hard and looked down at the budget he’d prepared. She guessed it was pretty fair, she could still have a social life and treat herself occasionally, and she would be paying considerably less off her debts than the companies demanded at the moment. It would also mean no more getting cash on credit cards to pay her bills, which was escalating her debt each month.

  “Will my creditors accept reduced payments?”

  George nodded. “This is a similar budget to most I’ve prepared. I’ve never had any company refuse to accept the proposed payments and I’m currently working successfully with all of your creditors. I’ll speak to them before our next meeting and hopefully we’ll be able to set the wheels in motion.

  “You will still get some correspondence from your creditors, which I expect you to open. If I find you have any more unopened mail, I’ll spank you until you can’t sit down. Ignoring your problems will not make them go away.”

  Lindsay squirmed nervously as his tone became sterner. She wasn’t in a hurry to be spanked again and vowed she would open every letter she received in the future.

  Lindsay reluctantly agreed to her budget, despite her inner objections. She wanted more pocket money but as she squirmed in her seat, she knew that raising her objections would only result in another spanking so she sensibly kept her mouth shut.

  George set up her next appointment for the following week, giving him time to speak to her creditors and hopefully agree payments with them. He also got her to sign a form giving him permission to deal with her creditors on her behalf. Finally he had her sign a form to say she accepted corporal punishment from George when necessary. She flushed as she added her signature where indicated, squirming in her seat as she did so.


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