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Financial Discipline

Page 3

by Carole Archer

  “I expect you to stick to your budget and I want you to keep a written record of everything you spend. If you go one penny over budget you’ll be going straight over my knee. I promise I will introduce your bare bottom to a heavy wooden hairbrush if you make that necessary.”

  Lindsay shuddered at his words and promised she wouldn’t make that course of action necessary. She got up to leave and was disheartened when he guided her back across his lap. She hoped he’d forgotten about spanking her again.

  As George raised her skirt and lowered her panties, Lindsay started to cry. Her bottom was stinging and she couldn’t bear another spanking. George wasn’t swayed at all by her tears and spanked her bottom soundly as she sobbed, reminding her it was her own silly spending that had got her into so much debt and she deserved to be punished.

  At one point Lindsay managed to reach back and cover her bottom with her hand, but George simply smacked her thighs instead. The smacks to her thighs were even more painful and she sobbed loudly as he continued to spank all the way down to her knees. She kicked her legs more frantically and her sobs turned into wails of real distress as she begged him to stop. When he finally stopped spanking her thighs, they stung as painfully as her bottom.

  He turned his attention back to her bottom, landing crisp smacks to the reddened buttocks perched across his lap, which quivered enticingly as she sobbed. When George finally stopped spanking her and rubbed her bottom and thighs gently, Lindsay was determined she would stick to her budget. She swore she wouldn’t let George down.

  As George helped her to her feet, Lindsay turned to face him. “I promise I’ll be a good girl. You won’t need to spank me again Sir.”

  George smiled as he took her in his arms. “I know it hurts, but let that be a reminder when you’re tempted to overspend. Remember that any overspending will result in a spanking even more painful than the one you’ve just experienced.”

  Lindsay looked at him, her eyes filled with terror. Her bottom was stinging, but her thighs were unbearably painful. She couldn’t imagine pain worse than that.

  George led her to the door and out to her car. As she eased herself carefully into her seat, she winced as her sore thighs and bottom touched the leather seat. Her skirt was short and her bare thighs pressed against the cool surface. She shuffled around and the stinging in her bottom and thighs caused her to whimper.

  “I’ll see you the same time next week Lindsay. Be a good girl otherwise you’ll be having another uncomfortable drive home.”

  Lindsay blushed and put her key in the ignition.

  “Lindsay, you might want to go home and change your skirt before you go anywhere else.”

  Lindsay blushed as she realized she’d just walked down his path and into the street, displaying what she could only imagine were very red legs. She nodded and drove away quickly before he could embarrass her further.

  Lindsay was pleased he’d suggested she change her skirt as it had been her intention to go straight to work and tell her boss she’d seen George but he hadn’t spanked her and she wanted to give his plan a try. Her lies would have been quickly exposed when she turned her back on her boss and he saw her well spanked thighs. She cringed as she imagined how he would react; it would certainly ruin any chance she had of promotion.

  Lindsay arrived home and headed to her bedroom. She stripped down to her underwear and turned her back to her full length mirror. She gasped at the mottled red of her thighs. She lowered her panties and saw her bottom was in the same condition. It was still hot to the touch and she threw herself face down on her bed and sobbed as she massaged her stinging bottom and thighs.

  After several minutes of crying, Lindsay went to the bathroom where she washed her face and reapplied her make-up to try and conceal her swollen eyes. She spotted some after sun lotion on her shelf and applied a large amount to her bottom and thighs. She breathed a sigh of relief as it eased the burning sensation slightly. She then selected trousers and a shirt from her wardrobe, got dressed and headed to work.

  As Lindsay drove to her office she thought about George. She reflected on her debt and how many sleepless nights she’d had because of her inability to keep up with repayments. She also thought about the possibility of promotion at work. She pulled the car over, took out her recorder and pressed play. She blushed as she listened to her first very sound spanking. She cringed as she heard the fuss she made and was embarrassed by how pathetically she begged him to stop.

  She’d be embarrassed for her boss to hear this, but worse than that she knew that as soon as she turned the tape over to him her sessions with George would stop. She was in turmoil and unsure what to do. Closing her eyes she focused on the pain in her bottom and how humiliating being spanked had been, especially by someone as handsome as George. She wondered if it would be easier being spanked by him if she wasn’t attracted to him.

  Lindsay then considered the extra salary that would come with promotion. She’d told George she might be promoted and he’d said that if she didn’t curb her spending she’d simply get deeper into debt and a pay rise wouldn’t make things any easier. She sighed as she realized what she had to do.

  When she arrived at work, Lindsay headed towards Peter’s office and was pleased to find his door open and Sara not around. She knocked on her boss’ door and walked in, closing the door behind her. Peter smiled as he looked up and she tried to walk as normally as possible, despite the sting in her bottom and thighs that seemed to be making her walk slightly awkwardly.

  She shook her head when he asked her to take a seat, forcing a smile. “This won’t take long. I went to see George this morning. He’s a nice man, very helpful, and he went through all my bills with me and set out this budget for me to follow.” She handed Peter her budget.

  “He really seems to know what he’s doing. I had to sign my consent for him to deal with my creditors and he’s going to contact them with a proposed payment plan. He gave me really good advice and I believe he’s offering a legitimate service. If he turns out to be genuine, I might even stick with it.” Lindsay blushed as she declined to tell him what else she’d had to sign.

  Peter nodded and smiled. “That would be the best scenario, if he really is on the level and can help you sort your finances out. So what about spanking? Am I to assume he didn’t spank your bottom today?”

  Lindsay blushed and looked away. She couldn’t bear to admit to her boss what had happened. She also didn’t like to have to lie to him. Taking a deep breath she avoided his gaze as she replied. “No. He didn’t. I really believe Mrs. Jones was lying, to try and blacken his reputation.”

  She glanced at Peter whose eyes seemed to bore into her, as if he knew the truth. She shook her head. There was no way he could know. Unconsciously she reached back and rubbed her bottom. It still stung and she desperately wanted to lie down on her bed and cry herself to sleep.

  She was supposed to be going out with friends tonight but she didn’t feel up to it and didn’t want to blow all of her budget the first day. There was no doubt in her mind that George would be good to his word and take a hairbrush to her bare bottom if she overspent. She shuddered as she remembered how much his hand hurt and how humiliating it was to have her bottom bared by him.

  She felt guilty lying to her boss, but she was sure he would understand if he ever found out, though she couldn’t imagine how he ever would.

  “Lindsay, are you sure you’re OK? You’re very pale. Sit down.”

  Peter put his arm around her and led her to a chair, pushing her down onto it. She tried to resist but found her sore bottom connecting hard with the seat. She yelped and her boss looked at her with concern.

  “Lindsay, is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Lindsay felt her cheeks burning. “No. You just startled me. George didn’t spank me. I’d tell you if he did. I want that promotion and if I had the story you want I’d give it to you.”

  She looked up at him and was horrified to feel her eyes filling with tear
s. She spoke quickly, desperately trying to keep her tears in check. “He just made me realize how wasteful I’ve been. I’m permanently overdrawn and I’m living well beyond my means. I didn’t realize how bad my debt is. I’d never actually added up how much I owe and it’s just so scary to see the figures down there in black and white.”

  Lindsay was relieved when her boss nodded and put his arm around her shoulders. “I’m sorry for pushing you. I sincerely hope George can help you. I didn’t mean to upset you. Get yourself off home, have a warm bath and take a good long look at this.”

  Peter handed Lindsay back her new budget. She accepted it from him and immediately started to cry. He wrapped his arms around her and comforted her as she sobbed uncontrollably as she clung to him.

  Lindsay cried because her bottom hurt, because of the level of debt she was in and because she was embarrassed that she’d been spanked by George. She also cried because she felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for lying to her boss. She felt that if the truth came out she would never get the promotion she desired, but accepting George’s help seemed more important than anything right now.

  Eventually Lindsay calmed down and her boss stood her in front of him and gently wiped her tears away. “Go on, get yourself home. You’ll feel better once your debt management plan is accepted by your creditors and you start to slowly see your debt decrease. If you learn how to budget properly, when you get your promotion, as I’m sure you will, you’ll be able to handle the extra money it brings. See you tomorrow Lindsay.”

  Lindsay looked up at Peter and smiled. Maybe she didn’t have to worry about entrapping George. Maybe she could accept his help, tell her boss there was no story, clear her debt and still get her promotion.

  As she turned to leave, Peter stopped her. “Just do me one favor Lindsay. I do want you to stick to your budget, but I want you to lie to George and tell him you overspent, see how he reacts. See if that goads him into spanking you. If it doesn’t, I guess there’s no story to be had.”

  Lindsay blushed. It seemed whatever she did she was going to be spanked again. In fact George would probably use a hairbrush, which absolutely terrified her. She reluctantly nodded at Peter.

  As Lindsay left the office, still walking awkwardly as her bottom and thighs stung with every step she took, she smiled brightly. Meeting George West was hopefully going to be the best thing that had ever happened to her.

  Chapter Three

  A WEEK later Lindsay returned to see George. She again sat outside in her car, but this week she had good reason to be hesitant.

  Lindsay held two budget sheets in her hands and considered each carefully. Over the last week she’d filled one in correctly - and felt a strange sense of pride in sticking to her budget. She also felt so much better as she’d been getting to bed early instead of partying most nights. She’d restricted herself to one night out, at the weekend when she wasn’t working, and she was also happier as she hadn’t been so stressed about her finances.

  Lindsay then looked at the alternative budget sheet where she claimed to have had another couple of nights out, resulting in overspending £100. She felt bad because it wasn’t true, but she felt some loyalty towards her boss and believed that if she followed his orders she could truthfully tell him she’d tried. She knew George would spank her if she showed him this budget sheet, but that would just mean her telling Peter another white lie and saying that George had not retaliated by spanking her.

  Taking a deep breath, she reluctantly dropped the true budget onto the passenger seat and got out of the car. She thought of the tin at home holding the £100 she’d supposedly wasted. She knew she couldn’t really spend it and simply needed to give the illusion of having overspent.

  She was trying to make George believe she hadn’t stuck to her budget to see if he would spank her. That was ridiculous because she knew the minute she showed him that sheet she’d be howling in agony as he spanked her bare bottom, probably with a hairbrush.

  She sighed as her boss had set this up as a test to see if George spanked his clients. Lindsay already had very painful first-hand knowledge that he did, but she couldn’t tell her boss for fear of losing George’s help. She was in turmoil as she tried to decide which lie would prove to be the least painful for her.

  Taking a deep breath she headed towards George’s house. She felt thoroughly miserable as she knocked on his front door. The door swung open almost immediately and George looked at his watch. “You’re on time today, only just. Let’s see if we can get through a session without you needing to go across my knee. Come through to my office please.”

  George headed towards his office and Lindsay reluctantly followed. She desperately wanted to tell him the truth. She didn’t want to be spanked and for reasons she couldn’t quite explain she really wanted George to be pleased with her. She wanted him to be proud - as she was - that she’d taken his advice and successfully followed his budget for a whole week.

  Lindsay followed George through the living room and into his office. Maybe George would be proud of her in the future, but for today she knew that her duty was to placate her boss.

  Sitting down in the chair opposite George’s desk, Lindsay gripped her budget sheet tightly. She knew the minute she handed it over she’d get a sore bottom and she wanted to delay that for as long as possible. She was pleased when George produced a sheaf of papers and started to go through them.

  Lindsay couldn’t conceal her delight when he told her all payment offers had been accepted and he’d prepared a Direct Debit mandate for her to sign, which stated she would give George a previously agreed portion of her salary each month to distribute among her creditors. The payment would come out a couple of days before their next meeting.

  “I’ll meet with you once a week initially, to keep an eye on you. You should have no problems with the budget we’ve set, but if any household expenses change you must let me know immediately so we can amend your plan. Likewise, if you get any extra income you must tell me as your creditors need to take priority.”

  Lindsay scowled. Surely any extra money she earned should be used to top up her frugal allowance, but she guessed George knew what he was talking about and she comforted herself with the fact that one day she’d be debt free and would be grateful for the sacrifices she’d made.

  “Come on then Lindsay. Let’s see how you’ve managed with your first week of budgeting. As you had no overdraft left and we’ve cut up all your credit cards, I can’t see how you could have failed to stick to it.”

  Lindsay’s eyes filled with tears, which dripped onto the desk as she leaned forward and handed George her budget. Her eyes widened as his stern voice addressed her. “Where on earth did you manage to get this extra money from to fund these nights out?”

  Lindsay blushed and went into her handbag, taking out her purse and removing a credit card which she held out to him.

  George snatched it from her. “You’re not able to get any more credit. All your cards have been frozen and you’re effectively blacklisted.”

  Lindsay covered her face with her hands and wept, until she felt herself being pulled from the chair and shaken hard. “Lindsay, answer me. How did you get this?”

  “I’m sorry Sir,” Lindsay sobbed. “I didn’t tell you about this card. It was a new one I’d just applied for before I came to see you. I’d never used it before and all I’ve taken from it is that £100. I’m so very sorry Sir.”

  “You’re going to be a lot sorrier in a minute, young lady. I can’t believe you’ve done something so stupid. I expect there to be slight teething troubles at first as you accept the limitations of your new budget. I expect to have to give you a few sound spankings. Never have I come across such a foolish young lady. I do believe I’m wasting my time if this is how you’re going to behave.”

  George turned away from her and Lindsay suddenly felt sick. She couldn’t let this happen. Clutching at his sleeve, she begged him to give her another chance. As he turned to face her, his expressio
n was grim. Lindsay swallowed hard as tears streamed down her face.

  “I’m sorry Sir. I didn’t really spend that money. It’s in a tin at home. I just wanted to see what you’d do if I pretended to overspend.”

  George’s eyes widened. “What?”

  Lindsay was trembling now and wiping away the tears that rolled down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry Sir. I thought you’d increase my personal spending budget if I persuaded you it wasn’t enough.” She thought quickly and was satisfied with her explanation. However, George didn’t appear to be.

  “I am so angry with you right now. I’m tempted to turn you away and let you seek help elsewhere.”

  Lindsay’s sobbing increased and he took a firm hold of her arms and shook her hard. “Lindsay, look at me.”

  She glanced up at him through her tear-filled eyes and felt really guilty. As he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, she clung to him and sobbed. “I promise I’ll do better. Please give me another chance,” she begged.

  When Lindsay’s throat was sore from crying and pleading and her tears had finally stopped, George led her into the living room and sat her down. “Calm down Lindsay. I’ll get us a coffee. I think we need to have a little chat.”

  Lindsay felt very foolish for letting her lies cause her so much trouble. She desperately wished she could be honest with George, but she couldn’t tell him that she was a reporter and why she’d been sent to see him. She also couldn’t tell Peter the truth because she desperately needed George’s help.

  When George came through with mugs of coffee, Lindsay was a little calmer. As he sat down beside her she gratefully sipped the hot drink. “I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll cut that card up and never use it again.”

  “Lindsay, I have no other clients today so I want you to finish your coffee, go home, get that money, go to the bank and pay it back onto the card, bring the card and receipt back here at which time you’ll be punished.”


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