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Financial Discipline

Page 12

by Carole Archer

  He pulled Lindsay towards him and she blushed as he tugged her pajama bottoms to her knees, followed by her panties. She gasped as he pulled her towards him and guided her across his lap. She thought he was going to spank her and she lay still, thinking it would be over quickly if she was obedient.

  She squirmed impatiently as he fiddled around in his bag and she assumed he was retrieving an implement to spank her with. She was shocked when one hand roughly parted her bottom cheeks and his greased finger pushed into her bottom and probed her. Smiling, she parted her legs. Maybe a bit of afternoon fun was just what the doctor ordered.

  Lindsay squirmed uncomfortably as his finger was replaced with something else, something hard, very thin and quite long. She tried to get up but a hard smack persuaded her to stay where she was. “Hold still. I’m taking your temperature.”

  Lindsay blushed crimson. His cock, finger or even a dildo up her bottom she could handle. They made her feel good and any embarrassment was outweighed by the pleasure she got from those things, but having a thermometer pushed up her bottom was humiliating. She hadn’t had her temperature taken this way since she was a small child staying with her aunt and uncle.

  She blushed as she remembered the painful spanking she’d received from her uncle when she’d tried to stop him pushing the rectal thermometer into her bottom. He’d told her it was for her own good, but it had taken a very painful spanking before she’d sobbingly agreed to co-operate.

  Lindsay sighed as Scott twirled the thermometer inside her bottom. She was beyond humiliated and hoped he would let her up soon. They both knew she didn’t have a temperature. They both knew she wasn’t ill. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone?

  She was even willing to go back to work if necessary, anything to stop the embarrassment he was causing her. She breathed a sigh of relief when eventually he pulled the thermometer out, but was disappointed when she tried to get up and he clamped an arm firmly around her waist.

  “Nothing wrong with your temperature, but I’ve got something that should do the trick. It might just put a stop to your frequent temper tantrums and sulking.” Lindsay chewed her lower lip nervously. She was almost certain he was going to spank her now, but was yet again surprised when he once more pushed something hard and thin into her bottom which she was almost certain was a thermometer, but this one felt like it had ridges along the length of it.

  She pouted, unsure why he would need to take her temperature again when he’d confirmed it was fine. He was obviously trying to humiliate her thoroughly and she bit her lip, determined not to rise to the bait and react. She wasn’t about to give him a reason to spank her.

  “I’m not sure why you’re so grumpy, but you can’t go taking time off work because you’re in a sulk. If you’re attracted to George so much and it’s making you this miserable, you need to talk to him. Sara said you’re becoming unbearable at work, snapping everyone’s heads off. Peter’s very close to taking you across his knee, but even he’s concerned that there's something seriously wrong and maybe spanking you won’t fix it.”

  Lindsay tutted loudly and sighed. “There's nothing wrong with me. I just have a stomach ache. That’s why I’ve come home. I’m not sulking. I’m not having a tantrum. And Peter is most definitely not going to spank me. Just leave me the hell alone and let me go back to bed.”

  Scott patted her bottom gently. “Good girl. If you have a stomach ache, that could be part of the problem. No wonder you’re feeling so grouchy. Don’t worry, we’ll soon have you sorted out and feeling much better.”

  Lindsay panicked and tried to push herself up. She didn’t have a stomach ache. She was willing to admit to anything to get rid of Scott but it wasn’t working. There was nothing medically wrong with her and she was growing increasingly concerned as to how Scott intended to remedy the problem he imagined she had.

  “Why are you taking my temperature again?” she asked, her voice trembling with fear.

  Scott again patted her bottom. “This isn’t a thermometer, Lindsay. It’s an enema. No wonder you’re so grumpy if you have tummy ache. You’re probably constipated. I’m sure that once this has cleaned you out you’ll be feeling much better.”

  Lindsay became frantic and tried to push herself up. She’d never had an enema but she knew what one was and she didn’t want or need one. She also suspected that Scott knew she didn’t really need one and was simply punishing her for being so badly behaved.

  She looked over her shoulder and was confused as there was no enema equipment around. A friend at school had regularly received enemas and she’d once showed Lindsay the large bag that was filled with warm soapy water, which was then pumped into her bowels before she was allowed to go to the toilet and expel the soapy solution.

  “No, that isn’t an enema. I know what one looks like. What is it?” she demanded, her fear causing her voice to tremble.

  Scott stroked her bottom gently. “This is just a small, disposable enema kit. The solution’s in this little syringe which I’ve inserted into your bottom. I just need to push the plunger to empty the contents into you. You can hold it for ten minutes then you can go to the toilet, see if a good clean out makes you feel any better. Hopefully it will. We might as well get on with it.”

  Lindsay gasped as Scott pressed the plunger, squirting a cool jet of water into her bottom. She squirmed uncomfortably and tried to get up. “Hold still, I want you to lie quietly while it takes effect. If you’re going to be awkward I can always spank you, but I promise it’ll more difficult to hold onto the solution. If you spill one single drop I’ll give you a large enema which will fill you uncomfortably. If you make that action necessary you’ll stand in the corner and retain it for an hour.”

  Lindsay shuddered as he pulled the syringe out of her bottom and dropped it to the floor. Her friend had told her how difficult it was to hold onto a large enema for only five or ten minutes. What Scott had given her wasn’t too bad. She was aware there was liquid inside her and she had a strange urge to push it out, but it wasn’t too difficult to hold onto.

  She settled down across his lap and squeezed her eyes shut, praying he’d let her up soon. She didn’t want to be spanked and she didn’t want a large enema, so for the moment she vowed she’d be a good girl.

  Lindsay sighed contentedly as he gently rubbed her back and bottom. She’d felt so stressed and she was now rapidly calming down, but suddenly her eyes widened and she tried to push herself up as her bowels churned. “Please Scott, I need to go now.” She looked over her shoulder at him as she felt a sudden urge to go to the toilet. She was terrified she might have an accident if she didn't go immediately.

  Scott gripped her tightly around the waist and continued to caress her gently. “Calm down Lindsay. You need to hold it a little longer yet.”

  “Oh my God, I can’t. I’m going to have an accident. Please.”

  Lindsay was desperate as Scott rubbed her squirming bottom. She gasped as he thrust a finger between her tightly clenched buttocks and pushed it up deep into her anus, effectively plugging her. She was sweating as she squirmed across his lap and her stomach churned uncomfortably. The pressure inside her was immense and she clenched her fists as she held her breath, desperately trying not to lose control.

  As the urgency eased off and she relaxed slightly, she gasped as he pushed a second finger into her tight bottom hole.

  As the urge became more desperate once more and she again begged to go to the toilet, Scott told her she only needed to wait two more minutes. Those two minutes felt like the longest minutes of her life as she began to sweat and squirm in desperation. As Scott finally helped her to her feet, she was mortified when he walked to the bathroom with her, his fingers still firmly seated in her bottom hole.

  As she reached the toilet and he slowly pulled his fingers out, she spun round and sat down hard on the toilet seat. Looking up at him she blushed and crossed her legs, desperately trying to hold on until he left. She looked pleadingly at him and was relieved w
hen he shrugged his shoulders and left her to expel the enema in private.

  Although Scott had given her some privacy, Lindsay blushed as it took several long minutes to feel completely empty. Once she was certain she’d finished, she cleaned herself up and reluctantly joined Scott in her living room. She blushed deeply as he asked her if she felt better. She nodded but couldn’t look at him. She was quite surprised to realize she actually did feel better.

  “I’m going to leave in a minute, but first I’m going to spank your bottom. Go and fetch your hairbrush and come here.”

  Lindsay stared at him in stunned silence. She was still trying to come to terms with the fact that he’d not only taken her temperature rectally, but had also administered an enema into her bottom and waited in her flat while she expelled it. She just wanted to go and hide away and couldn’t believe he intended to spank her too.

  “Lindsay, if I have to fetch it myself you’ll be sorry.”

  Swallowing nervously, Lindsay headed to her bedroom. She went to her bedside table and picked up her hairbrush and stood in the center of her room, turning the brush over in her hands.

  A door slamming behind her stunned her and she turned to see Scott standing in the doorway looking very angry. He marched towards her, grabbed her wrist and snatched the hairbrush from her before sitting on the edge of the bed and hauling her across his lap. The hairbrush cracked down on the seat of her tightly-stretched pajama bottoms and she howled in agony. Scott held her firmly as the hairbrush bounced repeatedly off her bottom as she kicked her legs and flailed her arms around, howling in pain.

  As suddenly as her spanking started, it stopped. Scott pulled her to feet and looked at her angrily. She gasped when he dragged her pajama bottoms and panties down around her knees and hauled her back across his lap. She barely had time to breathe before the hairbrush was once more bouncing off her already stinging buttocks, but the pain was much more intense on her bare bottom and she wailed in agony and begged him to stop.

  Despite her struggles, Scott held her firmly and the pace of her spanking didn’t slow down. If anything he spanked her bottom harder and faster. Lindsay thought about George and how she wished he was the one spanking her. This thought was her undoing and she collapsed across Scott’s lap and sobbed loudly as her body jerked in response to the sharp smacks that had turned her bottom crimson.

  Scott immediately stopped spanking, helped her to her feet and pulled her panties over her swollen bottom. She whimpered as he helped her into bed and pulled the covers over her.

  “If I hear you haven’t gone to work tomorrow I’ll come back and we’ll do the same again, only this time I’ll bring my bath brush and you’ll receive a very sound spanking while you hold your enema. I promise you wouldn’t like that. Now I want you to think about your behavior and about why you’re lying in bed in the middle of the day with a sore bottom.”

  Scott kissed her gently on the cheek, turned and closed the door, leaving Lindsay alone to roll onto her tummy and sob as she massaged her burning bottom cheeks.

  After she’d cried all the tears she could, Lindsay reached into her bedside drawer and took out her Dictaphone. She went to the folder where she’d stored the recording of her first meeting with George. She pressed play and lay back on the bed and listened. She stripped naked and her fingers teased her clit as she listened to the fuss she made as George spanked her for the very first time.

  She winced at the sound of the sharp smacks and her cries of pain, but she became further aroused and her fingers easily slipped into her warm, wet pussy. She’d been unwilling to delete the recording and she was pleased now that she hadn’t as listening to his firm voice brought her closer to orgasm. She massaged her sore bottom cheeks and imagined George had caused the pain that made her squirm right now.

  She cried out and arched her hips as her orgasm flooded through her, and as she lay back on the bed she wrapped her arms around herself as she started to tremble and sob. The sounds of a painful spanking filled the room and she rolled onto her stomach, thrusting her bottom out and sobbing as she imagined George’s hand cracking down on her bared and reddened buttocks. She closed her eyes as her fingers once more found her clitoris and she imagined George spanking her hard and scolding her for being so badly behaved.

  She imagined him calling her a naughty girl as he stopped spanking her and thrust his hard cock into her bottom, filling her uncomfortably. She thrust her fingers into her pussy and her muscles tightened around them as she orgasmed again before falling into a peaceful sleep where she dreamed of George making love to her and kneading her punished buttocks. She desperately wished that her dreams would one day become reality.

  Chapter Eleven

  LINDSAY somehow managed to get herself through the next week, though her mind was constantly on George and her fantasies of what might happen when she saw him again.

  She returned to work the day after Scott punished her, not at all relishing the idea of a second enema or a spanking with the dreaded bath brush. She hadn’t liked her punishment from him one little bit and she had no desire to repeat it. She didn’t doubt for one second that his promise to punish her again was no idle threat.

  She’d been reluctant to face Sara, knowing that Scott would have filled her in on the details of Lindsay’s most humiliating punishment to date, but she’d found Sara to be very sympathetic and understanding, having undergone similar punishments herself.

  Lindsay had been relieved when they’d gone for lunch the next day and Sara had admitted that Scott gave her enemas if she ever tried to feign illness or was particularly badly behaved. She said she knew exactly what torments Lindsay had gone through and how she felt.

  Lindsay felt slightly less embarrassed about her own ordeal when Sara confided in her that she had to be naked for her enemas and was forced to kneel down on the bathroom floor with her bottom in the air. Lindsay couldn’t begin to imagine how humiliating that would be.

  Sara told her that after being made to wait for several long minutes, Scott would slowly lubricate her bottom, which was not at all pleasurable as she knew what was about to happen. He would then insert a large nozzle into her bottom before administering a massive soapy enema. She explained that she would be forced to retain this until Scott gave her permission to use the toilet.

  Lindsay couldn’t imagine how humiliating that would be, especially as Sara added that sometimes she would be left in her bottom up position on the bathroom floor but normally she had to stand in the corner.

  Sara admitted how difficult those large enemas were to hold onto and how embarrassing it was to have to expel the enema in front of her husband before he took her across his knee and as an ultimate humiliation wiped her bottom for her before spanking her with the bath brush. Lindsay cringed and was grateful that her punishment hadn’t been quite that bad, though it had been more than she could bear at the time.

  Lindsay no longer felt quite as embarrassed as she had, and felt an enormous amount of sympathy for her friend, but she still blushed when she thought about the utter mortification she felt when Scott had punished her in such a personal way. She vowed that she would never give him reason to punish her in such an intimate and humiliating way in the future.

  The week dragged for Lindsay as she was desperate to see George again, but finally the day of her next appointment arrived and she got up bright and early, showered, washed her hair and spent a long time getting her hair and make-up perfect.

  She went to her wardrobe and spent quite some time selecting the perfect outfit, trying on almost everything she owned before eventually deciding on a beautiful red silk dress that she’d bought during one of her spending sprees and never actually worn. She had considered buying a new outfit for today, but the thought of the punishment that would follow made her change her mind quickly. She wanted George to spank her, but she didn’t want to make him furious with her.

  Lindsay checked her appearance in her full length mirror and was thrilled with the way the dress cl
ung to her curves, almost molding itself to her buttocks. It was a little shorter than she’d normally wear and George had certainly never seen her wearing anything like this. One thing was for certain, he couldn’t fail to see her as a woman today!

  Lindsay had stuck to her budget all week and in her opinion she’d been as good as gold. Scott might not agree as he had punished her for staying home sick, but apart from that she had to admit her behavior had been exemplary.

  Lindsay took a deep breath and added some red high heels to her outfit before smiling in satisfaction at her reflection. She smiled all the way to George’s and when she arrived she climbed out of the car, brushing imaginary creases out of her snugly fitting dress.

  She walked confidently to his door and felt a warm glow when his mouth fell open in shock as he took in her appearance. There, he’s finally noticed you, she smugly thought.

  After stammering an incoherent greeting, George stepped aside and invited Lindsay into the house. She walked past him, swaying her hips and throwing her head back. She was momentarily stunned when his hand cracked down on her bottom and she whirled round to face him, eyes wide with shock.

  “If I find out you’ve wasted money on that scrap of fabric masquerading as a dress, I’ll tan your backside until it’s as red as that flimsy garment you’re wearing.” George raised his eyebrows as he waited for her to reply.

  Scowling, she told him: “I’ve had this for ages. I’ve never worn it. It was in the back of my wardrobe and I thought I’d wear it as it’s so pretty. I have not just bought it so you have no reason to beat me,” she snapped. Her plan to seduce him wasn’t working quite the way she planned and she was slightly irritated. He was supposed to take her in his arms and declare undying love for her, not spank her like a naughty little girl!


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