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Financial Discipline

Page 13

by Carole Archer

George’s laughter infuriated her even more. “Beat you? Lindsay, when have I ever beaten you? I give you a well-deserved spanking when you need one and if this attitude continues I can only assume you need me to take you across my knee, raise your dress – though I’m sure your dress would raise of its own accord if you bent over far enough – take your panties down and take a paddle firmly to your bare backside. Is that what you want, young lady?”

  Lindsay pouted and shook her head. She couldn’t believe how badly this was going. He was supposed to be stunned by her beauty, take her into his arms and tell her he’d fallen for her as much as she’d fallen for him, kiss her and take her to his bed – not threaten to bare her bottom and spank her like a badly behaved child!

  George motioned her towards the sofa. “Take a seat. I’ll get us some coffee.” Lindsay sat down as George headed towards the kitchen. She blinked back tears as she waited for him to return and wondered if this had been such a good idea after all.

  George walked into his kitchen and sighed deeply as he leaned against the cupboard for support. He closed his eyes as he willed his hard cock to settle down. He desperately wanted to go to the bathroom and masturbate, but that wasn’t really appropriate when Lindsay was sitting in the next room waiting for him. What was she thinking of wearing something like that? Didn’t she realize that he was very attracted to her and sometimes had trouble hiding his arousal? It was beyond cruelty for her to turn up dressed so provocatively?

  George’s cock stiffened painfully as he glanced towards the living room and observed Lindsay sitting patiently waiting for him. He rubbed his fingers against his temples, trying to relieve the tension headache that was throbbing behind his eyes.

  She’s a client, he told himself. It’s inappropriate to have these feelings for her. For God’s sake, she’s young enough to be your daughter!

  George shook his head as he realized he had no right to have feelings like this for a client, especially one as beautiful as Lindsay. He’d never had inappropriate feelings for a client, but had found himself drawn to Lindsay from the very first moment she walked into his life. He guessed that’s why he’d agreed to cover part of her first payment. If anyone else had pulled that stunt they’d have found themselves immediately asked to leave.

  George was startled as Lindsay crept up on him. “Sir, is there anything I can do to help? Are you OK?”

  George turned his back on her and silently admonished himself as he thought the only thing she could do to help him was get down on her knees and put those beautiful soft lips around his throbbing cock and suck hard. His erection was becoming increasingly painful and he longed to thrust his cock into her pussy that always seemed to glisten invitingly when he spanked her.

  “No,” he snapped, a little more harshly than he intended. Lindsay stepped back, as if he’d struck her, and walked slowly back to the living room, blinking back tears.

  George sighed as he busied himself making coffee. He wondered what on earth he should do. He should really send her to another debt management counselor, but he desperately wanted to help her achieve her goals. She was doing so well and he wanted to be with her every step of the way. He was so proud of her, but he’d find it totally impossible to be around her if she was going to start dressing like that. He found it hard enough to keep his hands to himself as it was.

  She’d think he was some kind of pervert if he had an erection every time they went through her budgets. He wondered if a workable solution would be to arrange all their future discussions by telephone. That might work. He would miss seeing her, but he could still help her and wouldn’t be totally giving up on her. He would miss spanking her, but she appeared to be doing all she could to avoid him spanking her anyway, which was a real shame as she had the most spankable bottom he’d ever seen.

  Trying to put his own desires out of his mind, he reasoned that as she was doing so well and didn’t seem to need the incentive of spanking to motivate her to stick to her budget, maybe he could simply do an annual review with her and tell her to get in touch in the meantime if and when she needed his help. He had to think of what was best for Lindsay and forget his silly infatuation with her. She was much too young and beautiful to be interested in him, that was for sure.

  George closed his eyes as he tried to get the vision of spanking her bare bottom out of his head. He’d spanked his partners in the past and it had been mutually enjoyable, but he’d never before been turned on when disciplining a client. This was something new to him. Spanking clients was a means to an end, designed to motivate them to stick to their budgets.

  In the majority of cases it was an effective punishment and he gained no sexual satisfaction from the act, but for some reason when he held Lindsay across his lap and spanked her bare buttocks, there was something about the way she squirmed and wiggled her bottom enticingly that made his cock harden uncomfortably. He found closing his eyes and imagining a less attractive client across his lap sometimes worked, but doing that made him feel guilty and he sometimes got so angry with himself that he would punish Lindsay harder to compensate. That wasn’t fair on her and it broke his heart when she sobbed and squirmed. He was so proud of her when she was clearly trying so hard to take her punishment well.

  Lindsay had been visibly turned on by a spanking on several occasions and it would have been so easy for him to take advantage of the situation and put his fingers between her spread thighs, tenderly caress the delights that lay there, but he was certain that later, when she wasn’t feeling quite so horny, she’d report him for abuse and he’d be struck off. Losing his business would be no financial loss to him, but he’d built up such a good reputation over the years and he truly enjoyed his work. He’d be devastated if his actions brought an end to what he could only label a very rewarding hobby.

  He loved helping the young ladies who came to him. He felt such a sense of pride when they successfully learned how to live by a budget and ultimately cleared their debts. He desperately wanted to be there for Lindsay when that day came for her.

  George took a deep breath and stepped into the archway that led into the living room. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he saw Lindsay standing with her back to him, scanning the contents of his bookshelf, bending forward to reach the bottom shelf and seemingly innocently exposing her tiny red lace panties to him.

  Closing his eyes and holding his breath, George stepped back into the kitchen. Collecting the coffee tray, he hoped Lindsay had sat back down otherwise he was in danger of dropping the tray and its contents all over the floor.

  As he re-entered the living room, he was pleased to see she was sitting down again, glancing through a book. He was grateful that she didn’t look up as he sat beside her and put the tray down as this gave him the opportunity to pick up his newspaper and hold it across his groin, covering the evidence of his arousal.

  Handing her a coffee, he felt guilty when he saw the hurt in her eyes. “Lindsay, I’m sorry I snapped at you. I’ve come to a decision and it hasn’t been easy. It’s made me a little irritable. I’ve decided to take a step back with my work and reduce my hours. I’ll still work with all my clients, but it’s unnecessary to see them every week. In your case, you’re managing fine with your budget and seemingly having no problems. I’m so proud of you. You no longer need to be turned across my knee for a sound spanking to motivate you. You’ve learned quicker than most, which I think proves my methods work. You’re definitely my star pupil and for that reason I’m going to suggest we meet once every three months to evaluate things, address any change in income or outgoings and adjust your budget and payments to creditors accordingly. What do you think?”

  George glanced away as Lindsay’s eyes filled with tears. He felt a bastard but he had to do this for his own sanity. He couldn’t bear to be around her so often and not be able to touch her and tell her how he felt about her. It was tearing him apart to keep trying to resist her.

  As she was simply staring at him, tears rolling down her cheeks, he tried to
persuade this was the best thing for her. “I’m sorry Lindsay. I know you’ve come to rely on our meetings, but you really are doing fine on your own. You don’t need me watching over your shoulder constantly. You have my phone number if you need to talk. If you’re finding things difficult you can always call me. If you need to see me we can make an appointment for you to come around. If you slip up, which I can’t see happening, I’ll be more than happy to take you across my knee, bare your bottom and give you a sound spanking until you see the error of your ways. I’ll still be here for you, but you really don’t need to see me every week. It’s essential for some young ladies who struggle to accept the changes a debt management plan brings to their lives, but you’re doing really well.”

  George smiled at her as she looked up at him, hoping she’d agree this was for the best. Hopefully then he could stop battling with his feelings every time she visited his home.

  As he looked into her tear-filled eyes, he fought a desperate urge to kiss her tears away and carry her to his bedroom where he’d like nothing more than to make love to her before turning her across his knee and spanking her bare bottom for tying his heart in knots.

  He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he was momentarily stunned when she slapped him hard across the face. He watched open mouthed as she pushed herself to her feet and stormed towards the door, wobbling slightly on her high heels.

  George sat in stunned silence, his hand rubbing his cheek, hardly able to believe she’d hit him so hard. He watched her bottom sway enticingly and was mesmerized for a moment. He was overwhelmed by the sudden desire to turn her across his knee and spank her bottom hard until she was sobbing. He would then like nothing more than to hold her in his arms as she cried and offer her comfort.

  As she reached the door she turned to face him, fire blazing in her eyes. “You bastard, you complete and utter bastard. I hate you. You can stick your stupid debt management plan up your arse. I hope I never see you again as long as I live.”

  He was stunned and shook his head in disbelief as she spat out her words of pure hatred. The tears continued to roll down her cheeks and she was visibly trembling. George wanted to get up and hold her, find out why she was reacting so badly to something he was only doing to protect her from the dirty old man he seemed to have become, but despite her vulnerable state his cock still stood to attention.

  “Lindsay, sit down, please. We can talk about this. What have I done to upset you?”

  Lindsay shook her head and glared at him. “I don’t need your help. I can manage without you. I don’t want to see you ever again. I hate you.”

  She sobbed and trembled as tears coursed down her cheeks. She finally turned her back on him and George watched in horror as she stepped through the door. Glancing over her shoulder at him with a look of utter contempt, Lindsay shook her head as she slammed the door behind her.

  George was utterly devastated. He wanted to go after her and take her in his arms. He wanted to hold her and kiss her tears away, tell her that he loved her, but he stayed in his seat, thankful that his painful erection had finally got the message and subsided.

  Putting his head in his hands, George wondered what the hell he was supposed to do now.

  Half an hour later, as George still sat in stunned silence, a tearful Lindsay threw herself face down on her bed and sobbed. Her body shook as she wailed pitifully. She loved George but he’d sent her away. She couldn’t ever face him again. He could stick his three-monthly meetings. He’d made it pretty clear that he had no interest in her whatsoever. Lindsay’s cries escalated in volume as she wished that George would take her across his knee and punish her for swearing at him and slapping him, but she sobbingly accepted that she would never again find herself in that position. That thought made her very sad and she cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  LINDSAY woke a couple of hours later and immediately started to cry as she remembered why she was in bed in the middle of the day. She’d never been so humiliated in all her life. She'd literally thrown herself at George and he might as well have kicked her out. At least she knew where she stood and that her feelings for him were not reciprocated, but that didn’t ease the sense of abandonment she felt.

  As she sobbed, she thought back to the moment she’d stormed out of his house. Immediately regretting her actions, she’d sat in her car outside, hoping he might follow her. After sitting there for several minutes, she’d wiped away her tears and started the car. It was quite obvious he didn’t care.

  She’d reluctantly headed towards home, relieved that she’d booked a day’s annual leave so she didn’t need to go to work. She couldn’t possibly face anyone after her humiliating experience. When she’d booked the day off work she’d planned to tell George how she felt and was almost certain they’d fall into each other’s arms and then into his bed where they’d spend the whole day together. She sobbed as she admonished herself for getting her hopes up, which George had quickly smashed into little pieces when he made it crystal clear he had no interest in her.

  She’d drove home in a daze and trudged into her flat, where she’d slammed the door behind her, kicked off her shoes and headed to the bathroom. She’d looked in the mirror at her tear-stained face and hated herself for being so weak and pathetic. Her make-up was ruined and she looked far from glamorous now. She’d scowled at her reflection before going to her bedroom, throwing herself on the bed and crying. So what the hell do I do now?

  As she was pondering this question, the doorbell interrupted her thoughts. She glanced towards the door but decided to ignore it as she didn't want anyone to see her in such a state.

  The doorbell rang again and she sighed as she stamped towards the door. Throwing it open she shouted “What?”

  She was stunned to see George standing there. She was humiliated by his rejection and because of this her words came out harsher than she intended. “What the hell do you want?” she angrily demanded. “Have you come to give me another kick in the teeth? Haven’t you hurt me enough for one day?”

  “Lindsay, we need to talk. Please let me in,” he pleaded.

  Sighing, she stepped back, glaring at him as he walked past her and into her small living room.

  Turning to face him, she scowled. “How did you find me? Did you follow me? There are laws against stalking people!”

  He shook his head and frowned. “No Lindsay. I have your address on your debt management file. I needed it to set up your plan and contact your creditors,” he reminded her.

  Lindsay took a deep breath and flushed scarlet. Now he would think she was stupid as well as unattractive. Of course he had her address on file.

  “Would you like coffee?” She didn’t feel like being hospitable, but she felt foolish for her behavior when she’d visited him earlier and she felt even more pathetic now.

  She desperately wanted to get as far away from him as possible and collect her thoughts. She regretted slapping him, but she wasn’t about to apologies. He’d hurt her feelings, but she felt she’d maybe been a bit hasty in ditching his help entirely. If only she’d thought her plan through a little longer. She couldn’t believe how badly she’d screwed things up.

  “Yes please, that would be nice.”

  Lindsay looked at him confused. “What?”

  “Yes please, I’d love a coffee.”

  Shaking her head as she remembered she’d offered him coffee, she scurried into the kitchen, grateful to put a little distance between them. She started to make coffee and looking at herself realized she should probably go and change her clothes. Her dress, which she thought looked fantastic this morning, now looked ridiculous. She turned to head to her bedroom and was surprised to find George standing right behind her.

  “I’m sorry for startling you,” he said, reaching out to brush his fingers over her cheeks, tracing under her eyes which were puffy from crying and stained with her ruined make-up. She tried to turn away, humiliated that he was seeing her in such a state. Please don
’t touch me, she thought, you’re making it worse. Please just leave and let me lick my wounds.

  True, he’d seen her in similar states as he’d comforted her after a sound spanking, but that was different. He expected her to cry when he gave her a well-deserved punishment. He must be completely perplexed over her current state.

  “Please,” she begged, as he grasped her by the shoulders, refusing to allow her to turn away. “Let me get changed. I look stupid. I’m an absolute idiot.” She was stunned when he shook his head and leaned towards her, his face close to hers.

  “No, please don’t. Please just go.” Lindsay was desperate for him to leave. She couldn’t bear being so close to him. She feared she would make a fool of herself again. She couldn’t stand the humiliation of being knocked back twice in one day. She closed her eyes so she didn’t have to see the lips that she longed to kiss so close to her own.

  “You look beautiful.” His words stunned her as his fingers again trailed tenderly across her cheeks and she opened her eyes. As he held her face in his hands and gazed into her eyes, he apologized sincerely. “Lindsay, I’m so sorry for what I’m about to do. You can slap me again if necessary but I have to do this. I’ll go crazy if I don’t.”

  She held her breath as he leaned closer and his lips touched hers. He kissed her softly and when she stood frozen in shock, he kissed her again, running a hand through her hair as he pulled her closer. “I’m sorry,” he said, releasing her and backing away. Lindsay stared at him, hardly able to breathe.

  “I should go. I’m sorry.” As he turned to leave Lindsay grabbed his hand. “No. I want you to stay,” she blurted out, not willing to let him escape. Maybe he was just being kind to save her feelings, but she’d take his sympathy right now. It was better than nothing.

  He turned to face her and this time she kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pressed her lips to his. The kiss became more passionate and she gasped as his hands reached down and cupped her buttocks.


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