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Financial Discipline

Page 14

by Carole Archer

  George broke away first, stepping back and holding her at arm’s length, looking at her and smiling. “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I was falling for you but it seemed unprofessional. I had to put some distance between us. I didn’t think you felt the same way.”

  Lindsay’s eyes widened. She could hardly dare to let herself believe that he had feelings for her. She shook her head. “Please don’t pretend. It’s kinder to let me down gently now.”

  George forced her to look at him. “Lindsay, I’m not pretending. I tried to resist you as I didn’t dare to believe you might feel the same way.”

  Lindsay allowed herself a small smile. “Why on earth do you think I turned up dressed like this? It’s hardly my usual work attire. I desperately wanted you to notice me.”

  George smiled and nodded. “Oh I noticed you all right. Certain parts of my anatomy also noticed. That’s why I had to hide in the kitchen. I didn’t want you thinking I was a dirty old man with a permanent hard-on.”

  Lindsay grinned.

  “What time do you start work today? Do we have time to talk now or could I maybe take you out for dinner later?” George asked.

  Lindsay shook her head, torn between the desire to cry and to jump up and down with joy. “I’m not at work today. I hoped to spend the day with you, though I’d love to go for dinner tonight.”

  George put his arm around her and led her into the living room, sitting down on her sofa and guiding her onto his lap, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. Lindsay suddenly pulled away. “Sir, I’m sorry I slapped you.”

  “It’s OK, I deserved it.” He hugged her tight and kissed her on the cheek.

  She shook her head and pulled away. “No, you didn’t. I’m sorry I called you a bastard too.”

  George raised his eyebrows. “Yes, that was very naughty. I think perhaps you deserve a very sound spanking right now. I won’t tolerate such naughty language. Stand up please,” George gently scolded.

  Lindsay flinched at the stern tone in his voice and eased herself up. She stood in front of him and smiled as he reached around and fondled her buttocks before taking a firm grip on the hem of her dress and tugging it upwards over her hips. He ran his hands over her buttocks and smiled before guiding her across his lap and cracking his hand down over her sexy lace panties.

  She gasped and squirmed as he spanked her hard, but each spank was followed by a very nice rub which had her parting her legs and sighing with pleasure as he fondled her buttocks. He landed a smack between her thighs and she yelped, but his hand rubbed there too and she was breathless with desire. As his hands gripped the waistband of her panties and slowly peeled them down, she squirmed against his hardening cock. She desperately wanted him inside her and she rubbed herself wantonly against him as he reddened her bottom with sharp smacks.

  As she squirmed and yelped across his lap, tears spilling from her eyes, she cried out: “I’m sorry Sir. I’m sorry I slapped you. I’m sorry I swore at you. I’m sorry I childishly run out on you. No more, please. I’ve had enough.”

  Rubbing her bottom gently, George landed a firm smack to each buttock before pulling her panties all the way down until they dropped to the floor and she spread her legs wide. Reaching between her legs, he stroked her pussy gently and she gasped with pleasure, raising her hips and pleading with him to touch her. As his fingers slipped into her wetness and his thumb roughly massaged her clit, she threw her head back and cried out as she enjoyed a noisy orgasm.

  She lay across his lap, gasping for breath as he gently rubbed her buttocks. Pushing herself to her knees, she raised her arms to allow him to remove her dress. She reached behind herself and unhooked her bra and gasped as he took her breasts in his hands, leaning down to kiss them as he massaged them gently. She straddled across him and rubbed herself against the hardening bulge in his pants, arching her back as he played more roughly with her breasts and took one in his mouth, tugging her nipple with his teeth.

  As she ground herself against his crotch, he put his hands between her spread thighs and used one hand to rub her swollen clit and the other to free his rock hard cock. As she felt the head of his cock start to slide into her, she pulled back. “No! Please, I want you in my bed.”

  George wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. “I want you now, desperately.”

  She nodded as she got up and took his hand. “I want you too, but please take me to bed. You’re special. I want our first time to be memorable for the right reasons. It means a lot to me.”

  With a smile on her face, she dragged him behind her into the bedroom where she hastily undressed him and pushed him back onto the bed. Straddling across him, she leaned back as she slid down onto his erection. She gasped as his large cock filled her pussy and she continued to ride him hard, leaning back as she reached between her legs to finger her clit.

  As he took hold of her and rolled her onto her back, she only resisted slightly before spreading her legs wide to allow him to enter her once more. As his hips thrust against her he kissed her roughly, his tongue exploring her mouth, and she raised her hips and clung to him tightly as she felt his body tremble as he orgasmed.

  “Roll onto your tummy,” he ordered breathlessly as he slowly got up and walked over to where his trousers lay on the floor. Lindsay obeyed without hesitation. “Push your bottom up, legs wide.” Again she immediately obeyed, pushing her bottom high and spreading her legs as far as she was able. She looked across to see what he was doing and smiled as he pulled his belt free from the loops on his trousers. As he doubled his belt up in his hand and held it against her buttocks, she lowered her head and thrust her bottom towards him.

  As the belt cracked down across her bottom, she breathlessly begged for more. He gave her 30 solid smacks with his belt and as he landed the final smack she collapsed against the bed, her body trembling as an orgasm flooded through her. George lay beside her and gathered her in his arms, her body twitching as he reached between her legs and rubbed her clit firmly.

  Lindsay woke a little while later and wondered if she’d just had a very lovely dream or whether George was really with her. She reached back and rubbed her buttocks and smiled at the familiar sting. As she rolled onto her back George’s arm came around her and he leaned across and kissed her. Lindsay smiled brightly as she realized she hadn’t imagined all the sexy things they’d done.

  “Lazy girl, you fell asleep on me!” George smiled.

  Lindsay hugged him and lay happily in his arms.

  “Is this what you want Lindsay? Are you happy?” George quizzed her, sounding very uncertain.

  Smiling she kissed him. “Yes Sir. You’ve made me happier than you could ever know.”

  Frowning, she looked at him. “Can I ask you something Sir?”

  “Yes, of course you can. What is it?”

  “Do you have sex with all of your clients? Does spanking them turn you on?”

  George shook his head and when Lindsay saw the dismay in his eyes, she felt bad. “I’m sorry Sir. I needed to know. I’m sorry I asked.”

  “I’ve been spanking naughty young ladies for many years. I have never reacted to one in the way I have to you. My wife died a few years ago and I have never looked at another woman in that way since. I loved spanking her, but the ladies I have disciplined over the years I have never been sexually attracted to. I was shocked when I had feelings for you, especially as you’re so much younger than me. I don’t want to take advantage of you or be seen as a dirty old man.”

  Lindsay smiled and kissed him. “Shut up and spank me.”

  George laughed as he sat up and pulled Lindsay across his thighs, spanking her bottom firmly. Lindsay giggled happily as she squirmed across his lap, her bottom warming rapidly. When she spread her legs wide and raised her hips, he immediately stopped spanking her and used his fingers to bring her to another orgasm.

  Lindsay was exhausted and suggested they forget going out for dinner and have a takeaway instead. They finally found the ener
gy to get up, get dressed, order food and eat, after which Lindsay talked to him openly.

  “I want to be honest with you. I don’t want any secrets. I’ve talked to my good friends Sara and Scott about you. They know how desperately I wanted to be with you. They knew you were spanking me and they knew that although I benefited from punishment spankings, I also had a desire to be spanked for pleasure. They gave me that.” Lindsay blushed as she told George about how her spankings had sometimes led to sexual activity between the three of them.

  George looked a little sad and Lindsay took his hand and looked at him, smiling as she spoke. “George, I had a bit of fun with my friends, but I don’t want them to spank me and make love to me. I want the person who does that to me to be you. They’re my friends and I’ll continue to see them, but they’ll understand when I tell them I only want their friendship, nothing more. I was single and free to have fun when I played with them. I’m no longer free. I hope I’m yours.”

  George smiled and nodded, leaning forward to kiss her softly. “I want you to be mine Lindsay. I don’t think I can bear to share you. In fact I don’t even want to try.”

  She smiled and shook her head. “You don’t have to. I’m incredibly loyal. You need never worry about me straying. You’re all the man I’ll ever need.”

  Lindsay truly meant every word she was saying to George. As much fun as she’d had with Sara and Scott, she was very faithful when she had a partner and she would never be unfaithful. She wanted all her fun to be with George from now on. It had taken her long enough to get him and she would do nothing to jeopardize their happiness.

  George smiled. “If you are to have a relationship with me, you must understand that I will spank you any time I see fit. If you disobey me, you will be spanked. You will still be spanked for straying from your debt management plan, but as we will be in a relationship these spankings will be even more painful and humiliating. I want you to be the best you can be and we’ll achieve that through any means necessary. Do you agree?”

  Lindsay looked up at him. She felt so much love for him already. She craved the discipline in her life. She’d never been happier than she was when she was with him. She’d expected to hate being spanked but she strangely found herself feeling loved and cared for, and when she misbehaved she felt she deserved each and every spank. She had no hesitation in accepting a relationship with him would be one involving domestic discipline.

  Lindsay needed a hard spanking to absolve her guilt whenever she misbehaved. She’d come to realize that recently. Hugging George tightly she whispered: “Yes Sir, I understand. It’s what I want too.”

  George nodded. “Lindsay, do you have a hairbrush?”

  Lindsay nervously chewed her lower lip as she nodded slowly. “Yes Sir.”

  “Go and get it please.”

  Lindsay kissed him on the cheek before getting up from the sofa and walking to her bedroom. She picked up her hairbrush from her bedside table, turning it over in her hands and running her fingers across the large oval wooden back. She shivered as she imagined it cracking down on her bottom. She slowly walked back to the living room where George now sat on a dining chair in the center of the floor.

  Lindsay nervously stepped to his side and held the brush out to him, her hand trembling as tears dripped from her eyes.

  George looked up at her and smiled kindly. “Lindsay, you’re safe with me. Do you believe that?”

  Lindsay nodded enthusiastically. She’d never dreaded a spanking as much as she did right now and she couldn’t explain why. She felt such a strong sense of guilt and she needed to cry. She was almost relieved when he took the brush from her and tugged her trousers and panties down around her knees before guiding her across his lap.

  As she settled into position, she found herself stretched uncomfortably and unable to move. Her toes and fingers just touched the carpet either side of him and her bare bottom was raised high. His arm circled her waist and he held her firmly, and Lindsay gasped loudly as the hairbrush cracked down on her bottom. Her gasps turned to shrieks of pain as he paddled her firmly for a few minutes. As her cries turned into sobs of genuine distress he landed a few extra hard smacks before lifting her to her feet and standing her in front of him.

  “I think we both needed that.”

  Lindsay nodded as tears streaked her cheeks and she trembled visibly.

  “You’re forgiven for your tantrum, but any more nonsense and you know what to expect. Now go and stand in the corner of your bedroom and think about your behavior. I’ll be through shortly.”

  Lindsay wept as she stood facing the wall, her hands on her head. She desperately wanted George to hold her, but she found her tears strangely comforting as she replayed her earlier behavior. She cringed as she remembered slapping him and flouncing out of his home.

  As George led her from the corner and put her into bed, she longed for him to hold her. As he climbed in beside her, pulled her into his arms and kissed the back of her neck tenderly, her sore bottom pressed up against his warm body, she drifted into a deep sleep. She’d never been happier and slept soundly in her new lover’s arms, dreaming of the wonderful life she was going to have with him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  SIX months after Lindsay had first walked into George’s office as a new debt management client, she found herself waiting anxiously in his office for her half-yearly review. Although she was his partner she sadly found she was still expected to continue with her debt management plan and was still subject to his strict discipline.

  She had hoped when they became a couple that things might change – but sadly for her those changes simply involved him taking a more serious interest in her financial affairs and the punishment for disappointing him was even harsher.

  Sighing, she glanced over her budget sheet and her mind wandered as she thought about the man she’d quickly fallen in love with. She was so content in her relationship with him, but sometimes wished he wouldn’t be quite so strict. Smiling, she thought back over the last few months and how happy they’d been, but also how shocked she’d been to discover she was still subject to spankings.

  She was the first to admit that his discipline was good for her, but it was simply in her nature to object and argue, and sometimes that just made her punishments that bit more painful and hard to take.

  Lindsay had hoped he wouldn’t see fit to spank her if she screwed up with her budget and a couple of weeks after they started dating she decided to test him by overspending. She believed he would simply cover the shortfall and say nothing, but she quickly found that he now took his duties much more seriously. After a harsh scolding that brought her to tears, he turned her across his knee, bared her bottom and spanked her soundly with a paddle as she sobbed and pleaded with him to stop. It was the most painful punishment she’d ever received and as she sobbed pitifully in his arms afterwards, apologizing for her behavior and nursing her scorched bottom, she vowed never to test him like that again.

  She also found out pretty quickly that as George’s partner he would spank her for any perceived bad behavior, not just that relating to her finances. She was warned once about being messy in his home and the next time he had cause to remind her to be tidier, he took her across his knee and spanked her bare bottom hard before setting her to work clearing up her mess, after which she received a further spanking to drive the message home.

  Despite the sometimes frequent and always painful punishment spankings, she loved him dearly. She also discovered that “good girl” spankings could be lots of fun and very sexy. Those were her favorites and she was certainly getting plenty of them.

  But Lindsay was dismayed to find that George still expected her to sit down with him once a month, after he’d received her debt management payment, to work out her budget for the following weeks. She knew it was ultimately for her own good and accepted it was her own fault she was in such a bad financial position, but sometimes she found it all so unfair and so hard to live within her budget.

bsp; She’d argued with George when she’d received a bonus at work as she felt that was her money to spend as she wished, but George said it should be paid off her debt. He ended up winning that particular argument and she ended up spending her Friday evening standing in the corner, her nose pressed against the wall with her sore bare bottom on display. After half an hour in this position, she was horrified to be sent to bed at 8pm like a naughty child.

  Lying in bed sobbing, she’d finally come to the conclusion that everything George did was for her own good. She’d hesitantly gone to the living room where she’d tearfully apologized to him. He’d hugged her and forgiven her, but she was desperately unhappy when he sent her back to bed. As she lay in the dark and sobbed miserably, she was relieved when he climbed in beside her and held her against him. Although she hated being spanked hard, she loved how he tenderly comforted her afterwards.

  Lindsay’s daydreams were rudely interrupted when George entered his office and dropped a file onto the desk, startling her. He smiled as he handed her a spreadsheet and as she glanced over the figures, showing how much her debt had reduced over the last six months, she smiled brightly. She was really pleased with herself and it was an added bonus that George was proud of her.

  He offered to take her out for a meal to celebrate and although Lindsay wanted to do that very much, she felt incredibly guilty over another matter she’d desperately been trying to forget about. She felt it was now time to wipe the slate clean and confess. It was the only thing spoiling her happiness and she needed to get it out of the way and take whatever punishment George deemed necessary. She knew it would be a hard punishment, she expected nothing less. She also needed to cry the tears that would ultimately wash away the overwhelming sense of guilt she felt.

  “Sir, I need to talk to you. You might not want to take me out afterwards. You might not want to take me anywhere ever again and I can't say I’d blame you, but I’ve been carrying this guilt around for so long and I need it to go away.”


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