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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

Page 10

by Raymond L. Weil

  Chapter Six

  Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes sat in a conference room inside one of the huge constructs of the Originators. She still found it hard to believe she was alive and where she was. Next to her were Clarissa, Betrem Jalat, Reesa Jast, and Kelnor Mard. Across from them was a group of Originator AIs: Sible, Camlin, Jolban, and Leeda.

  “It’s been two weeks,” said Kathryn. “Is the ship ready?” She had been spending much of her time on board the Distant Horizon familiarizing herself with the changes to her ship. She was amazed at some of the changes that had been made. She was also feeling excited about taking her out of the construction bay and seeing what the ship was capable of.

  “It’s ready,” answered Jolban, his eyes focusing on the admiral. “However, I’m not certain your crew is. We’ve installed a lot of Originator technology. It may take awhile for your crew to learn the complexities.”

  Kathryn turned to Jalat, who was her chief engineer as well as an Alton. “Can we fly the ship if we need to?”

  Jalat nodded. “There are fifty-six Altons currently on the Distant Horizon. All are familiar enough with the Originator technology to work with it. Of the Human crewmembers only about 20 percent are proficient. They are learning but it will take time. Some of the technology is extremely advanced.”

  Kathryn considered Jalat’s words carefully and then turned back to Jolban. “You said the ship’s computer is far enough advanced that it can fly and operate the ship if necessary?”

  Jolban looked at Camlin and then answered. “Yes, but it is preferable to only use the ship’s computer in that manner in an emergency.”

  “Kazak used his ship’s computer in that manner for an unknown number of years,” Clarissa said. “Is the computer on the Distant Horizon more advanced or less advanced than that one?” Clarissa already knew the answer as she had used both computer systems.

  Leeda started laughing. “The one on the Distant Horizon is more advanced. Not only that, Clarissa is capable of operating all of the systems on the ship in an emergency.” She then turned toward Jolban. “I’ve been with the Humans long enough to know when they want something they won’t back down. Rear Admiral Barnes is ready to go home, and I suggest we let her. There will be sufficient AIs on the ship if there’s a problem.”

  “There is the issue of a proficient navigator and helm officer,” Kathryn said, with sadness in her voice. “Both officers were killed.” Kathryn wished Kelsey and the others were here. She really missed them and they would be a huge help on the ship, particularly Katie, Andram, Mikow, and Shilum.

  “Sible will be coming with us,” Leeda answered. “She’s well versed in navigation, hyperspace, and flight operations. She can navigate the Distant Horizon without a problem.”

  Kathryn looked over at Sible. “Can you operate both the helm and navigation consoles on the Distant Horizon and get us back to the Triangulum Galaxy?”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Sible replied with confidence. “I would enjoy flying a ship as large as your exploration dreadnought. Normally I only get to fly the small shuttles we use for transportation inside the Shrieel.”

  “It’s decided, then,” said Kathryn decisively. “We leave tomorrow.” She was anxious to return to Gaia and find out what had transpired since the destruction of the Dyson Sphere.

  The AIs looked at each other and then stood.

  “I will notify the other AI leaders of the decision to leave tomorrow,” Camlin announced. Camlin then turned and left the room.


  Reesa looked over at Leeda. “Are we doing the right thing? I mean Kazak might consider us a threat when we finally show up at Gaia.”

  Leeda looked uncertain and then replied. “There has been much debate as to how the military AI will react. Clarissa feels confident she can persuade Kazak to respond peacefully and allow us to administer the pathogen cure to the Originators on board. Once that has been done, Kazak will turn over control of the ship to them. It’s part of his basic programming.”

  Reesa thought for a minute and then asked her next question. “But how will the Originators react when they are awoken and told they’re all that remains of their race?” She knew it would be a big shock to her and extremely disheartening.

  “That is unknown,” answered Leeda uneasily. “They were the brightest and most intelligent of their time. We can only hope they will respond rationally.”


  Sible turned her attention to Kathryn. “Have you picked out a destination yet?”

  Kathryn nodded. “We need to spend a few weeks shaking down the ship for any equipment malfunctions as well as to let the crew adjust. I promised the Ornellians I would return someday and free their worlds. I would like to go there and see what’s left after the Simulin attack.”

  “I will go on board the Distant Horizon shortly and begin setting up the intergalactic hyperjump. We will be using one of the accelerator rings to increase the ship’s speed.”

  “Accelerator ring? What’s that?” There was still a tremendous amount of Originator technology Kathryn wasn’t familiar with. It seemed every day some new technology was casually mentioned.

  Sible smiled and activated a viewscreen on the wall. A massive metallic ring appeared.

  “I saw several of those when we arrived,” said Reesa, recognizing the ring.

  “This is an accelerator ring. It can project an intergalactic vortex anywhere in any of the galaxies within eighteen million light years of the communication and transport hub. If there is a Shrieel in the target galaxy, the exit vortex will form there. It can also be focused to form an exit vortex anywhere in space.”

  “How large is that ring?” Kathryn knew it had to be huge.

  “It’s one hundred and ten kilometers across,” answered Sible. “The Originators and us never build anything small.”

  “What about the nova we created when we destroyed the black matter Dyson Sphere?” asked Kathryn. “Won’t that affect it?”

  “No,” Sible answered. “It would affect intergalactic vortexes such as the ones we create in the Shrieels. However, the vortex rings operate on another principle entirely. The nova you created will not have any influence on the vortex. We can exit anywhere in the Triangulum Galaxy.”

  Kathryn stared at the ring for a long moment. Right there before her was a way back to the Milky Way Galaxy. She could be back at Ceres in just a few short weeks. With a deep sigh, Kathryn turned away. Kazak had to be dealt with first and then they could consider going to Ceres, if the Originator AIs would agree. There was still some contentious discussions amongst the AIs as to the future role of the Distant Horizon and how best to remove the Simulins from all of the Dyson Spheres. A number of the AIs wanted the ship restored to its previous technology level. However, a slightly larger group wanted Kathryn to lead a fleet of Originator warships against the Simulins in the galaxies they had ruthlessly conquered. Kathryn just hoped that group won out as it would allow the Distant Horizon to keep all of its current Originator technology including the intergalactic hyperdrive.


  The next day, Kathryn was once more in her command chair aboard the Distant Horizon. She looked around the new Command Center, taking stock of the crew and the changes that had been made. The huge viewscreen now covered three walls and had additional capabilities. Eight consoles were in a semicircle just in front of her upraised command dais. Behind her was Tactical. It had been reduced to the point Major Weir and two other officers could now control all of the ship’s weapons and energy shields.

  “Ship is ready to depart the shipyard,” Commander Grissim reported.

  “Easy as pie,” quipped Clarissa, with a pleased smile.

  She was glad to be going back home. She so looked forward to seeing Ariel and showing her the new AI body resting in a secure case in her quarters. Clarissa had requested her own quarters so her friends could visit her privately if they so wished. Unfortunately most of her friends were back on Gaia. She just hoped they were still all okay. She was g
reatly concerned what might have happened between them and Kazak. She hoped Ariel had been able to make peace with the Originator AI and keep him reasonable. Clarissa knew how contentious Kazak could be at times.


  “Take us out, Sible,” ordered Kathryn. The AI had put on a dark blue uniform without insignia to blend in more with the crew.

  “Activating gravity drive,” Sible said in a calm and confident voice.

  On the viewscreen, Kathryn could see the inside of the shipyard and then noticed the ship was slowly moving. For several long minutes the ship moved down the lengthy construction bay.

  “Space doors are opening, atmospheric retention field is on,” Sible reported.

  Kathryn wondered why the AIs needed the atmospheric retention field. She would ask Sible about it later.

  “Exiting the shipyard,” Sible said.

  On the viewscreens, space began to appear. Stars, distant galaxies, and the Originator constructs became visible.

  “We’re out of the construction bay,” Sible reported. “We’ll use the gravity drive to put us in position relative to the accelerator ring.”

  Chief Engineer Jalat had explained to Kathryn that the Originator AIs had taken out the ship’s sublight drive and replaced it with a faster and far more efficient gravity drive. Gravity was one of the prime forces in the universe and present in every corner. The ship just reversed polarity to either propel the ship or slow it down. The drive was capable of reaching a speed nearly half that of light.

  “What do you think Jeremy and Ariel will say when we show up?” Clarissa asked Kathryn.

  Kathryn allowed herself to smile though she was feeling tense over the upcoming intergalactic jump. “We’ll be coming back from the dead. I suppose they’ll be shocked.”

  “I’ve really missed Ariel and Katie.”

  “And they’ve missed you,” replied Kathryn.

  “Accelerator ring activation in two minutes,” Sible said calmly. “Activating our own hyperspace drive.”

  Kathryn knew the use of their drive was necessary to keep the original speed boost intact.

  “All systems operating within normal parameters,” reported Commander Grissim. “Should I increase the alert level?”

  “No,” Kathryn replied. “The crew is nervous enough as it is about entering the accelerator ring.” Kathryn was nervous herself as she didn’t know what to expect.

  “One minute to ring activation,” said Sible. “Hyperdrive is on standby, course is set, and the Distant Horizon is ready to enter the ring.”

  “Look at the tactical display,” suggested Captain Reynolds from his updated sensor console.

  Turning her attention to the nearest tactical display, Kathryn was amazed at all the icons now showing. There were hundreds of large icons representing Originator Constructs. Not only were there the four Dyson Spheres and all the shipyards, there were other large constructs as well. Whatever the AIs had been doing out here, they had certainly been busy.

  “Ring activation,” said Sible as she poured power into the gravity drive, causing the Distant Horizon to accelerate rapidly toward the ring.

  On the viewscreen, the ring seemed to glow and then a dark blue vortex formed. It seemed to shimmer and swirl as if beckoning the ship to come forward.

  “Activating hyperdrive,” said Sible as the ship entered the vortex.

  Kathryn felt a sudden twinge, her eyes blurred, and then everything returned to normal.

  “I am pleased to report successful entry into the intergalactic vortex. We will arrive in the Triangulum Galaxy in two weeks, one day, and seventeen hours,” reported Sible, looking pleased with herself.

  Kathryn looked at the swirling colors of deep purple that surrounded her on three sides. The colors seemed to be raging almost as if they were at war. “Turn the viewscreen off,” she ordered. “I don’t think we need two weeks of that.”

  Kelnor reached forward on his science console and deactivated the screen.

  “Why are the colors of hyperspace in such turmoil?” Kathryn had never seen hyperspace behave this way.

  “We’re traveling in the upper bands,” Camlin explained. She had been standing to the right of Kathryn. “The interaction of dark energy becomes more pronounced in the upper bands of hyperspace. Dark energy is what allows us to travel faster than light. Also, by traveling in the higher bands, we avoid the disturbances in hyperspace caused by the nova and other phenomena. You should know the nova where the Shrieel was located in the Triangulum Galaxy is a supernova.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Kathryn, looking confused. “We don’t use dark energy in our hyperdrives.

  “No, we don’t,” agreed Camlin. “However, the drives themselves affect dark energy and that’s what allows travel in hyperspace. Your Alton scientists already know this though they haven’t yet discovered what the exact interaction is.”

  “How did the nova at the Dyson Sphere become a supernova? Andram and Clarissa had both projected the star becoming just a nova.”

  “It was the exotic material that makes up the Shrieel,” Camlin replied. “When the nova reached the Shrieel, the exotic matter greatly increased the energy being released. It became the largest supernova in existence. It is something we will want to study to see what danger it poses to that galaxy.”

  Kathryn leaned back in her command chair. The danger posed by the supernova could wait. They were on their way home though she intended to stop off at Ornellia first. If there were Simulins in the system, she intended to test the Distant Horizon’s new weapons on them. With the new weapons and increased power of the ship’s energy shield, she doubted if the Simulins had anything that could now harm the exploration dreadnought.

  Perhaps when they were through with Kazak and the Dominator, she would see if the Originator AIs would agree to allow her to take the Distant Horizon back home to the Milky Way Galaxy before returning to the Communication and Transport Hub. The ones on board the ship might be more responsive to such a suggestion, particularly if they took safeguards to ensure none of the advanced technology ended up in the Federation’s hands. Kathryn would really like to see her father one more time.


  Reesa was growing bored. There was going to be little to do during the two-week voyage to the Triangulum Galaxy. Idly she wondered what was happening back home. Were the Shari and the Federation at war over the Dyson Sphere? She suspected Fleet Admiral Strong would have a lot of questions for her and Kelnor about that subject.

  “You look bored,” Leeda said, stepping over next to Reesa.

  “We’re on a spaceship,” Reesa replied. “I’m a scientist trained in doing research on the Originators. There’s not a lot of that I can do here unless you’re willing to sit down with me and answer a lot of questions.”

  “I imagine you have quite a few,” Leeda said with a mysterious smile. “That’s why I brought this along.” Leeda showed Reesa a small computer disk. The AI reached forward and inserted it into a slot on Reesa’s console. “This is Leeda A16-472-WR5437. Authorization code Originator research.”

  “Accessing,” said a young female voice. “What would you like to know?”

  “That’s the ship’s computer,” Reesa said. She had already spoken to it a few times during her training on how to use her science console.

  “Yes,” Leeda said. “I just loaded the complete crew manifest for the Dominator. It is very detailed and gives a history of each crewmember as well as the type of research they were involved in. I believe you will find it highly interesting. In addition there is some Originator music included as well as some other items I thought you might enjoy listening to and studying. You can access this information from your science station or the workstation in your quarters.”

  “Thank you!” Reesa said, her eyes glowing with excitement. “I’ll use the station in my quarters as it will be quieter.”

  Now she would have some actual research to conduct! If she ever made it back home, she intended to be the foremos
t expert on the Originators. She would still like to ask Leeda and the other AIs a lot of questions. Perhaps sometime during their voyage she would have the opportunity.

  “Study the crew manifest well; you may be surprised what you find.” Leeda then turned and walked over to converse with Camlin.

  Reesa turned back to her console wondering what Leeda had meant by that last remark. She had a suspicion there was something in the manifest Leeda wanted her to find. With determination and excitement, Reesa had the computer call up the manifest and she began reading the names of the crew and scientists that had been on board the Dominator. It was an impressive list. There was a mystery here and she was determined to find it. However, she would wait until she was in her quarters to study the information in more detail.


  Above Gaia, Jeremy was in the process of speaking to Grayseth about his recent destruction of two Simulin bases. The large Bear had arrived several days back but Jeremy had been out at Borton setting up the patrol schedules with the Command AI.

  “So they nearly trapped you,” surmised Jeremy as he listened to Grayseth describe how the Simulin fleets had jumped in unexpectedly.

  “It is the way of the hunt,” Grayseth replied in his loud voice. “You must always be prepared for the unexpected. Our mission was to destroy the two fleet bases, not to engage the enemy fleets.”

  “You did well, my friend,” Jeremy said. “I understand you lost several of your cruisers.”

  Grayseth bared his teeth. “Yes, they died in the hunt which will bring honor to their families. However, it is evident that our small cruisers are no match for Simulin vessels. I have already spoken to Daelthon about building new battlecruisers along the lines of your Gaia class to replace them with.”


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