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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

Page 11

by Raymond L. Weil

  Jeremy nodded his approval. “We will be keeping most of our older vessels here at Gaia to aid in its defense. Only the AI warspheres, the Gaia class battlecruisers, and a few battleships will be venturing out of the nebula to engage the Simulins.”

  “It is wise,” replied Grayseth, folding his large arms over his massive chest. “We must preserve our population until it has grown sufficiently where we can afford to take losses. It is foolish to believe the hunts are not dangerous. The Simulins are a powerful enemy and will take more of our people in the future.”

  “It is unfortunate,” replied Jeremy, knowing Grayseth was correct. There would be more deaths in the future, probably a lot more. “The AIs want to do everything they can to keep our population intact. For the time being, I have to agree with them.”

  Ariel suddenly appeared in front of Jeremy and Grayseth, startling them. “Jeremy, you and Kevin are needed down on Gaia. Kelsey and Katie have requested you take the next shuttle down to the surface.”

  Jeremy grew concerned. “What’s happened, has there been an accident?” Jeremy was worried as both Katie and Kelsey were in New Eden visiting Angela. Then his eyes widened as he realized why the girls wanted both he and Kevin. Angela must have gone into labor.

  “Is it Angela?”

  “Yes,” answered Ariel excitedly. “Clair is about to be born!”

  “It is good to hear Angela’s child is arriving,” said Grayseth, his eyes shining with interest. “You and Kelsey should also consider having an heir.”

  “In time,” answered Jeremy. “Ariel, arrange for a shuttle to take Kevin and me down to Gaia.”

  Ariel smiled. “Already done and Kevin is on his way, though not happily.”

  “We’ll speak more when I get back,” Jeremy said to Grayseth.

  “It can wait,” Grayseth replied. “There is nothing more important than a new life being brought into the world.”

  Jeremy nodded and then left the conference room. Jeremy knew Kevin was nervous about being at the birth of Angela’s child. Katie had been hinting for months that she wouldn’t mind starting a family. So far Kelsey hadn’t made the suggestion, but Jeremy knew she too had been thinking about it. However, his job as Fleet Admiral and hers as the commander of the Dominator had prevented any serious discussion.


  Kelsey and Katie were at the medical center with Angela. Angela groaned loudly and glared at Brace. “This is all your fault!”

  “You want this baby as bad as I do,” Brace said defensively.

  Angela’s face softened. “Yes, but I’m the one going through all the pain.”

  “I can have the doctor give you some painkillers,” suggested Kelsey.

  “No,” Angela said, shaking her head. “I want to do this naturally. It makes the baby stronger and healthier.”

  Katie cocked her head as if listening to something. She had her mini-comm in her left ear. “Jeremy and Kevin just left the Avenger. They’ll be here shortly.

  A flash of light and Ariel suddenly appeared at Angela’s bedside.

  “How did you to that?” asked Angela in surprise. She was glad to see the friendly AI.

  “I’m afraid it’s my fault,” answered Katie guiltily. “I have a portable holographic projector in my purse. Ariel wanted me to carry it with me just in case you went into labor.”

  “Is it time for the baby?” asked Ariel excitedly. “I’ve spent months working out a training schedule.”

  “Training schedule?” moaned Angela as another set of contractions began. “I don’t think that’s necessary.” Brace reached out, taking Angela’s hand.

  “Of course it is,” replied Ariel, with her hands on her hips. “I’m personally going to train all of the children of the Special Five. Just like I did all of you.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Katie said with a deep frown. “If I remember correctly, the training I received from you didn’t work out so well.”

  Ariel grew silent. Katie was referring to her sneaking on board the Earth’s first starship, the New Horizon. That had been a disaster and had nearly resulted in everyone’s deaths.


  Jeremy and Kevin were on board a shuttle, which was rapidly descending toward the spaceport just outside of New Eden.

  “How soon do the first patrols go out?” asked Kevin, wishing he was still on the Avenger. All going to Angela’s baby’s birth was going to do was make Katie want one of her own. She had already mentioned it numerous times. Kevin wasn’t sure he was ready to be a father.

  “Two more days,” answered Jeremy. “There will be five patrols with each one assigned a patrol route. Each fleet will have ten AI warspheres, four Gaia class battlecruisers, and two Alton battleships. They will be searching for any Simulin activity, particularly the construction of any new fleet bases. They will only seek engagement if they have superior numbers, otherwise they’re to report back to Gaia and a larger fleet will be sent out.”

  Kevin looked out the viewport at the rapidly approaching spaceport. “What about the support fleet Admiral Jackson has requested?”

  Jeremy let out a deep breath. “Admiral Calmat will be leaving tomorrow with a fleet. Jackson has requested we send some colony ships as they’re finding a large number of survivors on the other worlds of the Ornellian Empire. He estimates there might be as many as five million.”

  “Five million!” Kevin said in surprise. “I never would have dreamed there would be so many. “What ships are you sending?”

  “Twenty AI warspheres, four Alton battleships, two battlecarriers, five of the big colony ships, six supply ships, two more fleet repair vessels, two Carethian battlecruisers, and the Hunter, Admiral Calmat’s flagship. There will also be six more Type Two battlestations as well as four hundred more particle beam satellites on the supply ships. The two battlecarriers are going as they’re needed to help clear the Ornellian planets of Conqueror Drones.”

  “Conqueror Drones,” muttered Kevin. “I don’t even want to be around one of those.”

  “That’s why we’re using our fighters and bombers to clear them off the planets.”

  “Has there been any talk of sending one of our ships out to their evacuation fleet and having it turn around?”

  Kevin was referring to the Ornellian evacuation fleet on its way to a small star cluster outside of the Triangulum galaxy where they thought they might be safe. The fleet consisted of nearly eight hundred Ornellian spaceships.

  “Not at the moment,” Jeremy answered. “Their trip will take another sixteen months. We can always send for them later though we would need to modify the hyperdrives on their ships so they could return quicker. Besides, they’re warning all the space-traveling races they encounter about the Simulins. That might be useful when we go out searching for allies.”

  Kevin felt the shuttle began to slow as it prepared to land. With a deep sigh, he knew their next stop would be the medical center.


  Jeremy and Kevin were walking down a hallway in the large modern medical center. Going through a set of double doors, they saw Katie, Kelsey, and Ariel all pacing back in forth.

  “Is there a problem?” asked Jeremy worriedly. He was a little surprised to see Ariel here. Katie must have arranged it.

  “No,” Kelsey answered a little tensely. “Angela’s in the delivery room.”

  “Where’s Brace?” asked Kevin.

  “He’s in there with her,” replied Katie, shifting her gaze to Kevin. “Same as you will be if we ever have any children!”

  Kevin turned pale and decided his best course of action was to remain silent.

  “How much longer?” asked Jeremy.

  “Quiet!” Kelsey said, her deep blue eyes focusing on Jeremy. “We can’t hear if you keep asking questions.”

  “Hear what?

  “That!” said Kelsey excitedly as she turned to face the delivery room door.

  Jeremy strained his ears and thought he could hear a baby crying.


sp; A few minutes later a doctor stepped out of the delivery room. Seeing Jeremy and the others, he walked over to them. “Mother and baby are doing fine,” he said.

  “Clair is here,” announced Ariel solemnly. “I wish Clarissa could have been here. This would have made her so happy.”

  “Yes, it would have,” Katie said in agreement. She was also deeply touched that Angela had named her daughter after the blonde AI.

  Ariel looked around at her friends and then spoke. “The first member of the future Special Five has arrived.”

  “What makes you think there will be five children?” asked Katie suspiciously. “There’s no way you can know that.”

  Ariel smiled. “You’re the Special Five, there have to be five children.”

  No one knew what to say or how to respond. They were all just happy a new life had come into their midst. In the days ahead there was much that remained to be done, but for today they could all rejoice in Angela and Brace’s happiness.

  Chapter Seven

  Admiral Jarl Sithe was aboard his flagship, the battleship Star Defender, on routine patrol in the space sector surrounding Gaia. There were currently three such patrols out with their primary purpose being to see if the Simulins had left the immediate area of the nebula. Other patrol task groups were scheduled to be deployed in the next few weeks. Some good news was the fact that long-range sensors had not picked up any signs of Simulin observation ships, which normally patrolled the perimeter of the gaseous nebula that shielded Gaia. This was a powerful indicator the Simulins had pulled some of their ships back.

  Admiral Sithe’s fleet was the farthest out doing a number of routine hyperjumps from star to star, using the ship’s long-range sensors, which could reach out for ten light years, to scan the surrounding star systems for signs of the Simulins. Fleet Admiral Strong had stressed Sithe was to avoid engaging any Simulin vessels if possible. If he encountered a major Simulin fleet, he was to return to Gaia and report it.

  “Sensors are clear,” Lieutenant Mathew Calydon reported as he checked his sensor screens. “Nothing showing up within ten light years. If the Simulins are out there, they’re doing a damn good job of hiding from us.”

  Admiral Sithe leaned back in his command chair. This was their tenth hyperjump with twenty-two more planned. They were circumnavigating the sector around the nebula using their long-range sensors to search for Simulin ships.

  “Maybe they pulled out after Grayseth destroyed their two bases,” suggested Commander Alaira Buckley. “It’s been quiet the last couple of weeks. There hasn’t been a sign of a single Simulin ship.”

  “It’s possible,” admitted Admiral Sithe with a deep frown. “However, they still have fleet bases in the surrounding sectors. They could be waiting on orders from their leaders. I don’t believe they’ll be willing to leave this sector.”

  “Many of their leaders probably died when Kazak destroyed Malkor.”

  Sithe nodded. “Yes, there is that. I’m sure they had to reorganize their command structure as well as their civilian leadership.”

  “It might explain why there hasn’t been a response to us destroying their two fleet bases,” added Buckley.

  “Admiral,” said Lieutenant Calydon. “There is a nebula a few light years away from us our sensors can’t penetrate.”

  Admiral Sithe thought over what Calydon had reported. “Commander Buckley, set up a short hyperjump that will place us on the outskirts of that nebula. I want to scan it as thoroughly as possible to make sure we’re not overlooking any Simulin facilities. A nebula like that would be an ideal place to hide a fleet or a base.”

  “Yes, sir,” Buckley replied. “I’ll set up the hyperjump. Should we increase our alert level?”

  “Keep us at Condition Three,” Sithe said after a moment. “If we spot any Simulins we’ll increase the alert level. After all, we can spot them from ten light years away. That will allow us sufficient time to go to Condition One if necessary.”

  “A word of caution, Admiral,” Buckley said pensively. “While we can detect Simulin ships out to ten light years, our sensors won’t be able to penetrate far into the nebula until we get there.”

  “We should still have sufficient warning if any Simulin forces are present. Proceed with the hyperjump.”

  Commander Buckley nodded. “All ships,” she announced over her ship-to-ship comm. “Stand by to initiate a hyperjump in ten minutes. Coordinates will be sent shortly. Lieutenant Byrd, set up the hyperjump and then transmit the coordinates to our other ships.”


  Ten minutes later swirling blue-white vortexes formed in front of the seventeen ships of the task force. Each ship quickly entered their respective vortexes, jumping into the safety of hyperspace. A few seconds after entering the vortexes, the swirling spatial anomalies seemed to shrink in upon themselves and then vanish, leaving no signs the task group had ever been in the star system.


  The minutes passed by quickly as Admiral Sithe watched the holographic tactical display. It was a short trip of seven light years to the nebula and would take them twenty-one minutes to get there. Relaxing in his command chair, Sithe wondered what was happening back in the Federation and particularly on New Providence, his home world. Since arriving in the Triangulum Galaxy and finding the Lost Fleets his world had been turned upside down. Other than the message probe they had sent back and the arrival of the Distant Horizon, there had been no communications with the distant Human Federation of Worlds. He greatly missed his home and family back on New Providence and still hoped that someday they would find a way back.

  It had been a shock upon arriving in the Triangulum Galaxy to discover the AIs had joined forces with Fleet Admiral Strong and the Simulins had been responsible for the AIs’ aggressive behavior. It had taken him months to get used to working with his former enemies. Even in this task group, there were ten AI warspheres under his command.

  “Still no contacts in the nebula,” reported Lieutenant Calydon.

  “Keep monitoring it,” ordered Admiral Sithe as his eyes focused on the nearest tactical display. He had a strange feeling of anxiety suddenly sweep over him. This had happened several times in the past and each time something catastrophic had occurred. “Go to Condition Two.”

  Commander Buckley looked questionably at the admiral but proceeded to obey his command. “Is there something I should know?”

  “Just a feeling,” replied Admiral Sithe, trying to sound calm. “Lieutenant Calydon, keep a close watch on that nebula. If there’s even a hint of a contact, I want to know.”

  Fleet Admiral Strong had sent Sithe out in command of this particular task group since it would be the farthest out. If a task group was to encounter the Simulins, it would most likely be Sithe’s and for that reason, he wanted a qualified admiral along.

  “Lieutenant Byrd, as soon as we exit hyperspace plot a new hyperjump to the nearest star.”

  “An emergency jump?” questioned Commander Buckley, glancing over at the admiral.

  “Just a precaution,” Admiral Sithe responded. His feeling of anxiety was growing. He gazed intently at the tactical display, which was constantly being updated with information from the long-range sensors. It still showed no hostile contacts. “That nebula would be an ideal place for a Simulin fleet to hide.”

  “Two minutes until hyperspace dropout,” reported Lieutenant Byrd.


  “No change,” Lieutenant Calydon replied. “The sensors are penetrating the outer fringes of the nebula. We can see into about 20 percent of the side nearest us.”

  Sithe felt a cold chill run up his spine. He gazed intently at the tactical display. Was that a contact deep inside the nebula? A blip had appeared momentarily and then vanished.

  “Was that a contact?”

  “Not sure, sir,” Calydon replied uneasily. “It was too brief. It could have been comet debris or a small asteroid.”

  Sithe took a deep breath. Something wasn’t right. That b
rief contact only confirmed it. “Commander, take the fleet to Condition One and prepare for combat.”

  “From what?” asked Commander Buckley as she carried out the order. Instantly alarms began sounding, and red lights began flashing. “We’re not detecting anything definitive.”

  “There’s something inside that nebula,” replied Admiral Sithe, his eyes narrowing. “I think that brief contact was a ship.”

  Commander Buckley frowned but she had learned to trust the admiral’s instincts. “Tactical, I want our shield up and weapons ready to fire upon emergence from the vortex. Load missile tubes with a fifty-fifty mix of Devastator Threes and antimatter missiles.”

  “Yes, Commander,” Lieutenant Kesh Bryll replied as his hands flew over his console. He spoke to the two other weapons officers sitting next to him, making sure they were ready for combat. It only took a few moments to follow the commander’s orders.

  “Missiles loaded,” Lieutenant Bryll confirmed.

  “Emergence,” announced Lieutenant Byrd.

  Admiral Sithe felt a slight twinge in his stomach and a brief moment of nausea. Looking up he saw the viewscreens were still covered in static and for a few precious seconds he knew his ship and fleet were vulnerable. He felt tense waiting for his ship to come to life around him.

  “Sensors coming online,” reported Lieutenant Calydon.

  “Energy screen is charging, and weapons are ready to be fired,” added Lieutenant Bryll.

  “Contacts!” cried out Calydon as numerous red threat icons began appearing on his screen. “Confirmed Simulin warships inside the nebula. They’re jumping.”

  “Standby for combat,” ordered Admiral Sithe grimly. He didn’t want to jump the fleet back into hyperspace until he found out what they were facing. Fleet Admiral Strong would need that information. He would engage the Simulins briefly and try to inflict some damage before fleeing back into the safety of hyperspace.


  The Command Center came alive with intense activity as the crew prepared for battle. The hatch to the Command Center was shut and sealed. Two heavily armed Marines were inside with two more outside in the corridor. Klaxons screamed loudly as other Marines rushed to secure various areas of the ship in case of boarding.


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