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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 64

by James Jackson

  Brett glances at Larry, then Tom, before replying. “You be careful; it’s not like we can rescue you.”

  Tom stands by a viewport and watches as the tiny speck, Dave, enters the wreckage. Time ticks by agonizingly slow for the three men.

  Suddenly, Dave’s voice comes through the speakers. “WOW, guys we won’t be taking any of this to Pythos, there is just too damn much! I’m coming back.”

  Tom’s eyebrows raise at the comment. He looks at Brett who simply shrugs his shoulders. Larry stares off into space while he contemplates contacting ground control, his finger toying with a switch. None of them know what to say, so they remain quiet and wait for Dave to return. The airlock cycles through, then Dave comes almost bounding out.

  Dave steps from his suit wide eyed and very excited. “We, we, there, it,” he stops, takes a deep breath, and then continues. “There is a huge section of the ship that is undamaged. The passageways are huge, well over twice my height, and there is artificial gravity, very heavy gravity at that. Oh, and controls that I have to stand on their chairs to see properly,” he pauses for effect. “They have power!”

  Dave stares at the others, then frowns. “Don’t you get it? There is a power source over there that still works.”

  Brett’s jaw drops, “Harthos be!” he exclaims as he glances out a viewport. “Larry, tell ground control, well…” his voice trails off. He scratches his head while staring blankly at his colleagues.

  Tom tilts his head, and grins. “Tell ground control we need to expand this station if they want to figure out the alien technology.”

  Brett sits back in his chair, pursing his lips in thought, He slowly nods his head in agreement. “Larry, do it.”

  What follows next will end up being replayed over and over as the most pivotal moment in Pythos’ history. Stories and movies are made, each glorifying the event but rarely changing the words.

  Larry flips a switch on his panel, then speaks, he barely contains his excitement. “Ground control, the alien wreckage has working technology, you just need to come up here and get it!”

  Dave spends the rest of the day rambling about everything he saw. The next day he goes back to the alien derelict, and the day after that. Each and every day, he returns with tales of new discoveries, and new wonders. His raves about rooms that eclipse the great hall, he even finds an alien shuttle.

  Rocket upon rocket is launched from Pythos, each adds a new module, or section to Artemis One. For an entire year, the facility is expanded until it is almost ten times its original size. Teams of scientists study the alien technology, while the four members of the command crew continue to run the expanding space station.

  Meanwhile, on Pythos, while most people look upward, a dedicated crew heads downward into the ocean depths. The crew of the submersible Argyle spend many months searching for the crashed spacecraft. They scour the ocean floor relentlessly, until they finally come across the scorched and scored remains of the mighty spacecraft. The segment is so large and heavy, that all efforts to retrieve it fail. Much to their disappointment, all they can do is mark the location on their nautical maps to indicate its resting place.

  As the first year rolls into the second, umbilical lines, air locks, and passageways, are built between the two floating structures, merging them into one gargantuan facility. The ever-present scientists connect the alien power supply to Artemis One. The boost in power re-doubles the salvage efforts as excitement grows. Rockets continue to make almost daily flights as the facility is expanded more and more.

  Brett rocks back and forth in his brand-new chair, he grins like a fool. Spinning around, he looks at Larry and Tom. “I think I am going stir crazy,” he ventures. “We have been cooped up in this tin can forever.”

  Larry nods his head, “We sit here and fill in status reports, while Dave gets to explore the alien wreckage.”

  Dave arrives on the bridge; his breath comes in short gasps. “I found something new today.”

  Larry raises his eyebrows in mock surprise, “We were just talking about you,” he responds as he turns back to his control panel.

  Brett spins around and around in his new chair, almost ignoring him. Larry taps his control panel with one hand, while absentmindedly flipping a switch on then off.

  Tom yawns then looks at Dave and asks him dully. “You always find something, what is it this time?”

  Dave’s enthusiasm wanes at the lackluster reception. He lifts his head up high and says with great conviction. “Today is different, I found some alien technology,” he grins.

  Tom sighs, “It is all alien technology!”

  Dave stammers, “No, no, this is alien, alien. I found one of those small ships we saw when we first got home.”

  Everyone sits up in their chairs at the news. Dave continues, “That got your attention, didn’t it? I found a completely intact ship, well except for the little hole in the pilot’s window.”

  Larry stops playing with the switch, and turns to Dave, “You mean the little ones that looked like they had powerful shields?”

  Brett also stops what he was doing, and turns his chair to face Dave. “Now that is something worth reporting.”

  Scientists study the artificial gravity, the life support systems, and a number of functioning control panels. They especially study the small space fighter; its size belies its abilities. Having the full support of the Supreme Ruler, and virtually unlimited resources, the scientists conduct a swathe of experiments. Though ever vigilant for another Outlaw attack, there are none, not even demonstrations. It is as though the rebel group has vanished into thin air. On the eve of the third year, during an exorbitant space party, a scientist makes a momentous discovery. In his drunken stupor, he makes an error in his calculations. He ends up staring dumfounded at the objects from his desk that are now clinging to the ceiling. Thanks to his wonderful mistake, he figures out how the alien gravity plating works.

  The rocket launches soon come to an end. Instead, anti-gravity sleds ply the skies. Other chunks of debris are now also investigated; each is studied with equal tenacity. Many of these are transported back to the ever-growing space city. Another massive space station is planned, then built, followed by another, then another. Using the newfound technologies, the alien wreckage in the ocean depths is finally recovered. Scientists on the planet immediately being investigating the alien technology first hand. No longer do they have to wait for an assignment aboard the space city, Artemis.

  Dave stares down at Pythos, its blue waters and white clouds a beautiful sight. Everything looks just the same from space as it did four years ago. He smiles, knowing that in reality, nothing is like it was before. Gamin technology has found its way into almost every facet of life, from home computers to mass transit systems. Mining, construction, and even farming techniques, have all been influenced or enhanced by the new-found wonders. He smiles at his civilization’s recent advancements and achievements. It is finally time for the people of Pythos to explore outward. The thought comes unbidden, but he feels that he is right.

  Brett joins him at the viewport. “What are you thinking?

  Dave turns to his commander, and shares his thoughts. “We have pretty much pieced together an entire spacecraft from all this wreckage.” He pauses for effect, and then states. “We should build one.”

  Brett stares at his friend, and then nods in agreement. That night he sleeps fitfully, and wakes early in morning. He spends the day petitioning to see the Supreme Ruler of Pythos. Each new day he puts forward a new request, until finally, he is granted an audience. The Supreme Ruler listens to his proposal, then surprises Brett by agreeing. In stunned silence, Brett leaves. Once again the days roll past, each once blurring into the next.

  The space shuttle Venture lands inside the latest addition to the still growing space station, a massive hangar deck. Brett, Dave, Larry, and Tom, are surprised by being summoned aboard. Brett stares with pride at the shuttle. The Venture is the first of many designed to carry large cargos
to and from space.

  Larry steps up beside him, grinning. “It’s a beauty, that’s for sure,” he says in awe.

  Dave stares at the shuttle’s sleek lines. Its blend of atmospheric and space flight capabilities enhance its magnificence. Before he can comment, a side door opens. An unrecognizable figure steps out and beckons for them to go on board. The four men look at each other, perplexed, but they step inside.

  To their amazement, there sits Pythos’ Supreme Ruler. He stands, his exquisite robes flow to the floor, and he offers the group a smile. “Gentlemen, please enter, I have something to show you.”

  The four men follow their leader to an upstairs area, where they silently take the indicated seats and wait. Seconds later, they feel the shuttle lifting off. The Venture flies out of the hangar deck and into space.

  Their revered leader stands again, and touches a previously unnoticed control on the wall. “Please enjoy the view.”

  The entire upper area slides downward, revealing a bank of windows. Dave whistles an exclamation at the view. They can see everything around them. The unseen pilot flies them to the other side of Pythos.

  As they round the planet, Brett’s jaw drops at the sight. “How did you keep us from finding out about this? Uh, sir.”

  The Supreme Ruler grins, “The penalty for telling any of you was death,” he answers jokingly.

  Brett gulps, no one speaks to their leader as he just did. Dave stares in awe along with Larry and Tom. The ship hangs in space; its long design has clearly been influenced by the addition of Gamin components.

  “It’s almost ready for its maiden voyage,” States the robed man, still grinning. “You four want to take it out?”

  Brett glances at each of his men, then stammers, “Yes, by all that is Harthos, yes.”

  The shuttle flies them up and over the ship, then parks alongside, giving them all a clear view of the ship’s name. All of them grin in excitement, but remain silent.

  Their robed leader sits down once again, he too, is smiling. “Good, that settles that then.”

  The shuttle flies down toward the planet, where they are met by a barrage of media personnel. It seems their entire flight has been relayed to the planet.

  Once again, the days blur together as the four men prepare themselves. Finally, after everything has been checked and double checked, they are ready. Brett turns to his crew, they have all enjoyed a grand vacation and are well rested. He nods to Larry, Dave, and then Tom.

  The new command module is quite spacious. Its artificial gravity provides a previously unimagined level of comfort. Six other people occupy various stations around the bridge, monitoring the ship’s many systems. Air circulates through specialized filters, while real food and water occupies vast storage areas.

  Larry touches his controls, the smooth screen, with its array of symbols responds instantly. “Ground control, this is Artemis Two, we are ready.”

  The reply makes them all smile; it is the Supreme Ruler of Pythos himself. “Good luck.”

  Brett smiles, then turns to Dave. “Engage the sub-light engines.”

  Dave operates his touch screen with great efficiency, after all, he helped design it. The ship that is Artemis Two is fully one hundred times larger than Artemis One. The trip to Harthos takes mere hours, as they test the ship’s sub-light engines. The delivery of the mining colony takes longer than the journey, but no one minds the wait. Dozens of habitat modules are set up on the barren planet below, each joined by airlocks. In time, the facility will spread underground, but for now, it is enough.

  Artemis Two does not return to Pythos, instead other ships will be responsible for sustaining the Harthos colony.

  Brett turns to Larry once again, and says, “Let’s begin our real mission.”

  Larry touches his panel once again. “To the brave crew of Artemis Two, we salute you.”

  Three hundred crew men and women cheer throughout the ship; they are ready for the adventure ahead.

  Brett smiles, then says with excitement. “Well let’s find out what this thing can do!”

  Dave stares at his controls, then touches one special symbol. The rear of the spacecraft glows brightly, then a shimmering engulfs it completely. The ship seems to lunge forward, as it leaps for the stars. The four members of the command crew stare in bewilderment at the cascade of beautiful colors before them.

  Dave cheers, then jumps up, he dances around like an idiot. “The faster than light drive works, it works!”

  The rear of Artemis Two houses a single engine, one that was recovered from a far-flung piece of debris. It pulses brightly as it pushes the spacecraft beyond the light barrier, propelling them to the stars.


  Section Five: Joe’s Notes Gamin Technology



  The following pages are not so much a story, but a review of Joe’s journal. As a member of the Terran’s bridge crew who often assists George, he has a plethora of information and theories surrounding the technologies belonging to the Gamin. Within these pages, we get an insight into that technology from his viewpoint.

  “I do not fear computers, I fear the lack of them.” - Isaac Asimov

  “The process of scientific discovery is, in effect a continual flight from wonder.” - Albert Einstein

  “It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.” - Isaac Asimov

  Welcome to ‘Joe’s Notes: Gamin Technology’, the first journal of the Terran Chronicles Universe.


  Joe’s journal is not written in chronological order. When he discovers something of interest, he updates the section that pertains to that technology. Sadly, Joe does not use dates when recording his findings.


  Joe and Andrew were the first to discover the incoming asteroid and meteor shower that preceded a fleet of alien spaceships. Humanity’s first contact with an alien race, the Gamin, did not proceed as expected. The reptilian-looking race did not enslave humanity, nor did they annihilate us. However, they did destroy every orbital satellite, and many ground based radio telescope facilities.

  The Gamin requested vast amounts of raw materials from a number of nations. With few options available to them, the various governments around world capitulated, providing all that was asked of them. The alien visitors used these resources to repair their damaged fleet, build one complete spacecraft, and then commence construction of another.

  As mysteriously as they appeared, the Gamin departed, leaving humanity to ponder over what has transpired. With the question of whether or not we are alone in the universe being answered, many gazed up to the stars and wondered what would happen next.

  Upon the discovery of a partially built spacecraft, a task force of people from around the world, worked to complete the ship. The Terran launched, albeit unceremoniously, into space, thus heralding a new era for humanity. Joe, along with the rest of the crew, spends many months on board, as the ship headed outward in search of potential colonies.

  With the mission complete, they are on their way home when events beyond their control literally propel them into the vast unknown. Finding that they are over twenty thousand light years from Earth is extremely disconcerting to the crew. Even with assistance, it still takes the crew several months to get back to Earth. During this arduous trek, they meet a few races and cultures. The Oglan farming world, with its lack of metals, is a mysterious planet. Other worlds harbor dangers beyond our comprehension. One friendly and helpful species is the Kord. They are a race of short, hair covered, humanoids, who help us as much, if not more, than we help them.

  Finally, and miraculously, the Terran and her crew arrives home, only to discover that while they think they have been gone for a little over seven months, three years have passed on Earth. The crew greets this news with anxious trep
idation. Slowly making their way through the solar system toward home, the crew starts talking about what changes, if any, may have occurred on Earth. Having left behind the cache of information found inside the Gamin base on Earth’s moon, the crew can only speculate how this knowledge has been put to use. The discussions cover every imaginable subject as everyone wonders what they will find when they arrive in orbit.

  As Joe ponders why the difference in time, his thoughts drift to his private notes. Perhaps they can shed some light on how this has happened? He wonders what technological advances may have occurred on Earth during their absence.

  Leaving the bridge, Joe retires to his room. Once there, he stops and stares at his stack of journals then sighs, most have very little in them. He grabs the one titled ‘Gamin Technology’ and smiles. With computers frying all over the place, I am so glad I wrote my thoughts and findings down the old-fashioned way. He opens the journal’s cover, flicks through the pages, many are filled with his scratchy writings. He retires to his bed with pen in hand, relaxes, and then begins reading.

  In the Beginning

  I have been assigned to work with my mate Andrew, on the spaceship that was found in the Outback. I am certain we’re only here as a token gesture, not sure what it is we can do. Heck, I can’t figure out the hieroglyphs the aliens use, and I am told we’re to be the ship’s navigators amongst other bridge duties. Streuth, I can’t even find a bathroom!

  I met George today, an American from Manhattan. He uses an alien bodysuit, the one the Russians obtained. I don’t know much about these bodysuits yet, but I plan to learn more about these fascinating pieces of hardware. George seems to be a pretty down to Earth fellow, he has an easy-going attitude, and yet is hard working too. He is a decent, likable bloke, who has been helping me figure out the alien technology. I can see us being good mates.


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