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The New Breed

Page 18

by Jaden Sinclair

  He smiled. “Guess your just going to have to try to train me, huh?” Kane flinched when Jason slammed a chair down next to a metal table.

  “Get ready,” Jada groaned, opening her eyes, or one eye, staring up at the ceiling.

  “For what?” Kane frowned.

  “For, whatever.”

  Jason walked back over to Jada, grabbing her by her hair, pulling her up to her feet. “The show’s not over yet, Kane.” He wrapped one arm around Jada’s throat, holding her close.

  “What’re you going to do, Jason?” Kane asked, locking his eyes on the man he itched to kill.

  “Oh, I’m thinking of enjoying myself with your little whore here.” Jason smiled.

  Jada chuckled while she hung onto his arm around her throat.

  “Don’t hold your breath, dickhead. I would rather fuck a bum on the street than you.”

  Jason rubbed his face into her hair. He rubbed with his eyes closed as a cat would against a leg. “I am the bum on the street.”

  “Knock it off, Jason!” Kane growled. He snarled at Jason to get him his full attention. “This is between you and me.”

  Jason glared at Kane. He tapped a finger on his lips with a cruel grin on his face. “You know, you’re right. This is between us.

  However…” he grinned. “I find that I just can’t let this treat go, until I have a sample.” Kane lunged at him and Jason laughed. “But that is going to have to wait for later. Someone else wants to spend some time with this sweet thing.”

  Jason jerked Jada around, forcing her to walk to the table. Kane kept his mouth shut as two men came into the room with another chair. They handed one to Jason who put it down at the end of the table and shoved Jada down into it. The other one was placed at the other end.

  “Now be a good little girl,” Jason said.

  The door opened again and Kane tensed up, waiting for the worst. An elderly man came inside, leaning on a cane, making a taping noise with each step and a tank of oxygen right behind him. He sat down in the other chair with a sigh.

  “So the bastard has come home,” the old man wheezed.

  “This was never my home,” Jada said, her eyes down on the table.

  “You took my boy away, and now it’s time to pay the price.”

  Kane watched Jada slowly raise her head up, eyes locked on the old man. He saw the hate and pain on her face and he strained against his chains. He wanted to go to her, protect her but couldn’t. As much as he hated to admit it, this was a battle that she needed to face without him. Just as he needed to deal with Jason alone.

  “You rotten old bastard!” Jada lunged on the table at him, but Jason was right there to stop her. He grabbed hold of her arms, yanking her back to her chair. “You killed Chris!” she yelled. “You!”

  “He would be here now if the likes of you had never crossed his path.” He wiggled a wrinkled finger at her. “It should’ve been you, not him. Only tainted blood like yours kills things.”

  “And what about you?” Jada crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him. “What good has ever come from you? Your own children left your pitiful home. Did you beat them or just my mother?”

  “You mother was a whore!” he yelled, his voice straining. “Just like you.”

  Kane couldn’t keep quiet any longer. He growled, getting the old man’s attention.

  “Animals.” He stood up with his cane, spitting on the floor, walking slowly towards Kane. “What kind of person would fornicate with animals?” He raised his cane and hit Kane on the side of the face, cutting him right next to his left eye.

  “Be careful, old man,” Kane growled low at him, blood sliding down the side of his face. “You fuck with me, and I’ll fuck back.”

  He laughed at Kane, walked right up behind him, raised his hand, and brought his cane down across his back. The pain that Kane felt was a new one. All these years he had been beaten with whips, never with a cane.

  “Stop it!” Jada screamed, standing up again only to be held in place by Jason grabbing hold of her arms.

  Jason smiled. “Not just yet. I’m finding I like the show.”

  “You would, you sick freak.” She twisted and turned in Jason’s’

  grip, but he didn’t let her go. Whack! “Kane!” she screamed.

  He glanced up at her to see Jason toss her over to the side. Jada sort of went flying across the floor, landing hard on the ground and skidded to a stop. Jason came up to the old man and stopped another blow from landing on Kane’s back. Blood trickled down his back, as well as a nice throbbing, but Kane ignored it. His eyes were on Jada.

  “Don’t want to kill him,” Jason said. “At least not yet.”

  Jada crawled over to one of the chairs, unnoticed by either man.

  Kane held his breath as he watched her stand up, grip the chair, pick it up, and walk right up behind the men. She swung and came down hard behind the old man. He went down. Jason looked at her with shock and she swung around, hitting him as well, knocking him down also.

  Dropping the chair, she dropped down next to Kane, working to release one of his wrists.

  “You’re nuts, you know that?” Kane said.

  “Lecture me later.”

  Jason lunged from behind. He grabbed her hair at the same moment Jada got Kane’s wrist free. Jason yanked her back, pinning her to the ground.

  “Feisty little bitch.” Jason smiled. “I like that.”

  Kane lunged for Jason, but the chains stopped him. “Hurt her again, and I’ll rip your fucking throat out!” Kane snarled.

  “She is a cute little thing.” Jason chuckled. “Does she taste as good as she looks? I bet she’s a great fuck with all this fight in her.”

  Again, Kane tried to lunge at Jason, but Jason laughed at Kane when the chains held him off. Jason pinned her wrists over her head before reaching out to run one finger down her cheek. Jada moved her head away.

  “Ah, don’t worry. Soon you will be very used to my touch.” He got closer and licked her lips.

  “Yeah, well not today.”

  Kane flinched when her knee came up and nailed Jason right in the crotch. Jason grunted and Kane chuckled.

  “You fucking bitch!” Jason sat up and hit Jada with a closed fixed, knocking her out. Kane growled again low when Jason moved his hand down on Jada, cupping one of her breasts. “Nice handful.”

  Kane snarled and let his animal side out enough to show Jason that he wasn’t afraid of him any longer. Hair sprouted over his body, fingers got longer and he began to grow bigger.

  “I don’t think so, mutt.” Jason pushed off Jada, walked right up to Kane, and kicked him hard in the chest. “You’ve forgotten your manners.”

  Kane felt something crack. A rib maybe. He gasped for air, and each breath he took gave him excruciating pain.

  “Maybe its time I reminded you,” Jason turned his back, and left the room. Kane wanted to call out to Jada but he couldn’t catch his breath. He hung his head, working to steady his breathing and the pain. “Brought something just for you.”

  Kane looked up. Jason had the whip that he used on Kane so many times in the lab in his hand.

  The first crack of the whip landed with a sting on Kane’s back to join the throbbing from the cane. Another one, harder had him hissing. After the fifth hit he lost count and wasn’t able to hold back from yelling any longer either. His breathing was coming fast and hard as he kept his eyes closed to block out the pain.

  “That’s enough, Jason.” Josh walked up next to him, but Kane was too weak to look up at the man. “Don’t want him unable to perform later.”

  “I’ll never fuck for you,” Kane panted, shaking his head.

  Josh knelt down grabbed his hair and yanked his head back.

  “Sure you will, Kane. Because I really don’t think she can take the pain like you do.”

  “The old man doesn’t look too good,” Jason stated.

  “Have someone take him to the hospital, and put her up on the table.” Josh said

  Kane stiffened and watched. Jason picked Jada up and tossed her on the table. She was so limp that her arm hung off the side, as did her legs, and she didn’t make a sound being laid down on her bruised back. She was out cold.

  Josh jerked Kane’s hair and then let it go, stood up and slipped out of his suit jacket. He nodded to Jason who picked up the old man and took him out of the room. Kane kept his mouth shut as Josh pulled on his tie then released it from his neck, walking up to Jada.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever considered that you might have good taste in women before, Kane.” He stood at the end of the table and parted Jada’s legs, standing between them.

  “Don’t do it, Josh,” Kane huffed, breathing through the pain.

  “She is a very pretty girl Kane,” Josh’s voice lowered, becoming husky sounding. When he touched her, Kane jerked, testing the chains again. The one that Jada started working on was loosening up. He was almost free. “And so soft.” Josh’s hand moved her ripped shirt up, exposing her belly.

  The growl that came from the back of his throat was a deep rumble. Josh tugged on her jeans, unsnapping them, and yanking them down her legs roughly, tossing them behind his shoulder. She was in her panties, completely at Josh’s mercy and out cold.

  When he took the back of his hand, skimmed it up her leg, over her mound, and hooked his thumb inside her panties as if to start to pull them down, Kane lost it.

  With no drugs in his system, Kane was powerful, pissed, and the control that Drake worked so hard at teaching him snapped. He snarled, along with growling in a pure animal manner. Kane changed once more.

  Hair sprouted all over his body and hands, wrists, legs, feet, everything on him became larger. The chains that were holding Kane by his wrists snapped in two. The thick collar around his neck broke into two pieces as Kane slowly stood up on his feet. Color in the room turned to dark red. A bloody red as he stared at Josh Stan.

  Kane felt his face change. A large snout replaced his nose, sharp and deadly teeth filled his mouth, and in his anger, foam and spit came out of his mouth. Kane was now completely changed and pissed was a mild word to describe how he felt right this minute.

  Looking at Josh, Kane released an ear-shattering growl at the man, showing him each and every one of his sharp teeth. The growl was pure animal. Nothing on Kane at this moment was human, and mercy was something he knew nothing about, not after the bastard threatened to rape his mate.

  Josh made a move towards the door. The moment his hand touched the knob, Kane was right behind him. He jumped up and landed hard on the ground. The whole floor shook from the force and weight of his jump.

  Josh turned around and Kane grabbed him by the throat, picking him up, pressing him against the door. Kane squeezed, watching the life slowly slip from the bulging eyes. How many times had this man watched him suffer? How many times had Kane begged as a child for one ounce of mercy when he was being beaten? When did Josh Stan ever give an ounce of shit about anyone but himself and what Kane could bring him? Never!

  He brought Josh close to his large mouth, making sure that the man knew the anger and danger he was in. He snarled in his face, enjoying how Josh shook under his hand.

  “Jason won’t let you leave this house,” Josh strained when he spoke. “You’re dead.”

  Kane’s only response was to snarl at him again. With all this power and all his anger over the years he spent under this man’s hand, Kane twisted Josh’s neck and pushed him through the thick oak door with all his power.

  He turned and went over to the table. Jada was still out cold. He reached out with his paw like hand and touched the side of her face—

  the one that was bruised so bad he cringed for her when he touched it.

  He was still in wolf from when he scooped her limp body up in his arms. Kane turned and left the room, walking out into a basement.

  He snarled at Josh’s limp, dead body, heading right for the stairs.

  Kane made it to the kitchen where Jason was waiting for him, gun pointed at his chest. Kane snarled at him, right before he placed Jada on the wide island countertop.

  “You’re not walking out of here, dog,” Jason spit on the floor, glaring at Kane. “At least not alive.”

  Kane lunged at him and the gun went off. He wrapped both of his hands around Jason’s throat, squeezing. The gun exploded again and this time Kane felt the raw burning pain from the gunshot.

  His grip loosened and Jason rolled him off. Kane panted, his change slowly receding back to normal. Once he was a man again, he was covered in sweat and felt the pain in his stomach, where he’d been shot.

  Jason smiled. “Always did have to bring you down the hard way.”

  Kane lay on the cool tile floor, holding his stomach, watching Jason walk around. He put his gun into the waistband of his jeans while he went to the back door. Kane said nothing and moved very little.

  Jason went outside briefly and when he came back in, he had two canisters of gas in his hand. Kane just watched him pour the gas around the room. He was breathing hard from the pain and didn’t want to move much for fear that he would bleed to death.

  “You know, I told Josh keeping you as a pet was a mistake.”

  Jason splashed gas over the counters and up the walls, walking around slowly. “But no, he thought he could train your sorry ass.” He finished with another splash before tossing the can off to the side.

  “Guess it’s left for me to do what he didn’t have the balls to do.”

  Kane growled again the second Jason brought out a match and lit it. A fire broke out in the kitchen. Heat engulfed the whole room, but still Kane didn’t take his eyes off Jason.

  Jason extended his hands out and laughed, “I do have to say, Kane, that I’m enjoying watching you bleeding on the floor. I’m really hoping you don’t die. I want to hear you burn.”

  “You’re a sick fuck, Jason.”

  “Not until I have your pretty sister I ain’t,” Jason snickered. “I can hardly wait to taste her.”

  Somehow, Kane got a second wind of strength. He moved fast, reaching up and grabbing Jason by his throat. Slowly, pushing the pain back, Kane stood up, holding onto Jason.

  “That’s the last threat you will ever make towards my sister,” Kane said through his teeth. “Now you can go straight to hell!” He pushed Jason with the last amount of his strength he had towards the burning fire.

  Breathing hard, Kane watched as Jason bounced off the burning wall, his body catching on fire. The man screamed, flapping his arms around, twisting his body. Holding his stomach, Kane glared, saying nothing as Jason ran from the kitchen into another part of the house, spreading flames throughout as he went.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure this is the place?” Drake asked Brock. They pulled into a gravel drive that appeared very deserted.

  “This is the address Uncle Adrian gave me.” Brock sighed.

  “Yeah, well we both know how great you are with directions.”

  Drake grumbled.

  “Hey, that was one time. One time! Get over it.”

  “Boys!” Stefan snapped from the driver seat. “Don’t make me pull over like you’re five again.”

  “It’s on fire!” Drake pointed straight ahead towards a house that was burning.

  Stefan stopped the truck parked it and quickly got out with them.

  They all stared at a once grand home engulfed by huge orange flames.

  “Kane!” Drake yelled. He was about to run towards the fire, but Stefan stopped him.

  “You can’t go in there.” Stefan grunted as he held Drake back.

  “It’s too late.”

  “Dad!” Brock raised his voice enough to be heard. Both Stefan and Drake looked in the direction in which Brock was staring.

  Kane was coming around from the back of the house, in his arms a limp Jada. He was practically naked, dirty, and if Drake was mistaken, bloody. Stefan let Drake go and the three of them ran towards Kane.

reached Kane just as he dropped to the ground on his knees.

  Brock got a hold of Jada and Drake grabbed onto Kane before he could fall to his face. He took hold of him by his shoulders, but Kane still dropped down face first to his lap.

  “Jesus,” Stefan gasped in a whisper, “He’s been beaten, and shot.”

  “So has Jada,” Brock stated, “But take out the shot. What the hell happened in there?”

  “Kane?” Drake took his face in his hands, moving his head up to look at him. “What happened? Where’s Stan?”

  “Dead.” Kane panted, shaking his head. “Both dead.” He strained in Drake’s arms. “Jada.”

  “She’s safe,” Drake told him. “Brock has her.”

  Kane nodded, and then slumped in Drake’s lap. He passed out.

  Drake stared down at him and gently brushed the back of his hand, sighing. He promised Kane that he wouldn’t be hurt ever again, and here he was beaten and shot.

  “He’s going to be fine.” Stefan grabbed Drake by the shoulder, squeezing him. “His threat is over. He’s completely free, just like the rest of us.”

  Drake nodded, but said nothing. He fisted his hand into Kane’s hair, lowered his own head down, resting it on top of Kane’s. When he had himself collected, Drake looked up where Stefan was standing, staring at the burning house.

  “Dad?” Drake said, frowning.

  “It’s a bit ironic,” Stefan said.

  “What is?” Brock asked.

  “This whole war started with a fire. Now it ends with one.”

  Stefan sighed. “It’s finally over.”

  Brock stepped up next to him, Jada in his arms. Somehow, Drake was able to pick Kane up, slinging him over his shoulder. He grunted with the extra weight, but also stood next to Stefan, watching the house burn.

  “I couldn’t think of a better ending,” Drake said. He grinned at Stefan when Stefan turned his head to look at him. “Started with you, ended with us. Just like I said years ago. I was going to end this shit.”

  Brock cleared his throated. Drake smiled, hung his head down for a second, and took a deep breath. He straightened up as much as he could with Kane over his shoulder and said, “Okay, we did it.”


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