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The New Breed

Page 19

by Jaden Sinclair

  “Thank you.” Brock turned, heading back to the truck. “Is it too damn much to get some appreciation around here? Damn!”

  Stefan chuckled and reached for Kane. Drake took a step back, shaking his head. “No. I have him.”

  “He’s heavy.” Stefan pointed out.

  “Yeah,” Drake nodded. “But for once I want to hold him. Just once.”

  Stefan nodded. “Let’s go home before the cops show up and he bleeds to death.”

  * * * *

  “I swear I could quit the hospital and take up private practice with just you Draegers.” Doctor Sager came into the kitchen of the Draeger home, wiping her hands on a rag. She took a deep breath as she sat down at the table.

  Stefan was leaning up against the counter, Dedrick at the table with Drake and Cole, who had his arm up in a sling. Brock was in the study making calls to Heather and Carrick, while Sidney and Jaclyn were upstairs helping with Kane and Jada. Celine was on her way home.

  “The girl has a concussion. She’s been beaten pretty badly, and I think she’s in a state of shock. She didn’t say one word to me as I checked her out and I know some of those bruises have to hurt like hell.”

  “And Kane?” Drake asked. He almost held his breath, fearing the worst.

  “He’s lost some blood. Luckily, for him they didn’t use copper.

  Bullet didn’t nick anything, it’s out, and he’s sewn up. He has one cracked rib and lots of bruising from the beating he took. I gave him a heavy sedative. He’ll be out of it until late tomorrow. He kept trying to get up to go check on the girl.”

  “Thanks, Doc,” Dedrick sighed. “You’ve been a life saver.”

  “Don’t say that until after you’ve seen my bill,” She snorted, standing back up. “I’ve given your wife the instructions,” she said to Stefan. “If that wound begins to bleed get him to the hospital ASAP.”

  “You got it,” Stefan said.

  “Night.” Sager walked out, leaving them alone.

  “So when does CeeCee get here?” Drake asked.

  Dedrick groaned, rubbing his face then the back of his neck. “I called Chase. He’s stopping to pick her up on his way here.”

  “You got Chase to come home?” Cole asked with both of his eyebrows raised in shock.

  “You make it sound like it was hard.” Dedrick leaned back in his chair, tipped it back and reached for the fridge. He pulled out a few beers, sliding them on the table.

  “I couldn’t get him home for Christmas last year, and you got him to come home for this shit,” Cole snorted. “Not fair.”

  “Stop acting like a baby.” Brock walked back into the kitchen, leaned over Cole and grabbed the beer that Cole was about to drink.

  “Carrick and Sasha got to the house just fine. Heather said that Sasha sort of freaked her out. Said that Kane was fine, just hurt a bit. How the hell would she know that?”

  “Because she’s telepathic,” Stefan said, getting everyone’s attention.

  “What?” Drake frowned.

  Stefan shrugged. “She’s telepathic. She can see into each one of our minds. Sort of like what we do when we seduce our mates.”

  Dedrick grunted. “Okay, some of us.”

  “I don’t understand.” Drake rubbed his forehead.

  And he didn’t. Sasha was the quiet one. She didn’t have anything shifter. Nothing at all, besides a birthmark on her shoulder that looked just like the bite mark males left on their mates. But the more he thought about it the more it sort of made sense.

  Sasha seemed to always know what they were thinking and was gone when he wanted alone time with Carrick. She rarely talked. So yeah, it was possible. But how?

  Drake was about to ask that question. He even had his mouth opened when Stefan went on. “I did some research and talked to a few of the Council members. Twins of our race have very unique talents.

  When the egg splits, you never know which one will get what. Most of the time, they are equal in everything. But when one gets nada,” he shook his head. “Only ever heard of once before.”

  “What’s it got to do with what ever it’s called?” Drake frowned.

  “Wait a sec.” Cole held up his good hand.

  “It’s the birthmark,” Dedrick said. He sounded tired, just like everyone. “That twin your father is talking about had the same mark.”

  “Sasha can see into our minds. Everything?”

  “You know, Kane did say that the two of them communicated with their minds in the lab growing up,” Brock said. Drake gave him a dirty look. “Hey, didn’t you just even talk to him about his past?”

  “Can’t forget it, Drake, no matter how much you try,” Stefan stated.

  “I didn’t want him to remember the pain.” Drake sighed, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. “Kane has enough going on that I just didn’t want him to think about the cage or the beatings.”

  “But it’s who he is,” Stefan said. “His past is what’s made him the man he is now. All we’ve done, Drake, is show him how to be the man he can be. And we need to help Sasha with this gift of hers.”

  Drake nodded in agreement, and kept his mouth shut.

  “Well it sure is going to make Christmas interesting,” Brock stated with a smile. “Could’ve used her when we were younger.”

  “Dedrick,” Stefan sighed.

  Dedrick leaned over and slapped Brock on the back of the head.

  “Now this is why I don’t want you living up there alone.” Cole groaned when Celine came in from the back, slightly yelling at him, “They shot you!”

  “She’s taken up the roll of mate very well,” Stefan said to Dedrick.

  Dedrick nodded. “Just like her mother.”’

  Celine dropped her bags and rushed up to Cole, hugging him. He grimaced but said nothing, only hugged her back with his good arm.

  “Look, he’s still alive,” Drake stated.

  “Yeah, just peachy.” Celine stepped out of Cole’s embrace so he could get a good view of Chase. “Shot with a broken collar bone. You win bro.”

  Cole stood up and faced Chase. Drake waited, almost holding his breath, thinking that they were going to start fighting any second.

  Chase had been gone for three years. He called, but didn’t come home for the holidays or anything. Each time Drake tried to get him home, Chase had an excuse of some kind. After the first couple of years, Drake was beginning to get an idea as to why Chase was staying away, but shrugged it off. Shifters didn’t stay away from their mates as long as Chase has been gone. So that thought he tossed out.

  Cole came over to Chase and hugged him. Chase hugged him back and Drake let the breath he was holding out. No fight. Good. He really didn’t need to break one up at the moment.

  “You look like shit.” Cole smiled, holding onto Chase by his leather jacket.

  “Have you seen yourself?” Chase teased back. “You’re not a top model either.”

  “Hey!” Stefan pushed off the counter when Sidney walked into the kitchen. “How’re they doing?”

  “Jacy is still with Kane,” Sidney answered. “I’m worried about Jada though. She’s just sitting there, staring out the window. I helped her get dressed, and she didn’t make a sound. Only went through the motions.”

  “I’ll go talk to her.” Chase said.

  “I don’t think it’s going to do any good,” Sidney said, shaking her head.

  “Yeah, it will.” Chase pulled out of Cole’s arms and left the kitchen.

  “Think he can get through to her?” Sidney asked.

  “He’s her only friend,” Cole stated. “He’ll get her out of it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jada sat at the edge of the bed staring out the window. The guilt was eating her up inside. She was stupid for leaving and even dumber for being caught. She should never have gone to visit Chris’s grave, but she needed to go and say her good-byes. She needed to put her own demons to rest finally.

  “Jada?” she closed her eyes. Chase.
He was here.

  She heard the door close. Heard his steps walk closer and could even feel him kneeling down in front of her. She couldn’t look at him.

  “You’re a mess, girl.” She could hear the teasing in his voice and would have smiled if she could. She’d known Chase long enough to know when he was trying to cheer her up.

  She also knew she was a mess. Jason did a nice number on her.

  After Sidney left her, she went into the bathroom to look at herself.

  The whole left side of her face was one big ass bruise. Cheek swollen, lip cut, and her eye made a raccoon look sexy. She just hoped like hell that Kane wasn’t in even worse shape than she was. But then, he had to be didn’t he? If he weren’t then he would be in here with her.

  Unless he figured out that she was trouble as if she’d been trying to tell him since the moment they met.

  “Where’s Kane?” she whispered.

  “He’s down the hall.” Chase touched her legs, rubbing her knees gently. “Resting. Guess he fought pretty hard with that Jason guy. At least, that’s what Celine told me on the way here.”

  “I fucked up,” she said, her voice shaking. When she opened her one eye, a tear fell down her face. “He could have died because of me.”


  “How—how could he do that?” She couldn’t stop herself. The words started to come forth before she could push them back where they belonged. More tears came and fell.

  “How could my own grandfather…okay, that sh—”

  Chase wrapped his arm quickly around her neck came up on his knees and hugged her tight. “Sh.”

  Jada fisted her hands into his jacket and let it out. She cried, well maybe screamed the pain into his chest. The harder she cried, the tighter Chase held her.

  * * * *

  Chase held Jada as tightly as he dared, being she was hurt. In all the years that he had known her, he never once saw her break down.

  Hell, he never even saw a tear fall from her eyes and now she was holding onto him. Crying and screaming against him and he took it.

  He felt bad for her and didn’t know what to say that might help to ease her pain. All he could do was hold her. When he glanced up Drake was standing in the doorway staring at them both. Chase saw the concern in Drake’s eyes.

  It took some time, but Chase got Jada calmed down and resting in the bed. He left her, meeting up with Drake in the hallway. Drake was leaning back against the wall, both hands in his pockets. He looked like a man beaten down to Chase.

  “How’s she doing?” Drake asked.

  “I’ve never seen her like this before,” Chase answered. “Jada has always been so strong, and feisty.” He shrugged. “This isn’t the Jada I know.”

  “She’s been through a lot.”

  “I think everyone has.” A few seconds went by before Chase scratched the side of his head. “So how’s Kane doing?”

  “Why’d you leave, Chase?”

  “What?” Drake’s question caught Chase off guard. He wasn’t expecting it and wasn’t sure just how to answer it.

  “You heard me.”

  Chase shrugged, trying to put on a carefree attitude. “Needed to do my own thing, I guess.”

  “Bullshit.” Drake snorted, pushing off the wall. “When you decide to tell me the truth, you know where to find me.”

  He was halfway down the stairs when Chase started to follow.

  “You know, don’t you?”

  Drake nodded as he kept walking down. “Yep.”

  “Damn it!” Chase sighed. “Drake.” He grabbed Drake by the arm, stopping him. “Don’t do this. Don’t put me in this kind of position like you did Cole.”

  “And what position might that be?” Drake frowned.

  “There’s a reason for everything we do. Trust me when I say that my reason is for the good of everyone here.”

  “You sure it isn’t you running away like your brother?”

  “Hell no!” Chase took a step back. “She needs time and you know it.”

  “And just how much time are you planning on giving her?”

  “As much as she needs.” Chase brushed past Drake to the kitchen. “Trust me, I’ll know when the time’s right to make my move.

  You just keep that boy of yours civilized.”

  * * * *

  Jada woke up glanced out the window and sighed. It was four in the morning and the house was very quiet. She had cried in Chase’s arms until she fell asleep. That much she remembered.

  Wincing, she sat up, flinging the covers off her legs. She was shaky when she stood up, weak, but determined. She walked to the bathroom, flicked the light on, and went right up to the mirror. She stared at herself, seeing a stranger looking back.

  Hanging her head, she turned and left, looking for her clothes. In a chair was her bag of cameras and another with some clothes in it.

  She was so sore that it hurt too much to move. Jada wanted to crawl back into the bed and just sleep, but she had to move, had to see for herself that Kane was okay.

  It took her longer to get her jeans on, and by the time she had her shirt over her head she was panting and sweaty but she was dressed.

  The shoes were a whole other matter since she could barely bend over. She would have sworn it took her an hour to get dressed instead of twenty minutes.

  Grabbing her camera bag, Jada slipped from the room. She wasn’t too sure which room was his and went all the way down the hall to the last room. It was a good enough place to start as any. Luck was on her side. It was Kane’s room.

  She went inside, closing the door quietly. Kane was on his back, in the middle of the bed. The covers were up to his waist, a bandage over his stomach. Slowly Jada walked up to him, her bag slipping from her fingers to the floor, where she went down to her knees. She took his hand, slipping her own under it. Silent tears fell down.

  “You just couldn’t listen, could you?” Jada dropped his hand and stood back up. She paced the room, shaking her head. “If you had, then you wouldn’t be in that bed—hurt. You’d be in the woods where you belong.” She stopped, covered her mouth as more tears fell.

  “Why’d you have to be so damn stubborn?” she whispered. “Why the hell did you have to come for me?”

  She went back over to the bed, sitting down on the side. Gently she touched his forehead, brushing a long lock of his hair to the side.

  “You stupid son-of-a-bitch,” she breathed out. “You did what no one has been able to do for years. You made me feel.” She leaned close, lips mere inches from his. “I miss you already you damn animal, and that isn’t fair. Just like I can’t stay here and have only a damn photo of you like Chris. I’m sorry.”

  Jada brushed her lips against his, pulled back, and reached for her bag. She dug inside, finding the one camera that had her secret. She brought out one single film container and set it down on the nightstand next to the bed. Sniffing back the tears, wiping her sore face, Jada stood up and went to the door. She opened it, peeked out to make sure no one was around.

  She slipped out, but stopped. Jada looked once more at Kane, her heart breaking. But she had to do this. It was right. Deep down she knew it was the right thing to do. If she stayed with him any longer then he would die. Everyone she ever cared for did.

  “I lied to you, Kane,” she said, taking a deep breath. “I do love you.”

  * * * *

  Kane fought to come out of the haze his body was in the moment he picked up Jada’s scent. But he couldn’t. What ever it was the doctor injected him with was keeping him under, drugged and weak.

  Just like when he was in the lab, only he knew this time it was for him and not for others. He understood that he needed to rest, to give his body time to heal. When she walked into the room all he wanted to do was hold her, to feel her breath on his face and know that she was all right.

  Somehow, Kane was able to turn over in the bed, and for his effort, he was slapped with excruciating pain.

  “Hey, what’re you tr
ying to do, rip the stitches open?” he heard Drake’s voice, but couldn’t open his eyes.

  Kane opened his mouth to speak and nothing came out. When Drake touched his arms, pushing him back onto his back he gripped his shirt, fisting it. By this time, he was panting with the effort to get something to come out.

  “Ja…Ja,” he tried to say.

  “What? I don’t understand,” Drake said.

  Kane took a deep, big breath and said in a rush, “Jada!”

  “She’s okay.” Again, Drake pushed him down in the bed. “She’s down the hall resting. In the morning, I’ll let her come down and see you.”

  Kane shook his head. “No.”

  “Drake, Jada’s outside…leaving.” Cole stuck his head into the door.

  “Shit. Stay with him!” Drake yelled, running out the door.

  * * * *

  Drake ran from the bedroom, almost knocked Chase over and took the stairs two, or three at a time. It was still very early in the morning, so everyone else in the house was still sleeping. Perfect time for her to try to run again.

  He yanked the door open, looked around quickly, and saw her walking with her head lowered down the drive.

  “Jada!” he yelled.

  She looked over her shoulder, but didn’t stop walking. In fact, when she saw him she took off running.

  “Fuck,” Drake mumbled, running after her.

  She had a good lead on him, which wasn’t good. When she made it to the fence and started to climb, Drake’s heart dropped in his gut.

  He slammed up against the bars just as she dropped down, landing on her rear, breathing hard.

  “Jada, please don’t do this,” he said. “Please don’t do this to him!”

  “I’m sorry, Drake.” She slowly stood up. “I can’t stay to watch him get hurt because of me.”

  “Damn it, you still don’t understand.” He rattled the fence, praying that Cole or Chase would open it up for him. “You leave, it will kill him.”

  “But he’ll be alive.” She started backing away from the fence.

  “Take care of him, Drake.”

  “Jada,” he gave a warning growl when she turned her back on him. “Jada!” Drake yelled the second she ran away, disappearing into the night. “Argh!”


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