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The Bryson Blood Wars

Page 9

by Cynthia Blue

  “Opal, are you still there?” Clover said over the phone because of the extended silence.

  “Yes, I’m here. Just thinking.” Opal told her and slightly shaking her head to snap out of it.

  “About what?” Clover asked getting out of her car and going in the grocery store.

  “About…us and how we came this far knowing we had bumps and bruises before then.” Opal said honestly.

  “Yeah I know. We have come a long way. You know you will always be my sister, no matter what. We all make mistakes, it is alright. Just be honest with me and talk to me when things are not going well for you.” Clover said making Opal feeling bad for not telling her about the insurance plan.

  “Yeah, I hear you. I have to go. I will hit you up later.” They hung up.


  For the past couple of days Opal has been on ten with her feelings. She thought about what Clover said and wanted to make both of the people that meant so much to her happy. One minute she was okay. The next minute she wasn’t okay. Opal found herself in a tail spin. What made her like this wasn’t just her own feelings, but she couldn’t put together what her eyes had seen. Wallace went in the shower to do his daily routine when his phone went off. Her first instinct was not to snoop, just like the last time. She knew how he would get about her going through his personal space, but like always, she ignored it and got his phone. She unlocked it and read the message.

  Hey, I missed you last night. Hope to see you tonight. I’ll be wearing your favorite.

  She read it multiple times in order to digest this painful discovery. Not again. Who is this now texting my man? Opal was in such a daze she didn’t see Wallace coming out the bathroom.

  “Yo, what are you doing with my phone,” Wallace startled her. “You know how I feel about you snooping.” He came and snatched the phone out of her hand. It was like she had an out of body experience and couldn’t wrapped her head around what had transpired.

  Opal finally found her voice and said, “Who is she?”

  “None of your business. Do you pay my phone bill?” He asked her, but before she could say anything he answered. “No, you don’t, so fix me something to eat. I’m hungry! Now go!” She stormed out and head to the kitchen to fix him something to eat.

  I love him, she thought.

  That is not love. You can do better, her conscious was telling her. It was like two people going at it with each other in her head. It was like the good side and the bad side, but this time it was the smart side and the dumb side both going back and forth in her head.

  You can do better. Just stay in your lane and it will be okay.

  You shouldn’t be treated like that.

  Well, you’re used to it so let it be.

  She shook off her conscious and carried on with her breakfast.

  “You know what, I’m leaving, I got a run to make.” Wallace said. Slow as molasses. He thought.

  “Clean up around here and make sure you have my dinner ready. I am not playing this time.” Wallace stormed out the house. Opal was getting really fed up, but she cooled down a bit and continued fixing breakfast just for her.

  Later on that night

  “I got to go, but I’ll call you later. Keep it tight for me.” Wallace said as he was getting dressed after a night of wild sex with one of his many side pieces, Trisha.

  “Yes Daddy! When will you be back? I can’t keep it waiting for long.” Trisha said as she turned around and spread her ass cheeks wide in order to give Wallace a bird’s eye view of what he’ll be missing.

  “Well you better try. You know I don’t play that shit.” Wallace smacked Trisha on the ass. She laughed.

  “I won’t make any promises,” she got up to give Wallace a kiss. “Goodnight baby,” and headed to the bathroom.

  “Bye boo.” Wallace said and headed out. He felt like the king of the world because he was getting his cake and eating it too.

  Wallace entered his home and was welcomed with the sounds of Not Gonna Cry by Mary J Blige blasting throughout the house. He learned, if this song is playing, a female must be going through it, but he didn’t have the time, patience or concern to be going through it with Opal. He just went to wash and get in the bed and sleep. Trisha had put it on him and he wanted to sleep peacefully but first he had to deal with this bullshit that Opal was on. He went to the bedroom and found Opal crying and packing up clothes. Where the fuck does she think she is going? He wondered to himself.

  “Where are you going?” He said with authority and turned off the music.

  “Where do you think?” Opal said to him.

  “You better not get smart with me. You’re not leaving me. Nobody else is going to want you, so you might as well just stop being so overly dramatic and get your fat ass back to bed!” He yelled. Opal just stared at him. She didn’t know what to do or say.

  Opal finally found her voice. “I am not doing this anymore with you and I am not going through with this plan either. I cannot take you flirting with other women and probably coming back from fucking those hoes! I’ve seen you texting a few. I do have feelings you know. You know what, I am done.” She left the room in defeat with her bag.

  “Oh really,” Wallace said and he was following Opal to the front door. “You don’t want to go to prison, do you?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Opal dropped her bags in total shock. What? This nigga didn’t just say what I think he did? She didn’t know what the hell was going on. It went from agreeing with everything that he said to being blackmailed just like that. Opal couldn’t believe the man she loves, who also claimed to love her in return, would blackmail her with private information she completely trusted him with.

  Opal turned around to face Wallace in disbelief. “How could you? I told you it was an accident?” She pleaded.

  “Sure it was.”

  “Yes it was!” Opal defended.

  “Like hell it was!” Wallace snapped back. “Don’t get me wrong I totally understand why you would leave your husband’s pregnant mistress/your supervisor and your stepson for dead and flee to Miami in the dead of night.” Opal walked over to the couch and took a seat and Wallace followed suit. Opal was in complete silence wondering why her life was such a hot ass mess.

  “No need to thank me for keeping your secret,” Wallace said with a devilishly smile and took a seat next to Opal. “Just as long as you give me a reason why I should keep quiet. Now that I have your undivided attention,” Wallace pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Opal.

  “What is this?” She asked with lack of energy.

  “Your signature and the contract in regards to our arrangement for Clover’s bakery.” Wallace laughed on the inside. He got Opal’s signature down to the T and knew she would fall for this. Opal wasn’t sure if this was actual proof. It was typed up like an official contract.

  “I know you’re speechless and need time to fix that smaller than peanut brain of yours to work its impossible miracle to help you think so I bid you goodnight.” Wallace concluded and left Opal sitting on the couch alone to get ready for bed. Opal was so mentally drained she decided to crash right there on the couch.


  The next morning Opal woke up feeling refreshed but nothing had changed. She’s a bit glad she stood up to Wallace, but it seemed like now she was back at square one. Was it all a dream? I can’t believe it. Why would he do this to me? She found herself still on the couch where she slept and found the remote to turn on the TV.

  “Why do I have to suffer?” Opal cried to herself. “When will it end?” She got herself together and headed to the kitchen to get something cooking for breakfast. She was shocked beyond belief, when she looked what was on the table. It had roses and a card. It read, I cooked you breakfast and I put it in the microwave, it was the least that I could do. Things will work out and we will be better than ever. If you just trust me and listen to me, then everything will be great. You know you are not going anywhere, so stop trying to front. Love y
ou. –Wallace

  Well at least he didn’t say anything negative about me, I guess, and he brought me my favorite jewelry Pink Adams. She smelled the roses with a hint of a smile upon her face, and put them in a vase and grabbed her breakfast out of the microwave. After she finished her breakfast, she continued to clean up after herself and clean the house, yet again. She decided to take a break and watch her old favorite show Real Housewives of Atlanta. That show never gets old in her book. She watched it all day not noticing that Wallace had come in the house.

  “Well, hello to you to,” Wallace said. Rude self.

  “Oh, hey. I didn’t see you come in. Sorry,” Opal said sadly.

  “Yeah, right. After I did my gesture this morning, thinking about you. This is what I get. You should be graveling at my feet. You better be lucky I thought about your slow behind.” Wallace snapped.

  So much for the name calling. Opal sighed loudly and felt herself about to cry. I’m not going to cry, I’m not going to shed not one single tear. She said internally thinking about the Mary J. Blige song she played last night.

  “I thought you might have food on the table since I did something nice for you, but it is alright I can cook.” Wallace said getting all mad. She needs to check herself.

  “I’m sorry, I have been cleaning all day, and I wanted to relax for once.” Opal said.

  “Cut the bullshit! Don’t give me any of those lame ass excuses. You need to move around and lose some fucking weight!” Wallace said getting the pots and pans out so he can start cooking.

  “Really, I cannot take the total disrespect! When are you gonna learn that nobody is going to put up with your foul shit!” Opal yelled angrily while tears coming down her face.

  “When will you learn ain’t no other man going to love your fat ass like I do. I’m trying to help you and encourage you.” Wallace yelled back.

  “Right, whatever.” She said with an eye roll.

  “Talk smart like that again.” Wallace subtly threatened. “Go and do something or walk around outside until I say come back in.”

  “You know something, Wallace. You’re right. You’re absolutely fucking right. I need to go do something.” Opal brushed past Wallace and grabbed her purse, keys and bag full of her belongings she left by the front door last night and opened the door. “For starters I’m going to the doctor’s office for a checkup to see if you gave me any ‘unwanted gifts’.” Opal then slammed the door behind her not giving Wallace a chance for an insulting comeback.

  Opal hopped in her car and headed for home with a big smile on her face. Actually she got her negative test results last week. She just wanted to piss off Wallace. “It feels great to get the last word!” She cheered out loud in victory.

  Chapter Twelve

  “This is so nice,” Richard said, as he and Calista were enjoying their lunch at Outback Steakhouse. Calista’s friendship has really opened Richard’s eyes. Having someone to talk to and confide in about his issues has made a big difference. Particularly about having a closeted celebrity boyfriend. “How’s life treating you?”

  “Great,” Calista answered. “I see you’re in great spirits.”

  “I’m good. All things considered. Solomon is not retiring anytime soon, but we started going on inconspicuous double dates. Not exactly what I was aiming for, but it’s a start.” Richard figured type of compromise was better than no compromise whatsoever.

  “That’s a good thing, right?” Calista said.

  “I really envy you Calista,” Richard said with a slight sigh.

  “For real?” Calista replied.

  “Don’t get me wrong Calista. I’m happy for you and Bray. I’m not being a hater or anything like that.” Richard made sure to stress that to Calista before he began to explain his plight. “You know how you and Bray are able to be out in the open and scream to the heavens to declare you love for each other? Me, on the other hand, I can’t even whisper it to another human being.”

  “You can tell me,” Calista offered, “go ahead. You’ll feel better.” She insisted.

  “Alright,” Richard took a deep breath and said. “Calista, I love Solomon Kent.”

  “How did it feel?” Calista asked with a smile.

  “Great,” Richard smiled with relief. “Alright, enough with all the mushy shit!” Richard and Calista busted out laughing. Richard continued to laugh, but Calista stopped. She started having a creepy feeling of being watched and followed again. Richard stopped laughing when he noticed Calista’s change of mood. “Uh....Calista? Anybody there?” Richard asked with concern.

  “Oh, I’m sorry Richard. What?” Calista asked while shaking the creepy feeling off and snapping back to reality.

  “Are you okay?” Richard asked.

  “I’m fine,” Calista lied. Actually, she didn’t know how she felt at this point. “However, I do need to stop by my Aunt Clover’s bakery and speak to her about one of her recipes I wanted to try.”

  “You two seem to be very close,” Richard assumed.

  “She’s been very good to me,” Calista said. “She’s like a big sister and mother both wrapped into one. Sometimes I don’t know where I’d be without her. I mean Daddy and Uncle Sharp are great but that motherly bond Aunt Clover gives me is what a little girl needs. Till this day I still haven’t heard from my birth mother.” Calista said with gloom. Over the years, Calista has dealt with her mother’s abandonment but it still hurts sometimes.

  “Shit! I’d rather have a mother who abandoned me than the one I got,” Richard said with sarcasm but was serious.

  “Explain,” Calista said.

  “I’ll be frank. My mother treated me like shit.” Richard said nonchalantly.

  “Was she like that with Carter too?” Calista asked.

  “Oh no. She was crazy about Carter.” Richard answered. “She loved Carter, but for some reason she never loved me. Her hatred for me was so bad my parents ended up divorcing, which of course she blamed me for.”

  I thought my mom was fucked up! “I’m guessing your mom has a major problem with you being gay and your relationship with Solomon?” Calista asked.

  “Are you kidding? She loves Solomon.” Calista couldn’t believe this shit. How can a mother hate her child but love her child’s significant other. “I know I can’t believe it either,” Richard read Calista’s mind. Richard dropped his head in defeat. “All I ever wanted was for that woman to love me. Why doesn’t she love me Calista?” Richard rhetorically asked.

  Calista couldn’t stand to see her friend in so much pain. She had to do something. “Richard, I asked myself those same questions when my mom dumped me at my daddy’s house and never looked back. If it means anything, you have Carter, his family, Solomon and me.” She assured him.

  “And you have me too.” Calista and Richard looked up and saw Eloise. They figured out she was the owner of the voice.

  “Aunt Eloise!” Richard greeted with a big kid smile and gave Eloise a big hug.

  “Hey, Richard baby,” Eloise greeted back.

  “Grandma Eloise!” Calista greeted and gave Eloise a hug.

  “Calista baby.” Eloise greeted and took a seat next to Calista.

  After settling down Calista realized something and asked Richard and Eloise. “How do you two know each other?”

  “I know both Richard and Carter. Their father, Big Carter and I go way back.” Eloise answered.

  “This woman, right here helped me through some tough times,” Richard added. Eloise was the first person to figure out he was gay before he did. Eloise was there for Richard when his own mother didn’t want to be bothered with him.

  “You’re a sweet special boy, Richard,” Eloise said, “you and Carter, both. Has he left them alone?”

  Richard knew Eloise meant the streets. “No he hasn’t. He’s trying though,” He answered.

  “Tell him I said hi,” Eloise replied. “Again I’m sorry about your father’s passing. He was a wonderful man.”

  “Thanks, Aunt Eloise.

  “You boys do know if y’all need anything call me. I promised your father on his deathbed I’ll watch over you two.” Eloise said.

  “How did you and Big Carter become friends?” Calista asked Eloise.

  “He’s the one who saved my life that night and brought me to Lola. She was a family friend of theirs.” Eloise explained. She was referring to when her own father started pimping her out. She ended up getting beaten and raped by one of her johns. After the attack, Eloise struggled to make it out of the hotel and passed out in a dark alley. That’s where Big Carter found her. After Eloise settled in with Lola, Big Carter checked on her frequently and put a hit out on her father and rapist in prison. What started out as a feeling of being obligated to protect turned into a beautiful friendship.

  “I’ll let you guys in on a little secret,” Eloise said with a playful devilish grin. “You know those red velvet cupcakes of mine y’all love so much?”

  “Yes,” Calista and Richard said.

  Eloise turned to Richard and confessed, “they’re your grandmother’s recipe.”

  “Say what?” Calista and Richard exclaimed in disbelief.

  “That’s right, she left me her cookbook when she died.” Eloise volunteered.

  “I thought they tasted familiar,” Richard said with a laugh.

  Eloise, Richard and Calista continued to talk about fond memories of Big Carter. On the other side of the restaurant, in a secluded corner was where an unidentified man sat. He intensely stared at Calista while rubbing his rock hard dick through his pants under the table and whispering to himself. “Pretty soon, you’ll be mine! I will have you!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Are you sure you want to cancel the policy?” The customer service representative asked Opal for confirmation over the phone.


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