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The Bryson Blood Wars

Page 10

by Cynthia Blue

  Opal was dead silent on the other end of the phone. Wallace has been on a major warpath since Opal stormed out of his house like she did. In order to make it up to him, Opal gave in and decided to go along with the plan. Besides, she didn’t want to go to prison for what she did to Alex and Jacori.

  “Yes, I do,” Opal managed to say.

  “We’re sorry to lose you guys. Are you sure you want to cancel the policy?” The CSR asked again.

  “Yes, I do,” Opal confirmed.

  “Alright,” the CSR said. There was a brief silence between Opal and the CSR. Opal assumed she was in the process of cancelling the policy. It felt like an hour to Opal when actually it was only three minutes before the CSR came back on the phone. “The policy has been cancelled as requested, remember, you have thirty days to change your mind before the cancellation takes effect,” the CSR informed.

  “Of course,” Opal said.

  “Is there anything else I can help you with?” The CSR asked.

  “No, that’ll be all,” Opal replied.

  “Alright, goodbye and hopefully you’ll be back with us.” the CSR said and then hung up.

  After she got off the phone, Opal sat at her desk in deep thought. She couldn’t believe she actually went through with the plan. She took her phone out of her purse and sent Wallace a text to update him:

  OPAL: Hello. I did it. I cancelled the policy and it goes into effect in thirty days.

  WALLACE: Great! Now onto the next step. Everything is set up for Clover’s new policy on my end. All you have to do is transfer her payments straight to me.

  OPAL: Okay. Are we still on for tonight?

  WALLACE: Of course, baby, meet me at Bobby’s when you get off work. I love you.

  OPAL: I love you too.

  Finally! Opal cheered on the inside. Wallace actually showed her love and respect. Opal was on cloud nine when Clover walked in unknowingly interrupting her thoughts. “Opal, do you mind closing up today and tomorrow? Sharp and I have to go to a parent teacher conference for Myk today and Sami tomorrow.” Clover requested.

  “It’s no problem,” Opal agreed. “When is Lil’Sharp’s parent teacher conference?”

  “Next Tuesday,” Clover answered. “You know it also means next Tuesday I’ll need you to......”

  Opal already knew where Clover was going with this. “Don’t worry. I can close next Tuesday too,” Opal agreed again.

  “Thanks sis,” Clover said with a hug. “Love you.”

  “Love you too,” Opal said.


  It didn’t take Opal long to close. She headed straight to Bobby’s after she finished up her closing duties. Opal walked into the restaurant and was greeted by the hostess who led her to a booth and Opal took her seat.

  “Hello, are you ready to order?” The waitress asked Opal when she arrived at her table.

  “Not yet. I’m waiting on my boyfriend,” Opal answered.

  “Alright, let me know when you’re ready.” The waitress said before taking her leave. Opal then pulled out her phone to let Wallace know of her arrival:

  OPAL: I just got here.

  Ten minutes went by and no word from Wallace. Opal decided to call him and received no answer. Another ten minutes went by and still no answer. Opal continued to call and text and she still received the same disappointing results.

  “Where the hell are you?” Opal wondered out loud and began to get frustrated.

  Opal called Wallace again and this time the phone rang twice and went straight to voicemail. Opal called five more times and got the same ring twice and straight to voicemail routine.

  “This nigga is ignoring me!” Opal quietly hissed under her breath with anger.

  “Opal,” Colton greeted.

  Opal looked up and saw Colton. “Colton, hey!” Opal greeted with a smile and gave him a hug. “What’s up?” Opal was relieved she didn’t start crying before anybody she knew saw her.

  “You know how it is. Long day at work. Now I’m waiting on my order to get ready.” Colton said and took a seat at Opal’s booth to keep her company while he waited for his takeout order. “What’s going on?”

  “He stood me up, Colton.” Opal answered with shame and humiliation.

  “Are you sure?” Colton asked.

  “Yes, I am,” Opal replied. “Wallace promised to meet me here after I closed the bakery for the night. I’ve been waiting here for over a motherfucking hour. I called and text and I got no answer. That nigga is ignoring me!”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Colton, that nigga is ignoring me!” Opal angrily concluded. “I text him multiple times and called his ass over and over again and you know what’s happening now? It started ringing twice and going straight to voicemail. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt if it kept ringing and it went straight to voicemail. That means he didn’t hear it or he wasn’t anywhere near his phone. If it went straight to voicemail the first time that means his phone was off, but no, it rang twice, Colton. That means his phone rang, he saw it, knew it was me and pressed ignore.” Opal decided to call Wallace again and this time it went straight to voicemail. “I guess he was tired of me blowing up his phone and decided to turn his phone off all together.”

  Colton wanted to kill Wallace for the pain he’s bringing into his dear friend’s life. He reached for Opal’s hand, looked deep into her eyes and said, “Opal, I’m going to tell you what I’ve always told Calista growing up. Never let a motherfucker ruin you.”

  “Thanks, Colton. You have a great night.” Opal said.

  “You too. Remember what I said okay,” Colton said before he went to check on his order. Before he did, he stepped outside to make an important call.

  “Hey Clover, how are you?” Colton asked.

  “Hey Colton, I’m doing great.” Clover answered. “Sharp and I just walked in the house. We’re back from Myk’s parent teacher conference. What’s up?”

  “I ran into Opal at Bobby’s and she’s a wreck,” Colton said. He knew Opal needed cheering up and he also knew her baby sister was the perfect person for the job.

  “What’s wrong?” Clover asked even though she had a pretty good idea it had something to do with Wallace’s bitch ass.

  “Wallace stood her up,” Colton admitted.

  “That motherfucker!” Clover snapped. “I knew that nigga was still an ain’t shit nigga!”

  “Right, right,” Colton agreed. “Listen. I think you need to come down here and cheer her up.”

  “I’ll be right there,” Clover said and they hung up.


  Clover arrived at Bobby’s and found Colton in the lobby with his takeout bag. “Hey Clover,” Colton greeted and hugged his beloved sister-in-law and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Hey Colton, thank you,” Clover said. “Is she still in there?”

  “Yes, she’s in there,” Colton answered and the two glanced in Opal’s direction. She was in a depressed, hopeless state wallowing in her humiliation. “I didn’t know what else to do, so I called you.”

  “You did the right thing,” Clover assured him. “Thanks Colton.”

  “No problem,” Colton said. “Tell Sharp and the kids I said hello.”

  “Of course,” Clover said before she and Colton went their separate ways.

  Clover walked over to Opal’s booth and made her presence known. “Hi Opal.”

  Opal looked up and saw her baby sister’s face. She knew that Colton had called her here. A part of her wished he hadn’t, but she was glad he had. She needed someone. “Clover, hi,” Opal broke down in her arms. “I’m so ashamed.”

  “It’s okay. I’m right here,” Clover said and the sisters regained their composures and took their seats. “Ready to order?”

  “Yes,” Opal answered.

  Clover found the waitress and told her. “We’re ready to order now.”


  “I can’t believe this shit is happening again.” Opal complained as she and Clover
ate their dinner.

  “That bastard!” Clover blurted out with bitterness.

  “Clover, what’s wrong with me? Be honest,” Opal asked with desperation.

  “Girl, nothing is wrong with you.” Damn that fucking Wallace! Clover was really starting to hate Wallace for the way he’s destroying her beautiful sister. “You are the total package. If Wallace can’t see it, fuck him!”

  “I’m so sorry Clover,” Opal said. More than you know.

  “Opal, you have nothing to be sorry about,” Clover insisted. “Kayson was an evil manipulator.”

  Opal wasn’t even referring to Kayson, but since Clover brought him up she might as well get something off her chest. “Clover, there’s something you need to know.”

  “I’m all ears,” Clover said with full attention.

  “I know I blamed you for Kayson’s death, and again, I’m very sorry. What you don’t know is, I also blamed myself.” Opal confessed.

  This was definitely news to Clover. She didn’t understand why Opal would blame herself. “Really? Why?”

  Opal began to explain. “Because the last time I saw Kayson, I had visited him in prison. He pissed me off so bad that I actually wished death on him.”

  “What did he say to piss you off to that extreme?” Clover asked.

  “Brace yourself because a large part has to do with you,” Opal warned.

  Clover sighed and let Opal proceed. “You might as well tell me, because he’s already done his worse.”

  “That nigga was so smug. Telling me he couldn’t help himself when you seduced him. Telling me you were irresistible and was turned on when you came on to him and how you turned out so beautiful and sexy. He hadn’t had great sex like that in a long time,” Opal reminisced.

  Anyone would think this type of thing would make Clover cringe in her seat with disgust and contempt. Clover would be the first to admit she was highly disgusted, but like she said before, Kayson already had done his worse. At this point, nothing surprised Clover about Kayson so she sat quietly and let Opal continue.

  “Not one time did he apologize to me,” Opal said with bitterness. “Oh yeah, he said he was sorry, but it wasn’t sincere. His ass had the nerve to blame me for all of this. Saying, and I quote: ‘I’m sorry, but if you wasn’t so fat I wouldn’t have to cheat.’ If you say the word ‘but’ after ‘I’m sorry’; it means you’re not really sorry. The deal breaker was when I found out he lied about Alex not visiting him. He promised me he wouldn’t have her visiting him. Fuck! What the hell made me believe and trust him?”

  “How did you find out he broke his promise to you?” Clover asked.

  “The bitch came up there with Jacori in tow showing off her four month old baby belly added with that victorious evil smirk she always wears.” Opal answered.

  Clover was shocked. Shocked but not surprised. Remember, this was Kayson they were talking about. “You mean Kayson got her pregnant again?”

  Opal nodded. “I was so humiliated. Of course, Kayson acted like it was nothing that I caught him in a lie and broke his promise to me right in front of my eyes. He actually told her he loved her, Jacori and their new baby more than anything else in the world and their growing family were the only thing that mattered in his life while me, his wife, was standing right there witnessing it all. Alex told him that you and I was not going to get away with putting him in prison. That’s when Jacori rushed up to me and said: ‘you had my daddy locked up you big fat piggy!’ and stomped on my foot very hard. As you know, neither of his parents did anything about it. In fact, they were laughing. They actually thought that disrespectful shit was funny! I left without saying one word because I didn’t want to cause a scene or get arrested for what I might do to them. When I got in my car I screamed out: ‘Kayson, I wish you were dead!’ He was murdered the next day. I know Kayson was a terrible man, but he was still a human being.” Opal made sure to omit the events that occurred after Kayson’s death. She’s determined to take it to the grave, even if it means going along with Wallace’s plans. “Am I wrong for feeling guilty?”

  “No Opal,” Clover assured her, “you’re a sweet person with a great heart. You must remember Kayson’s murder wasn’t your fault. He was a child rapist. It was only a matter of time before he would get gang raped and beaten to death by his fellow inmates. Men like Kayson and Wallace don’t deserve your type of love and loyalty.” A single tear fell down Opal’s cheek and Clover leaned over to wipe it off. “Don’t cry. It’s all good.”

  “You’re a great sister Clover, thanks,” Opal said with a half-smile. “I don’t deserve you.” I really don’t.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Solomon was working out in the gym at the Atlanta Falcons practicing facility. He was still thinking about the news report he came across on his phone before he started his workout. “That’s some fucked up shit,” Solomon said out loud.

  “What’s that?” Bray asked when he happened to pass by Solomon hearing what he said.

  “I was thinking about the news report I saw before starting my workout,” Solomon said. “It was about this girl that was beaten to death viciously. She disappeared about three years ago and a fisherman and his grandson found her body at the bottom of a lake. The only reason the authorities were able to identify the body was because of her X heart-shaped tattoo on her shoulder.

  “What was her name?” Bray asked.

  “Her full name was Harissa Strawn but she went by her nickname,” Solomon answered. “I forgot what it was but it started with an X. What’s up?”

  “Nothing, but the tattoo description sounds familiar,” Bray said. “I think I’ve seen it before. Where I don’t know.”

  Solomon looked around to see if anybody was paying any attention to he and Bray’s conversation. When the coast was clear he said to Bray, “Listen, once again thanks know.”

  “No problem,” Bray said. He still found Solomon to be cool people. He figured who he entertained in his bed was none of his business. “How’s Richard?”

  “He’s okay,” Solomon answered. “He went on a business trip this morning. He’s been in great spirits since his new friendship with Calista. She’s a great friend to him.”

  “That’s my baby,” Bray said with a proud smile.

  “You are a lucky man,” Solomon said.

  “Thanks and so are you,” Bray replied.

  “I’m glad Richard is a part of my life. Yes, our relationship is complicated, but hopefully that’ll change someday,” Solomon said with hope.

  “That’s why we’re trying to get this Super Bowl ring, right?” Bray said with confidence.

  “Right!” Solomon cheered. “I’ll admit Richard and I have our ups and downs, but we can honestly say we’re nothing like this couple we saw two nights ago.”

  “What couple?” Bray asked with curiosity.

  “Richard and I were having dinner with his brother Carter and his wife Zyna. There was this couple at the restaurant who caught our attention. I mean this nigga treated his woman like shit the entire date. First, he walked like three or four feet ahead of her. When they were sitting down eating their meal he was on his phone the entire time not paying any attention to anything his woman had to say, and flirted with every woman who passed by their table. The clincher was when another woman approached their table. Obviously, she was the dude’s side piece. We all couldn’t believe how comfortable this chick was approaching the dude with his woman sitting right there.” Solomon recapped in disbelief.

  “Did she actually sit at the table?” Bray asked, because he wanted to know how low and scandalous this hoe and nigga really were.

  Solomon nodded yes. “Not only that, but the side piece and the dude were all hugged up with each other laughing and having a good time. They didn’t even notice that his woman left. We didn’t think he cared because they never addressed her departure, nor did the dude chase after her.”

  “That’s foul shit right there,” Bray responded and shook his head.
/>   “Another thing about the dude. Carter mentioned that he looked like someone he had came across before. I have to admit Carter is highly brilliant, plus he’s an expert at recognizing faces.” Solomon said.

  “That’s wild, but then again it’s a small world.” Bray nodded in agreement. “I’m still tripping about grandma being cool with Richard and Carter’s father.”

  “So that was your grandma Richard always talked about?” Solomon concluded and Bray replied with a nod. “He always talked about how great your grandma was to him.”

  “That’s my grandma. Always giving love and support. I can honestly say my family and I don’t know where we’d be without her.” Bray said with deep gratitude and the two continued their workout.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Clover and Laliyka were relaxing in the living room enjoying a glass of wine after Lil’Sharp and Ray’s parent teacher conference. Sharp was in Sami’s room helping her with a school project and Myk was in his room watching cartoons.

  Clover and Laliyka were proud of their teens great reports and accomplishments on the school’s debate team. In fact, they’re going to New York in about two weeks for a debate competition. Lil’Sharp and Ray found Clover and Laliyka in the living room because they needed to ask Clover a question.

  “Mom, may we go to the office to practice for the debate competition?” Lil’Sharp asked.

  “Sure baby. Do you guys need any help?” Clover offered.

  “Not at the moment Aunt Clover,” Ray answered.

  “Okay babies, y’all know we’ll be right here if you need us,” Laliyka said.

  “Thanks momma,” Ray said, and the two took their leave.

  “Our babies are something else,” Clover said, and took another sip of her wine.

  “Yes they are,” Laliyka agreed. “Being champion debaters and now they want to become lawyers.”

  “I say go for it,” Clover encouraged. “Maybe our babies will change the world.”


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