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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

Page 19

by Sheri L. Swift

  Okay God, is this really happening, please help me get out of this situation, she prayed.


  Cole and Will had just boarded the second tram leading down the mountain when his satellite phone rang in his pocket.

  “Hello,” Cole asked.

  “Mr. Prentis?” a man asked with a Portuguese accent.

  “That’s me.”

  “This is the Harbour Master, I’m sorry I was busy when you came in earlier and didn’t have a chance to speak with you.”

  Cole thought this a little unusual and swallowed, “That’s alright, is anything wrong?”

  “No, I just wanted you to be aware we have had some young women go missing recently and have been unable to locate them or the ones responsible. I realized you had two with you and wanted to ask you to keep a close eye on them while visiting with us tonight.”

  “Oh, well thank you for your concern.” Cole was even more worried now.

  “We hope you enjoy the festivities.”

  “Thank you, we’ll be leaving as soon as we can.”

  “I understand, but you and your family is welcome anytime.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome; goodbye.”

  “Goodbye.” Cole hung up and put his phone back into his pocket while clenching his teeth.

  “Seriously, when we have the Queen of the Mer with us,” Will said in his mind.

  “Yep.” Cole decided to phone Rose.


  “I’m not kidding Mom, I can’t find Lizzy anywhere,” said Lana with worry taking over.

  Rose’s phone rang, “Hello.”

  “Honey, I just got off the phone with….”

  “Cole, Lizzy is missing; we can’t find her anywhere.” Rose began to cry.

  “Honey, I’m sure she’s just off looking at one of the booths or watching the street bands.”

  “I don’t know Cole; I don’t like this at all. Who did you say called?”

  “Nobody, I’ll be there soon and we’ll find her.”

  “Alright, but please hurry.”

  Cole hung up.

  He and Will quickly got off the tram and pushed through the crowd until they got to the metro.

  “Dad, this is my fault; if we hadn’t gone to Sugarloaf….”

  “Will I want you to clear your mind and listen for Lizzy; if anyone can hear her it’s you.”

  Will took a deep breath, “Okay Dad, I’ll try.”


  Lizzy was still being pressed by the three men to follow along with the parade. The two other men were larger and neither were smiling, not even the first as he quickly led the way.

  She realized this wasn’t about her jewelry; this was about her. She began focusing on speaking to her mom or Lana, but she didn’t know if they’d be able to hear her now, “I need help! If anyone can hear me, I’m being kidnapped or worse, please Mom, Lana,” she said in her mind as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  She couldn’t hear anyone speaking back to her and was becoming paralyzed with fear. No Lizzy you have to stay strong, you have to fight, she thought and then began trying to break free.

  The two stronger men each grabbed one of her arms forcing her forward.

  She had no doubt now, she started to scream.

  One of the larger men quickly put a piece of duct tape over her mouth; all of them kept so close to her as to keep anyone from seeing her.

  She still tried to scream through the tape, but no one would ever hear her over the crowds and music playing.

  “Lizzy are you alright?”

  She wasn’t imagining it was Will, “Will I need help! I’m being kidnapped by three men. They’re taking me along with the parade.”

  “Dad and I’ll be there soon, just try and slow them down somehow.”

  Lizzy lifted up her feet and landed on her bottom as the men weren’t expecting it.

  Both men lifted her up and began pulling her forward as they followed the other.

  She tried to cling onto the ground by dragging her tennis shoes to slow them down, but they were too strong.

  “Keep talking to me Lizzy.”

  “I’m trying to slow them down, but they’re too strong!”

  “Just keep trying; do anything you can.”

  “I can’t scream; they’ve put duct tape over my mouth!”

  “Just keep trying Sis.”

  Lizzy tried screaming again, but to no avail, the sound was too muffled.

  Now the men were speaking to one another in hushed voices.

  Lizzy could make out a few words like alley and car. Now shivers went down her spine.

  “I can even hear your thoughts now Lizzy we’re almost there.”

  “Hurry we’re turning to the right down an alley, I can’t see any signs, but I did see a vendor with a red shirt selling wands with silver streamers just before we turned.”

  “Okay, I think I see him.”

  The first man ran on ahead to a black car parked at the end of the alley and unlocked the door and started the engine.

  “Oh no Will, they have a car and one of them has already started it. He’s opening the trunk!”

  Suddenly, the two larger men let loose of the hold they had on Lizzy.

  She turned and saw Will and her father. They had knocked the two men unconscious.

  Now Cole was grabbing the other man before he could get back into the car.

  Will carefully took off the tape covering Lizzy’s mouth, “Are you alright, did they hurt you?”

  She reached inside her pocket and got her ring and put it back onto her finger.

  “I’m good, no, but they would have if you hadn’t found me when you did. Thank you so much Will.” She hugged him.

  Cole had thrown the last man up against the stone wall knocking him unconscious like the others.

  He quickly got the duct tape out of one man’s pocket and began taping their hands behind their backs. He took off their masks and put a piece of tape over each of their mouths. Then he taped all their hands together until there was no more tape on the roll.

  He went and turned off the car and threw the masks inside. He locked it and shut the trunk then put the keys into his pocket.

  Before he left, he saw a thick rod iron balcony up above and with Will’s help; they tossed the men over it and left them there unconscious.

  “Let’s get out of here,” said Cole as he took Lizzy by the hand and they quickly walked away.

  “Thanks Dad.” She smiled through her tears.

  “Will’s the real hero, but you already know that.” He grinned.

  “Yeah he sure is.” She also smiled to him.

  Will blushed.


  Rose couldn’t keep from crying. She couldn’t figure out where Cole was; did he go after Lizzy or is he unable to get back with all the crowds?

  Lana tried to give her comfort, but even she was now beginning to cry. She quickly lifted up her head, “They’re almost here; they have Lizzy with them.” She smiled to her mother.

  Now even Rose sensed them coming up the street. She also sensed Lizzy’s thoughts and realized what just happened.

  Cole had already picked up the case of coffee beans as he passed the market on his way back.

  Lizzy couldn’t keep from crying as she ran into her mother’s arms.

  “It will be alright dear, let’s get you home to that groom who’s waiting for you.” She kissed her cheek.

  Lana turned back to the counter to pick up the three bundles from the lace maker’s table where they were holding them for Rose.

  “Let me get those for you Sis.” Will took the three bundles.

  “You’re really growing up Will.” She smiled.

  “Yes he is.” Lizzy grinned.

  All of the family headed back to the Harbour Masters Office.

  After getting their passports stamped, Cole purposefully left the kidnapper’s keys on the counter.

  Cole rowed them back to the Bonnie Rose as fast as
he could despite the water becoming pretty choppy.


  Jedediah was eager to speak with them, “Boy I’m glad to see you; there’s a storm brewing from a pop-up tropical depression and the satellite data shows it’s a whopper. Titus is gonna swim the others south to safer waters.” He looked to Lana.

  Lana handed the bag with her disguise to her mother and then dove from the dingy and swam to Titus as he was swimming to meet her.

  Cole let his thoughts tell Titus to do what was best for the Mer and they and the Fijians would do what was best for them.

  Titus grasped her arm and swung her onto his back, “There is not much time my love.” He kissed her and then quickly swam her to the front of the pod.

  Not even King Titus could keep Prince Ulysses from remaining with Faith; Makoa also stayed behind to give any aide needed to the humans during the storm.

  Jedediah helped the family and then the dingy aboard.

  He showed Cole the imagery for the storm and Cole agreed; it was the best option for the Mer.

  As soon as Cole pulled up the anchor, he turned on the motor and drove the Bonnie Rose out into the waters of the Atlantic where the Island Traveler was waiting.

  Cole’s phone rang, “Hello.”

  “Mr. Prentis this is the Harbour Master, did you happen to leave your keys here?”

  “Those aren’t my keys; they’re from the black Chevy Corsa parked off an alley down from the lace market. You’ll also find three men on a balcony which I believe you’re looking for; they tried kidnapping one of my daughters.”

  “I see, why did you not tell anyone when you were here?”

  “I don’t like complications which could slow me down; that same daughter is getting married three weeks after we get home if I push it. Now we have a lot to deal with the addition of the storm.”

  “I see, may I phone you again if I need any additional information?”

  “Yeah sure.”

  “There was a witness to an abduction which described a black Corsa. If these are the men we have been looking for, Rio de Janeiro owes you a great debt.”

  “Happy to oblige.”

  The two said goodbye and hung up.

  Cole radioed Micah, “I think we should hurry and head south and then try circling back to come behind the storm. She’ll most likely head into the Caribbean.”

  “Got it. Micah turned on the engine and began to follow Cole’s lead.

  “I can say this is one trip I will never forget.” Lizzy raised her brows with tears forming in her eyes.

  “I guess there’s not only creepy Mer we have to deal with, but also creepy people,” said Jedediah after hearing all of their thoughts on the matter. He went and hugged her.

  “Just remember when you look at the beautiful lace tablecloths Lizzy, the people of Brazil are not all like that.” Rose lifted her brows and smiled.

  “And when we drink their great coffee!” Cole winked.

  “And remember the taste of their food.” Will grinned.

  “I know; I’m not even sure they were from Brazil, their dialect seemed different.”

  “We’ll know soon enough,” said Cole.

  “I’m just glad you’re all back safely aboard,” said Jedediah.

  “We are too.” Rose grinned.

  Jedediah walked over and gave Will a fist bump.




  The National Hurricane Center was now issuing a Tropical Storm warning which was rare for this time of year. It was moving about 60 knots and had a span of about 100 miles wide from the center eye. It would most likely follow a west-northwest curve.

  Cole knew Titus had to think of the pod first and especially get the women and children to safer waters. But he was grateful for Prince Ulysses and Prince Makoa staying with them. It allowed him to communicate with them about the condition of the Island Traveler.

  Normally he would have sought out shelter in a large storm, but with baby Grace aboard, he couldn’t hole up in a cove or go ashore.

  He was taking no chances; he and Jedediah would have to bring down the sails. It would be disastrous if they unfurled in the middle of the storm; he told Micah to do the same with the yacht.

  Jedediah wasn’t taking any chances either; he sent Jireh with Seturus, but little Grace was too small yet to travel so deep with the Mer. After he laid his sleeping daughter down on the bottom bunk, he pulled up the side rail and surrounded her with pillows.

  He looked up to Will on the top bunk, “You think you could keep an eye on her for me?”

  “You know it.” Will smiled. He loved having her in his cabin, her thoughts were so sweet.

  Jedediah kissed the top of her little head and went topside.

  Will put his earbuds in and listened to his playlist while playing his games to try and keep his fear level down. This is a perfect scenario for Queen Poneros, he thought. He prayed the storm would be over soon.

  Then he remembered; he had to guard his dark thoughts so baby Grace wouldn’t hear them. She would most likely pick up on his fear.

  Cole had Rose steer the schooner while they brought down the sails.

  Lizzy tried phoning Robbie, but knew he was in the middle of coaching his swim team. She just wanted so desperately to tell him she loved him; so she left a message saying so, knowing it might be sometime before she would have a clear signal.

  She couldn’t help but write what she was feeling in Robbie’s journal. She even got on her mom’s computer while she could and looked up statistics on missing people in Brazil. She was shocked how often it was happening.

  She read a lot about human sex-trafficking and again realized how lucky she was to be rescued. She prayed for all the missing and also prayed the world governments would get together and help to stop it.

  She prayed for her family and the Fijians with Kawikani now facing the storm.

  She prayed for Lana and Titus and all the Mer, especially Prince Ulysses and Prince Makoa. She knew why they stayed behind, but it was so dangerous for them.

  She couldn’t keep from crying as she wished more than anything she could talk to Robbie. She wanted to pour out her feelings about the abduction to him.

  It wasn’t long and she put her earbuds in and began listening to her playlist while she cried herself to sleep.


  As night fell, the data showed the storm was increasing to 65 knots, which meant the Seas were increasing too; some were as large as 15 feet.

  Cole instructed Micah to keep some distance behind him so neither boat would end up on top of the other.

  He was becoming frustrated; they always seemed to be just at the edge of breaking free of the storm, but she continued to widen and was now about 200 miles from the center eye.

  Prince Makoa swam beneath the Bonnie Rose at some distance as to lesson the force of the waves.

  Prince Ulysses swam beneath the Island Traveler. He had told Faith to try and sleep.

  Faith feared Ulysses would be harmed if he got too close to the bottom of the yacht. She prayed he would be careful and planned to pray through the night for all of them and would not be sleeping.

  Andrew and Kawikani passed the time playing cards in the galley unless Micah needed their help.

  On the schooner, Rose kept a hot pot of coffee going through the night to help them all stay focused and she prayed for their safety as well as the Mer. She knew Cole wasn’t allowing his thoughts to frighten her as to how serious things really were.

  That was one of the things she loved about him; how he took the brunt of the harsh things never allowing them to harm his family.

  Cole now steered from inside the wheel house of the cockpit and was thankful he had the Bonnie Rose refitted with twin diesel engines two years ago. Sheets of rain blew in every direction pummeling the schooner.

  “Do you think the fore and aft masts will hold in this wind?” Jedediah looked seriously to him.

  “I pray they
do Son; I pray they do.” Cole sucked in a deep breath and held tight to the wheel.

  The schooner rose and fell with the waves now washing over the deck and onto the cockpit window.

  Cole had a grim expression and looked at Jedediah, “Now might be a good time to bring up the large cleats. We may need to toss them over to help her keep balanced with the anchor.”

  “Got it Dad, I’ll bring ‘em up.” He headed down to the lockers to where they were stored.

  Cole radioed Micah telling him to do the same, but not to drop them just yet; they may still have a chance to outrun the storm.


  King Titus had managed to swim the Mer to safety in the open South Atlantic, but was it really safe? He was not sure if the storm would increase, but they were now deep enough to have little effect.

  He was more concerned they were in the waters of the Old One. He sent out scouts to look for underwater caverns where the aged, women and children might spend the night.

  They found several, but one large one in particular where the Queen would stay with her family and half of those needing shelter. The rest were placed safely inside the other caverns.

  Titus had his guardsmen split up and protect each of the cavern entrances.

  Lana didn’t wish to be separated from Titus, especially knowing the Megalodon spent time in these waters, after she heard Titus’ thoughts.

  She worried for her family on the schooner, those on the yacht, Prince Ulysses and Prince Makoa. She knew how hard it was for her daughter Princess Rose to be separated from Makoa and not to know his fate.

  She prayed for the Mer and all those in the path of the storm on land and in the Sea. She also prayed for any in the path of the Megalodon; that they would remain safe.

  King Titus swam to her and took her into his arms, “It is time; you must be brave for our people and our children.” He gave her a slight smile.

  “Titus, you know how hard this is for me.” She kissed him.

  “I know my love, but the storm will be over soon and we will be united once more.” He returned her kiss and embraced her.


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