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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

Page 20

by Sheri L. Swift

  She put her arms around his neck and gave him a lingering kiss and then let him go.

  He swam to his guardsmen to give them further instructions.

  She entered into the large cavern with Prince Titan and the others.

  “Why can’t I go with dad?” Titan asked.

  “Not yet Son.” Lana knew all too well how quickly he’d grow up. She kissed the top of his head.

  All waited for the outcome.


  Cole had driven the Bonnie Rose as fast as she could handle.

  Micah did the same with the Island Traveler.

  By 4:00AM they had managed to break free from the deadly Seas and was thankful neither had to throw over their cleats and anchors.

  Cole radioed Micah, “Why don’t we go about another 20 miles and call it a night. We can anchor and get some rest.”

  “Sounds good,” answered Micah with relief.

  Jedediah and everyone else had gone to bed as soon as the storm let up.

  Cole spoke to Prince Makoa in his mind, “Why don’t you guys get some rest too.”

  “It is good to finally be passed the storm, we will rest after you anchor, though I doubt Ulysses will,” Makoa chuckled.

  “Hey after you guys get some rest maybe you could gather us and Micah’s crew some clams for chowder?”

  “Yes Cole, we will.”

  Cole set the Bonnie Rose on cruise and went and got a large net bag and tied it on the side of the schooner for them to gather the clams.

  He went back to the wheel house with a yawn and was glad he’d soon be in bed like the rest.


  When both the yacht and schooner dropped their anchors, Makoa decided to go ahead and take Ulysses to get the clams before they rested. They had spotted a clam bed some distance back the way they had come.

  Makoa got the net bag and swam to the yacht.

  “I do not wish to leave Faith,” said Ulysses.

  “We will go swiftly and return swiftly,” Makoa chuckled remembering how he felt about being separated from Princess Rose when they had first married.

  “Then let us go so I may return before she wakes.”

  Makoa and Ulysses sped through the water toward the clam bed.

  Cole and his family as well as the Fijians and Kawikani were now in a deep sleep after such a long night.

  None noticed the Island Traveler drifting further from the Bonnie Rose as they slumbered in the predawn hour.


  Makoa and Ulysses gathered as many clams as could fit within the large net bag Cole left for them.

  They were glad it would soon be time to rest for their lack of sleep was beginning to wear on them as they swam back to the others, not as quickly as before.

  When they surfaced and saw the Bonnie Rose in the distance, they were both brought wide awake with fright as they realized the Island Traveler was not to be seen.

  Cole woke with a jolt as he heard the thoughts of Makoa and Ulysses. He quickly dressed and came to the railing.

  Makoa tossed the bag of clams aboard, “We cannot find the yacht!”

  Cole looked out over the horizon with his binoculars and couldn’t see them anywhere, he quickly ran to the radio.

  Micah answered, “Why are you waking me?”

  “Where are you; we can’t see you anywhere.”


  “Micah where are you?”

  “Cole there is something wrong; I think we might have gotten tangled up with a Whale calf somehow.”

  Cole could hear the crying of a Whale in the background. He couldn’t understand how it happened and didn’t trust the situation, “Micah where are you?”

  Micah looked at the compass and realized they had traveled some thirty miles west from their last location. He gave Cole the coordinates.

  Makoa understood Cole’s thoughts and he and Ulysses swam toward the yacht as quickly as they could.

  Cole started the engine and headed for them also, “Listen to me Micah; whatever you do, do not get close to the railings. Don’t let anyone else get close either!”

  “Alright…. Cole I do not like this; something is not right.”

  “I know; Makoa and Ulysses will be there any minute. Just please be careful!”

  “What is that? Oh no!”

  “Micah what is it?”

  There was no answer.

  Cole tried radioing again, this time Micah didn’t pick up.


  As Makoa and Ulysses sped beneath the water, they heard the sound of the Whale calf crying in the distance. They could sense it was injured.

  Their senses heightened as they sensed the Old One swimming towards the yacht.

  They surfaced just in time to see a Humpback Whale calf chained to the back of the yacht with spear wounds and saw the large Shark surfacing with great speed towards it with death in its black cold eyes.

  They also sensed Queen Poneros and her pod near and realized this had all been devised by her.

  They raced to the yacht.

  The Megalodon opened up its large wide mouth filled with huge razor sharp teeth and bit down on the Whale taking the back of the Island Traveler with it.

  Micah had gotten Andrew, Faith and Kawikani up and each of them watched in disbelief as the Megalodon had torn away the back of the yacht.

  Ulysses called to Faith, “Jump!”

  She jumped over the side and into his arms.

  Makoa leapt up and grabbed Micah’s arm near the rail and pulled him in. He called to the others, “Jump into the water quickly before it returns!”

  Andrew jumped overboard.

  Kawikani stood frozen with fear.

  Makoa left Micah and Andrew with Ulysses.

  Ulysses put Faith onto his back and grabbed the arms of the two men.

  Makoa tried to reach Kawikani, but he was still too far away, “Kawikani, you must trust me!”

  Kawikani still stood frozen as though he hadn’t heard him at all.

  Queen Poneros gave an evil grin as she saw what was unfolding, “This is even better than I hoped for.”

  Her guardsmen waited in front of her while the mermaids waited behind her.

  She would not allow any from her pod to go near the yacht; she knew the Old One would take care of them all and if it didn’t; she would.

  Megedagik had to guard his thoughts; he saw the way his nephew and Ulysses were risking their lives to save the humans.

  The Megalodon circled back and began to increase its speed and surfaced once more.

  Makoa hopped up on what was left of the back of the now sinking yacht and began scooting towards Kawikani.

  The Megalodon began opening up its mouth to finish off the rest of the yacht.

  Prince Titus sped through the water and swam in between the yacht and the Old One with his golden forked staff pointed towards the Shark.

  Queen Poneros shrieked with laughter. This was the ultimate revenge for her sister’s death by King Titan’s hand; now his grandson would pay the price.

  Before anyone knew it Megedagik sped towards the Old One.

  Queen Poneros hissed, “How dare he disobey my command; kill him!” She looked to her guards.

  They hesitated for they were brothers of Megedagik and heard his tale of their nephew Makoa and the pod of King Titus.

  Queen Poneros screamed in anger and grabbed a spear from one of the nearby guardsman. She quickly swam after him.

  Megedagik rammed the side of the Shark before it could eat Titus.

  It only annoyed the Megalodon and it quickly turned its head biting off Megedagik’s right arm and then swam toward Titus again.

  Makoa reached Kawikani and then handed him to one of Titus’ guardsmen who had come. He quickly went to help Megedagik.

  Seeing Megedagik was already dieing, Queen Poneros threw the spear as hard as she could towards Makoa, but missed.

  Titus was full of rage as he once more faced the Old One and commanded with all which was within him, “
Leave us; we have no quarrel with you!”

  The Megalodon seemed to understand and turned around and then sensed Queen Poneros nearby.

  She opened up her eyes wide with fright and screamed, “No!” Hoping she too could have the same effect on the Shark as King Titus had.

  This only agitated the Shark and it rolled back its eyes once more as it sped towards her.

  She and her pod began to swim away as quickly as they could.

  This made the Shark all the more ravenous and it opened up its mouth wide picking up Queen Poneros and as many from her pod as it could; devouring many of them.

  The few remaining from her pod continued to quickly swim away.

  The Megalodon followed after them.

  Makoa carried Megedagik in his arms and sped toward the schooner.

  “Why do you bother with me?” he asked.

  “Because you have risked your life to save my King and because you are my uncle.” Makoa smiled.

  Megedagik smiled also and then past out.

  Cole had just arrived and saw the last of the Island Traveler as she sank below the water. He was somewhat relieved when he saw Titus and his guardsmen there helping. It seemed everyone was accounted for; he realized Makoa wasn’t among them.

  “I am here,” called Makoa as he surfaced with Megedagik.

  “What happened?”

  “He risked his life to save Titus.” Makoa quickly lifted him up to Cole.

  Cole pulled him aboard and saw his arm was gone; blood was spurting out everywhere. He quickly took off his shirt and tied it tightly on the stump remaining on his right shoulder making a tourniquet.

  “We don’t have time, we’ll have to burn it or he’ll never survive!”

  Jedediah understood his father’s thoughts and ran into the galley getting his mother’s Chef’s cooking torch.

  Rose quickly brought Cole’s medical bag to him and covered Megedagik with a blanket.

  Cole gave him a shot to numb his shoulder and stump before he began removing tissue.

  Lizzy ran to see what she could do.

  Will remained in the cabin with baby Grace who was now waking.

  He leaned over and smiled down to her, “It’s alright Gracie.”

  She gave a bright smile and kicked her feet.

  Makoa tapped beneath Will and told him, “Queen Poneros will no longer bother anyone.”

  “I know; I can’t feel her anymore.” Will grinned and began playing peek-a-boo with Grace.

  Titus surfaced with concern, “Is he going to live?”

  Cole answered as he worked, “I’m not sure; you mermen are pretty stubborn, so anything’s possible.” He winked.

  “Yes we are.” Titus gave a bow of his head and then helped bring the others aboard the schooner with Makoa and Jedediah’s help.

  Ulysses didn’t want to let Faith go. He kissed her, “I love you.”

  “I love you also; thank you for saving me and my family.” She kissed him once more.

  He smiled, “Get some sleep my love.” He lifted her up to Jedediah, though he hated to let her go.

  Rose got them all some towels since there was still a morning chill in the air.

  They thanked her and everyone for helping to save them.

  After setting up an I.V. drip with saline and pain medication, Cole quickly cut away some of the dangling tissue. He began cauterizing the wound as fast as he could; not only to save him, but also to do it before anyone else spotted them in the light of day.

  Jedediah drove the schooner.

  Ulysses and Makoa swam back to the sunken remnants of the yacht and retrieved all they could salvage with the help of the guardsmen and brought it back to the schooner.


  Megedagik proved to be just as stubborn as the other mermen Cole had come to know and love, but would most likely be out for some time as the Mer were more sensitive to pain medication than humans.

  Makoa had watched in horror as Cole burned what was left of Megedagik’s arm; he was still unsure about it. He had never heard of or even seen such a thing before.

  Cole looked to Makoa, “This was our only solution or he would have died. Now he’ll be able to get his wound wet. I want to keep an eye on him for a few more hours then you can have him.” Cole gave a wink.

  “Thank you, I will look after him.” Makoa smiled.

  Rose and Lizzie made breakfast for everyone and helped to wash Faith’s clothes as well as the Fijian brothers and Kawikani’s. They strung them up in place of the sails to dry.

  Lizzy helped get Faith comfortable in her room.

  Kawikani would be sleeping on the floor beside Jedediah in Will’s cabin.

  Andrew would be sleeping on the galley bench while Micah decided to sleep on the galley floor.

  Titus and his guardsmen had now brought the entire pod. They traveled below the schooner.

  Seturus brought Jireh to Jedediah. He would sleep with him and Grace as before.

  Talei brought Anue to Kawikani; Talei’s brother Prince Keola swam her on his back now as they traveled, otherwise she would eat meals and visit the others on the schooner when they stopped for breaks.

  Maiele now rode upon Prince Tristan’s back where he decided not to be as free with his thoughts.

  Lana decided to remain with Titus since there were plenty aboard the Bonnie Rose. She was thankful her parents were so generous to others. It made her proud to be their daughter.

  Cole and Rose were glad all were now safely aboard and that one merman in particular had survived the deadly morning and would also have a new home among Titus’ pod.

  Lizzy’s phone rang, “Hello Sweetheart, yes we missed the storm; dad circled back behind it. We’ll be a day or two later, but I can’t wait to tell you all about our adventures. Right now I just want you to know how much I love you and can’t wait to be your wife.”

  Cole and Rose smiled to each other and was glad Lizzy decided not to give Robbie more worry than necessary. She would be safely home in his arms when she tells him everything; as it should be.

  The time seemed to have flown by for everyone on their journey to and from the South Pacific. They all knew it had changed them in many ways, but most importantly it had made them stronger and closer than ever before.

  Now they were all glad to be heading home; destination Safe Harbor Island.




  A few days after the storm, Cole had gotten another call from the Brazilian Harbour Master. He told Cole one of the men captured had given up a location where they kept three of the abducted girls; they were now with their families.

  They discovered they were working with a sex-trafficking ring out of Spain. Another man gave up a location in Spain where two more girls had been sent and the Spanish government was working to get them back to Brazil.

  Lizzy was glad her incident had led to five other girls being set free and returned to their homes.

  She decided to put down her feelings in Robbie’s journal in the form of a poem:


  My enemy sought to take me

  I was gagged and bound

  Your hand was upon me

  I was returned safe and sound

  The Seas grew all around me

  Threatening to pull me under

  You put a barrier around me

  Keeping out wind, waves and thunder

  My enemy devised an evil plan

  To harm those I love

  My enemy could not battle

  The mighty One above

  Storms come in many forms

  But I’ve learned to trust Your plan

  Who will prevent it?

  None can

  Now Lizzy could truly concentrate on her wedding day. She talked with Robbie as often as she could, but still didn’t want to tell him everything which happened until she was home in Safe Harbor with him.


  It was late afternoon when the Bonnie R
ose pulled into Safe Harbor, Lizzy was beside herself. She had told Robbie they wouldn’t come in until tomorrow morning so she could surprise him.

  She knew he’d be coaching the swim team after school and she couldn’t wait to get there.

  She put on her green swimsuit, an old Island Chieftains T-shirt and some cut-off jean shorts and leather sandals.

  She didn’t want to take time to put on make-up; Robbie never cared for that since they spent so much time in the water anyways. She did put on some pink lip-gloss just before leaving her cabin.

  “You look beautiful; Robbie will be glad to see you again.” Faith smiled as she sat upon the bed.

  “Thanks, I know you’ll all be glad to be in the cavern; at least until Prince Ulysses can find a suitable grotto for you two.” Lizzy grinned.

  “Yes, I will be glad to share a home with him like we have in the South Pacific, but it will also be good to be among my family until then.”

  “Well, I better go!” Lizzy grabbed her cell phone and threw it into her beach bag with her towel blanket and headed out the door.

  Rose knew she would most likely not want dinner, but had to ask anyway, “You sure you won’t have something to eat first?”

  “No; well maybe just a banana.” She smiled and grabbed one heading up on deck.

  Cole smiled, “I know he’ll be busting at the seams,” he chuckled.

  “He better.” She waved and jumped off the schooner and onto the dock and nearly ran toward the school while eating her banana.

  Rose came up on deck and put her arms around Cole’s neck and kissed him.

  “I think they’re going to be happy.” He smiled down to her.

  “Just like her parents.” She smiled up at him.

  “Yep.” Cole gave her a hug and kissed her again.


  Robbie blew his whistle poolside and the next round of swimmers jumped from their diving platforms and sped through the water.

  He was timing them and didn’t see Lizzy come through the door on the other side.


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