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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

Page 21

by Sheri L. Swift

  She put her finger over her mouth telling the other students who saw her to keep it a secret. She slowly walked toward him.

  Robbie happened to look up and couldn’t believe she was finally here. He set down his pen and clipboard.

  Lizzy ran towards him and jumped up into his arms wrapping both of her legs around his waist; throwing her arms around his neck. She didn’t care who was watching; she kissed him passionately right in front of everyone.

  All of the students outside of the pool and some within began cheering and whistling out loud.

  Robbie blushed until he was beat red, but he really didn’t care either.

  “I’m so glad to be home.” She stared into his gorgeous green eyes.

  “I’m glad you’re home too beautiful.” He kissed her again and then put her down.

  He cleared his throat and smiled to the students, “I think you all know we’re done for the day,” he chuckled.

  The team clapped and cheered once more and then gathered around them so they could meet Lizzy.


  King Titus had his guardsmen unseal the cavern for the Fijian families.

  Kawikani, Talei and Anue would be remaining aboard the schooner for the summer or until Micah could purchase a new yacht; Titus told him they would provide the funds for it.

  Then Titus had his guardsmen unseal the city of Torbist for the Mer.

  Lana was more tired than ever as she entered her home behind the two thrones with the reluctant Prince Titan and his Dolphin Tempest who was eager to be home.

  Titan wanted to help his father make sure everyone was accounted for and comfortably back inside their homes before he would rest.

  Lana raised her brows and shook her head no with a grin. She kissed the top of his head and they and Tempest drifted off to sleep.

  Midori took Asuka to his home and then made sure Kaimu and Megedagik had homes on either side of them as they had in Tullius. He also helped the other half-Mer find homes nearby.

  Prince Ulysses came before King Titus and bowed his head.

  Titus chuckled, “Yes Nephew, you may go and join your wife in the cavern.”

  Prince Ulysses smiled with a bow of his head and then sped out the city toward the cavern.

  Seturus swam Jedediah on her back with Jireh on his, while she held baby Grace in her arms until they entered their own grotto.

  They were surprised to find a white wicker bassinet with a large pink bow and ribbon inside the cavern. It also had pink bedding inside.

  There was a note attached, Jedediah read it to Seturus in his mind as to not wake the children:

  I thought you two could use this for little Grace. You can even remove the bed from the stand and set it on the floor. I had to bring it in two trips, Lol. Just wanted to say congratulations and buy something for my future niece. The hoop for my future nephew was a little trickier.


  They both looked across the cavern and saw a basketball hoop mounted on the wall.

  “That was so nice of him.” Seturus smiled.

  “Yep it sure was.” Jedediah knew he had to have gotten a small ladder in to mount it even as tall as Robbie was. He grinned and took Jireh and laid him down on his sleeping bag on top of the cot.

  Seturus handed Grace to him. He tucked her inside her new bed. He did remove the bassinet and put it on the floor not far from the ledge where Seturus was.

  Then he jumped back into the water and took Seturus into his arms and kissed her.

  She smiled, “I am thankful we are all together as a family again.”

  He grinned, “Believe me I am too.” He kissed her with a hunger for the time they had been separated.

  On the schooner, Rose made sure everything was made ready for Kawikani, Talei and Anue.

  Cole went to the house and brought back the Jeep filled with groceries to restock the galley.

  After Cole, Rose and Will had everything cleaned up and put away, they loaded up the Jeep with the Brazilian coffee, Renaissance lace, what personal items and laundry they had and headed home to the Keeper’s house.


  Robbie and Lizzy got a Hawaiian pizza and two root beers from Breaker’s Point. They took their food to a spot on the beach which was one of their favorites and sat down on the towel blanket Lizzy brought.

  “I forgot to ask, how’s your grandpa doing?”

  “He’s doin’ much better; havin’ mom and dad there with him has helped a lot.”

  “I know he must love having them stay with him.”

  “Yeah he does; he especially loves mom’s cookin’,” Robbie chuckled.

  They continued to flirt with each other while they ate; interrupted by a kiss or two.

  They took a short swim which ended with Robbie taking her into his arms and carrying her back to the blanket and laid her down kissing her.

  He sensed something might be wrong and he looked lovingly into her eyes.

  Lizzy knew it would be hard for her, but she wanted to tell Robbie everything; about the kidnapping, the storm and the destruction caused by Queen Poneros and the Megalodon.

  She took a deep breath, “Robbie there’s some things I haven’t told you which happened on our journey back home.”

  He took her hand in his, “This sounds pretty serious; you know you can tell me anythin’ beautiful.” He gave an encouraging smile.

  “Everything was fine until we went to Brazil….”

  Lizzy poured out every detail until she had told him all and had cried with the telling.

  Robbie took her and gently wrapped his arms around her trembling body. He kissed the top of her head, “I’m so sorry Liz; I wish I could’ve been there to protect you and to help your family.”

  “I know Rob; but I’m kind of glad you weren’t there in the storm and especially when the Megalodon came.” She gave a slight grin.

  “I’m glad your dad and Will were there to help. From now on we’ll be together through all of it. If it’s in my power; nothin’ will ever hurt you again.”

  She smiled up to him, “That’s why I love you.” She kissed him tenderly.

  They continued to hold each other and talked as they watched the setting sun.


  Rose and Lizzy were in a whirlwind the next few days altering Lizzy’s wedding dress, as well as a few dress alterations for the girls, but they loved every minute of it.

  One evening Lizzy and Robbie went to the Chapel and talked with Pastor Tom about the details of the wedding.

  He also went over the wedding vows with each of them and impressed upon them what a sacred event their wedding would be.

  They sent out their wedding invitations from a photo Robbie took at low tide. He carved the words in the sand: SAVE THE DATE and put down their date, location and time of the wedding. He also made a heart from Seashells and put it at the bottom; Lizzy loved it.

  They stopped by the pavilion just to make sure all of the details were being worked out as to what type of reception they would be having.

  They decided to have a long rectangular table for the Bridal party, another for the cake and one more for the gift table.

  They chose round tables which sat ten each for the guests so they would be able to visit with one another more easily.

  The railings and roof of the pavilion would have white LED lights strung along them which only reminded them of Robbie’s senior prom. It was the night when they first began falling in love with each other.

  They also spent some of their busy schedule visiting with Robbie’s grandpa and parents; catching them up on all of the latest wedding details.

  Catherine would also be helping prepare food with Rose for the reception.

  They planned an array of Seafood delicacies which included Rose’s famous Crab cakes and Lobster bisque.

  Catherine would be making her sweet cheesy bread knots and green olive Italian pasta salad which was some of Lizzy’s favorites and Robbie’s favorite was his mom’s sausage balls made with spicy an
d sage sausage and sharp cheddar cheese.

  There were other dishes planned as well which some of their friends had offered to bring in celebration of their wedding.

  They would be having unsweet tea as well as sweet, bottled water and the Brazilian coffee to drink. They planned on sparkling apple cider for the wedding toast.

  Lizzy and Robbie took a few afternoons to surf with Jedediah and Kawikani to get away for awhile from the stress of planning the wedding.

  All in all everything seemed to be coming together nicely for their special day.


  Prince Ulysses swam into the cavern where Faith was with her family. He had a wide grin upon his face, “Hello my beautiful mate.”

  Faith jumped into the water with him, “Hello my handsome husband.” She kissed him.

  He continued to grin.

  “Why are you so happy this day?”

  “Why don’t you come for a swim with me and I will show you.” He gave a nod of his head to Micah.

  Micah knew why he had come for Ulysses told him a few days ago.

  Faith saw the way they two looked at one another, “Alright.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Ulysses swam out of the cavern and then some distance out into the Ocean stopping only long enough for Faith to catch a breath on the surface.

  Faith realized it was near the grotto of Jedediah and Seturus and she wondered if they could be so lucky as to have another grotto close to theirs.

  Ulysses swam a little farther out and said, “Are you ready for a deep dive?”

  “Yes my husband.” She grinned to him.

  Ulysses dove down with Faith upon his back and when they nearly reached the bottom, they entered into a grotto much like Jedediah and Seturus’ had.

  It was small, but it was a chance to have a home in the North Atlantic where they would have some privacy. Several candles were already lit as well as a fire.

  It had everything Jedediah’s grotto had and once again Faith was amazed at how Ulysses could have gotten all the provisions inside.

  “I had help from Cole and Jedediah.” Ulysses grinned.

  “How did you find it?”

  “Each day I would follow along the direction of the vented shafts until I discovered it.” He took her into his arms and kissed her.

  “You deserve so much more for a Chief’s daughter; do you not mind that it is small and does not have the comforts of our home in the South Pacific?”

  “Ulysses our grotto in the South Pacific is our real home. This is only our vacation home.” She smiled brightly and kissed him, grabbing onto his braids with each hand.

  He took her and loved her.


  Prince Makoa swam to the home of King Titus to give him the nights report in the early morning just before dawn. He greeted Prince Tarrock and Prince Tristan as they had been the guards on either side of the entrance to the King and Queen’s home for the night shift.

  King Titus sensed his presence and gently let loose his arms around Lana and swam out of his home carefully as not to wake her or Titan.

  Only Tempest woke and began to swim out of the home, then seeing it was only Titus leaving he went back to sleep next to Titan.

  Makoa bowed his head to Titus, “All is well my King.” He smiled.

  “How is Megedagik doing?” Titus knew he had been having a hard time accepting his new life since the ordeal with the Megalodon.

  “He is the same; he still has dreams of the incident and still feels pain in the arm no longer there. He also feels he cannot be a warrior or even a true merman without the use of his right arm.

  “I think he finds it strange to be in a new home within a new city; he does not know if he really belongs with our pod.”

  “You must bring him to the celebration we have planned this day.”

  “Yes my King, he will come if he believes it is a command from you.” Makoa grinned.

  “Then I command it to be so,” Titus chuckled.


  About a week after their return to a city, the Mer always had a dance to celebrate the occasion. It gave them a chance to rest up and then fellowship with one another.

  Lana always loved the many dances the Mer had; in fact it was one of the things which made her fall in love with Titus as they had their first dance alone in the blue cavern.

  Prince Makoa kept his word and brought Megedagik to the Hall as all of the Mer were gathered together before their King and Queen.

  Titus looked out among his people and swam up from his throne with his golden forked staff, “Today is a day to celebrate our return to Torbist and to be thankful we have come home after such a difficult journey. We also have several new family members we need to make welcome.” Titus smiled to the half-Mer and then Megedagik.

  “Today I also make a proclamation; come before me Megedagik.” Titus continued to smile.

  Megedagik slowly swam before the King unsure what was to come.

  “Today I make a command that you are no longer to be called Megedagik, but from this day forward you are to be called Kitchi; for the bravery you shown fighting against the Megalodon for my sake and others.

  “We welcome you Kitchi into our pod and also welcome your service as a guardsmen in our kingdom.” Titus hit the bottom of his staff onto the marble floor making his words law.

  All of the Mer began to cheer loudly.

  Kitchi only stared at King Titus in disbelief and then knelt upon the mid-joint of his tail, “I pledge loyalty to you King Titus all the days left to me and am thankful you have shown me mercy. I will try and be a good guardsman.”

  Titus smiled compassionately, “I know you will Kitchi.”

  Makoa slapped him on the back, “Welcome uncle Kitchi.”

  He grinned and swam up.

  All of the Mer gathered around Kitchi and made themselves known to him.

  The musicians started playing within the Hall.

  Some of the eligible mermaids convinced Kitchi to dance with them.

  At first he felt awkward to do such a thing, it had not been allowed in Tiselius. He let go of his fear of failure and soon realized he could still hold a mermaid within his good arm and swirl her around with his tail.

  The half-Mer joined in the dance for the first time also. They could not believe how different the pod of King Titus was. They were so happy to be among them and to live within the other Mer city of Torbist also which did have the loveliest coral gardens they had ever seen.

  Midori and Asuka danced together and were amazed how wonderful it was.

  “Are you happy?” he asked her.

  “Yes, for I am filled with such joy to be held within your arms.” She smiled up to him.

  He kissed her in the presence of all while they danced.

  All of the Mer had never experienced such a dance as they did on this night. They knew they were blessed with the reign of King Titus and Queen Lana. They danced until late into the evening.


  Later Princess Tarra was told of Titus’ command and was glad such a noble name was given to Megedagik as was once her intended’s name.




  The day of Lizzy and Robbie’s wedding had finally arrived.

  The florist had already delivered the girls’ white rose bouquets and Cole’s boutonnière to the Prentis Home.

  They also delivered the other boutonnières to the Chapel. They had even set up the white rose arch with baby’s breath and fern. They placed bouquets on the end of every pew in the center aisle with large sheer iridescent bows.

  Robbie and Lizzy each asked to keep a surprise from one another; Lizzy chose the song for their wedding, Robbie chose the song for the Bride and Groom dance. He also kept the destination where they would be spending their wedding night a secret.

  Rose, Lana, Talei and Faith were helping Lizzy get ready upstairs in Rose and Cole’s bedroom because of their full-length cherry wood stand

  Lizzy’s wedding dress was both old and new. The simple white pearl earrings were borrowed from her mother which had been a gift to her from Cole on their wedding day.

  Catherine had given Lizzy a new blue garter for the something blue.

  Lizzy looked in the mirror and smiled to see her black hair piled upon her head and spilling ringlets over the back of her crown. She also had ringlets coming down the sides of her face.

  She looked at the pear shaped pearls and diamond crown, “Are you sure this crown isn’t too much?” She raised her brows while looking at all the girls in the mirror.

  “Honey, it’s perfect.” Rose put her hands on her shoulders and kissed her cheek.

  “Yes it is.” Lana smiled.

  Faith and Talei nodded their heads.

  Rose once more straightened Lizzy’s sash and bow on the back of her wedding dress.

  Cole gently knocked on the bedroom door even though all but Faith could sense his presence.

  “Come in Dad,” called Lizzy.

  Cole opened up the door and couldn’t keep the flood of emotions at bay now that he saw his daughter in her white gown and crown upon her head, “You look just like the princess you are,” he sniffled with tears in his eyes.

  “Ah Dad.” Lizzy walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

  “Now, now you don’t want to get all messed up on the count of me.” He smiled.

  She looked up and beamed a smile, “You know you’re the best dad in the entire world.”

  “Thanks kid, you’re not so bad yourself,” he gave a chuckle, but inside he was in disbelief this day had come so quickly.

  Rose went to him and hugged him along with Lana.

  “Okay, I gotta get out of here or you girls will smear your make-up.” He quickly went out of the room.

  “He’s such a softy,” Lana giggled.

  “Yeah, but don’t let that get around.” Rose smiled.

  “I almost forgot.” Lizzy went to her bedroom where she had three small wrapped packages.

  She handed one gift to each of the girls, “I tried to think what I could give each of you as a thank you for agreeing to be in my wedding. I know neither of you spend a lot of time on dry land, but when you do I know you will use these.”


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