Friuli fortification projects 329
hydraulic devices 146–8, 149, 213, 329, 354
industrial devices 40, 283–4
lifting devices 96–7, 145–6, 284
military and naval-warfare devices 44, 97, 143, 180–81, 190–92, 204–6, 210
musical instruments 155–60, 212, 236, 260, 406
parachute 203–4, 355
press for olives and nuts (and grinding colours) 40, 387–8
on printing 329
raising of Florence Baptistery 146
San Salvatore dell’Osservanza repairs 335
sanitation 202
shepherds’ horns 347
stage machinery 434
triboli 204–6
wind- and watermills 347, 354, 405–6
THEATRE WORK, PAGEANTS ETC. 91–2, 257–62, 308, 420, 432 festivities at Amboise 494–6
French entertainments in Milan 409, 434–5
Orfeo 164, 236, 434, 437
Il Paradiso 257–9, 496
Sanseverino’s pageant 259, 271
WRITINGS AND MANUSCRIPTS on abbreviators 444
on acoustics 464, 466
on aetiology 432
on alchemists and magicians 423
on Alps 277–80
anatomical manuscripts 26, 43, 411, 433, 444–5, 499
on animals 42
anti-clerical 222
on Apelles 474
bawdy 116, 185–7, 222
‘bestiary’ 34;
on camels 34;
on ermine 229;
on kites 34;
on lions with lambs 163
on Botticelli 85
caricatures and grotesques 213
on cat’s eye 46
on Civitavecchia harbour 484
Codex Arundel 4–5, 415–16, 434;
anon, drawing of Tovaglia villa 334;
on botro 414;
cavern and rocks 164–5, 200, 420–21, 434–5;
on Friuli sluice 329;
puns on penis 116;
on service with Borgia 344–5;
Tommaso Masin’s s script in 142
Codex Atlanticus 4;
Anghiari horse 470;
anonymous note on poverty 357;
architectural sketches (Vatican?) 478;
Arno canal scheme 360;
assistants 299;
on bird as machine 394;
book-list 215, 386;
Brunelleschi designs in 95–7, 145;
Castel Sant’Angelo drawing and notes on Rome 335;
on colours 84;
death of Leonardo’s father 384;
on design of machinery 56;
devices to open prisons 122, 146;
draft letter to Sforza 291–2, 300;
draft report on Isonzo river fortifications 329;
drawing showing use of ‘perspectograph’ (self-portrait?) 148–9, 176–7;
on flight of bird compared to swimming underwater 417;
on Florence 60;
fluvial studies 446;
flying-machine 252;
on fortresses 350;
on Fortune 256, 290;
on Fossombrone 347, 350;
on Geneva (‘Ginevra’) 486;
Guiscardi mansion project 315;
on health 478;
household inventories and expenses 263, 371–2, 384;
‘Ligny memorandum’ 321, 322;
list of Leonardo’s works (c. 1482) 42, 80–81, 133–4, 148, 159, 160, 178–80;
map of Milan 187–8;
mechanical ‘bird for the comedy’ 92;
memo-list for visit to Florence 459–60;
Memoria a Mro Leonardo 321;
on memory 16;
on mirrors 480;
name-list 68, 113, 148–9;
note on Christ-child and imprisonment (c. 1505) 121–2, 471;
notes for bath-house of the Duchess 320;
on painter-philosopher in the country 48;
parachute project 203–4;
on Pavia Regisole 250;
phalluses with legs (not by Leonardo) 116;
Piombino marshland drying method 388;
plan for books on shadows 265;
poetry in 153–4, 478;
pupil’s sketch of hand 469;
purchase of Pacioli book 302;
on Salai 276;
on stars 402;
technology in 95–7, 145–9;
on walnut oil 40
Codex Leicester 6, 252, 278, 381, 414, 416–18, 432, 434, 439
Codex Trivulzianus 53, 213–14, 386
Codex Urbinas 5, 434
on currents 417, 475
De ludo geometrico 464
De Vocie 466
on death and sleep 499
‘Deluge’ series 475–6
on dissections 422–3
on dogs 46
on the earth compared with body of man 417
on eclipse of sun 201
emblems see drawings and maps above
on exaggerated muscles in anatomical drawings 382
fables (favole) 42–3, 47, 221, 319
on flight of birds 6, 30, 210
on Florence cathedral 95, 97–8
on foetus 481
Forster codices 5, 116, 130, 213, 284, 287, 296, 303
on fossils 416–17, 464
on geometry see on mathematics below
on geophysics 6, 252, 278, 381, 414, 416–18, 432, 434, 439
ghiribizzi (caprices) 216
on Giotto 55
handwriting 50, 57–8, 67, 75, 122, 126, 135–6, 164, 209;
mirror-script 57–8, 312, 491;
signatures 58
on health 223, 477–8
on heliocentricity 432
on household expenses 383
on ideal city 202–3, 209
ideal dwelling for painter 253
on imagination 106, 260, 266–7, 451
on imitation in painting 55
on kites 30–34
on language 34–5, 42–3, 56
lectures for the ‘academy’ (lost) 306
Leonardo’s revisions and reorganizations 415–18, 433–4, 488
letters (drafts) 413–14;
to Ippolito d’Este 413–14;
to his father 384–5;
to Giuliano de’ Medici 477;
to Melzi 411–12, 416;
to Ludovico Sforza (1494) 291–2, 300, 414
libricini see notebooks below
libro dell’acque 443
Libro W (lost) 4
on light 248, 264, 297, 432
literary efforts 54, 155, 164, 216–22
on love 27, 114, 127, 229
Madrid notebooks 4, 280–85, 341;
Codex I (Libro di quantita e potentia) 282, 283–5;
Codex II 280–83, 385–6
on magicians 423
manuscripts 3–5, 7–9, 491–2;
Melzi’s role in preservation of 410–11, 416, 491–2
on masquerade costumes 142
on mathematics 1, 305, 388–9, 432, 464
on Medici 167, 478
on medicine 202, 223, 443, 477–8, 497
on mirrors and solar heat 95, 480–81
on moon 6, 417
on motion 324
on musical instruments 159
Nature and the natural world 47, 55, 434, 480;
Nature as female mistress (maestra) 55, 201, 463
newsletter addressed to Dei 194, 216, 218, 221, 223
notebooks 4, 5–7, 54, 67, 97, 209–15, 218, 398–9, 416–18, 491
notebooks removed from 5
on observation and sketching 5–6, 7
on optics 419, 432, 433
on other artists 55, 85, 87, 232–3
painting’s superiority to poetry, printing and sculpture 56, 127, 218, 329, 425
paragoni 56, 218
Paris notebooks 5–6;
MS A (painter’s manual) 215, 266–8, 277, 433;
MS B 6, 191, 209–13
, 223, 224–5, 225, 310;
MS C 6, 248, 264–6, 297;
MS D (on optics) 419, 433;
MS E 458–9;
MS F (Di Mondo ed acque) 42, 46, 431–3, 437, 456;
MS G (fluvial studies) 446;
MS H 287, 324;
MS L 330, 344, 354–5
pen-trials 7
on perpetual motion 213
on physicians 167, 477–8
on plague 202
poetry in 6, 153–5, 218, 388
praised 309
on printing and engraving 329, 433
profezie (riddles) 34, 43, 220–21;
on dreaming 34–5;
on feathers 34;
using musical notation 157, 159;
on olives 38;
on quills (human flight) 34;
shadow of man with lamp 2
puns and word-games 204–6, 218–20, 222; see also rebuses under drawings and maps above
on Romagna 5, 346–7
on Salai 270–71, 273–4
on sanitation 202
on sculpture (lost MS) 80, 425
on sea 6, 345, 432, 475
on service 437
on sexual intercourse 27, 442
on shadows 388
on Siena church-bell 353
on the soul 242–4, 481–3, 499
speeches 223–4
on spurs to artist’s invention 106, 260, 266–7, 451
style 54, 155
on sun and solar heat 417, 432, 437, 480–81
on tides 417
on time 113, 149
Trattato della pittura 5, 218, 241, 393, 434;
on accidenti mentali 9, 101, 476;
on countryside 47–8, 277;
on depiction of rain and mountains 277;
on drawing 77;
on dresses and drapery 79;
on invention and fantasy 106, 260, 267;
on landscape and memory 49;
on power of painting 229
treatises 6;
on the flight of birds see Turin Codex below;
on geophysics see Codex Leicester above;
on light and shadow 4, 6, 264–6;
on painting see Trattato della pittura above;
on the human figure (planned) 242, 265
Turin Codex 6, 32, 50, 394–5, 398–9
on Urbino 345–6
on Venus 406
on war 373, 435
on water and waves 6, 345, 417, 431, 434, 475, 491
on whirlwinds 475
on wind and rain 388, 474–6
word-lists 136, 386;
Latin 212, 213–14
Leoni, Pompeo 4, 292, 397, 415
Libri, Count Guglielmo 5, 209, 212, 224, 225, 266, 394
Ligny, Louis de Luxembourg, comte de 321–2, 404, 487
Lippi, Filippino 87, 98–9, 133, 165, 301, 332, 416
Lippi, Fra Filippo 85, 100, 102, 174, 200, 301
lira da braccio 155–6, 157–8
Litta, Duke Antonio 238–9
Livingstone, Jay 361
Livy 215
Lodi 453
Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo 10–11 Heraclitus and Democritus (attrib.) 312
laughing peasants anecdote 264
on Leda 396
on Leonardo’s disciples 233, 235
on Leonardo’s sculpture 80
on Leonardo’s sexuality 11, 115–16, 117, 121, 272
on mechanical lion 285, 466
on Milan pageant 435
on Mona Lisa/Gioconda 11
owned sculpture by Leonardo 80
on painting of dragon fighting a lion 106
on Sala delle Asse frescos 42, 306, 317
London: British Library, Codex Arundel see Leonardo (writings and manuscripts)
British Museum, Leonardo drawings: armoured cars 190–91
dog 44–6
studies for Virgin and Child with St Anne and the Infant St John 426
warrior 81
Kensington Palace 4
National Gallery:
Leonardo: Virgin and Child with St Anne and the Infant St John cartoon 136, 333–4, 424–8;
Virgin of the Rocks see Leonardo (paintings and frescos)
Ambrogio de Predis, Angel Playing a Violin [or Lira da Braccio] 156
Verrocchio, Tobias and the Angel 88–9, Pl. 4
Royal Academy (Burlington House) 425–6
Victoria & Albert Museum: anon. model for the Fortaguerri monument (attrib. Leonardo) 125
Forster codices 5, 116, 130, 213, 284, 287, 296, 303
Longhi, Roberto 369
Lorenzo di Marco (pupil) 389, 412, 413, 414, 424, 438, 458
Louis XII, King of France 319, 321–2, 343, 349, 403, 466 and Leonardo 321–2, 337–8, 404, 408–9, 413, 435, 436–7, 446, 485, 498
Lucie-Smith, Edward 445
Luigi of Aragon, Cardinal 296, 365, 428, 444, 489
Luini, Bernardino 235, 236, 315, 457
Lyon 466, 485
Machiavelli, Bernardo 24
Machiavelli, Niccolò 24, 93–4, 138, 327, 346, 349–53, 357, 362, 460 and Cesare Borgia 342, 343–4, 349–50, 352–3
and Leonardo 350, 357, 372, 385
Madonna of the Pomegranate (Dreyfus Madonna, anon.) 102
Madrid notebooks see Leonardo (writings and manuscripts)
Mafeo, Maestro 433
Maiano, Giuliano da 99
Maino, Giacomo del 197
Maintenon, Madame de 396
Malatesta, Francesco 342
Mandeville, John de 215
Manfredi, Manfredo de’ 341
Manganello, II 215, 216
Mannerists 78
Mantegna, Andrea 174, 200, 326, 398
Mantua 158, 160, 174, 200, 236, 325–8
Marani, Pietro 166, 297, 310, 411
Marbodeus 214
Marchiselli, Bernardino 429
Marignano, Battle of 483, 485, 494
Marinoni, Augusto 209, 212
Marliano family 307
Marlowe, Christopher 295, 470
Marmocchi, Carlo 148
Martelli, Piero di Braccio 414–15
Martesana river 446
Martines, Lauro 138
Martini, Francesco di Giorgio 148, 268, 387, 443
Masaccio 83, 174
Masini, Tommaso di Giovanni (Zoroastro) 43, 141–5, 180, 181, 186, 196, 213, 216, 220, 223, 235, 259, 268, 284, 299, 307, 309, 347, 383, 389–90, 395, 415, 459, 461, 464, 481
Masolino 57
Massys, Quentin 263
Mastlin, Michael 417
Mathurine (servant) 1, 286, 488, 497, 499
Maugham, W. Somerset 369
Maximilian, Emperor 199, 282–3, 289, 320, 322
Mazenta, Guido 306
Medici family 66, 74, 109, 120, 165, 458 art collection 105, 169
expulsion and return of 291, 331, 371, 457–8, 461, 462
jousts and shows 90–91, 92, 111–12, 406
and the Pazzi Conspiracy 138–9
and the Sforza 93, 193
and Vasari 9, 166
Medici, Cosimo de’ 65, 66
Medici, Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ see Leo X, Pope
Medici, Giuliano di Lorenzo de’, Duke of Nemours 365–6, 457–8, 460–62, 466, 477, 485, 486 and Leonardo 167, 365–6, 461–2, 464, 466, 478–80, 484, 491
Medici, Giuliano di Piero de’ 102, 111–12, 138
Medici, Giulio de’ 457
Medici, Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ 112, 118, 360
Medici, Lorenzo di Piero di Cosimo 66, 74, 90–91, 114, 131–2, 138–9, 149, 154, 291, 376 and Leonardo 165–8, 177, 478
Medici, Lorenzo di Piero, Duke of Urbino 458, 485, 494
Medici, Lucrezia de’ see Tornabuoni, Lucrezia
Medici, Ottaviano de’ 104, 460
Medici, Piero di Cosimo 66, 74, 120, 332
Medici, Piero di Lorenzo de’ 291, 357
Melzi, Francesco (‘Cecco’) 5, 10, 245, 261–2, 264, 307, 410–12, 414, 424, 434, 435, 438, 447, 448, 484, 4
86, 488, 497, 498–9, 500–502 portrait of Leonardo (attrib.) 12–13, 410–11, 451–2, 485, Pl. 15
Mercatale 28
Merciaio, Antonello 433
Michelangelo Buonarroti 44, 117, 376–82, 381, 407, 464 Battle of Cascina 380–82
and Constantinople 354–5
David 377–8
early works in Rome 331, 376, 380
and Leonardo 376, 378–82, 476, 485
and Medici 166, 376
Sistine Chapel 299, 302, 476
Vasari and 9, 376, 485
Michelet, Jules 68, 186, 368
Michelino, Domenico di 148
Michelozzi, Niccolò 465
Migliorotti, Atalante di Manetto 159–60, 178, 187, 196, 236–7, 325, 434–5, 464
Milan 186–9, 193–6, 236, 318 Biblioteca Ambrosiana:
anon.: painting of young man (Melzi?; attrib. Boltraffio) 411;
portrait of Leonardo (attrib. Melzi) 12–13, 410–11, 451–2, 485, P1. 15
Leonardo: ‘academy’ designs 329;
Codex Atlanticus see Leonardo (writings and manuscripts)
Brera, Casa Panigarola frescos 11, 310–12
Casa Panigarola 11, 310–12
Castello Sforzesco 187–9, 220, 405
camerini decorated by Leonardo 292, 300–301, 316
Sala delle Asse decorated by Leonardo 42, 187–9, 306, 316–19
Salette Negre 316, 318
cathedral 195, 252
tiburio project 97, 222–3
Chiesa di Affori 424
Corte Vecchia 251–3, 282, 292
Fabbri district 440
maps 188, 189, 318
music in 157–60, 189
Naviglio di Santo Cristoforo 409, 498
ordnance foundry 191–2
Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, The Musician 235–7
plague 201–2, 207
Sala delle Asse see Castello Sforzesco above
San Francesco Grande 197, 423–4
San Giovanni sul Muro 240
San Nazaro Maggiore 429
San Vincenzo in Prato parish 196
Santa Maria della Fontana 409
Santa Maria delle Grazie 224, 292–3, 318
Milanesi, Gaetano 115
Modena 185–6, 206
Möller, Dr Emil 21
Monsummano 48–53
Mont’ Albano hills 387
Monte Ceceri 32, 35, 394–5, 404, 431
Monte Mario 464
Monte Oliveto 99
Monte Rosa 280, 417
Montefeltro, Federico da, Duke of Urbino 153
Montefeltro, Guidobaldo da, Duke of Urbino 304, 343, 345, 461
Montevettolini 48, 49, 50–52
Montorfano, Donato di 293
Monviso foothills 447
Mundinus (Mondino de Luzzi) 444
Munich 101–2
Naples 136, 230, 290, 439
Napoletano, Il see Galli, Francesco
Natali, Antonio 171
Leonardo Da Vinci Page 77