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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

Page 2

by Laura Greenwood

  "Are you always what you do for a living?"

  "No, I suppose not."

  "Then by that logic, I'm not always a courtesan. It's not the only thing worth knowing about me." At least, I don't think it is.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that..."

  I flash him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, I'm not insulted. It's too easy to be offended in this line of work if you let yourself."

  "That doesn't mean I'm not sorry," he replies. "And I need you to know that."

  "Thank you, I appreciate it." I lean back in my seat. "What time are you picking me up?"

  Relief rushes over his face. "Does that mean you'll do it?"

  I chuckle. "Yes, I'll do it."

  "I can draw up a contract..."

  "We don't need one," I assure him. "It's only one night, there's no money changing hands, so let's just call it a favour between old friends."

  "Thank you," he whispers.

  "Any time."

  Chapter 3

  Despite the Yuletide ball being a step back into the world I left long ago and one where women of my profession are shunned. Kind of. Outwardly, they pretend they won't have anything to do with courtesans. But then they'll step away from their gentry only parties and go to the ones hosted by the Mayor, where new money mixes with old. Then they're more than happy to take their pleasure with us.

  But then, I'm not a courtesan tonight. I'm simply the daughter of a minor noble, and the girlfriend of a Lord. There's nothing wrong with that.

  And yet, I'm nervous about it. Other than one short attempt while I was at the academy, I've never been a girlfriend before. I'm not sure how to act the part. But I'm sure it's not that different from what the men at the balls expect from us high-end courtesans. Charm, wit, and sophistication, without a hint of dissatisfaction.

  I hope that's enough for tonight.

  I rise from my dressing stool and over to where my dress is waiting for me. It's one of my finest, but not one I wear very often. The bell skirt and glistening blue fabric aren't particularly in fashion when it comes to the normal parties I attend. But the moment I saw the gown in a shop window a few months ago, I had to have it. Really, I'm lucky to have a chance to wear it.

  I slip it on, and twirl in front of the mirror, loving the way the dress billows out around me. I let out a carefree laugh. I haven't felt like this in years.

  The buzzer sounds on my tablet, and I rush over. A couple of taps on the screen reveal that it's exactly what I think it is. Julian is here downstairs, and Sonia on reception has sent me the message via the brothel's normal system.

  I grab a fur stole, then hurry down the stairs to reception.

  My heart skips a beat as I spy Julian in a smart suit. Even from this distance, I can tell that it's of the finest fabric and tailoring available inside the City Of Blood. Which isn't surprising. This is one of the main events of the year for the vampire aristocracy. One where they show off as much as they can. Even more so than at the Mayor's parties.

  His face lights up as they land on me. "Bindi, you're a vision as always."

  "And you're the same charmer you've always been."

  He strides towards me, stopping once we're close to one another. I'm dimly aware of Sonia leaving the room. She's practised in discretion, and often slips away when clients come to call. Though that isn't what Julian is.

  "I brought this for you." He pulls out a small box and opens it.

  A snowflake of sparkling silver and gems sits on a velvet backing. I've no doubt of what it's worth.

  "It's beautiful," I whisper.

  "It's a famous piece given to my Grandmother by one of her lovers," he explains as he pulls it out of the box and gestures for me to turn around.

  I raise an eyebrow, but do as he instructs. My hair is already swept into an updo, so there's no need to hold it out of the way.

  Julian drapes the necklace around my neck and fastens it, his fingers brushing against my skin as he does. My eyes flutter closed from the contact.

  "I chose it to give to you because it would make a statement. Everyone knows the history behind it."

  "To make it look like we're more serious than we are." I turn around and touch the pendant. It's surprisingly heavy against my skin and hard to ignore.

  He nods.

  "If you hand me the box, I can put it in the pocket of my gown so I can give it back to you later," I suggest.

  Julian shakes his head. "It's a gift, I don't expect it back."

  I try not to gape at him. No one has ever given me anything like this before. Not even the wealthy regulars give gifts this expensive.


  "Please, accept it, Bindi. I've never wanted to give it to anyone until you, but this feels right."

  I touch it again, running my fingers over the stone. "Thank you, it's beautiful."

  "As is the woman wearing it."

  A blush rises to my cheeks, though we both know it shouldn't. I've been a courtesan for decades, I should know how to take a compliment. Yet from him, it feels different. Maybe it's because I can't forget the crush I had on him as a child, or that he's grown into a handsome man.

  "Flattery will get you everywhere, Lord Melberry."

  He chuckles. "Since when did you call me that?"

  I shrug. "A lot of men like their wives and escorts to use their proper titles."

  Julian grimaces. "It's very cold."

  "I think it's a power thing, but I'm not sure. It's easy enough to make it sound intimate, so I've never thought twice about it."

  "How in the night can you make it sound intimate?"

  A low chuckle escapes me. He really doesn't frequent brothels.

  I step closer to him and lean in. My breath tickles his ear, making the dark red curls there bounce.

  "I can do anything your heart desires, Lord Melberry." I keep my voice low and sultry.

  He clears his throat, and a satisfied smile spreads over my space in response.

  I step back and raise an eyebrow. "Satisfied?"

  "I'd still prefer it if you call me Julian."

  "I will," I promise. "This is just a fun evening out between two friends, no need to be sultry unless you want me to seduce someone into business with you or something."

  An amused smile lights up his face. "I assure you, that's not what I need you for."

  "I'm glad to hear it. I'm looking forward to a night where no one needs anything from me."

  "Except for a fake relationship."

  I shrug. "But that'll be fun. We get all of the perks of being in a relationship, and none of the pitfalls."

  "Isn't sex normally one of the perks?" he asks as he holds out his arm for me.

  I take it, resting my hand on his forearm. "Have you seen where I work? Sex is hardly an issue for me."

  "Do you enjoy it?" he asks suddenly.

  "Do you enjoy your work?" I throw back.

  "Of course. What's the point of doing it if I don't enjoy it?" He pushes open the door to the Black Fan and we step outside into the moonlight.

  "The same goes for me." I pause, wondering how much I should admit about the others who work here. It's better if I say nothing though. How they became courtesans is their business and not mine. It certainly isn't Julian's. Each one of the courtesans working for Lady Catherine, or any of the other brothels, has their story. But they aren't mine to tell.

  "This is our car," Julian says, pulling the door open.

  I raise an eyebrow. There aren't many cars within the City walls. Mostly because there isn't any need for them. Who is Julian trying to impress? It has to be someone at the party. The nobles who live here are the kind who are impressed the old-fashioned way. Wealth and status mean everything to them. Which is why they came here in the first place. Vampires have the rule of the city, and it gives them the ability to lord over humans in a way that isn't possible in the outside world. At least, not from what I remember from before the walls went up.

  Sometimes I wish I'd been on the oth
er side when they had done. I hadn't realised the city was going to be sealed off overnight.

  I slide into the back seat, certain Julian will tell me if I need to do anything to help him impress someone.

  Chapter 4

  Lights stream through the double doors at the entrance to the manor house. I've spent so long away from noble society that I don't recognise it. Until now, I didn't think there were any houses like this inside the walls.

  Julian chuckles, and I turn to face him even as we walk towards the doors. "It was built about twenty years ago."

  Ah, so after the city walls had already been up for a decade. That explains why I don't recognise it.

  "How did you know what I was thinking?"

  "I had the same questions when I arrived here."

  "How long have you been in the city?"

  "About five years. I came here because someone offered me a business opportunity." He grimaces.

  "Do you regret it? Coming here, I mean?"

  He pulls a pair of invitations out of his pocket, and for a moment, I think he isn't going to answer me.

  "Yes. Do you?"

  I shrug. "I was here when the walls went up. I wish I'd known so I could have left, but there's no point dwelling on it. I'd be doing the same thing with my life if I was out there in the real world, so what does it matter."

  "Maybe we can get you out?" he suggests.

  I fake a smile and shake my head. I know how to get out of the city if I want to. Lady Catherine runs a smuggling operation to do just that. She tries to keep it away from us, but I've known about it for a while.

  "Maybe one day. But this isn't the place to talk about it," I remind him, nodding towards the people milling around just inside the doors.

  "Ah, excellent point."

  I lift my skirts as we make our way up the rough stone steps at the entrance. Now I'm closer, I can see the tell-tale signs that this place was built in a hurry.

  The moment we're inside, waiters with trays of champagne descend on us. I take one and flash a grateful smile at the man.

  He doesn't respond. It's almost as if he wants me to pretend he doesn't exist.

  Ah. This isn't one of the Mayor's parties. I shouldn't expect the same kind of atmosphere. This is about the elite of vampire nobility. It's a club no one can buy their way into, even if many have tried over the years. My family barely counts in many of their eyes.

  All around us the elite mingle. My dress is nothing compared to the elaborate ones the other women are wearing, and I feel almost dowdy. At least I got the colour right. Most of the fabric around us is varying shades of blue and grey.

  And they're not the only ones. The whole room is done out to look as if there's been a snowstorm. Fake icicles hang from the ceilings, glittering in the candlelight which flickers from carefully placed near them. The rest of the room is lit with artificial lighting, so it's only for ambience.

  "I forgot what being at these was like," I whisper.

  Julian chuckles. "Do you mean everyone showing off their wealth, or pretending that they like each other?"

  A small snort escapes me. "Both."

  "Then you're going to have an interesting night."

  "I'm sure it'll be perfectly pleasant with you by my side."

  "You really have learned how to flatter. I remember when you used to think a compliment was telling someone they didn't have any mud on them."

  "That was one time. And I was seven. It doesn't really count," I protest, leaning into him so he knows I'm not seriously scolding him.

  "That was a good day. You looked so cute standing there in your little pink dress..."

  "Should I be creeped out that you've been thinking about me as a kid?" Despite my words, I'm actually feeling a little on the warm and fuzzy side. I always thought he didn't know I existed as a child.

  "You're my best friend's little sister, of course I thought about you. In a needs-protecting-and-completely-off-limits-even-when-you're-old-enough way."

  I raise an eyebrow. "Yet you've decided to bring me to the party of the year?"

  "Your brother's on the outside, he can't do anything to me from out there."

  I snort. "You might be right there, but I wouldn't put it past him to have friends here who can do something about it." Not that he will. He likes to pretend I don't exist along with the rest of my family. I take a sip of my champagne to cover the discomfort brought on by my thoughts.

  "The company is worth me taking my chances." He brings me to a stop at the edge of the dancefloor. "Care to dance?"

  I don't need him to tell me my face has lit up. I love to dance but never get much of an opportunity. At the Mayor's parties, my main focus is finding clients, both new and returning. None of them are particularly well versed in the art of flirting and dancing at the same time. No doubt a difference between the new power of the city, and the old power of the nobles.

  "I'd love to," I say just in case he hasn't guessed from my expression.


  I take another drink, then place my glass on the tray of a passing waiter. Julian does the same. leaving us both free to dance.

  He leads me out among the other couples and pulls me into his arms. It's only then I realise how freeing it is to not have to have a fan in my hand all the time. It's one of the rules of being a courtesan at the Mayor's parties. But that's not who I am tonight.

  Julian's right hand rests on my lower back, the heat of it almost burning through my dress and imprinting on my skin. His other hand closes around mine. I try to ignore the strange sense of completeness I get from being in his arms. I've never felt this way with anyone else before. Maybe that's just because I don't have much relationship experience.

  Neither of us say a word as we begin to move through the motions of the dance. For a brief moment, I worry I'll have forgotten the steps I learned as a young woman, but with the help of Julian's confident leading, and the smooth melody of the orchestra, it all comes back.

  There's something magical about being in his arms at the Yuletide ball. In this moment, nothing is fake. We're not pretending to have a good time, we're really having one. At least, it feels that way. I have no way of knowing how he's feeling. But I don't mind. I can make up my own story, even if it only lasts for one song.

  Chapter 5

  "Are you hungry? Do you need anything to eat? Drink?" Julian checks for what feels like the hundredth time. I don't mind too much. It's a nice change to have someone checking on my needs.

  I shake my head. "I don't drink blood while I'm at parties."

  He frowns. "How come?"

  I bite my bottom lip, one of my fangs poking out as I do. I'm not sure how that came out, maybe it's thinking about blood, that can have strange effects on me sometimes.

  I glance around to check if anyone is listening in, but the closest person is standing by the refreshments table a few feet away. Vampire hearing may be good, but with this much distance between us, and the noise of the crowd and music, I don't think it's going to be a problem. I lean in so my lips are close to Julian's ears, though I'm not going to act all sultry this time. It's about nothing more than information.

  "The Mayor isn't known for sourcing her blood the most ethical way. The only way I know for sure that blood is well-sourced is if I drink it at the Black Fan." I rock back on my heels and check around again, but no one is paying any attention to us.

  Julian follows suit, his gaze lingering on the long velvet curtain over at the side of the room. The next thing I know, he's pulling me over and behind it.

  "Julian," I warn. "We're going to get caught."

  "Doing what?" He raises an eyebrow.

  I shake my head, partly in bemusement, but also because he's being so reckless. "Having this conversation is dangerous," I point out.

  "I doubt this is the kind of place where the Mayor has spies."

  "She has spies everywhere."

  I try to ignore how close the two of us are, but between the two of us, the curtain, and the
stone walls on either side, there isn't much space to move around.

  "I don't think the nobles would be very happy with that..."

  "Happy or not, she'll have spies here," I warn. "And it won't be who you think."

  "The servants?"

  I shrug. "Probably some of the nobles too. She has the power to promise them anything they want." From the whispers I've heard, spies have been paid off with pardons, trips out of the city, and money. There's nothing the Mayor of the City Of Blood can't buy. It's one of the things that makes this place so scary.

  "We're here now, what do you mean about the blood?" he presses.

  I grimace. "What have you been doing since you came to the city?" I ask. Hopefully, that will help me work out what he knows, and what he needs to be told.

  "Not much. I've spent the past couple of years talking to people about my new business venture, but it hasn't gotten very far."

  "So you haven't had much to do with the officials?"

  He shakes his head. "Not yet."

  I groan. This isn't good. But at least there's a chance I can keep him safer with what I can tell him.

  "You know how they've been advertising this place?"

  "They stopped about ten years ago. Someone put a block on the paradise for vampires line," he says.

  Relief washes through me. That's a good thing at least. I suppose they could have started advertising again in the years since he arrived, but I don't think so. The outside can't like this place very much.

  "You might have guessed that's a lie."

  "I don't think anyone believes it," he agrees. "But there are still some advantages to being here. Mostly due to the people who are inside the walls."

  Oh no. He came here for an investor. It's obvious enough now he's saying things the way he is. I hope he's not disappointed by what he finds.

  "It's far worse than simply not being a paradise," I admit. "There's a lot of corruption. People die daily, vampire and human alike. Mostly in the cage fights, but there are also regular executions, and I'm sure there are other killings going on that never get to the public. The blood they serve at the Mayor's parties is supposed to come from a blood farm, where humans are kept and bled out until they die just to provide enough." My voice is barely above a whisper, but I still worry it's too loud. If anyone overhears me telling him this, then we could both be in danger.


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