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Holidays Bite: A Limited Edition Collection of Holiday Vampire Tales

Page 3

by Laura Greenwood

  "Are they paid?" he asks.

  "No. I think the general belief is that they've been kidnapped and forced into it."

  The blood drains from his face. "How is the Mayor allowing that?"

  I shrug. "She's encouraging it. I'm not sure why." I suspect it's because she enjoys having the power over people, but I don't dare say that aloud. It's not worth my life to criticise the Mayor any more than I have already.


  Before he can finish his question, the curtain begins to move. My eyes widen and panic begins to set in. It isn't so much about being caught here, vampire balls are renowned for the trysts.

  Which gives me an idea.

  I grab hold of the front of Julian's shirt and pull him towards me. I press my lips against his. He doesn't respond at first, no doubt surprised I'm kissing him out of nowhere. Which makes sense, this isn't what we agreed to when I said I'd come with him to the ball.

  After a moment, his arms snake around me, tugging me closer and deepening the kiss. My eyes drift closed and I find myself enjoying it in ways I didn't think were possible.

  I'm dimly aware of light streaming in as whoever it is outside pulls the curtain back. They mumble an apology and drop it back into place, leaving us in the dark again.

  Julian backs me up against the stone wall, and I let him. This is unlike any kiss I've had before. I've been missing out. One of his fangs grazes against my bottom lip and I groan. The temptation to pull away from the kiss and sink my own fangs into his neck washes through me.

  And reminds me what we're supposed to be doing.

  I push him away, breaking the kiss, but leaving both of us dazed. I touch my fingers to my lips, trying to ignore the tingle which lingers from his touch.

  Julian's gaze bores into me, but I can't tell what he's thinking. That's unusual for me. I have enough experience that I can tell what men are thinking when they look at me. But not him.

  "I'm sorry, I couldn't think of anything else to cover up what we were talking about," I mumble.

  He reaches out and tucks a strand of stray hair behind my ear. "That's okay. We probably shouldn't talk about things like that here."

  "So you were listening," I joke, but underneath the sunny words is a small quiver.

  Why can't I stop thinking about the kiss?

  "Of course I was. Why wouldn't I be?"

  "I'm just not used to men listening when I speak." They're normally more interested in my other charms. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's what I'm paid for after all.

  "Those men are missing out," he assures me.

  "We should re-join the party before we have to fake the next step too," I suggest.

  "There wouldn't be any faking needed if I'm involved." He winks.

  I smother a laugh, along with the tingle which spreads all over my body. I wonder what it would be like to spend the night with him? Not as paid company either, but because I want to.

  Maybe I'll ask him at the end of the night.

  If I can pluck up the courage to do it.

  Chapter 6

  Julian's hand on my lower back is even more intense since our kiss. But I can't act on it. Not in a room full of other people.

  "Is there anyone you want to talk to while we're here?" I ask.

  He nods. "How did you guess?"

  I shrug. "You wouldn't have bothered to come, and certainly wouldn't have asked for a date to join you if you didn't want to."

  "Maybe I just want people to know I'm in the city."

  "You don't. They already know." The city isn't big enough for that. News travels fast around here, and his presence isn't going to mean any different.

  I pick up two glasses of champagne as another tray passes, then hand one to Julian. Our fingers brush against one another, and I look away before I give away my desire for him. I need to pull myself together, or I'm going to let my emotions show. Perhaps it's best if I talk to Lady Catherine about this when I get back to the Black Fan. She balances her work and a relationship at the same time. Though she doesn't take clients, so perhaps it's different.

  I shouldn't have taken Julian up on his offer, it's only going to lead to problems. I sneak a glance at him.

  Maybe it's worth it.

  "Ah, Lord Fairfax, how are you?" Julian says, pulling my attention away from my thoughts.

  "Lord Melberry, happy Yuletide to you," Fairfax replies. "Who is this exquisite creature with you?"

  "This is Lady Belinda Clemont."

  I hold out my hand on cue. Fairfax takes it and raises it to his lips, his eyes full of lecherous promise. From that look alone, I know he's the kind of man who'd get himself barred from the Black Fan. Lady Catherine doesn't like anyone who takes advantage of us.

  "Enchanted, my Lady."

  "Not as much as I am, my Lord," I reply, adding a little bit of a sultry edge to my voice. It doesn't feel right doing it in front of Julian, but I'm here to further his agenda, so it's necessary, whether I like it or not.

  "Are you new to the city? I haven't seen you at any of our events," Fairfax asks.

  I laugh nervously, not wanting to lie, but needing to send him off my trail. If he learns I'm a courtesan, it'll ruin Julian's chances at getting him to invest in whatever it is he's doing.

  "I'm the daughter of a minor Lord, no one of any importance," I say, pleased that none of it is a lie. Most of the nobles here will consider my family as too far beneath them. Barely above middle class. Technically, I shouldn't even be referred to as a Lady.

  "Then I shall endeavour to pay more attention," Fairfax says. "I didn't know that you were seeing anyone, Melberry."

  "Oh, yes, we..." Julian trails off. His hand tenses on my back, alerting me to how distressed he is.

  "We've known one another since we were children, but we lost touch until Lord Melberry came to the city," I say smoothly. "It's been so much fun reconnecting, though." I lean in and kiss Julian's cheek while pressing a hand against his chest. None of what I'm saying is a lie, which I hope is enough to convince Fairfax I'm telling the truth.

  "Ah, you're Sir Rodney's sister."

  I give him a tight smile. "I am. Though he doesn't approve of the relationship." That's stretching the truth a little, especially as my brother has no idea I'm here with Julian. I doubt he would approve if he did find out though.

  Fairfax chuckles. "Ah, is Melberry here a bit of a rogue?"

  I force out a laugh, knowing it will convince him. I've had plenty of practice at making men believe I think they're funny. "Absolutely not. He thinks I'm not good enough for the Lord here."

  "A beautiful woman is always good enough," Fairfax assures me. "If things don't work out with Melberry here, perhaps you could give me a call." He slips me a business card, which I take even though I don't really want to.

  I hate men like him.

  "I'll be sure to keep you in mind," I say tightly.

  Fairfax nods, then glances over his shoulder. "My apologies Lord Melberry, Lady Clemont, my wife is calling me." He disappears into the crowd before I can even respond.

  I smother a relieved laugh. "Did he really come on to me while his wife was in view?" I murmur.

  Julian finally relaxes. "That's normal," he reminds me.

  "I know, it's just been a long time since I've been to a party thrown by the nobility, it took me by surprise."

  "Thank you for saving me there. You're good at this."

  "I have to be," I point out. "Not all of our potential clients are polite. Or funny. It's normal to have to pretend to some extent."

  "I hope you don't feel like that with me."

  "No," I say softly. "I definitely don't feel like I have to pretend with you."

  A very genuine smile spreads over his face. "I'm glad. I want you to have a good time."

  "I am," I respond. "Is Fairfax someone you're trying to get to invest?"

  He shakes his head. "If I can manage it, I want to keep him far away from any projects I can. He has a reputation for micromanagement.

  "No wonder his wife doesn't mind him taking other women to his bed."

  Julian snorts. "Is there often a correlation between micromanaging and bad sex?"

  "From everything I've seen, there is."

  Amusement shines through his eyes. "I'm sorry it took me so long to find you once I was in the city. I'm going to curse myself for the rest of my life for missing out on those years of amusing conversation."

  "You're as good as I am with flattery," I warn him. "You'll need to be careful or a Duchess is going to swoop in and make you her paramour."

  "Would Lady Catherine have a position for me at the Black Fan then?" he quips.

  I cock my head to the side. Is he serious? I don't think so, but it's safer to answer as if he is just in case. "I don't know. Most of the male courtesans are at the specialist houses. But I don't see her being opposed to the idea."

  "Hmmm. Or maybe I could just be company for hire."

  "Any woman would be honoured to have you on her arm," I assure him.

  "So long as you are, that's the main thing."

  I place a reassuring hand on his arm. "I am."

  His smile could light up a room, and it's all I can do to keep myself calm. The effect he's having on me is a new one. I don't think I've ever felt it before.

  No. I can't think like this. Julian hasn't made any indications that he wants to spend more time with me after this. I'm simply doing this as a favour to him, and once we're done, I'll go back to my life, and he'll go back to his. I try to ignore the regret that brings out in me. I'll have to make the most of the rest of the night, and hope it isn't the last time he wants to see me.

  Chapter 7

  The streetlights pass in a blur through the car windows. The further away from the ball we get, the more relaxed I start to feel.

  "Are you still hungry?" Julian asks suddenly.

  I lick my lips, my fangs descending. "Yes. We could have some blood once we get back to the Black Fan..."

  He shakes his head. "Or we could go to a blood bar."

  My heart skips a beat. He wants to spend more time with me after all. I suppress the excitement at the idea. It's nothing more than a thank you. We're having a good time, and he doesn't want that to end, but tomorrow, it will be over.

  "The place Lady Catherine gets blood for the brothel from has a bar attached, we can go there if you want?"

  He nods. "That sounds lovely. How long until we get there?"

  "One second." I take my phone from my pocket and pull up the map app. It only takes me a moment to find the bar. "It's right around the corner, actually."

  "Then it's fate."

  He taps on the window of the car, and it moves to the side of the road. That's one advantage of there not being any traffic.

  Julian slides out of the car first, then holds out his hand for me.

  "Let me just tell the car to retire for the night, then we'll go."

  I nod and take stock of my surroundings while he does that. There are a lot of people around, both humans and vampires from the smell of them. Some are on their way to work, some on their way home. I imagine many of the vampires are taking advantage of the winter hours and the later sunrise. I always liked winter more for that reason alone. I love the freedom of being able to leave buildings at any time I want, and the sun in summer restricts that.

  "All right, that's done. Shall we?" he says, placing a hand on my lower back again.

  I close my eyes and lean into him, grateful that he's still showing me this affection even though he doesn't have to know we're away from the ball. It makes the whole evening mean a little bit more to me.

  It only takes us a few minutes to reach the bar. A few people stop to look at us, but most don't pay any attention. It's common enough for vampires to wear extravagant clothing, and humans aren't going to be entering this bar. With as much blood as there is in the bar, it's tempting fate to enter it in their case. Most vampires have control over their feeding impulses, but not all do. I wouldn't be wanting to head into a bar full of vampires if I was a human.

  "What would you like?" Julian asks.

  "O-negative, please."

  He nods and leaves me at a small cosy table while he gets us glasses of blood. I relax back into the plush seat, enjoying the low light and laid-back feel of the bar. I've never actually been here, but I've heard about it from some of the other courtesans. Some of them have even met clients here. I haven't, but that's only because I don't like to meet any of them outside the safety of the Black Fan building.

  Julian sets the glass in front of me and slides in. Our legs brush against one another, and he doesn't do anything to pull away. I'm glad of it. The contact makes me feel less like tonight has simply been a business transaction.

  "What's it like?" he asks.

  "What's what like?" I take a sip of my blood. It quenches the thirst that had started to build inside me. I'm not sure where it came from, normally I can go longer without blood.

  "Being a courtesan." He takes his own drink.

  I shrug. "It's just like any other job. There's good parts and bad parts. I'm lucky working for someone like Lady Catherine, I've heard some horror stories about some of the other brothels."

  "Dare I ask?"

  I shake my head. "I won't repeat it even if you do. I have no proof that any of it is true. It's just what I hear through the grapevine."

  "Courtesans gossip?" Surprise tints his voice.

  I chuckle. "More than anyone else I've ever met. The only thing that stays quiet are the names. It's not worth a courtesan's reputation to reveal who her clients are."

  "That makes sense."

  "So, what is the business you're trying to find investors for?" I ask, wanting to turn the conversation away from brothels and onto something I want to know about.

  "Oh, it's a new blood substitute I've been developing with some scientists."

  My eyes widen. "You can't do that here, it's dangerous."

  He glances around, no doubt checking for anyone eavesdropping. "But here is where it's needed the most," he whispers. "I've heard that some vampires are going without blood."

  I purse my lips, unsure if I should lie to protect him. But no, he doesn't deserve that. He needs to know what he's dealing with. "The poorest vampires struggle," I tell him. "But not officially. If you ask anyone, they'll tell you that everyone has enough. That's the premise of the city."

  "I thought as much. But the more I learn about this place, the more I know this is something that's needed."

  "Which is why you've been approaching the nobility about funding." I nod along with my words. "They're less likely to report back to the Mayor."

  "Exactly. Because I'm noble myself, they'll be more likely to protect me. I was going to tell you that at the ball, but..."

  "We almost got caught and I kissed you."

  "Do you kiss everyone like that?" he teases.

  "No." The word slips out before I think about it. I grab my glass and take a deep drink to cover it up, but I don't think I do a good job of it.

  Julian must sense my discomfort, as he lets the comment slip.

  "This is good blood," he says.

  "It is," I agree. "I think it's because the humans it comes from are happier. I know that sounds strange, but it makes sense to me."

  "You're right. They did a study on it about a decade ago. Blood that's given willingly from happy and healthy humans tastes better to most vampires."

  "Most?" I cock my head to the side, intrigued by his use of the word. I'm glad to hear that I'm not going crazy about the rest of it though. No doubt the research never made its way to the city. It goes against some of the ways the city works, so is against the Mayor's best interests to release.

  "I think some vampires like the taste of fear."

  A shiver runs down my spine. I don't think he's wrong, but that doesn't mean I like it. "This place is perfect for them."

  "Unfortunately, I think so, yes."

  "It can't last forever."
br />   "No. But we shouldn't be talking about this," he reminds me.

  How have I forgotten that? I know better than to talk badly about the regime, especially in public.

  "If you want to talk about this, we can back at the Black Fan," I suggest. With all of Lady Catherine's illegal activities, I'm reasonably sure the brothel isn't being bugged. She's too careful to be caught that easily.

  "How about we spend a bit more time here first?" Julian suggests.

  "I'd like that."

  We settle in for another round of drinks. It's easy to talk to him, and I'm going to make the most of it. Though hopefully we can keep the conversation a little bit lighter than we have been doing.

  Chapter 8

  The sky is starting to lighten as we approach the doors to the Black Fan, but even with the risk of the impending dawn, I don't want this night to end. It's been so long since I've had a night out like this. Especially one where I get to go to a party and not have to work.

  "Thank you for taking me tonight," I say, turning to face him.

  We're standing closer together than we should. My gaze darts to his lips, and it's all I can do not to touch my own again. But, as surprising as it is, the urge to kiss him is strong.

  "Thank you for coming with me," he counters. "You made a stressful night actually fun."

  "There weren't as many people throwing themselves at you as you made out there'd be," I tease.

  "That's because I had a beautiful woman on my arm to stop them." He steps closer to me.

  "You think I'm beautiful?" I whisper.

  Julian chuckles. "You know you are."

  I bite my bottom lip. It's different to hear it from someone like Julian, when it actually means something.

  He reaches out and almost touches my cheek, but then drops his hand before he can. I try to ignore the disappointment that rushes through me.


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