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Saving Avery

Page 14

by Angela Snyder

  She shakes her head and walks past me, not bothering to even glance my way.

  "Avery, wait!" I call after her.

  I catch her in the hallway and pull her into a nearby utility closet. Once the door is closed and we're alone, I plead with her and say, "Talk to me."

  She crosses her arms in front of her chest and stares at the ground. "My sister isn't going to help me," she says solemnly. "I even told her that he hits me." She sucks in a deep, shaky breath. "It was so hard for me to confide in her like that, but she didn't even care. In fact, she turned it around on me like I should be grateful to be married to him and that the abuse is just a tiny, dark cloud in a bright, sunny sky."

  I close my eyes and release a sigh. How can one girl have the entire world against her? That's exactly what it feels like when it comes to Avery. Everyone is willing to turn and look the other way while she lives a life of hell. Well, I'm not giving up on her. I'll never give up. "Let me help you."

  I can almost feel the temperature in the small closet go down a few notches. She holds herself tighter and shakes her head. "No. I can't let you get involved."

  "Avery," I say, reaching for her, but she backs away out of my reach.

  "You don't understand."

  "Then make me understand!" I cry, exasperated.

  Her eyes meet mine, and I can see the fear inside of them. "He would kill you if he ever found out about us."

  So she's trying to protect me when she clearly is the one who needs protection. "Let me make a few phone calls. Let me get in touch with some people who can help. We can find a place for you to go, Avery. You can get away from him. You can ---." Her entire body trembles the more I talk, and so I just stop.

  "Please, Max. Don't." She shakes her head sadly and says, "I have to go."

  Before I can say another word, she's running out the door. I curse under my breath and rake my hands through my hair. This past weekend had been a dream, almost too good to be true. Nathan will be back in several days, and everything will go back to the way it was. Avery will stay in that house with him. He will abuse her, and there's not going to be a damn thing I can do about it.

  I decide in that moment that I can't sit back and watch from a distance for very much longer. I'll give Avery a chance to take the help I'm offering. But if she keeps refusing, I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands. And then Nathan will be the one who will be afraid, because I will do everything in my power to protect her.



  Max had stopped me on my way out of the hospital and asked me to come over to his place later. I reluctantly agreed. Our little tiff in the utility closet is not far from my mind as I step onto his front porch and knock on the door. I expect him to still be angry; but when he opens the door, he is grinning from ear to ear. In fact, he looks like he's about to burst with happiness. "What's your good mood about?" I ask.

  "Well, mostly because of you." His words melt my heart, and the argument we had earlier instantly fades from my mind. "And also because I have a surprise for you." He holds his hand out, and I take it. He pulls me into his arms and playfully kisses my neck. I can't help but laugh. "Love that sound," he whispers. He pulls back and stares down at me, his face growing very serious. "Let's not fight or talk about anything that will make us fight. Let's just enjoy tonight. Okay?"

  "Okay," I agree.

  He takes my hand and leads me into the house. A package is resting on the kitchen counter, and he scoops it up with a big grin on his face.

  "Is that part of the surprise?" I ask.

  "Yep." We stop in the living room and he says, "Make yourself comfortable. I'm going to get everything ready."

  I plop down on his comfortable sofa. I can't help but smile at the photographs scattered around the room. I stare at one picture in particular on the stand beside the couch. Max is a splitting image of his dad, and his mom and sister are gorgeous too. "Good genes," I murmur.

  "What's that?" he asks as he walks into the room.

  "Oh, I was just saying how beautiful your family is."

  He grins at my compliment. "Thanks."

  I notice that he has two DVDs in his hand. But when I try to get a glimpse of the movie titles, he conceals them. "Hey, no peeking," he teases. After he sticks one of the movies into the DVD player, he grabs the remote control and sits down next to me. "I had to special order these and get them shipped overnight."

  I stare at him curiously. And then when the music for the opening scene begins to play, tears instantly fill my eyes. I turn to the TV and see my mom staring back at me. "Oh, Max," I manage to say. "I haven't watched her movies in so long." I swallow hard past the lump in my throat. "Too long."

  He puts his arm around me and draws me back to him. We watch in silence for a while. The movie is called One More Time, and it's about two high school sweethearts who lose touch when they go to separate colleges and then are reunited years later after they both are divorced. Their love never died, and they get a second chance. It takes place in the fifties, and my mom's wardrobe is to die for. I know every song in the movie by heart, because she used to sing them to me every chance she got.

  When the credits are rolling on the screen, I say, "I can remember my mom boasting about all the old-fashioned dresses and shoes that she had to wear. After she was gone, some of the dresses she kept from the set stayed in her closet. Whenever I needed to feel close to her, I would wrap the fabric around myself. Her perfume lingered in the material, and it made me feel close to her and loved…if only for a few moments."

  Max turns to me, his brows knitting together. "Avery," he whispers in a soothing tone.

  I don't even realize I'm crying until his hands gently cup my face and he wipes away tears with his thumbs. "You don't know how much this means to me, Max. I've never watched my mother's movies with anyone but her. Seeing her and hearing her voice just brings back such wonderful memories. Thank you for doing this."

  He wipes away a few more stray tears and smiles. "I'd do anything for you, Avery," he says sincerely. "Do you want me to put the other movie in?" he asks.

  I shake my head. "Let's save the other one for another night." There is something I've been wanting to do, and I can't wait any longer. My lips find his in a fevered kiss. He pulls me closer to him and I practically melt from his touch. There is so much emotion in the kiss that it scares me. I understand now what Max means when he said it feels like the world around us melts away when we're together. It feels exactly the same way for me too.

  He pulls back and starts to talk, but I don't let him finish. My mouth presses against his again, and I move on the couch until I'm straddling his lap. His fingers dig into my hips as he pulls me down against his growing erection. A moan escapes my lips; and when they part, his tongue delves into my mouth, tangling with mine.

  His fingers begin to move up my back and then stop. His touch is deliberately slow but also hesitant. He's testing my limits, but I don't want anything stopping us. Not tonight. I break away from his lips long enough to say, "Bedroom."

  After hesitating for only a fraction of a second, his hands cup my bottom; and he stands with me in his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me back the hall to his room. We fall down onto the bed together, our lips never breaking their bond.

  Max moves on top of me, supporting himself on his elbows. He stares down at me for a moment before his lips begin to trail kisses down my face and neck. I gasp as he pushes his denim-covered erection against me. "Yes," I purr.

  His fingers interlace with mine and move my hands above my head as he kisses me sweetly. But the pressure of his arms pinning me down on the bed brings back a flashback of Nathan. I try to swallow it down and force my mind to think of something else, but I can't. I lose focus and break away from him as a strangled whimper escapes my lips.

  "Avery?" I can hear the confusion in his voice.

  I screw my eyes shut as a sob wracks my body. He instantly pushes up and climbs off the bed. I curl into a
fetal position and whisper, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

  "No. Don't be. I'm the one who should be sorry." He runs a hand through his hair, tugging at the ends. "Just tell me what I did wrong. I need to know so I don't do it again by mistake."

  I don't want to tell him. I don't want to spoil the mood. So I just lie there, unmoving, not speaking.

  "Please, Avery."

  His voice sounds so sincere and desperate, and I break. "I've only ever been with Nathan." I swallow hard past the lump forming in my throat. "It's always been rough…forced. He…He holds me down."

  Max curses under his breath, and I open my eyes. He looks upset, angry, and I don't want him to be. I need to fix this. Right now. I sit up and grab his hand. It takes me a while to find my words; but when I do, I really mean them. "I'm tired of being afraid." I close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. "I want to be with you, Max. I want you."

  My words seem to help. His features relax a little. After a while he says, "Let's try something." I watch him lie down on the bed. His hands hook around the headboard. "We'll do whatever you want to do, Avery. You take control."

  I stare at him for several seconds. He doesn't realize what he's offering me. Ever since I was a little girl I have never had control of my own life. My father controlled everything I did from the violin and piano lessons to what friends I was allowed to have and what sports I played. And then when I was actually old enough to be an adult, Nathan came and swept the rug out from under me. He was a thousand times worse than my father. I never had a say in any aspect of my life…ever. I have never had control of anything.

  I fight back the tears stinging my eyes and take several deep breaths to calm myself. A shiver of anticipation runs down my spine as I slowly climb onto the bed. I want this more than anything. I need to do this to feel some sense of normalcy. It's not normal to fear the things I do. And if anyone can help me through this, it's Max.

  I slowly plant my knees down on either side of his thighs, straddling him. My tremulous fingers hesitantly inch their way under the material of his t-shirt and feel his heated skin. I run my hands over his muscular chest, and his abs quiver under my touch. Leaning forward, I kiss him softly as my hands explore his body. My lips trail over the stubble on his strong jaw as he swallows hard.

  "Tell me what you want, Avery," he whispers in my ear.

  I lean back and say, "Take off your shirt."

  He leans up and strips out of the t-shirt. Then his hands immediately return to the headboard as my eyes rake over his torso, taking in every detail. He has a light dusting of hair across his chest and a single line of hair that disappears under his jeans. My fingertip glides along the happy trail and stops just above his jeans that sit low on his hips. I lick my lips at the sight of his well-developed pelvic V. Arousal flows through my body until not a single trace of fear remains.

  I gently start to move back and forth over his hard length under me, and his lips part as he releases a low moan. The sound reverberates through me. My fingers continue their exploration of his body, and Max's breathing pattern drastically changes from calm to erratic the more I touch him. When I lean down and plant a kiss on his chest, I can feel his heart pounding under my lips. He's just as nervous as I am, if not more.

  With one swift movement, I sit up and pull my dress off over my head. His eyes overtly peruse my lingerie-clad body. "Fuck," he whispers as he involuntarily lifts his hips to grind up against me.

  His hands squeeze the headboard hard, and I know he's itching to touch me. The thought of his hands on me doesn't scare me, and now I know it's time to try. It's time for more.

  "Touch me. Please, Max," I beg.

  His right hand moves between us, and he gently caresses me with painstakingly slow, hypnotic strokes through the lacey fabric of my panties. I gasp at the sensation and watch as his other hand moves to my breasts. He teases my nipples through my bra, and I throw my head back as a moan escapes my lips. I suddenly wish I had decided to not wear anything under my dress. I want his hands on me. Skin on skin.

  I reach back and unclasp my bra, letting it slide off onto the bed beside us. He gazes up at me and whispers, "You are so fucking beautiful."

  His hand continues to touch me between my legs, and I almost come apart from his gentle touch. "Max," I gasp. "I need you," I cry.

  I climb off of his lap and watch as he slips out of his jeans and boxer briefs. I remove my panties and toss them over with the rest of my clothes. With no boundaries between us, he lies down. I stare greedily at the sight before me. His sculpted body is definitely a beautiful thing. It should be a sin to look that good. My mouth is practically watering for him, and I don't think I've ever been so turned on in my life.

  My eyes finally land on his impressive length resting on his stomach, just begging to be touched. I hold his gaze as I move between his legs. My eyes don't leave his as my hand touches his soft flesh. I can feel him pulse beneath my fingers. Tentatively, I wrap my hands around him and stroke the hardening length up and down. His mouth is slack as his breathing picks up. "Oh, Avery," he groans.

  I smile. I'm actually enjoying this. It's nice to have power over someone for a change, and I'm thankful that Max allowed me to have control over him. He has no idea how much that really means to me…or maybe he does. We haven't known each other for very long, but Max knows me better than anyone. I don't know how that's possible, but it just is.

  He calls out my name again, and hearing my name on his lips gives me even more incentive to make him feel good and give him satisfaction like he gave me during our first time together. My tongue flicks over his swollen head, the salty taste of him hitting my tongue as he moans. Feeling bold, I watch him through my eyelashes as I sheath my teeth behind my lips and slide his velvety length into my mouth. He watches me with parted lips as I take as much as I can into my mouth and throat. A long hiss leaves his lungs between clenched teeth as I bob my head up and down his thick shaft.

  "Yeah, that's it, baby," he begs.

  My fingernails gently graze up and down his thighs as I lick and suck him. His hips flex upwards, thrusting lightly into my mouth as he grows closer and closer to climax. The headboard creeks as Max's hands tighten around the frame. "Avery. I need to be inside of you. Now," he begs.

  I give him one last lick before moving up to straddle him once more. His breathing is deep and uneven. I smile at the idea that I could make him come apart like this.

  He motions to the nightstand. "Condom," he says softly.

  I lean over and reach into the drawer. My fingers shake as I tear open the foil packet and gently ease the condom over his length. He's so big, and I wonder if it's going to hurt. Perhaps sensing my uncertainty, Max says, "We'll go slow."

  My gaze meets his as I position myself above him with my knees on the bed on either side of his hips. His length presses against my entrance, and I can feel how wet I am for him. Apprehension has me hesitating for only a moment before I begin to sink down onto him. Max lets out a low growl, and it's the sexiest sound in the world. His head falls back onto the pillow, and I watch the steady pulse thump in his neck. I slowly take every tantalizing inch of him inside of me until I'm completely seated. Placing my hands on his muscular chest, I begin to gently rock up and down. Amazingly, there is no pain like I have come to expect. To my surprise, there's only pleasure. And it feels so damn good.

  My rhythm begins to pick up speed as I ride him faster and faster. The pleasure increases with every up and down movement, and I can't stop the moans coming from my mouth. It's never felt like this before. It's never felt good, and I didn't know it could feel like this.

  I watch Max's hands clench on the headboard as he stares up at me in awe. "Fuck. Avery," he whispers.

  I stare at his hands, and I suddenly want them on me. "Touch me, Max."

  He hesitates with an uncertain look on his face. "Are you sure?"

  "I trust you," I tell him, and it's the truth. I've never trusted anyone as much as I trust Max. "Touch me.
Please," I beg.

  His hands release the headboard and grip my hips. Holding onto me, he thrusts upwards and begins a punishing rhythm that has me panting. He feels so good inside of me, and I don't want the feeling to ever end.

  His fingertips trail over my flat stomach and up to my breasts. He kneads my flesh softly and pulls at my taut nipples, making me moan loudly. "Max," I say through a shuddering breath.

  "You're so goddamn beautiful," he whispers. "You're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

  One of his hands trails down between my legs. It only takes a few flicks of his finger against my clit to drive me over the edge. The pressure builds inside of me quickly, and I can't stop it. I cry out and fall forward, collapsing onto his chest. Max holds me, his hands stroking my back, his cock thrusting up inside of me and his breath on my ear as my entire body trembles through an explosive orgasm. My legs quake against his hips, and I whimper from the intense pleasure. The feeling is too much, too great, and I hear myself starting to sob against his chest as my wetness floods and coats him.

  Max kisses my cheek and gently rocks in and out of me as I come down from the high. My cries quiet down until my ragged breaths are the only sounds coming from my mouth. I slowly sit up, and Max stares up at me. His thumbs wipe away my tears, and he instantly looks worried.

  "Did I hurt you?" he asks.

  "Never," I reply. "I just…I didn't know it could feel like this," I whisper. I lean down and kiss his sweet lips. I have an emotion building up inside of me that I can't describe, but I think this is what being in love feels like. And I like it.

  Slowly, I crawl off of him and lie down next to him. He looks over at me, and I take in his dark features. My dark knight in shining armor. I wonder again what I did to deserve someone like him in my life. He is the only light in my gloomy world. "Make love to me, Max," I say softly.


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