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Saving Avery

Page 15

by Angela Snyder

  This time he doesn't even hesitate. He doesn't ask if it's okay. Because he knows, just like I do, that something passed between us just a few moments ago. I trust him wholeheartedly, and he knows that now.

  I spread my legs for him, and he kneels between them. He enters me slowly, and I enjoy every single inch of him all over again. His course cheek lightly brushes against mine as his pleasured groan vibrates against me. I lift my hips to meet him. And in return, he thrusts deeper into me, stealing my breath away.

  My hands fist in the sheets as the pressure begins to build inside of me once more. "Max, I ---." A loud moan cuts off my voice.

  "Come for me, Avery."

  His words are my undoing. All of the tension inside of my body slowly beings to unravel as the overwhelming feeling of pleasure takes over me. I cry out as Max picks up speed. His cock thrusting in and out of me quickly has me losing my mind. My hands grip his shoulders, my fingernails biting into his skin as I allow the orgasm to rush through me. I'm just starting to moan when Max joins in. His muscles tremble under my touch as we reach ecstasy together, riding out wave after wave with moans and gentle kisses. His rhythm becomes uneven until he finally stops.

  Max stares into my eyes as the last moments of our bliss are shared. His lips find mine, and we share a soul-searing kiss. I know in that moment that my life has changed forever. Never again will I see a man in the same light. Never again will I see a relationship in the same light. There are good people in this world like Max. I have a chance to be happy. And I'm not going to let him slip through my fingers because I'm afraid.

  Max gently pulls out of me, lies down and draws me into his arms. I sigh contently because this is where I want to be. This is where I always want to be.


  The next morning I wake up to breakfast in bed. "You made all of this yourself?" I ask incredulously as I stare down at the tray of bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes and orange juice.

  "Yep," he says with a proud expression.

  I grin and instantly dig in. "I've never had breakfast in bed before," I say around a mouthful of eggs.

  He frowns, but tries to cover it up well. "I'm going to go for a run before work."

  I now notice that he's bare-chested, showing off his incredible body. Dark gray sweats cling to the lowest point of his hips, and my heart instantly speeds up.

  He catches my gaze and grins that heart-stopping grin of his. "Eat. I'll be back soon."

  I watch him disappear as I continue to feast on the incredible food he prepared. It's early. We still have over an hour before we have to be at the hospital, and I'm thankful for every moment I get to spend with him. It's Tuesday, and that means that Nathan will be home in only a few days. I'm dreading his return, but I refuse to let it spoil my time with Max. After our little argument yesterday, I don't want to spend any more time fighting. I want to enjoy every single second with him.

  After I'm done eating, I slip into my dress from yesterday and walk outside onto his back deck. I spot Max on the beach in the distance running. I walk over to the railing and watch the beautiful orange and red hues in the sky as the sun rises. I close my eyes and revel in this moment. This is what life could be like for me. Breakfast in bed after a night of amazing sex with a caring and sweet husband. Who knew life could be so grand? I certainly didn't. And now that I've gotten a taste, I never want to let this dream go.



  My feet pound into the sand as I run. All I can think about is Avery. She invades my every thought, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Last night was incredible. Actually it was more than incredible. It was the best night of my life. Seeing her coming apart in my arms was a thing of beauty, and I want to witness that moment again and again. If I had it my way, I would never let her out of my sight. I would never let her go.

  I finish my run and jog up the steps to the patio. Avery's dress whips around her legs in the gentle breeze as she overlooks the ocean and the sunrise. It's beautiful, but it pales in comparison to Avery. "How was your breakfast?" I ask her as I stretch out my aching muscles.

  "Divine," she replies over her shoulder. She flashes me a smile. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome." I wrap my arms around her from behind and ease her against the railing. My lips kiss the exposed skin on her neck. Suddenly, I feel her entire body tense and begin to shake. Immediately, I pull back and turn her around in my arms. She looks scared…lost. Whatever I just did triggered something inside of her. Wounded bird, I remind myself. She had the same reaction on our first date when I tried to hold her from behind. I make a mental note to remember every trigger so that I don't make the mistake ever again. It will take some time, but I will learn what she can and can't handle.

  She flies into my arms, crushing her cheek against my chest and wrapping her arms around me. I hold her and rest my chin on top of her head. "I hate what he's done to you," I say vehemently.

  "He ruined me," she whispers so faintly that it takes me a few seconds to realize what she said.

  "No." I lean back and meet her gaze. "You're not ruined, Avery. You're just wounded. And I'm going to be here every step of the way to put the pieces of your life and your soul back together. I'm not going anywhere until you're whole again."

  She wraps her arms around me tightly like she's afraid to let go…or maybe afraid that I'll let her go. That's not going to happen. Ever.

  After a few minutes, she suggests, "Let's take a shower. I haven't had my fill of you yet this morning, Dr. Harrison."

  I instantly perk up at the idea, and I can't help but grin. The once shy Avery who couldn't even talk to me is suddenly turning into this bold and sexy creature. And I wouldn't have her any other way.



  After our lovemaking session in the shower caused us to almost be late, we both pull into the hospital parking lot just in the nick of time. I climb out of my car, and Max instantly pulls me into his arms. His face is buried in the crook of my neck as he says, "I wish we had more time together. I don't want to let you go."

  "I know," I say in agreement. If I could possibly stay in his arms all day, I would. There is no other place I would rather be.

  "You shouldn't have to ever feel pain, Avery. You should know only kindness and happiness in this world, because that's exactly what you give back to it." He pulls back and stares into my eyes. His hands gently cup my face as his thumbs caress my bottom lip. "I know we just met, but I have a strong connection to you."

  "I feel the same way about you," I confess.

  He closes his eyes a moment as if relishing in my words. "I want to protect you. I want to make you happy."

  I want that too, but I can't tell him that, because it will never happen --- Nathan would never let that happen. If Nathan found out about Max and I, he would do everything in his power to ruin Max. I would have to get away from Nathan first before beginning anything with Max. But we have this week together with no interruptions, no consequences, no rules. And I intend on sharing it with Max and cherishing it and holding onto it like it's my lifeline.

  I keep my emotions in check, not letting on that I'm secretly falling apart on the inside. My mouth finds his, and I put all of my emotions into that kiss. I make a silent vow to myself. I will find a way to leave my husband. And then I will find my way back to Max.


  The days go by quickly, and I can't help but see the impending darkness that is to come when Nathan gets home. Today is Thursday, and for the first time in years, I'm able to forgo wearing a cardigan to the hospital. I stare at my almost perfect skin in the mirror. I only had to cover up some of the fading bruises, but the rest of my skin looks flawless. It's been so long since I've been out of the house without long sleeves on or completely covered in makeup that it makes my eyes sting with tears. A part of me can't believe I've actually been able to live with the abuse that I've grown accustomed to for so long. I'm so much happier without Nathan, and I've only had a taste of what my life could
be like.

  On my way to work, I relive the past few days I've had with Max. We've spent almost every waking moment together. We see each other off and on all day at the hospital. We have lunch together where we sit and talk for almost an hour about everything under the sun. Then we go home separately, only to reunite a short time later at his house. We've made love a countless number of times, and each time it gets easier for me to open up to him. There is no more hesitation, no more fear. I feel like a new person. I feel content. I feel happy.

  Later that afternoon, Rosie hip bumps me as I stand at the nurses' station. She has a big smile on her face as she looks at me over the rim of her glasses. "You look happy, Avery." She taps her finger against her bottom lip for a moment before saying, "I think having Dr. Harrison here is having an effect on more than just the hospital."

  I feel my cheeks instantly flush with heat. Somehow Rosie knows about Max and me. "You won't say anything, will you?" I ask in a panic.

  She gestures as if she's zipping her mouth shut. "My lips are sealed. You can count on me."

  I squeeze her arm gently for reassurance. "Thank you, Rosie," I whisper before turning away. A few feet down the hall I pass by Max. He smiles and winks at me, and I smile back at him. We try to keep everything on the down low, but I'm sure the hospital staff has noticed our frequent conversations and us sitting together at lunch every day. And according to Rosie, I look happy. I feel happy, probably happier than I've ever been. And I owe all the credit to Max. He makes me want to be a better person. He makes me want more out of life, and there's nothing I want more than him.

  Jacob is patiently waiting for me when I enter his room. And when I produce his favorite snack, he gives me the biggest smile. Max said Jacob's doing better. He might even be able to be released soon if his leukemia goes into remission like they hope.

  Jacob and I are in a serious conversation about which Ninja Turtle is cooler when Max walks into the room. He has a face-splitting grin on his face, and I can't help but return the expression. "Hey, Jacob," he says.

  "Hey, Dr. H."

  "Hi, Avery," he says with conviction behind his tone.

  With a wink, I reply with, "Hello, Dr. H."

  He chuckles and shakes his head. He turns his attention to Jacob. "Your white blood cell counts are looking good. You just might be able to get out of here soon."

  Jacob frowns a little and nods.

  Max's brows dip in confusion. "You don't want to leave?"

  "I do, but…" Jacob looks up at me. "I won't be able to see Avery if I leave."

  His words hit me hard, and I have to fight back the urge to cry. "Maybe I can talk to your mom about coming to visit," I tell him.

  Jacob instantly lights up. "Really?"

  I nod and tap the brim of his baseball cap. "Sure."

  "I'll ask her tonight!" he says, full of enthusiasm.

  "Okay." I stand and say, "I'll see you tomorrow, Jacob." I walk to Max, and he's wearing an expression I can't decipher.

  He steps closer to me and takes my hand in his. "You don't see how much you affect everyone around you," he whispers in my ear. "You emit this aura of kindness around you. I just wish you could see your full potential."

  "I'm starting to see it," I whisper back and kiss his cheek sweetly. "Thanks to you."

  "I'll see you tonight," he promises as we both leave the room and part ways.



  I wait patiently for Avery to come over. She said she was cooking dinner and would bring it over around six. Every minute that ticks by I miss her, and I'm half tempted to march over there and show her how much.

  A knock at the door has me grinning, and I hurry to answer it. Avery stands on my doorstep with a covered dish in her hands. She looks beautiful in a flirty dress, and I am so happy to see that she's wearing hardly any makeup on her arms. The bruises are almost completely gone; and, in turn, she exudes a renewed self-confidence. She holds her head up high instead of constantly looking to the ground like before. And it makes me so damn happy that I played a part in her newfound resilience.

  I take the covered dish and lead her into the kitchen. "I bought some homemade Italian bread on the way home. I hope that goes well with whatever you made." She never told me what she was making, just that she would whip something up when she got home. But having learned to cook while under the supervision of a professional chef, I'm sure it's going to be great.

  Avery pulls the lid from the dish and says, "Chicken, spinach and mushroom casserole."

  "Smells good." I put the dish down and turn, pulling her into my arms. I press my forehead against hers and stare into those beautiful blue-gray eyes. "I missed you."

  Laughing, she says, "You just saw me at the hospital two hours ago."

  I bury my face into her neck and gently kiss her. "I know, but I missed you anyway."

  She sighs contently and whispers, "I missed you too."

  I break away from her to gather plates and cups. As I'm cutting the Italian bread, I ask her, "Red or white wine with dinner?" After no response, my eyes flicker to Avery, and I see that her attention is on my stack of mail on the counter. Something has caught her interest. I walk over and notice the first thing on top is an invitation to some political fundraiser. I pick up the postcard and hold it up. "Did you get one too?" I ask.

  She hesitates before saying, "That's my father's campaign fundraiser."

  "Your father is the mayor?" I stare at the card in disbelief. Avery had mentioned her father being in politics, but I didn't realize he was the mayor of the city I'm currently living in. "So I guess it would be a stupid question to ask if you're going," I remark.

  She cringes, and I realize it's a sore subject. "I'll be there even if I don't want to be. It's not really a question of what I want when it comes to my choices in life."

  Her words slowly sink in. "But it shouldn't be like that, Avery. If you don't want to do something, you shouldn't have to."

  "If only it were that easy…" Her voice trails off as her expression grows reflective. I don't know about her, but this week has me fantasizing about what our life could be together. I would never make her go to some stuffy party if she didn't want to go.

  I put the card down and set the table. Avery walks over to help. "So do you think you'll go to the fundraiser?" she asks.

  "Thinking about it," I answer honestly. It would be nice to see Avery on a weekend that Nathan is home, but I don't know if I could bear seeing her with him in that kind of element where she's pretending. Seeing them together might break me. "I haven't made up my mind," I finally say.

  We sit down and have a nice dinner. The casserole she made is excellent, but I had no doubt in my mind that it wouldn't be. Avery's great at everything she does. If only I could make her see that.

  After dinner, we watch the other movie that I bought. Her mother is great in this one too, and I hold Avery close, relishing in the moment with her. Even though I'm having a great time, it's hard not to think about tomorrow being our last day together. Saturday, Nathan will return, and everything will go back to the way it was. I don't want that, but I don't think I have a say in the matter.

  When she falls asleep in my arms, I hold onto her tightly like she's my salvation. I don't want to let her go, and I wish I could convince her to stay with me. But I know that's a losing battle. She's afraid of me interfering and possibly getting hurt, but I'm not afraid of getting hurt. I'm afraid of what could happen to her if I don't interfere.

  I lean down and place a kiss on the crown of her hair. And when I'm sure she's in a deep sleep, I whisper, "I love you, Avery." The words shock me a little, but they also feel natural. I do love Avery. There is no doubt in my mind about that. I'm not ready to speak the words to her face to face, and I know part of that is out of fear --- fear of rejection. Even though I can feel the almost tangible connection between us, she might not feel the same way about me. She's so damn easy to love. I just wish saying the words out loud would break the hold that Natha
n seems to have over her, but I know that's not realistic. She's been broken too many times by him to think that there's happiness out there for her, but I intend on putting the pieces back together even if it takes the rest of our lives together.



  Friday goes quicker than I would like it to. Seeing Avery in the halls of the hospital with a real, genuine smile on her face makes my heart do weird things. It makes me happy to see her so happy, but also sad at the same time because I know this will be all short-lived. I have so many mixed emotions that it's hard to keep them all in check.

  After work, we go to the park for a picnic. She kicks off her sandals, as she sits down on the checkered blanket, and sinks her feet into the cool, thick grass. She looks up at me with a heart-melting smile, and I grin like an idiot. I can see a life with Avery. I can see us together in every way possible, but tomorrow this will all feel like a dream. Reality is only hours away, and I wish we could live in this fantasy for just a little while longer. I'm not ready to let her go just yet.

  My expression must have changed, because her eyebrows suddenly furrow. "What's wrong, Max?"

  "Just thinking," I reply. I quickly replace my frown with a smile and reach out to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. My fingertips trail along her soft cheek as my thumb caresses her full bottom lip.

  She plants a kiss on the pad of my thumb. Her eyes meet mine, and I can feel the heat passing between us. "This has been the best week of my life," she says softly. "I just wanted you to know that."

  "Ditto," I tell her before leaning in and kissing her sweetly. "I wish it didn't have to end," I whisper against her mouth.

  "Ditto," she whispers back.

  After we pack up the picnic, we walk to a small ice cream stand in the middle of the park. She orders a chocolate and vanilla twist with sprinkles, and I order just plain old chocolate. We sit on a bench side by side and watch kids run, jump and swing in the giant playground area. She laughs when the kids do silly things, and I can't help but be captivated by her. I want to ask Avery about the first day we met and why her thoughts went somewhere else when I asked her about kids. Avery surprises me by broaching the subject herself and saying, "I was pregnant once."


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