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Friends in High Places

Page 23

by Toni DeMaio

  “Yes. In fact she and Lilly are getting the DNA proof as we sit here.”

  “Wonderful! Do Tori and Gino know anything about this yet?”

  “No, M’am, not yet,” I said, shaking my head.

  “So that’s where I can help.” Mom beamed brightly at me, clearly more than fine with it all.

  “Yes,” I said, “I can be there for Tori since I can reach out to her in her dreams and prepare her for the news there, but I need you to support Kat when the truth comes out.”

  “You know I will, Sweetheart,” Mom said, and we hugged just as the door slowly opened and I quickly faded from sight.


  When I caught up with Kat and Lilly again, they were dancing around in the hallway outside of the doctor’s office where Kat had just been given the best news of her life.

  “Now what are you going to do, Kat?” Lilly asked, “I think you should tell Gino tonight.”

  Kat turned pale and shook her head hard. “I can’t. I just can’t. I’m so scared he’s going to think I stalked him to get close to Tori. He was so jealous and suspicious of Brian Jr., I’m scared he won’t trust I’m telling him the truth this time either.”

  Lilly crossed her arms. “But the thing is if you wait too long he’s going to be mad you didn’t tell him immediately. It’s a guy thing. They get freaked out when they think we’re hiding important stuff from them and this is really important! You have to suck it up and just do it. I mean it. Hiding the truth is the best way to kill love.”

  Kat looked so miserable I was glad when Lilly hugged her because she clearly needed it. “Okay,” she sighed, “I get it. You’ve got to process it yourself for a while before you can find the words to tell Gino.”

  “That’s right,” Kat said, gratefully, “But I hear you, Lilly, and I will tell him soon. I promise.”

  It was time for me to go. I wanted to get back to Rocky and our serene deck. It was the perfect place to gain strength and a deeper understanding of how I could help my little sister with this huge challenge. Tonight I would start by visiting Tori in her dreams and bringing along a special visitor. It was time to get Linda Rossi involved.



  “Tori! Tori!”

  I was swinging on my favorite swing at the playground I always go to in my dreams when I meet Angel and when I heard Mommy’s voice I realized this was the playground where she always took us when she was alive. Funny how I’d never recognized it before but I suddenly knew why it made me feel so safe and happy.

  I heard a laugh I knew very well and looked across the park just as Mommy and Angel came out of the ice cream shop, waved at me, and walked quickly toward me. I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest. I couldn’t wait to be with them so I ran across the grass and past the flowerbeds to meet them; just about jumping into Mommy’s arms. It had been forever since she’d last hugged me! It was a miracle.

  I wrapped my arms around her neck and grinned at Angel, who stood watching us with love in her eyes. “Angel, did you bring Mommy to see me?

  She nodded, “Yes, Sweetheart,” Your mommy has something very important to share with you.”

  So we all sat down at one of the picnic tables and Angel put down the ice cream Sundays she’d been carrying and pushed our favorites toward each of us, and, as we dug in, Mommy leaned toward me, “Tori, I have wonderful news for you. This is going to be a bit of a shock at first, but it’s something really good. Remember how we always talked about your adoption and how each night we said a prayer to bless the brave girl who gave you life?”

  I nodded. It had been during our special time at the end of each day. I always thought Mommy was smart to make it a natural part of my story each night because that way it’s never bothered me that I’m adopted, like it does some kids.

  “Well, I think now, especially since I can’t be the one to raise you, it’s time you found out who gave birth to you. And, actually, it’s someone you already know, and have already come to love.”

  I was surprised…but not in a bad way. I’d always wondered about my birth mom…I’d always imagined meeting her someday and thanking her for loving me enough to pick out such a great family to give me to…

  I looked from Mommy to Angel and then somehow I had an idea of what Mommy was going to say next. I stood up and wandered over to the grass and plopped down, feeling a little bit light-headed.

  My hair was out of its tie and curling down past my shoulders. I grabbed a handful and pulled it around so I could examine it one last time and be really sure before I said anything. “Wow,” I said, “You’re going to tell me I was either Kat’s baby or Angel’s, aren’t you, Mommy?”

  Mommy beamed down at me, “Yes, Sweetheart. Angel’s your aunt and Kat’s your birth mom and ten years ago she got pregnant around the same time both her dad and Angel died suddenly, only a month apart so she couldn’t tell your Grandma-Meri. She was devastated by the double loss and it took her quite a while to fully recover. But Kat’s never forgotten you and even before she realized you were the baby she had to give up, she loved you. Her heart is so big she has room in there for Anthony and Daddy too. I know she’ll make a wonderful wife for Daddy and a fantastic mom for the both of you.”

  “I think somewhere inside, I already knew that,” I said, slowly, looking up at Angel who had tears in her eyes, too. “And you wanted to tell me all along, right, Aunt Angel?”

  She nodded. “And Tori, everything your mom has told you tonight, is the truth. The only reason Kat didn’t try to keep you was because she was barely nineteen and in college and she was afraid another shock would be too much for our mom.”

  I stood and raced around the table trying to hug them both at once. “It’s okay,” I said, “I’m not mad at Kat. I know she went through a lot to have me. It turned out just right, Angel. And thanks for bringing Mommy!” I added, surprised my heart could be so busy pounding and be so full of love all at the same time.

  Then Angel and Mommy and me were talking at once and laughing and eating our ice cream. It was like the best party I’ve ever been at.

  “There’s something else, Tori,” Angel said, pushing her empty container to the side and taking my hand across the table, “You might have to help your daddy to accept the news when Kat finally tells him she’s your birth mom.”

  “You mean Kat knows? If she knows why hasn’t she told me?”

  “Because she wasn’t sure, Tori, until earlier today,” Mommy said quickly, “She got a sample of your D.N.A. at the homecoming game. She and Lilly took the cup you drank cocoa from so they could do the testing. Actually Lilly was the one to convince Kat you had to be hers, and then suggested they get a sample from you so Kat would have proof when she told your dad. Lilly knew about you because she was with Kat when you were born.”

  “I’m glad Kat wasn’t all alone,” I said, “Lilly’s the best.”

  “Well, Lilly found pictures in her album of my sister from back when she was your age and you look like twins,” Angel added, “Those pictures, and the instant bond she had with you convinced Kat of the truth.”

  “Actually the resemblance is quite remarkable,” Mommy said, interrupting, “But, Sweetie, what we need you to do is help Daddy understand why Kat couldn’t say anything to him until she had proof. Because he’s going to be shocked and then bluster all over the place about how important total honesty is to him, when really Kat was right to wait until she had the proof. And he’s already in love with her, even though he nearly lost her when he got jealous of Mr. Potter when it’s clear to everyone else he never got over your Aunt Lisa, and he and Kat have become like brother and sister.”

  “I always knew Daddy was soft on Kat and now I can see Mr. Potter’s crazy about Aunt Lisa. All of us kids can see that.” I grinned.

  Angel laughed. “I think the whole world can see that.”

  “Most of this was clear to everyone with the exception of your daddy,” Mommy said, “I think he was the las
t one to figure it out. That’s because he’s always been stubborn and over- sensitive when his heart in involved. It was always his only fault. But you can help to calm him down so he can think clearly. I know you can,” Mommy said, reaching across the table and squeezing my hand.

  I knew Mommy was right. “Don’t worry I’ll take care of it.”

  “We knew we could count on you, Tori,” Angel said, “And it’s all going to happen quickly. Tonight much more snow is going to fall than the six inches the weatherman has predicted and everyone is going to be snowed in. But you and Anthony and your cousins will be safe over at your Aunt Lisa’s. Even Mr. Potter will be staying over, and you’re all going to have a big slumber party.”

  “And Aunt Lisa is going to realize deep down she’s always loved Mr. Potter and that there is happiness in her future,” Mom continued, “He’s going to be good for this family and make certain Gia and Sal heal quickly from what happened with Uncle Mario and they are going to eventually become a very happy family. So this is an important night.”

  I nodded, thinking it was way cool to be hearing about all of this ahead of time. Angels were much cooler than I’d ever suspected they were.

  “And your daddy is going to invite Kat over for dinner and a long talk about the future while you kids are at your Aunt's,” Angel revealed, “And Kat is going to be terrified to tell him the truth about being your birth mother.”

  “You mean because she’s scared of how he’ll take the news?” I asked.

  Angel nodded. “That’s right, but because of the blizzard Kat won’t be able to leave and with this news weighing on her heart it will be a long night for her, and eventually, I think she’s going to choose to tell him and he will be confused and angry at first thinking she’s been deceiving him, just as your Mommy said.”

  “But don’t worry. You’ll bring him around when you get back home,” Mommy finished. “You may have to tell them both about this visit and assure Daddy Kat has only had proof for a short time. I know your father and he’s going to jump to the conclusion she’s known all along and was only pretending to care for him to get closer to you; when in fact, she’s going to find out for certain she’s your birth mom sometime in the morning. And when you get the chance tell Daddy I love Kat too, and I want her to become a permanent part of our family with my complete blessing.”

  Wow, that was a lot. I thought about all of this for a moment, then nodded, knowing I could do it. I had to do it. My happiness, as well as the happiness of everyone I loved depended on it.



  Mom was finally home from the hospital. I’d planned on picking her up alone and keeping the excitement to a minimum but the entire gang of Lilly, Daisy, Brian Sr., as well as Jr., had insisted on helping us to get here. As we all piled in through the front door I was concerned she might feel her beloved home had been changed in a negative way by the horror of what had happened that night, but I needn’t have worried. She couldn’t have been happier to be home, or to enjoy the company of our closest friends.

  Frannie and Liz, who were there to greet us, had cleaned away all evidence of Mario ever having been here, and the entire house shone with not only the Christmas lights, but the love that had always made it home and the place where everyone felt welcome. You’d think by now I’d have learned not to underestimate Mom’s ability to spring back from a knockdown, whether literal or not.

  Still a bit unsteady on her feet, Mom settled into her comfy chair by the fireplace, her feet up on an ottoman, while a drowsy Daisy curled in next to her, twirling her

  favorite curl, fighting a nap, and finding comfort in being close to mom because she has always been magic with kids.

  They’d both been tucked into a soft Christmas throw by Brian Sr., who seemed to be assuming the role of host as he insisted we all have the mulled cider he’d prepared earlier. I wanted Mom to rest, as I had promised her doctor she would, but I saw no harm in having all of us spend a happy hour together making certain Mom knew how much she was loved, appreciated, and had been missed during her hospital stay.

  I wasn’t surprised or shocked when Brian Sr. suddenly stood and turned toward us with the same authority I’m sure he demonstrated in the college classroom. But today I sensed he was feeling a little self-conscious as he pushed back his boyish excitement before declaring he had an important announcement to make.

  We all sat waiting as he cleared his throat; then swallowed hard. Brian Jr. grinned up at him, nodding encouragingly. The bond between them reminded me of the bond I had with Mom. I was already starting to love Brian Jr. like the brother he would soon become, and I knew both of these fine men were a gift to our family.

  “I hope this doesn’t shock any of you,” Brian Sr. said, “but I can’t help that, as the decision has been made, so here goes: I am going to be moving in here with Meri. Our intention is to plan a permanent future together. We both hope you will reserve judgment as I promise I will prove to be as good as my word and won’t disappoint any of you.”

  He was so adorably formal and old-fashioned, I wanted to laugh out loud, but then I caught Lilly’s eye, and she shook her head slightly, smiling as wide as anyone could without laughing out loud.

  Everyone clapped and congratulated them while Mom blushed brighter than her summer roses. “Now please don’t get ahead of us,” she scolded, “This isn’t such a big deal in today’s world. Brian just feels very strongly that he should be here to protect me in case protection is ever needed…again.”

  “She operates a business that’s open to the general public,” Brian Sr. continued, “And I believe a man should be on the premises, especially during the night.”

  The idea that my mom needed extra security considering the job she’d done on Mario, who was a big hulk of a man in his prime, just tickled me beyond endurance and I started to giggle.

  Lilly, Brian Jr., Frannie and Liz quickly joined in while both Mom and Brian Sr. looked confused. “Well, I’m glad we could entertain all of you with our news,” Mom said, “But I don’t know what’s so funny.”

  Liz spoke up first. “Meri you have to admit you’re pretty invincible. It’s just the way you took Mario out and saved the day with no help from anyone else kind of negates the need for beefed-up security.”

  “I get it,” Mom said, beaming now, “But you’re all wrong if you think I didn’t have help. Angel was with me the whole time and I couldn’t have done it without the diversion she created when she materialized, all glowing and glowering at that terrible man. It was magnificent!”

  As hard as it was to believe, I realized I totally believed her. It would have been easy to credit her ‘vision’ to the head injury had there not been other witnesses to confirm her unbelievable story. And I was grateful to Angel, too, not only for helping to save Mom and the kids, but for so many other wonderful reasons.

  Then Brian Sr. began to rumble with a deep laughter, as he got the humor in it all and soon Mom joined him. “I guess this whole situation is funny in hindsight, but you’ve known I’m a survivor and there was no way I was going to let anything happen to those kids,” she said, “Anyway, I’ll still feel much safer and at peace with Brian here. It’ll be wonderful to relax and have a real man around the house again.”

  They gazed into each other eyes and if the sparks they generated could have been harnessed, the house would have burst into flames. Well I say good for the both of them and God bless.

  My cell went off and I dove into my bag to retrieve it. It was Gino and I felt a fire of my own building inside that grew stronger at the sound of his voice.


  The clouds were dark and threatening and the temperature had plunged down to eighteen degrees. There was no doubt we were in for it tonight. The weathermen had all predicted three to six inches earlier in the day, but I’d lived here my whole life and knew better. Thank God it was a Saturday and no school buses or commuters would be out and about in the morning, putting everyone, including themsel
ves, in danger.

  On the way home, I stopped at Towne Market and bought a bag of cat food, litter, and a big can of tuna as an extra treat for Charlie. I wanted to be sure he was well supplied up at our cottage in case I was delayed in getting back from Gino’s tonight. I planned on putting out plenty of extra food and water to be on the safe side.

  Later, while I was getting ready for our dinner date, I loaded the fireplace with slow burning logs in case the electricity went out tonight, adjusted the heavy safety screen and arranged Charlie’s favorite quilt in his bed by the fireplace.

  This way, if it got cold in here, he could dive down in the warm folds of the quilt and nap until I could get back home. I figured Charlie could use some company while I was gone so I adjusted the dial on his radio to the easy listening station which was playing non-stop Christmas Carols all the way to New Year's, while Charlie sighed and settled down on the warm hearth to listen.

  I was saving my new red silk dress for Christmas Eve, but I decided to bring out the big guns, and wear my black velvet cocktail dress with the plunging neckline tonight. I had to wear my dress boots because the snow was already accumulating, but I tucked my black velvet spikes into my big bag to change into at the restaurant, along with some clean underwear and a pair of sweats in case we got snowed in later. This is standard procedure in winter here in the Pocono Mountains. When you leave the house in bad weather you know to carry a big bag with everything you’ll need in case a sudden blizzard changes your plans.

  Gino wouldn’t tell me where he’d made reservations, but he said it was going to be a big surprise so I was anticipating a drive up into the higher elevations to The Chateau, the place lovers went on special occasions.


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