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Friends in High Places

Page 24

by Toni DeMaio

  I shivered, wondering what that might mean. Since the night we’d made love, I hadn’t been able to think of anything else. He’d haunted my thoughts, even at work, and I was tortured with a deep desire to lose myself in his strong arms again and again.

  The village was alive with Christmas lights and they looked magical as they twinkled through the falling snow which seemed to be building in intensity. I drove slowly by then inched down the mountain toward Gino’s house grateful the road crews had spent the day treating the roads and would be plowing regularly throughout the night. That would keep them pretty clear unless we got a lot more than a foot which is what I suspected would actually happen.

  Gino had said the kids were having a slumber party at Lisa’s tonight and he wanted me to meet him at the house first for a drink. Even though every inch of my body ached and tingled in anticipation of his touch, my mind was swirling with the reservations rearing up from the back of my mind about when I should tell him Tori is my biological daughter and show him the D.N.A. proof I had in my bag right next to my sexy shoes.

  I prayed he’d take it well, and I knew Lilly was right in urging me to tell him sooner than later because if I waited and we kept making love and growing more intimate, he would feel betrayed by my silence. This was huge. It really wasn’t my secret to keep. Both Gino and Tori needed to know the truth.

  My car slid a bit as I made the steep turn down onto Gino’s road, and I questioned the wisdom of driving up higher than we already were. The Chateau was a rare treat, but nothing could top just being with him, and it didn’t matter where we were as long as we were together...and near a bed.

  I didn’t drive all the way down the wide driveway, figuring we could shovel out faster later. Gino’s door immediately popped open and warm light cascaded outside along with him as he rushed to greet me, slipping and sliding toward my car, all bundled up in a heavy jacket, cap and huge snow boots. Then he scooped up my bag and held me steady as we half-skated, laughing like kids, all the way back to his house.

  I was relieved as the savory fragrance of steaks grilling hit me in the entryway where, together, we wriggled out of our heavy snow gear. “Are we staying in?” I asked grinning at the mischief I saw twinkling in the depths of eyes.

  “It seems like the sensible thing to do, and now considering how amazing you look in that dress, Baby, I’m planning on being snowed in here with you until at least tomorrow night.” His eyes grew darker still with a desire matching my own as he looked me up and down, lingering where my neckline plunged. Lately, I was beginning to like my curves a lot better than I normally did, but apparently not half as much as Gino did.

  I shivered, absolutely loving the sound of that change in plans. “I’ll fix the salad if you’ve got the makings,” I offered, reaching up to smooth his wild curls. When he’d pulled his knit cap off they’d sprang down over his forehead, making him look younger than his years.

  “I was counting on that,” he whispered, grabbing me and nuzzling my ear; shaking me to my core. “We’ll have plenty of time to get to the Chateau, it’s not going anywhere…and neither are we.”

  “Well then, I’m your salad-girl,” I said a little breathlessly as I broke away and headed for the kitchen.

  “Actually you’re my everything-girl,” he said from behind me, and I knew in that moment I’d never be happier than I was tonight, and I knew the place I belonged was right there in his cozy little house.

  As I fixed the salad, Gino insisted I wait in the kitchen while he set the mood for a picnic in the living room. Even though we were staying in I wiggled into my heels anyway, because at $89.50 I wasn’t going to miss a chance to wear them…and I secretly suspected they’d drive Gino nuts.

  The first thing I’d done in the kitchen was to pull the steaks from the blazing broiler so they wouldn’t cook past medium, which is the way we both liked them. And even considering how Gino wasn’t much of a chef, and I was admittedly a little rusty, together we’d managed to create a perfect feast. I filled our plates with the steak, mushrooms, and onions, baked potatoes, the trimmings and the salad I’d made. Then I arranged everything we’d need on the big tray he’d set out for us.

  “Ok, you can come in now, Kat!” Gino called to me, so I did, carrying the tray, and was welcomed by the soft glow of candlelight and Christmas lights.

  The Christmas tree was especially charming, and the kids had obviously had free reign with the decorations, and though a bit asymmetrical, it was all the more beautiful to me because it had been decorated with love. I’m sure Gino was responsible for the fireplace mantle which glowed with an unearthly light as angels and candles nestled together among the holly leaves.

  The fireplace itself was throwing the perfect amount of warmth into the chilly room and on the floor in front of it, Gino sat on a big furry throw, looking relaxed and sexy while holding two glasses of very bubbly champagne, his eyes hypnotizing me, and drawing me forward and I had the feeling I was about to discover my heart’s true home.

  “You are very lovely Kat, more beautiful in every way than you realize,” Gino said in a soft voice, his breathing obviously affected by the impression I was making on him. “Now lose the heels before I forget all about that steak and let’s get comfortable…but I might ask you to put them back on later.”

  We both laughed as I kicked them into the corner then joined him in front of the fire. I put the tray down between us and took one of the glasses from his big hand. He raised his and I raised mine to meet it. “Here’s to a new beginning, and many more nights like this. Actually, Kat, I’m hoping for enough romantic nights with you to total up to the rest of our lives.” The best part of his speech was that he delivered it with a sudden seriousness which made it all the more meaningful; and not like a ‘line’ at all.

  We touched our glasses; then each took a big sip. “Sounds like a plan,” I whispered, as his eyes suddenly darkened again and he grabbed up the dinner tray, along with the champagne glasses, and placed them on the hearth. He moved toward me with intensity, “Who needs food?” he whispered.

  The lights around us appeared to spin and blur as he growled softly pushing me gently down into the soft fur, and then kissing me for what felt like forever, pushing the velvet off my shoulders to gain easier access to my breasts…while the sensation of the fur beneath me and his soft teasing lips…lips that traveled incessantly, sparking my passions to reach and exceed all limits, was overwhelming.

  I can’t even remember when he managed to get that dress all the way off of me, but I do remember how much he loved discovering the bits of black lace I’d worn underneath it. They didn’t survive his eagerness, though, but neither one of us cared. And I was learning quickly what was really important in every area of my life and that Gino was a man of deep emotion and deeper desires. He was strong and demanding in bed, like the fantasy lover I’d imagined he would be and I proved to be his match in every way.

  Now it was my turn to drive him crazy, then crazier still, and I had not one thought in my head beyond my need for him as we gained release, separately and then together and still we couldn’t stop and kept going far into the night.


  Much later, we warmed our plates and enjoyed our very romantic dinner ‘date’ right there in front of the fire. The champagne had grown warm, so Gino opened a fresh bottle and it played with my head a little, as I’d always been better off sticking with dry red instead of the bubbly stuff, and soon all I could think of was the elephant in the room. The one Gino didn’t know about yet.

  Sensitive to my every emotion, Gino grew concerned. We lay back against throw pillows and snuggled, but Gino wouldn’t let his suspicion that something was bothering me drop. “What’s wrong, Kat. Please tell me. Are you worried about your mom?”

  “Not at all,” I said, “With Brian Sr. on permanent body guard duty I won’t ever have to worry about Mom again, that’s for sure.”

  We shared a laugh. “They’re adorable together,” Gino said warmly, �
��So have they set a date yet?”

  I shook my head. “I think he’s got a surprise planned for Christmas, though,’

  Gino chuckled. “Well, Christmas is in less than a week so we won’t have long to speculate.”

  My heart began to race again, but not due to desire, Friday would be Christmas Eve, and I really hoped Tori and Gino would accept me as her birth mom by the time Christmas got here. It would be a dream come true to be able to spend our first Christmas together as a family in the official sense. I prayed she wouldn’t be too shocked by the news.

  “Speaking of Christmas surprises, Kat, I have one for you and forgive me but I can’t wait another second to give it to you.”

  I sat up and grinned at him. “Really? I wish I had something for you, Gino, but I haven’t had a minute to shop yet with mom being in the hospital these past several weeks. I’ll have something amazing for you and the kids by Friday, though. Actually, my

  special gift to all of you is hand-made and it isn’t quite finished yet…but I promise you’ll have that by Friday too.”

  He leaned into me and kissed me again, driving every other thought away as if they had been dust in the wind and not serious matters that needed to be addressed immediately. I pulled back first and scooted away from him to cool him down. “Now I’m curious. What did you get me?”

  “Be patient,” he teased, then reached behind him to a basket that sat on the hearth and removed a box, a small, black, very expensive looking box, the kind that usually held serious jewelry.”

  “Gino!” I whispered, fearing I’d faint as the colors of the room intensified as they do in moments of wonder.

  He opened the box and against a pink silk lining the most gorgeous diamond ring in the entire world caught the firelight and shone like a star. “It’s incredible. I had no idea…”

  He laughed. “Good. It’s supposed to be a surprise. Then, serious once again, he gazed so deeply into my eyes I felt him touch my soul, just before he said, “Kat, will you be my wife, and a mother to my children? They already love you as much as I do.”

  Tears sprang into my eyes and I began to cry with a mixture of joy and fear that I’d already waited too long to tell him and when he found out I knew I was Tori’s birth mother this beautiful dream would turn into my worst nightmare.

  “I love you, too, Gino, with all my heart,” I said, “And I love Tori and Anthony, too. Nothing would make me happier than to marry you, but before I accept your proposal, there’s something very important you need to know.”

  He laughed again, giddy with happiness that I’d declared my love, “Like what could you tell me that would possibly be more important than our love. You haven’t killed anybody, have you? You don’t have an old boyfriend buried in your backyard, or anything like that, do you?”

  He looked so happy, so perfectly happy I hated myself for saying what I had to say next, knowing it would change everything forever. “It’s serious, Gino. I just found out I’m Tori’s birth mother. I have the D.N.A. results here in my bag.”

  “What did you say?” he asked, as the realization of what I’d said and all its implications came crashing down on him in that one instant.

  We stared into each other’s eyes as I saw a gap open between us and grow wider by the second, a gap created by the doubts I’d raised as to my real motive in wanting to be with him…And my heart broke as I watched the trust drain from his eyes: eyes that grew harder against me by the second and I realized I’d ruined everything and he probably would never allow himself to trust…or love me again.



  I don’t think I’ve ever been happier and with more peace in my heart than I have been today. Mommy and Angel were absolutely right about the blizzard last night and about how much fun we’d all have with Aunt Lisa and Mr. Potter.

  And even though we watched movies together and toasted marshmallows around the fireplace while Mr. Potter told us funny stories and then we all made blanket forts, and stayed up most of the night, Gia and I agreed the best part was seeing how happy Aunt Lisa is with Mr. Potter. Gia tells me she can’t wait until she can start calling him Uncle Brian, but she has to wait until Aunt Lisa gets her divorce and they haul Uncle Mario off to Federal prison forever.

  We’re sure she’ll say yes to him and then they’ll get married and by then Daddy and Kat will probably be married and the whole family will be healed and so happy we won’t know what to do with ourselves.

  We giggled while we whispered together and sketched out designs for the dresses we’ll wear in both weddings. We don’t know the colors yet and that’s okay because the important thing is that everyone will be happy again.

  Unfortunately, I was pretty sure I was going to have to convince Daddy to forgive Kat when we got home just like Mommy said I’d have to, but I think he really loves her and knowing him, he’ll cool off in a couple of days.

  I just hope Kat got up the nerve to tell him she’s my birth mom and got that part over with quick. I’m really looking forward to being her daughter and Grandma-Meri’s granddaughter. She’s going to be great at being a grandma…I can tell.

  So when Daddy showed up here a half hour ago looking like he’d lost his best friend, I knew why. Anthony was clueless and complained that he didn’t want to leave because he and Sal were in some Xbox game race against each other and they were dead even and needed to keep going until one of them made a mistake. Little boys! It was always something with them because they were so competitive, even though they loved each other like brothers.

  So Anthony pouted all the way out to the car, falling twice in the deep snow and pretended he couldn’t get back up, which made me laugh. I knew how upset Daddy was because he didn’t even crack a smile and that’s when I started to get nervous.

  “Just get in the damn car, Anthony,” Daddy said in a mad voice, “I don’t have the patience for your foolishness. It’s time to go home and no more arguments.”

  Anthony looked shocked because usually Daddy holds it together no matter how hard we make it for him. “Just do what he says,” I whispered in Anthony’s ear, “I think he’s having a really bad day.”

  Anthony shrugged and then he settled into his booster seat and clicked his seatbelt in. He sighed and leaned his head back and before we’d pulled out of the driveway, he was out cold. I was tired too, but not in a bad way. It had been an awesome night. I just wish it had gone better for Daddy and Kat.

  I decided I’d just jump in and ask him how last night had gone just to see how much he’d tell me. “So Daddy,” I said, “Did you and Kat have fun on your date last night?”

  I watched his eyes in the rear-view mirror and it looked as if he’d been hit by a sucker punch. “It was okay, Tori,” he said slowly, “But I bet you guys had more fun at Aunt Lisa’s.”

  The whole time I was telling him about last night, even when I told him about the hilarious parts, he never smiled once. He just nodded and said, “Good, or great,” every now and then. It was like he was only half with us and something was obviously eating at him.

  And then it hit me. How was I supposed to get through to him and convince him to forgive Kat if he didn’t tell me what was wrong? I didn’t want to have to tell him Mommy and Angel came to visit me in my dream and that Mommy wants us all to love Kat… and the truth is I already do. I think it happened when I wasn’t aware of it because of how loving Kat is and how kind she’s been to us, even back when I was being a brat.

  But I had to try to get him to tell me what happened first so I gathered up my courage and asked, “Is everything okay with you and Kat, Daddy? I know I was kind of bratty about you having a girlfriend a few months ago, but I’m really glad you and Kat are going out now. She’s really cool.”

  He was carrying Anthony, who was still sound asleep, up the stairs to bed but he hesitated on the stairs, “Kat and I are friends Tori. And I don’t think this is a good topic of conversation for us.”

  “Why not?” I asked, foll
owing behind him.

  “I’m your dad and I don’t want to talk to you about this. We’re all beat from shoveling snow all day and I think it’s best if we just say goodnight now and get some sleep.”

  Wow, I thought. He’s madder than I expected. “Okay, Daddy,” I said, as he disappeared into Anthony’s room. “See you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight, Sweetheart,” he called back to me.

  I went in my room and threw myself down on the bed, wondering how in the world I was going to pull this off without sounding crazy. But I knew I would have to do something to convince Daddy he and Kat were meant to be together. If I had to come out with the truth and tell him about my dream visit with Mommy and Angel, I would do it. I’d do whatever it took to get us all together.



  More snow was in the forecast for Christmas Eve, not enough to stop traffic, but just enough to live on in our memories as being one of those perfect white Christmases. My heart was heavy with longing for all that might have been for Gino and me and the kids, but I plastered a cheerful holiday smile on my face and moved through my day on automatic pilot; quickly finishing up at work, and managing to get everyone out the door by our closing time of 12:30 P.M. Then I’d rushed over here to the Bed and Breakfast to help Mom with our annual Christmas Eve Buffet, determined to make the best of it for Mom’s sake.

  She needed a few last minute items from the market and so I dashed out to get them, and as I drove down the mountain road and into town, I remembered how excited

  I’d been a few nights ago as I’d driven this same route to Gino’s house.

  If only I could dial back time and somehow gather the courage to tell him when I’d first suspected I might be Tori’s birth mom. Maybe in the beginning if I’d been completely honest he could have accepted it without the terrible doubts he now had as to why I wanted to be with him. I wish I could convince him I’d have fallen in love with him even if he wasn’t the father of my child.


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