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Venom and the New Devils: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance (New Devils MC Book 5)

Page 8

by Jade Kuzma

  I raised an eyebrow at her and she put her hands up in innocence.

  “Not that I’m saying that happened to you,” she continued.

  “Even if you were implying that, I wouldn’t be offended.”

  “I’ve seen it all before. I know I’m just your waitress, but woman to woman, take my advice.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Fuck ‘em. All men are pigs. Everything they do is because of what a woman’s got between her legs. I say treat ‘em the same way. The best part of a man is his dick. Shame you have to deal with the rest of him.”

  “You can always buy a vibrator.”

  “Those are the best, aren’t they? Sometimes I like to sit back and let him do the work though. That’s all men are good for.”

  She got up out of her seat and winked at me.

  “I’ll get you something,” she said. “A full stomach will make you forget all your troubles.

  “Thanks,” I said with a laugh.

  A stack of pancakes and a side of eggs weren’t going to ease my troubles but at this point, I’d take all of the relief I could get. I finally took a sip of my coffee to try and forget about everything on my mind but last night with Sebastian was still vivid.

  He didn’t say much to me over dinner. We just had our food while we caught up on the few years we’d missed out on. Not surprising, I hadn’t missed out on much. Sebastian restarted his club and recruited some new members. He reopened the bar that he worked out now. It was what I expected from him. He was still the same man I knew from all those years ago.

  I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn’t notice when Agent Whitaker took a seat across from me.

  “I’m glad you could make it,” he said.

  “Of course,” I sighed. “This is my life now. Some covert operation. I’m used to it by now.”

  “You won’t have to be used to it for much longer. It’s almost over.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I just got word from one of my superiors. The higher-ups are talking about shutting down my investigation.”

  “Why? You’re just one man. It can’t be a drain on resources.”

  “I’ve been living in Ivory for more than a year now trying to get information on Emerson. Even our undercover agents haven’t gotten much on him. Just bits and pieces. The agency is getting frustrated that I haven’t gotten anything for them. They’re planning on relocating me for another assignment.”


  I held back the enthusiasm building inside of me. I was ashamed to admit that I would be glad not having to deal with Emerson or Whitaker for much longer.

  “Did you plant the bug?” he asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “You have to do it soon. There isn’t much time left.”

  “I know, I know. Listen… There’s a big event next weekend. Emerson is hosting another one of his big parties. It’s a celebration for something I don’t know. And if I don’t know about it, it probably has to do with his operation. I’ll plant the bug before then.”

  “Okay then.”

  The waitress arrived and placed my breakfast down in front of me. The smell of the fresh food was enough to distract me from the man sitting across from me.

  “Is this him?” the waitress said as she eyeballed Whitaker.

  “What?” I said.

  “Is he the one? I’ve seen you in here with him a few times before.”

  Whitaker didn’t react. He just stared at the waitress as serious as he always was. I immediately realized that her mistaking a federal agent for someone else probably wasn’t a good idea.

  “Oh, not him,” I said. “This is just my friend. Brandon. He’s gay.”

  Whitaker arched an eyebrow at me.

  “Right!” the waitress said. “It’s always good to have a friend like him. He knows just how much of an asshole men can be. Can I get you anything, Brandon?”

  “A cup of coffee—”

  “Black,” she interrupted him. “Same as always.”

  The waitress spun around and walked away. Whitaker let out a deep sigh through his nose as soon as she was gone.

  “What was that all about?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Just a slight misunderstanding.”

  “I see.”

  “People in Ivory are friendly. They’re always looking to help each other out, even if they’re complete strangers.”

  “I learned that from the moment I first met you. Your help isn’t unappreciated, Kristen. You’re doing a tremendous service for your town.”

  I put my head down and ate my food. The pancakes were sweet and the eggs were cooked just right.

  “If I wasn’t being relocated for another assignment, I’d stick around here.”

  “You’d stick around?” I said with a smirk. “Ivory really rubbed off on you.”

  “I’ve been here for so long that I’ve gotten used to it.”

  “Ivory tends to have that kind of an effect on people.”

  “I have no doubt about that. I imagine that’s why you’re willing to do what you’re doing.”

  I didn’t need another reminder of why I was doing something so ridiculous but Whitaker gave it to me anyway. Loyalty to Ivory. He hammered it into my head to the point that I could barely think for myself.

  “How about you?” he asked.

  A mouthful of pancakes, I gave him a shrug.

  “What about me?”

  “This situation with Emerson will be over once you do what I asked. He’ll be locked up. His operation will cease. You’ll be able to go back to your life.”


  I stuffed some eggs into my mouth as I thought about it.

  “…I’ve been near Emerson for so long that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be without him. I guess I’ll do just that. Go back to my own life. There’s nothing more appealing than that.”


  Whitaker was always serious but he stared at me like he wanted to make sure I was listening.

  “…This is almost over. Thank you for everything.”

  I swallowed my bite of food down and nodded softly.

  “Sure. Don’t mention it.”

  The waitress returned and dropped the black cup of coffee down in front of Whitaker.

  “So,” the waitress said with her hands on her hips. “Any big plans for tonight?”

  “Tonight?” I said. “I haven’t thought too much about it.”

  “Whatever you do, remember that all men are good for are their dicks because they are dicks.”

  She said it so nonchalantly that I had to smile about it. I almost forgot that Whitaker was sitting right there to listen to all of it. He gave the waitress a quick glance before looking out the window and enjoying his cup of coffee.

  I had the rest of the day ahead of me. Most of it would be occupied catching up on all of the work that I’d fallen behind with. But tonight weighed heavy on my mind.

  Emerson was waiting to see me. And I knew Sebastian felt the same way. I didn’t have much time left before this was over. Until then, all I could do was patiently wait for the next chance to make my move.

  Chapter 12


  “Ezra knows a guy in the city. He’s got the equipment we need. Should make this shit run a lot smoother.”

  “Ezra’s a good man. The equipment will help but as long as he does his job and we stick to the schedule, then we should pull this off.”


  Roman raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Should isn’t the shit I wanna be hearing less than a week away from the biggest job we ever pulled,” he said.

  “We will pull this off.”

  I patted him on the shoulder to give him the reassurance I knew he didn’t need. Roman had been with me longer than anybody. The man would’ve been fine living his life without the patch. There was no doubt in my mind he would’ve made it. But knowing that he was riding alongside me on this made eve
rything that much easier.

  “You’re really serious,” he said. “You’re really going through with this.”

  “How many times are you gonna ask me that?”

  “As many times as I can until the night finally arrives.”

  I leaned in closer and whispered to him.

  “We do this, it’ll be the greatest thing the Devils ever did. Even Murph’ll tell you that the West Devils never did shit like this.”

  “I doubt the old bastard would agree with that. You know that motherfucker has more stories that he hasn’t even told us.”

  “This is bigger than anything any MC has ever done in Ivory. We do this, the Black Reapers, the Winter Cobras… Forget them. This is our moment.”

  Roman nodded. That confidence he always had was still there in his eyes, now more than ever.

  A sudden knock on the door interrupted our conversation. It opened up and Aden stepped inside the meeting room.

  “What’s up?” I said.

  “You busy?” he asked.

  “Roman and I were just finalizing some of the details. Everything is set. Why? You looking to talk?”

  “Not me. Some broad is out here looking for you. Says she knows you.”

  “Some broad?” Roman said. “Imagine the groupies you’ll get once you’ve got a million in your pocket.”

  “A million in my pocket still won’t be the biggest thing in my jeans,” I replied.

  I headed out into the clubhouse with Aden and Roman by my side. It was a quiet night at Hades. But quiet for Hades meant that people weren’t drunk yet.

  “Where is this chick?” I said as I looked around.

  “Right there.”

  Aden pointed at the bar and I saw the woman standing there. She straightened up and turned her head. Not even a second and I already knew who it was. Shit, I should’ve recognized her from her damn figure.

  “Hey,” Kristen said as she walked up to me. “Can we talk?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  Aden excused himself to watch the door like he always did. The motherfucker intimidated everybody enough that they never tried anything.

  But Roman… Roman just stood there and stared at Kristen. It took her a few seconds to acknowledge him.

  “Roman… It’s been a long time.”

  “Not that long,” he replied.

  “How have you been?”

  “I just got out of prison a year ago. Before that, I was running around causing trouble with Seabass here. Other than that, I can’t complain.”

  Roman’s tone was cold. Cold enough that I knew something was wrong. I stared at him but he didn’t say anything more. He just glanced at me before slowly walking away.


  I quickly forgot about his weird behavior and turned my attention back to Kristen.

  “What is it?”

  “Is there somewhere we can talk? Alone…”

  “I got a room in the back.”

  “I promise this won’t take long.”

  “You can take all the time you need, Kristen.”

  I headed to the back of the clubhouse and into the room I had for myself. It wasn’t much. Just a place for me to relax and kick back when I needed it. Outside of the bed and a few chairs, there wasn’t much else inside of it. The place was messy but I didn’t give a shit either way. I could hear the music from inside the bar faintly through the walls.

  “Don’t mind the mess,” I said. “I never clean this place.”

  “You always were messy.”

  “Shit, I got better things to do than make my bed, mom.”

  “Okay, okay…”

  I moved toward the window and opened it up to let some light in. The view in this part of Ivory was shit. The streets were always empty in Old Town, so there was never anything to look at.

  “What is it?” I said as I turned around.

  Kristen stood there, fidgeting her fingers like there was some serious shit on her mind. With everything she told me, I knew that this wasn’t a joke.

  “I talked to Agent Whitaker earlier today,” she said. “He told me that the agency is relocating him for another assignment.”

  “That’s convenient. He gives you a job and then tells you he’s leaving.”

  “It’s for the best. For all of us. I do this for him and then it’ll be all over. He’ll get the evidence he needs to put Emerson away.”

  “You still believe him, huh?”

  She gritted her teeth and sighed a hard breath through her nose.

  “Sebastian, I have to do this. I can’t let a man like Emerson keep going. Not after I’ve wasted a year spending time with him. I take him down, his whole operation goes down with him.”

  “Listen to you,” I scoffed. “An ordinary Ivory citizen and you’re the one responsible for taking down the biggest drug kingpin in the state.”

  “I’m not doing it alone. But… I am doing it.”

  I took a seat on the edge of the bed.

  “I’ve been thinking about it,” I said. “Ever since you told me last night. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to talk you out of it. A solution that wouldn’t put you in so much danger.”

  “And what have you come up with?”

  I looked into Kristen’s eyes. She was so intelligent. She was so strong. I’d never met anybody as determined and strong-willed as her. I felt that way ever since I first met her. A night of sleep didn’t change those feelings.

  “I know you,” I said. “You can try to deny it but I do. I’ve been around you long enough.”

  I got up from the bed and moved toward her.

  “There’s nothing I can do to stop you,” I said. “You’re too stubborn for your own good.”

  She smiled softly, almost resigned to the choice she’d made.

  “I’m glad you understand,” she said.

  “Just because I understand doesn’t mean I’m okay with it. I just know that nobody can control you. Not even me.”

  I held my arms out to her.

  “Is that what you came here for? To tell me something I already knew?”

  “No, actually. I… I was doing some thinking and…”

  “What is it?”

  “When this is all over, Emerson will be behind bars. I’ll go back to living my ordinary life. Things will be back to normal. I was thinking… I was thinking that maybe you and I could… be friends.”

  “Friends… You want to be friends with someone like me?”

  I couldn’t deny that she was saying everything I wanted to hear. But I knew there was something still inside of her holding her back.

  “You know who I am,” I said. “You know what I’ve done.”

  “I know…”

  She reached her hands out and trailed her fingers along the stitching of my kutte.

  “You’re Venom,” she said. “President of the Devils Motorcycle Club. You wear the patch proudly on your chest for everybody to see because that’s who you are. I don’t regret walking away from you… But there’s a part of me… A part of me that wonders maybe there’s something I left behind with you.”

  She looked up at me. I took a step toward her. The smell of her perfume. Maybe it was the fragrance in her hair. Whatever it was, she had me hypnotized. A seductress who could do whatever she wanted to me.

  I leaned in closer to her, my face drifting toward hers.

  “Maybe I can help you find what you left with me.”


  She didn’t say another word. My mouth on hers, a deep kiss shut the both of us up.

  I pushed my tongue forward and licked hers. The loud smack of our lips bounced off the walls of my room.

  I reached my hands up and grabbed her breast through her shirt. Kristen always had the perfect pair of tits. Even with a shirt and bra blocking me, I’d never felt anything better.

  She gasped into my mouth as I held her firmly.

  “Take me,” she whispered. “Make me remember… Make me remember what it was like…
Being with you… Venom…”

  Her desperate voice flipped a switch inside of me. I ran my hands through her hair and grabbed a handful. She gasped when I jerked her head back away from me. I moved my face close to hers, my stare burning a hole through her.

  “Remember what you did for me?” I said. “All of the things I made you do.”

  “Make me remember.”

  I moved my hands to her shoulders and forced her to her knees. She straightened up just enough so that she was lined up right with me. We were both desperate for it. She worked frantically, undoing my belt and pulling my zipper down. Another second was another second too damn long.

  My jeans fell down. Kristen worked my briefs down to my knees and my cock popped out for her, swollen and ready for what was waiting.

  Kristen stared up at me. Those innocence green eyes of hers kept me in the trance she had me in.

  She stuck her tongue out and licked the head of my shaft. It hadn’t been long since I had my dick sucked but a gorgeous woman like Kristen doing it was like nothing else. I was in a fucking dream and this was only the beginning.

  She swirled her tongue around my tip then licked the rest of my length, coating me with her spit.

  “Stop stalling,” I sighed.

  I gripped the back of her head and forced her mouth on me. A muffled gasp escaped her lips as I buried myself down her throat. She was so wet and so warm. But the way she swallowed and vibrated on my cock sent a shiver through my spine. She licked the underside of my shaft and made my knees buckle.

  This was it. This was what I’d been waiting years for. The woman I loved more than anybody else, going down on me. I’d wait an eternity for this. Now that it was here, the amount of pleasure rushing through my veins surged through me and took control of my body.

  One hand on the back of her head, my other hand braced myself on her shoulder. I pumped my hips back and forth. I fucked her throat and made her choke on me. She got sloppier… messier. Thick lines of spit trickled down my length and down her chin. She kept groaning when I gave her a chance to breathe.

  I’d lost myself. All I wanted was this. The pleasure building up inside of me. All of the cum making my balls tight to the point that I was going to explode.

  “You gonna swallow?” I grunted. “Just like you used to?”

  She looked up at me, eyes pleadingly. It didn’t matter how strong of a woman Kristen was. She wanted it just as bad as I did. I could make her do anything.


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