leadership, political, 367
learned helplessness, 348
Lebou people, ndeup ceremonies of, 165
Lemnius, Levinus, 299
Leopardi, Giacomo, 315
lesbians, 202, 464
Lescol, 422
Levi, Primo, 281–82
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 93
Lewin Group, 492
Lewis, Carlita, 349–50, 360
Lewis, C. S., 470
Lier, Reinhard, 158–59, 456
life events, depression triggered by, 62, 63, 450
light therapies, 140
limbic system, 49, 414
Lincoln, Abraham, 329, 367
listening, parental, 183, 352
Listening to Prozac (Kramer), 236, 366, 399
lithium, 76, 83, 118, 121, 383
adverse reaction to, 97
discontinuation of, 126, 252
suicidality limited by, 252
weight gain with, 161
lobbying groups, 362–63, 372
lobotomies, 163
locus coeruleus, 65
loneliness, 136, 214, 436–37
long-term demoralization, 351
López, Juan, 59, 60, 194, 343, 449
Lotbinière, Betsy de, 132–33
biochemical aspect of, 23–24
depression as flaw in, 15
evolutionary function of, 412–14
grief as evidence of, 412, 435
support found in, 66, 432, 436–37
Luhrmann, T. M., 101–2, 104
Lunatics Acts (1845; 1862), 318
Lustral/Zoloft (sertraline), 334
Luvox/Faverin (fluvoxamine), 114, 334, 487
Lynge, Sara, 215
Macartney-Snape, Sue, 468
McCance-Katz, Elinore, 220
McCarran-Ferguson Act, 376, 493
McCauley, Elizabeth, 446
McClure, James, Jr., 471–72
McCurtiss, Henry, 107
McDowell, David, 22, 218, 220, 228, 230, 233, 238, 429, 453, 466
McGuinness, Melvin, 62, 102
McGuire, Michael, 401–2, 406, 407, 419
MacLean, Paul, 414
Madras, Bertha, 222–23
Mad Travelers (Hacking), 194
magnesium, 138
magnetic therapy, 139, 418
Malaurie, Jean, 213, 465
managed care, see health maintenance organizations
Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 281
Mandelstam, Osip, 281
manic-depressive (bipolar) disorder, 92–98, 125–29, 437
antidepressant treatment of, 48, 106, 118, 453
bipolar-two variety of, 92
genetic predisposition to, 48, 448
initial scientific acceptance of, 319
mixed states in, 48
mood spectrum of, 93
onset of, 25
permanent medication needed in, 126–27
among prison population, 394
SAMe as mania trigger in, 148
sense of coherent self within, 128–29
suicide rates of, 248, 252, 255
U.S. statistics on, 25
Mann, John, 253, 473
Manning, Martha, 121–23, 435, 440, 445, 454
MAOIs, see monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Marcus, Eric, 459
marijuana, 224, 229–30, 238
Marlowe, Ann, 238
mental disorder as stress on, 94–95
modern choice of partner in, 408
Mason, Paul Bailey, 367–68
Massachusetts General Hospital, psychosurgery performed at, 164
massage treatments, 137, 141–42
maternal interactions, cause/effect linkage demonstrated in, 350
maternal separation, 113, 183, 254, 257, 452, 474
Mather, Cotton, 313
Mather, Lydia, 313
Maudsley, Henry, 322, 485–86
MDMA (ectasy), 222, 232–34, 235
MDSG (Mood Disorders Support Groups), 11, 159–62
Mead, Richard, 481
mechanistic models, biological theories based on, 306–8
Medicaid, 338, 368, 375
Medicare, 375
melatonin, 55, 140
Mellsop, G. W., 447
in brain function, 49
ECT and loss of, 76, 82, 122, 123, 423
in elderly dementia vs. depression, 190
sadness triggered by, 98–99
substance abuse losses of, 231, 232
of traumatic events, 140–41
men, suicidality of, 254, 258–59
Menander, 289
Menninger, Karl, 252, 255
Menodotus of Nicomedia, 289
menopause, 117, 174
men’s depression:
aggression of, 178–80
alcoholism of, 175
homosexuality and, 202–8
in indigent populations, 354–55
reluctance toward treatment of, 354
women’s depression rates vs., 173, 175, 177–78, 180, 457, 458
menstruation, 174, 249, 471–72
Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania, 391
mental health lobbying, 362–63
Mental Health Parity Act, 375
mental illness:
asylum residential care established for, 317–19
asymmetrical brain as origin of, 416, 417
civil liberties issues of, 378–82, 393–94
classifications of, 319, 323, 327, 331, 398, 415
community treatment clinics for, 377–78, 384, 391, 494
criminalization of, 380–81, 394
cultural rejection of concept, 200, 238–39
first genetic theory of, 308
government research on, 369, 376
historical/social determinants of forms of, 193
insurance parity sought for, 361, 369–73, 377
moral treatment of, 317, 320
popular images of violence linked with, 373–74
psychoanalytic views vs. psychobiology of, 322–28, 334
punishment of, 293, 308–9
self-consciousness as origin of, 415
societal responsibility for treatment of, 394
socioeconomic impact of, 353
treatment vs. cure of, 319–20
unemployment due to, 337
see also depression; manic-depressive (bipolar) disorder; schizophrenia
Mercado, Huarte, 299
Mercado, Luis, 299
Mercado, Walter, 194
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 29
Merck, 171
Merkin, Daphne, 53
metabolic levels, in brain function, 123
methadone, 232, 469
methylphenidate, 116
Meyer, Adolf, 328–29, 486–87
Meyer, Mary Brooks, 328
Meyer, R. E., 221
mianserin, 333
Middle Ages, Christian moral condemnation of melancholia in, 285, 292–95
military veterans, psychiatric health care of, 381
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 266
Milton, John, 301, 439–40
mind-body split, 306–7, 322
Miranda, Jeanne, 339–40, 341, 342, 343, 347–48, 349, 350, 351, 354, 371, 490
mixed states, 48
mobility, modern ease of, 408–9
modernity, emotional stresses of, 31–32, 404, 406–9
Mondimore, Francis, 453
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs):
for atypical depression, 114
childhood depression and, 185, 460
discomforts of, 27, 118
discovery of, 331, 332
negative sexual side effects of, 115
neurotransmitter actions of, 114
monoamines, 332
Monro, John, 309
Monroe, Marilyn, 251
Montaigne, Michel de, 298, 479
mood, emotion vs., 403
Mood Disorders Support Groups (MDSG), 11, 159–62
Morgan, Theresa, 355–59, 360
“morning pages,” 155
morphine, 217, 223, 327
mortality, 246
attachment of, 413
breastfeeding and, 83
depression in, 459
as depressive stress, 175, 440–41
effects of depression on, 180–81, 383
of indigent depressed, 337, 338, 342, 345, 346–47, 351–52, 358, 359
lack of, 175–76
postpartum depression and, 138, 174, 176, 457
suicidality and, 121–22
Mourning and Melancholia (Freud), 301, 324, 325
Mt. Sinai Hospital, electroconvulsive therapy at, 75–76
Nagel, Thomas, 430
Naltrexone, 229
Napier, Richard, 480
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 229
naps, 145
Nardil, 114, 161
National Advisory Mental Health Council, 492
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), 363, 370, 491
National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association (NDMDA), 363
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 368–69, 376
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 369
alienation from, 314
invention vs., 430–31
Nausea (Sartre), 329
Navane, 63, 64, 119
Nazism, 73, 74, 281
ndeup ceremonies, 165–70
Nemeroff, Charles, 448
Nesse, Randolph, 406, 410, 412–13, 435
Netherlands, 202, 203, 464
neuronal tissue, long-term damage to, 60
neurons, excitability between, 55
Neurontin, 97, 422
and blood flow within brain, 417
depressive episode impact on, 55
ECT effects on, 123
elderly diminishment of, 189–90
exercise effects on, 138
history of developmental research on, 331–33
indirect relationship of mood with, 111–13
interactions among, 113
recovery time and, 417
Saint-John’s-wort and, 146
seasonal light exposure and, 140
in sleep states, 145
substance abuse and, 217–18, 219, 223, 228, 230–31
suicidality affected by, 252–54
see also dopamine; norepinephrine; serotonin, serotonin levels; other specific neurotransmitters
New Age treatments, 141–42
Newman, John, 310
Newman, Russ, 451
New York City, 464
New York State, 493
New Yorker, The, 11–12, 205, 363, 365
New Zealand, 202, 464
nicotine, 218, 202, 224, 225
Nierenberg, Andrew, 117
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 143, 283, 317, 476, 484–85
Night Falls Fast (Jamison), 259–60
NIH (National Institutes of Health), 369
nihilism, 315
NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health), 368–69, 376
Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan, 174, 457
“noonday demon,” history of term, 292–93, 478
noradrenaline, 253
Norden, Michael J., 454
antidepressant medication and, 117, 118, 171
anxiety disorders and, 65
early research on, 331–32, 333
illegal stimulants and, 230
in sleep, 145
suicidality and, 253, 473
normality, standards of, 73, 89, 124
Normand, William, 102
Norpramin, 114
Norristown State Mental Hospital, 386–89, 392, 422, 424, 427, 432, 498
North America, colonial societies of, 312–13
nortriptyline, 83, 184
Nyon Phaly, 34–37, 342–43, 351
nutrition, 138–39
obsessive-compulsives, irrational fears of, 305
octopus, suicide of, 257
“Ode on Melancholy” (Keats), 314
omega-3 fatty acids, 139, 454
opiates, 222, 231–32
opium, 231–32, 327
Oppenheim, David, 255
optimism, evolutionary selective advantage of, 433–34
Oquendo, Maria, 251
Osler, Sir William, 328
outreach treatment programs, 338, 341, 349, 375, 390
Outward Bound, 142–44, 207
Ovid, 38
ozone layer, depletion of, 30, 31, 360, 490–91
benefits of, 24–25, 38
emotional vs. physical, 422–23, 435
hospital procedures on medication for, 84–85
self-infliction of, 422–23
Pamelor, 114
Pancratz, S., 447
panic disorders, 65–66, 181, 202, 422, 458, 463–64
Paradise Lost (Milton), 315, 439–40
para-suicidal behavior, 260, 261, 263
parens patriae, 380
depression in, 82–83, 180–83, 337, 338, 342, 345–47, 349–52, 356, 358, 359, 383
homosexuality as viewed by, 205–6
Parnate, 114
paroxetine, see Paxil
Passions of the Soul, The (Descartes), 306
passive-aggressive behavior, 411
patent process, 394
Paxil (paroxetine), 114, 119
development of, 334
effectiveness of, 60, 161
in indigent depressed treatment programs, 344, 350, 351, 358
side effects of, 78
withdrawal from, 71
see also Seroxat
Peilman, Kirsten, 210
Peláez-Nogueras, Martha, 459
Penney, Darby, 386
Pennsylvania, mental health programs in, 391–93
“Penseroso, Il” (Milton), 301
peripheral neuropathy, 60
personality, depression responses affected by, 23
Petronius, 270
pets, antidepressants for, 435
Phaly Nuon, 34–37, 342–43, 351
pharmaceutical industry:
ethics of, 13
free samples provided by, 353
physicians educated by, 394, 495
promotional efforts of, 394–97
research and development achievements of, 13, 333–34, 395
SSRIs’ side effects and, 453
Pharmacia, 171, 456
Philagrius, 288
Philistion, 288
Philotimus, 288
phobias, behavioral therapy for, 109
physical intimacy, emotional reserve vs., 210
pindolol, 116
pineal gland, 55
Pinel, Philippe, 317, 319, 484–85
Pius II, 305
placebo treatment, 189
plant extracts, 146–47
Plath, Sylvia, 66
Plato, 287, 288
Pliny (the Elder), 146, 247
poisoning, environmental sources of, 135–36
Poland, depression of Solidarity members in, 201
political freedom, 201, 408–9
politics, 361–400
budget concerns in, 375–76
of civil liberties vs. public safety, 378–82
of class-action suits against state mental hospitals, 392
depression costs and, 371, 372–73
of disease model of depression, 397–400
employment opportunities and, 366–68, 376
of health care for uninsured, 375–78
leadership in, 367
lobbying influence on, 362–63, 372
long-range projects vs. short-term officeholders in, 376
of mental illness insurance pa
rity, 369–74, 377
perception of depression in, 362
of pharmaceutical industry promotion, 394–97
of research expenditures, 369, 376
of right to suicide, 393
social stigmatization and, 362, 363–66, 370, 373, 383–84
of societal responsibility in mental illness treatment, 394
of treatment avoidance, 378–82, 394
treatment policies determined by, 361, 375–78
Pollan, Michael, 235–36
Pol Pot, 32, 33
populations, 173–215
child, 181–89
elderly, 189–93, 461–62
ethnic, see ethnicity
female, 173–78
gay, 202–5
male, 173, 175–76, 177–80
national cultural differences of, 200–15
prison, 380–81, 394
Porter, John, 362–63, 369, 372, 376, 492
Positive Illusions (Taylor), 433–34
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