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The Noonday Demon

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by Solomon, Andrew

  Possessed, The (Dostoyevsky), 268

  possession, depression as evidence of, 293, 295, 297

  Possibility of Altruism, The (Nagel), 430

  Post, Robert, 56–57, 80, 124, 139, 449

  postpartum depression, 138, 174, 176, 457

  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 141, 381

  Potter, William, 26–27, 113, 120, 236, 395

  poverty, depression in, 37–38, 335–60, 488

  barriers to federal legislation on, 375–76

  congressional policies on, 375–78

  emotional life repressed by, 350–51

  extremity of problems encountered in, 340, 355–60

  helplessness experienced by, 330, 348

  motherhood and, 337, 338, 342, 345, 346–47, 351–52, 358, 359

  normality of, 347–48

  outreach programs and, 338, 341, 349, 375

  passivity manifested in, 338, 344, 348, 355

  physical symptoms presented in, 343, 344, 345–46, 347

  public health studies of, 336, 339–40

  rates of, 336, 347

  recovery progress and, 340, 342–43, 344–45, 346–47, 352, 358–60

  relief experienced in labeling of, 341, 343

  socioeconomic assistance vs. psychiatric remedies for, 337, 360

  symptom attribution and, 335–36, 343

  talking therapies employed in, 341–42, 344, 351, 358, 359

  treatment of, 335, 336–60, 375, 488

  unemployment and, 337, 351

  power, childhood development of, 350

  prayer, 131, 133

  prefrontal cortex, 59, 417–18

  pregnancy, 174

  antidepressant medication and, 83, 93

  of daughters of indigent depressed, 337

  ECT treatment in, 120–21

  low suicidality in, 249

  nutrition in, 138

  presidency, 367

  Price, John, 404

  Prichard, James Cowles, 484–85

  Prilosec, 422

  Prince, Elizabeth, 54–55

  Prince Georges County, Md., treatment study of women in, 339–40

  Pritchard, James Cowles, 485

  prisons, mentally-ill inmates of, 380–81, 394

  Productive and Unproductive Depression (Gut), 435

  progesterone, 173, 457

  prolactin, 55–56, 406

  promiscuity, 337

  protease inhibitors, 355

  Protestantism, 311, 312–13

  Prozac (fluoxetine), 83, 358, 422, 487

  adverse reactions to, 80

  for children, 184–85

  development of, 334, 395

  effectiveness of, 76

  emotional numbing in use of, 282

  excessive use of, 26–27, 337, 399

  imipramine vs., 331

  low side effects of, 115, 120

  negative sexual effects of, 115, 453

  1988 introduction of, 76

  popular criticism of, 81

  as SSRI, 25, 114

  Prudent, Dièry, 196–200, 450

  Prudent Fitness, 198

  Psalms, Book of, 292–93, 478


  categorical models used in, 398

  as dynamic therapy, 328

  philosophical roots of, 287

  as psychobiology vs. psychoanalysis, 322–28, 334

  social context considered in, 328–29

  talk therapy vs. psychopharmacology in, 101–2, 103–4, 451; see also antidepressant medications; psychoanalysis, psychoanalysts; psychopharmacology; talking therapies

  trend shifts in, 171

  psychoanalysis, psychoanalysts:

  antidepressant medications disapproved by, 48, 50–51

  cultic tendencies of, 328

  theoretical development of, insights of, 323–26

  time required by, 102–3

  psychobiology, 322–28, 334


  addiction concerns of, 119

  adjustment strategies in, 87, 89

  broad usage of, 435

  Hippocratic depression treatment vs., 285, 286–87, 288

  personal responsibility vs., 432–33

  prescription status of, 399

  talking therapies integrated with, 101–2, 104

  see also antidepressant medications

  psychosomatic complaints, 20

  psychosurgery, 137, 163–65, 441

  puberty, onset age of, 337

  Puritanism, 313


  Qigong, 148


  racial prejudice, racism, 196, 197, 198, 199, 204, 351

  Rado, Sandor, 486

  Rand Corporation Study, 492

  rank-based society, 404–6, 495

  rape, 340–41

  rapid eye movement (REM) sleep:

  antidepressant suppression of, 113, 146, 452

  depressive alterations in, 146

  illicit drug/alcohol effects on, 220–21, 229

  in primary illness diagnosis of alcoholic depressives, 220–21, 466

  Reagan, Ronald, 373

  reboxetine, 171, 456, 487

  receptor theories, 112, 333, 487

  Rees, Jonathan, 394–95

  Regier, D. A., 446

  Reid, Harry, 373, 375, 377

  religious faith, 129–33

  in colonial North America, 312–13

  fasting and, 313

  loss of, 82

  modernist alienation from, 321–22

  moral stigmatization of depression in, 285, 292–95, 312–13

  recovery aided by, 76, 130–33

  suicide prohibitions of, 132, 246–47, 259, 304

  REM sleep, see rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

  Renaissance, melancholic genius of, 285, 289, 295–96, 299, 300–301

  repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), 137, 139, 418, 454

  reptilian brain, 414

  Republican party, 376

  “Requiem” (Rilke), 278


  applied vs. basic, 369

  federal expenditures on, 369, 376

  by pharmaceutical industry, 395

  residential services, long-term structured, 391

  Restoril, 119

  reuptake, 332

  Rhodes, Tristan, 130

  Richards, Keith, 238

  Richter, Gerhard, 45

  Rilke, Rainer Maria, 278

  Rimer, Sara, 461–62

  Risperdal, 118

  ritual, power of, 170

  Rivers, Lynn, 362, 374, 377, 382–84

  Robbins, E., 447

  Robbins, Maggie, 22, 125–29, 131–32, 437, 442

  Roberts, Seth, 136

  Robinson, Nicholas, 307, 483

  Rogers, Joe, 384–86, 389–93

  Rogers, Timothy, 480

  Roman civilization, melancholy in, 289–92

  romanticism, 311–12, 314–16

  roofies (date-rape drug), 234

  Roose, S. P., 495

  Rose, Henry, 313

  Rosenfeld, Alvin, 490

  Rosenthal, Norman, 104, 140

  Roukema, Marge, 372–73, 374, 376, 377, 378

  Rowley, William, 482

  rTMS (repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation), 137, 139, 418, 454

  Rufus of Ephesus, 289–90, 291, 305

  ruling class, oppression imposed by, 320

  rural culture, women’s depression in, 339, 343–45, 351

  Rusakoff, Frank (pseudonym), 162–63, 164–65, 438, 441

  Rush, Benjamin, 319


  alcohol consumption norms in, 226–27

  U.S. immigrants from, 200–201

  Ryan, Neal, 460


  Saar, Dou-dou, 165

  Sackin, Harold, 453–54

  sacred remedy, 290

  SAD (seasonal affective disorder), 137, 140, 186, 208–9

  S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), 137, 147–48, 456

adism, 324, 325

  Saint-John’s-wort, 137, 146–47, 148, 149, 304, 313, 394, 455–56

  SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine), 137, 147–48, 456

  Sameroff, Arnold, 182–83

  SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), 369

  Sandfort, Theo, 203

  sanity, public perceptions about, 393

  Santayana, George, 246

  Sapolsky, Robert, 449

  Sartor Resartus (Carlyle), 321

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 329

  Saturn, 296

  Savage, George H., 322

  Savage God, The (Alvarez), 208–9, 244, 263, 280

  Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, 440

  Schildkraut, Joseph, 332–33

  schizo-affective conditions, 428–29

  delusions of, 305, 421


  low income linked to, 353

  in prison populations, 394

  symptoms of substance abuse/depression combinations vs., 221, 467

  violent behaviors associated with, 373, 380

  Schmidt, Chrissie, 264–65

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, 24–25, 245–46, 247, 316–17, 443, 484


  applied research vs. basic research in, 369

  mechanistic approaches of, 306–8

  in modern life, 408

  of psychobiology, 326–28

  spiritual values vs., 321

  Scot, Reginald, 297

  seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 137, 140, 186, 208–9

  secrecy, 363–65

  sedatives, 222

  Segal, Boris, 467

  selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs):

  in Alzheimer’s disease, 193, 463

  brain temperature and, 452

  broad usage of, 435

  elderly depression treated with, 190, 193

  negative sexual effects of, 115–17, 453

  oversimplification implied in name of, 396–97

  pharmaceutical industry development of, 13, 333–34

  post-stroke depression and, 193

  reabsorption process blocked by, 112

  side effects of, 80, 115–17, 120, 236, 453

  in suicide prevention, 115, 252

  U.S. usage of, 25, 447

  varieties of, 114

  see also specific selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors


  historical concepts of, 287, 300

  sequential model of, 21, 432


  brain asymmetry and, 415

  mechanistic model of, 306

  speech as origin of, 415

  suicidality and, 245, 254, 256–57

  self-hatred, gay shame and, 205

  self-mutilation, 71, 151–52, 421, 422–28

  Seligman, Martin, 451, 460

  Seneca, 289

  Senegal, ndeup ceremonies for mental illness in, 165–70

  senility, 190, 191, 192–93

  sensation, emotions triggered by, 402

  separation anxiety, 182

  Sérèr people, 165

  serotonin, serotonin levels:

  aggressive behavior and, 114, 253–54

  alcoholism and, 217, 228

  Alzheimer’s disease and, 193, 463

  in amelioration of depression, 22

  in animal studies, 113–14, 253, 254, 473

  anxiety and, 65, 119

  atypical antidepressants and, 118

  cortisol levels vs., 57, 59

  dietary choices and, 138

  elderly diminishment of, 189–90, 462

  genetic determination of, 254

  illegal substances and, 230, 233

  impulsive behavior linked with, 253

  initial isolation of, 331

  melatonin derived from, 55

  of men vs. women, 254

  as monoamine, 332

  multiple functions of, 112

  nicotine use and, 225

  oversimplification of popular beliefs about, 112, 362

  prefrontal cortex and abnormalities in metabolism of, 418

  in sleep, 145

  suicidality and, 253, 254, 473

  tricyclic effects on, 117

  see also selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

  serotonin antagonists, 116

  serotonin synthesis:

  in men vs. women, 174

  nutrition and, 138

  in retina, 140

  serotonin theory, 333

  Seroxat/Paxil (paroxetine), 334

  sertraline (Lustral/Zoloft), 51, 60, 78, 114, 118, 121, 236, 334

  Serzone, 114, 118, 119

  sexual abuse, 176, 188, 340–41, 348, 349, 350, 351, 355, 421

  sexual behavior:

  antidepressants’ negative effects on, 91–92, 115–17, 157

  mood disorder as risk factor in, 353–54

  overabundance of public information on, 399–400

  see also gay men and women, depression among

  sexually transmitted diseases, 202

  Shaffer, D., 464

  Shaffer, Howard, 222

  Shakespeare, William, 299–300, 301, 430

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 314–15

  Sherrington, Charles, 403

  Shiels, John F., 492

  Shneidman, Edwin, 248, 252, 263–64

  shock treatments, see electroconvulsive therapy

  shooting incidents, 373, 374

  Shorter, Edward, 194

  Short History of Decay, A (Cioran), 273

  Silvaticus, Joannes Baptista, 299

  Simpson, Sylvia, 104–5, 106, 185–86, 370

  sin, depression as, 293–94, 295, 296–97

  Singapore, cultural attitudes on depression in, 200

  Singh, Pami, 456

  Skeptics, 289

  skin cancer, 31, 447

  skydiving, 261

  Slaby, Andrew, 466, 467, 469


  antidepressant suppression of REM phase of, 113, 452

  blood sugar fluctation as impediment to, 139

  caffeine and, 397

  disruption in patterns of, 144, 145–46, 190, 455

  insomnia and, 119, 146, 190

  neurotransmitter systems and, 145

  panic attacks in delta phase of, 65

  as primary illness diagnostic tool, 220–21, 466

  REM stage of, see rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

  as safe withdrawal, 406

  sleep advancement, 145

  sleep deprivation therapy, 137, 144

  Sloman, Leon, 495

  Smith, C. U. M., 403

  Smith, Joel P., 268

  Smith, Richard, 492

  smoking, 202, 218, 225

  Smollett, Tobias, 311

  social ranking, dominance conflicts and, 404–6

  Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 368

  societies, in transitional phases, 208, 407

  Socrates, 287, 288

  Solidarity movement, 201

  Solomon, Andrew:

  alcohol reactions of, 227–28

  breakdowns experienced by, 42–43, 44, 45–48, 49–55, 61, 63–65, 67–69, 83–90, 91, 278–79, 325–26, 426, 432, 438

  childhood of, 39–42, 206

  costs of treatment for, 492

  homosexuality of, 206–8

  medications used by, 30, 60, 61, 63, 64–65, 70–71, 77–80, 86–92, 119, 123–24, 125, 234–35, 236–37, 242, 426, 432, 447, 492

  members of Congress interviewed by, 375–78

  personal value of depression experiences of, 78, 91, 436–37, 443

  in psychotherapy, 44–45, 48, 70, 105, 492

  suicidal thoughts of, 67, 68–69, 71–73, 77, 78, 85, 244, 247, 260–61, 265–66, 274–75, 278, 279, 280, 283, 443

  violent episodes of, 179–80

  writing career of, 40, 46, 49, 86–87, 89, 325, 397, 448, 448

  Solomon, Carolyn, 206, 268, 271–73, 275–79, 476

  Solomon, David, 277,

  Solomon, Howard, 13, 278, 445

  Sonata, 234

  Sonego, Tina, 238–42, 438, 442

  Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe), 251, 315

  Soviet concentration camps, 281

  Special K (ketamine), 232


  as origin of self-consciousness, 415

  positive emotion allied with, 418–19

  Spinoza, Benedict, 308

  spiritual belief, see religious faith

  Spitz, Henry, 466

  spleen, 297, 300, 315

  SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), 367, 368

  SSI (Supplemental Security Income), 160, 368


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