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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

Page 7

by Jaime Marks

  “Give him what you feel is required, but you realize he should be in our corridor. The suite that appeared aside of yours when the Palace reoriented is similar to Devyn’s. Considering his lineage and what we discovered this eve, it is likely meant to be his regardless,” he offered.

  Byryn nodded. “My Dad offered to Claim him. He’s of our lines.”

  “That would be acceptable to me. If Grifyn is not prepared to handle his unique circumstances once it has been explained to him, I will Claim him. Regardless, we will work through this together. Our main focus this morn will need to be on finding and neutralizing your brethren. I do not like the idea of three Shade running around the realm unchecked with our pending visit to the Realm of Light.”

  He nodded as he lowered to one knee, resting his hand on Wytheryn’s head. “Rise brother,” he commanded and stood waiting. “Bring your mate. It’s been a long night and both of you could use some rest.”

  “Yes Master,” Wytheryn replied turning to comply, but Byryn caught him by the arm.

  “No. I understand why you use that title, and I appreciate your favor but you will not call me that. To you I’m brother, Byryn, Prince in public if you feel the need, and if you absolutely must I will accept sir or sire, but never Master, Wytheryn.” He breathed deeply again, trying to remember everything Kyle had said and done tonight so he didn’t upset him. “You honor me with your loyalty. I’ve claimed you as mine, but Kyle is right, we need to teach you what is acceptable in this…relationship we have now.”

  He faced him, studying him curiously. It was clear he was trying to figure out the boundaries between them. “I understand, sir.”

  Byryn sighed but nodded, motioning to Narysia before turning to Cymeryn. “I doubt I’m going to be attending the ceremony tomorrow unless we catch my brothers. I’ll take care of getting Wytheryn settled and we’ll see you at meal this morn.”

  He studied them both. “Are you certain you are alright with handling this? I imagine some of this was not any easier on you emotionally than it has been on my son.”

  Byryn shrugged glancing back at his brother. “I won’t deny I never imagined that I would ever claim anyone in such a fashion again, let alone so completely, but…” He turned meeting Wytheryn in the eye. “He needs me and I’m his brother. I will always take care of our line.”

  Chapter 5

  Wytheryn stood in the sitting room in shock. He’d never had such lavish quarters, even when Alayne had kept his company regularly. On his own he generally he had only a small cell, large enough for his cot but nothing else. When sharing the High Priest’s bed it was often just a single room that held the wardrobe with the Priest’s robes, the large bed Alayne preferred, and every little else. It had been comfortable, but the room had been meant for rest and attending to his Master’s needs and little else. The sitting room itself was at least twice the size.

  He didn’t know what to say or how to react to the gift he was being given. There was a couch and two chairs positioned facing one another. A mantle for odds and ends he didn’t own rested on the one wall. There were plants and essence lamps positioned around the room. Three doors opened off of this room aside from the entrance. It was overwhelming.

  “Mas…” He hesitated catching himself at Byryn’s look of disapproval. “Sir, I am grateful for the gifts you have given me, but…I do not need all this,” he stammered.

  Byryn smirked but it appeared to be more in amusement rather than to belittle him. “You have a mate now, Wytheryn. You need to provide room for her and the life you’ll build together. I know you don’t understand this because it hasn’t been your life, but you’re of the Lucerna Lines. You’re Sacred Borne. You are entitled to this.”

  He sighed looking around, feeling lost. Byryn went to one of the doors that opened off the main room, motioning for him to enter. In the center of the room stood a bed much larger than he was accustomed to, but still smaller than what Alayne had brought him to on occasion. It had numerous pillows and a fluffy maroon quilt which Byryn turned down.

  Wytheryn laid Narysia down on the bed and covered her before looking around the room. There was a small desk in the corner and a chest to keep things in. A walk-in closet shot off of the room and he walked through it and into the bathroom where there was not only a toilet but a shower and decently large tub.

  When he reentered Byryn smiled slightly but motioned with his head and left the room as he followed. “Let her sleep while we discuss things. She needs time to recover. Her muscles might be sore in places tomorrow, but the injuries themselves are healed.”

  He stood motionless, unsure of how to act or what to say. It seemed to offend Byryn in some way when he acted as he’d always been taught was expected of him. “I…I’ll admit I find myself at a loss, sir. I don’t know what you expect and you don’t seem to accept my acts of favor well. I do not wish to disappoint you.”

  Byryn frowned a moment but directed him to the couch. “Sit with me, Wytheryn.”

  As he sat on the couch Wytheryn knelt at his feet as had always been expected, staring up at him. He needed to please his new Master, to gain his trust and acceptance. He wanted to show his gratitude for all he’d given him and make him proud, as he should for all the favor his Master had bestowed upon him so easily. It wasn’t yet earned. Since he had come here he’d done nothing but undermine and disrespect him. It was something he needed to correct.

  Byryn looked at him perplexed, but simply stroked a hand through his hair. “The issue here, Wytheryn, isn’t that you’re doing anything wrong. I’m not displeased with you. We’re just speaking different languages and I need to teach you mine. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir,” he replied, considering his words as he laid his head against his thigh, absorbing the sensations. “I will try to learn how to please you.”

  Byryn lifted his chin to meet his eyes. “I don’t know what you expect to happen between us, brother, but you need to know that I will never touch you anymore intimately than this. It isn’t that I think you’re dirty, or that you don’t please me, Wytheryn, but you’re my brother and I would never do that to you.” He sighed as he studied him. “You have a mate now. I expect you to love and cherish her as best you can. She’s the one who deserves your intimacy and the touch of your body.”

  He looked down feeling suddenly very uncertain and confused. “Then you won’t…” He hesitated, “We won’t…”

  “You and I will never be lovers,” Byryn confirmed, watching his reactions. “Your mate is your lover, once her awakening has taken place. She’s given herself to you and I encourage that connection between you. There are rules you need to abide by until then, but well discuss them in a bit.”

  He looked away. “I…I’ve never…” He swallowed hard feeling ashamed. “I have never been with a female.”

  Byryn’s brow rose. “Never?”

  Wytheryn shook his head unable to meet his eyes. “My…Alayne would not allow it. I am not…pure, but…”

  Byryn cupped his cheek forcing him to meet his eyes. “It’s fine, Wytheryn. You’re perfect as you are. Instinct will guide you when it’s time and I don’t think any less of you because of it.”

  “If you don’t want…” Wytheryn blew out an exasperated breath. “What do you want with me, sir?”

  Byryn stared down at him trying to figure out the best way to answer his question. In a lot of ways dealing with Wytheryn now was very similar to how he’d dealt with slaves in the past, but it was actually a bit closer to how he took care of his baby girl. The main difference was there was nothing sexual between them and there never would be. He’d give his brother anything, but it didn’t matter what Wytheryn expected or even needed, he would never cross that line with him. Even the thought of doing that to his own brother disgusted him.

  “Wytheryn, I want your loyalty. I want your trust. I want to show you how this life should be and provide you what you need to make something here you can be proud of for yourself and your mate.” He kept
hold of him as he spoke, “I want you to take your place amongst us and to finally realize that this is where you belong, but I realize it’ll take some time.”

  His brow furrowed and he shook his head. “I don’t understand…what…what is my purpose? How can I please you?”

  Pausing for a moment he tried to go over some of what he’d learned about Master/slave situations both in their world and with humans. A lot of slaves in both arrangements needed to feel they were useful to their Masters, that they were wanted and had an identifiable way to please those they served. “Your loyalty and respect pleases me. I’ll also work up some duties for you to fulfill regularly,” he offered, “and a schedule I’ll expect you to adhere to. There are certain functions I’ll expect you to attend regularly, such as meal when we meet as a family. Sometimes that will be with the Lucerna Lines, sometimes with our brothers, and sometimes maybe just myself, Kyle, and our mates.”

  “Thank you, sir,” he breathed, seeming relieved as he rested his head back against his thigh. “What about Narysia?”

  He shrugged. “She already knows her classes and how I expect her to behave for the most part, but I’ll expect her by your side when I request your presence at functions. She’s your mate. I’ll discuss it with her when I feel she’s ready.”

  “You say you won’t make use of my body but…will you visit her?” He requested.

  Byryn started a moment but caught himself from saying anything too chastising. He had to remember that most of the things he took for granted his brother probably didn’t understand as it related to certain relationships. “No Wytheryn, I would never betray your trust like that.”

  He looked up from where he rested. “It wouldn’t be a betrayal, sir. She is mine, but I am yours. What belongs to me is also yours. I know my place as well as that of my mate.”

  Byryn swallowed hard, trying to wrap his head around what he’d said. He needed to explain this to him without hurting him, or making him feel like Narysia was unworthy of him. It was a topic he couldn’t even fathom, but as much as it enraged him, this was the life his brother lived before he came here.

  “Wytheryn, I know that’s what you’re accustomed to, but I’ve already taken my own mate. Narysia is lovely and she’s special to me in her own way. I’ll always help you care for her and protect her as if she were my own, but she’s yours. You’ll understand in time why I say you won’t always feel that way. If I were to take Narysia to my bed, you would eventually grow to hate me because she’s your mate. It would enrage you to allow me to touch her in such a way. I expect you to cherish the sanctity of that bond, cherish and respect her. You are never to allow another to lay such a claim to her. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir. She is mine and no other will ever know her flesh again.” He reiterated as rage flowed through him over what had been done to his mate.

  “Good boy,” he praised, tenderly running his hand through his hair as he would his baby girl or eria when they pleased him.

  It felt weird to work this dynamic with him, but he understood it better this way. He knew Astryn and Staryana both needed the control he and Kyle offered at times, but they also needed the love and affection they showed. If he managed Wytheryn in a similar fashion, pushing him to be the Fae he knew he was capable of while fostering a connection between them, he could make this work. He’d pretty much have to, this couldn’t be undone.

  “There are some protocols we should discuss,” he suggested. “For example, in your suite or mine this is fine, if it’s what soothes you, but it’s not an obligation. As much as you need to learn to please me, I need to learn what you like, Wytheryn.”

  He hesitated glancing up, but when Byryn didn’t continue he spoke quietly, “I…enjoy this, sir. The…closeness to you. I like how it makes me feel,” he admitted.

  “Good boy. Thank you for being honest with me.” He studied him trying to figure out how best to relay this. “I know I’m your…Master,” he nearly choked on the word but managed to say it, “but if I do something you don’t like, if something I say hurts you, I expect you to tell me. It’s the only way I’ll be able to understand what you truly need.”

  He considered his wording a moment and what he’d learned from their interactions. “It’ll help me learn how I can teach you to better please me,” Byryn added, realizing that Wytheryn’s own needs might not be enough to make him speak up. Making it about serving him better would ensure he’d say something. “Do you understand?” He requested needing his words.

  “Yes, sir. If something that happens between us upsets me in any way you expect to know,” he replied.

  “Good. Now as I said, when we’re alone, or with Staryana, Kyle and Astryn, this is fine. Otherwise I expect you to sit on the couch with Narysia. It can be beside me, if it’s more comfortable. I’ll try to remember to leave enough room, but I’m really tired now so don’t expect much in the morning.”

  Alarm ran through him as he bolted up right. “You should go rest, sir. I will be fine for this eve.”

  “Hush Wytheryn, I’ll decide when we’re finished. This is our time and you deserve it,” he conceded. He understood what it had to have taken for him to make the choices he had. In a way, choosing him like this, giving him his trust so completely, healed a lot of the wounds between them. “It was a difficult night for you, but I’m proud of how you handled yourself. You need this right now and we need to understand each other.”

  A small smile curved the corner of his lips as Byryn guided his head back down against his thigh. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Always brother,” he sighed. “I’ll always care for you, and I’ll do my best to help you through this transition.”

  Wytheryn’s brow furrowed and he hid his eyes from him a moment. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” He tried to figure out what the hell he could be apologizing for but he drew a blank.

  “You accept me so easily, provide for me, care for my mate. I…I don’t deserve your kindness after all I’ve put you through,” his words were whispered agony and Byryn could clearly feel his pain.

  He took his face in his hands. “Listen to me, Wytheryn. We’ve been pitted against each other most of your life. You were reacting based on what you’ve been taught and following your Master’s commands. Once you knew me, I saw that change. You’d deny it, but some of your veiled threats were disguised warnings, and I know you stopped telling any who would listen how weak you thought I was.” He smirked at the surprise that ran through him. “Yeah, I know about the things you’ve told the unawakened. Most of them are good kids and very grateful for what we’ve done for them,” he explained.

  Running through everything that had happened in his mind he tried to figure out what else he needed to address with him. He needed to somehow make this alright for him. “Tonight you trusted me to help you care for Narysia, and even though I gave you a choice, you chose to give yourself to me. I’m honored by that trust, Wytheryn, and I mean to show you it wasn’t misplaced. The past can’t be undone and I don’t want to discuss it anymore. We’ll start fresh tonight without all lies and bullshit between us,” he offered. “All I really expect from you is complete honesty. The rest we’ll learn together while we get to know each other. I don’t want you to worry about anything else. I’ll care for you, teach you, and provide for you. There’s only one thing I can’t do for you and Narysia will fill that need once you’re both ready. I promise, Wytheryn, you’re safe here and you’re mine.”

  Tears streamed down his face as he looked up at him and Byryn knew he’d broken through some of the garbage Alayne had programmed into his mind. He might not understand it yet, but he was beginning to see that Byryn valued him for something more than a tool to feed his desires or grant him power. It would take time, but he would learn he was more than he thought he was.

  Byryn dried his tears. “It’s alright. Just…relax for now. I’ll explain a few more things you need to know before meal and then send you to bed. I think you’ve been through
enough tonight and Narysia will need you by her side when she wakes up.”

  He tried to soothe his brother as he spoke and settled into a calming rhythm as he pet his head. He had to admit caring for him eased something in him. It was probably the effects of the bond formed by the ritual. The next few days would be difficult, but they’d manage.

  With a sigh he realized that he still needed to explain this to both his baby girl and eria. He reached out, checking on Kyle, but found him in their bed. He breathed out in relief and focused on easing his brother. The rest he’d deal with in the morning.

  Chapter 7

  Felycia woke slowly in her bed with Devyn’s arms wrapped around her. She turned into his chest, cuddling closer as she enjoyed the feel of his closeness. When was the last time they’d woken up together? Hell, when was the last time she’d slept that well?

  “Good morn, dear girl,” Devyn murmured in her ear. “I have missed this, holding you in my arms.”

  She smiled. “Me too. I’m sorry I’ve been so difficult to deal with.”

  “Do not worry about it, my love. We will figure all this out together in time, but I will continue to take care of you as well as our son,” he promised, kissing her softly. “I love you,” he breathed.

  She could tell he was holding back. She’d been keeping him at arms’ length and it was hard on them both. Leaning up she returned his kiss instinctually and his hunger flowed through her feeding her own. His tongue slid over her lips and she opened to him, allowing him to explore and taste her as he wanted. He pulled her close against him and she realized he must have undressed her at some point last night. She didn’t even remember coming to bed.

  Rolling her onto her back, his weight rested against her. A fire built somewhere deep inside, but so did the fear that ruled her. She needed to do this, give him this. He’d given her so much, but she was so afraid she wouldn’t be able to handle this, even for him.


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