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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

Page 8

by Jaime Marks

  His hand slid down her side to her thigh and up under her slip, causing her breath to catch and her heart to skip a beat. A shiver rolled through her as his fingertips grazed her skin, sliding up over her thigh, her stomach, and finally cupped her breast. A soft moan escaped her, but when she felt his erection press into her core, even with his shorts and her panties between them, panic rolled through her.

  Devyn pulled back searching her eyes. “Shhh, it is alright Felycia. I am here and I would never hurt you.” He kissed her head, his breathing still labored. “Breathe, dear girl. We have all the time in the world to explore this.”

  “I’m sorry.” She looked away unable to meet his eyes.

  He kissed her temple, slowly moving to the side as he turned her to lay against him. “You are my mate. We are bound. I know your heart and soul, Felycia. There is nothing to be sorry for. When it is time, I promise you, I will remove the doubts and fear from your mind.”

  Before she could respond she heard Bryce babble from close by and shot up in alarm. He was standing in his crib, bouncing at the foot of their bed. “I thought you moved his crib into the nursery.”

  He sighed and sat up beside her. “I did. Byryn came last eve while you were sleeping. There is a threat in the realm so he misted him in here so I would be better able to protect you both.”

  “What kind of threat? Is Wytheryn causing issues?” Byryn had told her he’d been able to tell Bryce was more closely related to him than they’d told everyone.

  “No. Some of the unawakened acted out last eve. I believe there was some sort of an attack against the unawakened Narysia Reynolds. When they were interrogated they claimed your brother Vilyn had given them Tomas a Alayne’s order,” he explained.

  “If Vilyn is here then Jarceryn and Scratryn are probably here, too,” she reasoned, feeling as if the floor had fallen out from under her. She crawled to the end of the bed and pulled Bryce into her arms. “I can’t go tonight. I can’t risk them taking him.” She shook her head.

  “Felycia, we will hunt them until they are found and neutralized. Allow us to manage the threat before you decide,” he insisted.

  She wanted to run to Byryn because she knew he’d tell her the truth, but she needed to stop relying so heavily on her brother. Oddly, that was a new habit. She’d never relied on him before Bryce came here. It was as if she suddenly felt like she had to have his input on everything to do with their son.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Devyn with him, just that she knew how protective Byryn was of his family and Bryce was, in reality, his son, his only blood born child. Despite the tragedy of that fact, she knew he’d always be there for him and put him before all others to ensure his safety. Maybe she should just run across the hall?

  “Felycia, we will see him this morn at meal. I know why you feel the need to confer with Byryn, and it does not bother me, but you must also learn to allow him his space. I am certain Byryn had a very long eve and he will have many duties to attend to today. The least of all is the security here during the ceremony if we cannot locate your brothers. I am sure he will make time to address your fears and see Bryce,” Devyn reasoned.

  “I know.” She sighed. “It’s just this…impulse. I don’t know why, but I just always feel the need to check with him suddenly.”

  He slid up behind her and wrapped himself around both her and Bryce, kissing them both on the head. “He is his Father. You feel the need to ensure he has a say despite the situation. We both understand and respect it. Allow him to come to you this time. Let me comfort and protect you as is my place?”

  She swallowed hard. Devyn had Claimed Bryce, but she hadn’t really let him be a Father to him. She hadn’t been very fair to him the last few days and he’d been nothing but understanding. Forcing a smile, she fought the slight tremble in her hands and kissed Bryce’s head before turning to look at her mate.

  “Will…will you see to him…while I get ready for breakfast?” She asked hesitantly.

  He smiled and gently pulled him from her arms. “Of course, Felycia. Take your time, love.”

  She nodded and forced herself to get up and go into the bathroom, pausing to look back at them. Bryce was beaming down at Devyn as he lay back and held him over his head. She watched them play together for a moment. Devyn really was good with him, better than she was if she were honest. She was always fussing over him and seemed to work him up more than she calmed him down.

  She sighed and went in to take her shower. She didn’t know what she was doing most days anymore. She just bluffed her way through it all. The only thing she knew for sure was that she loved her son and she’d continue to figure this out. She’d try like hell to be the Mother he needed and the mate that Devyn deserved.

  Devyn smiled up at Bryce as he pumped him up and down, making him laugh. He laid him down on his chest and relaxed when the water finally started. He understood how difficult it was for Felycia to allow him this time with their son.

  Generally she took his safety seat and set him beside the shower while she bathed so he would be close by. It was as if she was terrified that allowing the boy to leave her sight would mean she had lost him again. He did not know how to ease her fears other than to prove that everything would be alright through time and practice.

  Bryce sat up on his chest and turned toward the bathroom, bouncing with his arms outstretched. He wished that Felycia could see him looking for her in such a way. She often thought the boy was uncomfortable with her, but he in reality had become quite attached to her in a relatively short time.

  The water turned off in the bathroom and a few moments later Felycia emerged from the closet, drying her beautiful dark hair with its blue, violet, and silver accents. Bryce began bouncing on his stomach, babbling and reaching for his Mother.

  Devyn chuckled, “Easy young one. Mama will be with you in a moment.”

  He opened and closed his hands, giggling as he called for her. “Mamm mamm ma ma maaammm.”

  They both froze, meeting each other’s eyes as their son babbled on. Felycia blinked in disbelief. “Did…did he just…”

  He smiled widely, watching the realization set in and nodded. “I believe he wants his Mama.”

  She crawled up beside them on the bed and took his tiny hand in hers. “Hey tough stuff, are you calling me?” She smiled as he bounced repeating the phrase as he scooted over to her.

  Devyn rose and kissed her head. “He loves his Mama, as do I.”

  He left them on the bed as he got ready. Devyn knew everything would be fine once things settled. It was just a matter of getting to that point. They all needed time to adjust. In time Felycia would see that she and Bryce were safe here, with him, and they would all grow more comfortable with their life together.

  Chapter 8

  Cymeryn stood reaching out his essence as he extended his shroud through the entire Kingdom, hoping it would reveal how the Shade were hiding. He had sensed the unawakened himself. They were not lying about the orders to attack Narysia or who had delivered them. Vilyn a Trevyn was here somewhere with two of his brothers. All three were of his line and it was beyond frustrating that he could not locate them.

  “Any luck?” Marcus requested as he came out of the bathroom.

  “No,” he grunted, more than irritated with the situation.

  Reyana shook her head in frustration as well. “I can’t find them either.”

  “Are you sure they’re here?” Marcus offered. “I know you sensed them, but they could have lied to stave off Wytheryn’s wrath and perhaps attempted to mislead you with their thoughts.”

  “No. They could not decide who they feared more; Vilyn, Wytheryn, or myself. There was a clear image of Vilyn cornering them, asking where their allegiances lie.” Cymeryn sat in his chair in frustration. “I should be able to sense them. They are Trevyn’s sons and hence of my essence, yet something is masking them. Even encompassing the entire Palace in my shroud I cannot sense them.”

  Marcus sighed, running
a hand through his hair. “I don’t like the idea of leaving the realm with three Shade running around free to do as they please.”

  “Byryn has suggested that he remain in realm to protect his brothers and Bryce. I cannot see denying him if we cannot find them,” Cymeryn cursed.

  “If he’s not there his presence will be missed as he’s a Prince,” Marcus sighed, “but I’m inclined to agree. We have to attend. We’re performing the ceremony. Byryn and Kyle are the only ones who could protect the realm in our stead.”

  “Yes, but Byryn means to manage it alone. He will use the ceremony to get the girls out of the realm while he deals with his brethren, and he will use their safety to send Kyle.”

  Marcus shook his head. “He can’t deal with them alone.”

  “He has his brothers,” Cymeryn admitted. “Wycelion, Trycen, Furynious, Revyn, Perydyn, and Wytheryn will stand beside him.”

  “Are you sure he can even trust Wytheryn, though?” Reyana questioned. “I know what you said, but the truth is up until last night that boy hated Byryn. I want to believe he’s come around, but can we risk it?”

  “He had been slowly improving. I could see minor concessions as he tentatively tested his relationship with his brother, though he was extremely guarded and unsure if he even wished to explore it. Likely he felt obligated not to.” He moved to sit on the bed beside her. “I know it is hard to fathom and difficult to understand, but Wytheryn chose this and he is now bound to Byryn. He cannot attack him, nor betray him, without causing himself extreme pain and potentially risking his own life in the process. If Byryn were Shade or a lesser Fae, Wytheryn would for all points and purposes be his slave, but we all know he will never abuse that power over him.”

  “Why though?” She groaned. “Why tie him to Byryn in such a way in the first place? I just don’t understand.”

  “Because he was already bound to Alayne as his slave and it will help to break the bond,” Cymeryn replied. “I know how you feel about this, but there was really no other way. Kyle explains it far more clearly if you wish, but it was necessary and something Wytheryn himself requested.”

  He replayed the eve’s events and hoped Byryn had convinced his brother that it was not necessary to pay them such homage. He considered the meeting that was taking place regarding Wytheryn’s future at the moment and wondered if he should take the boy on himself. Grifyn was a good male, but he had his hands full trying to reach Felycia at times. Wytheryn would need a firm hand and a lot of attention.

  Demytria stormed into the room and glared at him in clear aggravation. It took everything in him to bite back his rage as he stood. Sometimes it was hard to refrain from old habits…especially as on edge as he had felt recently. “You had best have a good reason for your disrespect. These are our mated chambers, and while I allow you a lot of leeway due to the penance I owe you, Demytria, you are breeching that boundary.”

  She levelled him with a heated stare. “Am I, or am I not, the Head of Securine in this realm?” She demanded.

  “You know you are,” he crossed his arms uncertain of the issue.

  “Am I, or am I not, still considered part of your line?” She pressed, taking him completely off guard. She was Grifyion in name and blood. Her assertion was in certain respects true but…

  “I was unaware you still considered yourself to be, Demytria. I freed you from those obligations upon my Redemption,” he reasoned.

  “And when have I given you any inclination that I had stepped back from them? I train with your grand progeny. I ensure their protection. I even see to your damned progeny, my own rival, in your stead. How dare you not inform me of the attack last eve? How dare you not wake me to manage the scene and deal with the fall out?” She snapped. “I woke to hear of the attack and threat to the realm from my brother when I should’ve heard it from you directly when it occurred. And what the hell does Wycelion mean Byryn has claimed Wytheryn as his slave? Why is he in this corridor with only one guard when Narysia is with him and they should at the least have two considering they are both obviously targets?”

  Kato came in the room behind her and bowed, but raised his hands and leaned back against the wall, waiting to see if his mate needed him.

  Cymeryn gaped at her as he reined in his shock. “I…I am sorry, Demytria. I did not mean to step over you, nor did I think my actions would offend you. You do still hold my essence in your veins, but as it was due to your turning…” He shook his head trying to clear it. It was not often any, especially one he knew so well, took him so off guard. “When I released you, in my defense, you gave me no inclination that it was not what you wanted.”

  She paced and he watched her cautiously. The female was formidable, and while she was not truly his match, she was more than capable of inflicting a decent amount of damage if she wished. She may not be Shade, but in her current state of fury he had no idea what to expect. “I am the closest thing to an Aunt, maybe even a Mother in some cases, these boys have. Their Father was a brutal son of a bitch, and thank the Divine my brother killed him, but aside from us most of them have no family. Yes, I consider them my family in many ways and I have always operated as such. Why the hell do you think I even put up with Trevyn’s shit in the first place? Why I allowed him to have any say over me at all?” She demanded. “I knew if I wanted you would keep him away from me but I have always been attached to the younger sons of the Brood, always.”

  He rubbed his face, seeing the truth in her words. The boundaries between he and Demytria were often difficult to define as neither of them wished to push the other or somehow offend their mates. In some ways though, he should have anticipated this reaction.

  “Again, I am sorry. I did not consider it and I would never deny you the right to be there for them. You are perhaps right, however, that I should have in the least come to you personally to inform you of the incident last eve, but it was well in hand. I saw no reason to disturb you knowing full well how taxing of a day we all have before us. I thought to inform you when we met shortly. I would never intentionally undermine you, Demytria, and it was not I that informed Grifyn. More than likely the boys saw to that for whatever reason. As far as Wytheryn, it is true Byryn bound him, but not as his slave.”

  Demytria scoffed crossing her arms, “Well maybe you had better explain that to him because that’s what he told Wycelion when he went to check on them this morn.”

  He groaned, scrubbing his face with his hands. “It is more complicated than that. Wytheryn was stolen by Alayne as a newborn babe. He raised him as his slave, bound him to him as a slave via binding rituals. It is difficult to explain, but when his allegiances changed last eve we saw an entirely different side of the boy that was difficult to comprehend. He was completely subservient to us, kneeling at our feet, and he could not understand any attempt to dissuade him from such behavior. The Wytheryn you know is a front, a mask he wears or a part he plays, so to speak. Byryn is trying to free him. We will have to teach the boy how to accept this life and that he has the right to make his own choices. He asked for this, Demytria. He could not even comprehend why Byryn would not accept him, and it was clear if it had not been him it would have been either Kyle or myself. Byryn would never allow another to have that level of control and influence over his brethren. It was not an easy decision for him to take this role and it was equally difficult for Kyle to perform the ceremony.”

  Demytria turned to Kato. “If I asked? If I wanted him?”

  Kato measured her. “Are you certain? You know I will do this for you, love, but neither Cymeryn nor Byryn would have allowed this if they thought it would harm him. Aside from that I hold no tie to him. There is a very good likelihood he will not accept me.”

  Marcus cleared his throat. “Unless the issue becomes emergent the Claiming will not take place until early next week regardless of who Claims him. I suggest we wait until after this eve’s ceremony when all involved can sit down to discuss this. I’ve already let Byryn know your concerns and desire as he was m
eeting with Grifyn as we speak.” He stepped forward grabbing Cymeryn by the shoulder. “I also know mine twin wishes to discuss the matter with myself and Reyana because he was considering Claiming him himself to ensure he has the support he needs. I am not saying any of you are, or are not a good choice, but there is a lot to consider. We all obviously want to help him. We must all discuss it and determine the best option to do so.”

  She nodded restlessly before refocusing. “What headway have you made at finding the Shade?”

  Cymeryn blew out breath. “I cannot sense them. If they are here they may be avoiding the plateau.”

  She smirked studying him. “Did you bother to check the colony?”

  Smiling broadly, he checked his watch and offered her his hand. “Come, Demytria, let us see if we can put this situation to rest before meal.”

  Chapter 9

  John paced in his cabin. His muscles were stiff and sore, his veins were on fire, and it felt like his insides were being ripped apart. He was awakening and there weren’t any Shade or Gray here. The guards had ignored his requests to speak with the so called Princes. He had reached out to Steph over and over but she either couldn’t, or wouldn’t, come to him. More than likely it was that they kept her away, seeing as how she knew he was the only one that could lead her to her Father.

  Steph, his beautiful sweets. He had groomed her for years. She was his. If her awakening hadn’t hit when it did he would have had her back. She’d lost herself to him in that moment and he knew, knew that she would have given herself to him, first her mind…then that gorgeous body of hers.

  The guards saw fit to taunt him with the fact that she was Bonding tonight, but the truth was that it would never matter. He could give two shits about some bullshit ritual. He’d bound her to him long ago with both his essence and his body. She knew his touch, melted into it, and when the taste of his essence hit her lips she still craved it like the air she needed to breathe. She might fight it, but she knew how much power he held over her and he knew she thrived in it.


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