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Page 7

by Anise Storm

  Hannah tried to block the business conversation from her mind, but all that did was make her think about a previous time in Atlanta, and she almost groaned aloud. This was the wrong time for Thaddeus to intrude, but pleasuring Finley this way made her recall one afternoon in her former boss’s office. Her pussy clenched at the memories of that day and the way Thad had fucked her, exerting his complete dominance. Desperately trying to shift back to the man and the cock in front of her, she froze at Finley’s next words. “I’m sure that Remington has already placed their bid by now. I still say we need to come in lower than expected,” Finley told the other men. Hannah almost couldn’t believe her ears. Of all names to hear at this precise moment, Remington was not one she expected. Surely she’d imagined it. Maybe because she’d been thinking of Thaddeus, she’d imagined what she heard. After all, she was supposed to be pleasuring this Dominant and not thinking about anyone else. Convinced that she was mistaken, she stopped listening to the conversation altogether and went back to the current task at hand.

  Working the last inch of his long shaft into her mouth, she swallowed down on the tip as it nudged her tonsils. Reaching up, she grasped the base of his shaft, causing Finley to move slightly in his seat. She smiled around his heated flesh. Hannah loved to bring him pleasure, and he was one of the most responsive lovers she had ever known. It brought her a great deal of satisfaction to know that he was as affected by her as she was by him in any given moment.

  The men continued to discuss business while she used both her tongue and her teeth on his cock. He seemed to enjoy the small bite of pain and, since she aimed to please, it never bothered her to oblige. Time continued to pass and she knew that he was getting closer to finding his own release. His flesh swelled and pulsed, causing her own core to do so in reaction to the realization that she was about to receive his seed too. She felt a strong sense of pride knowing that she could bring this man pleasure with such a simple thing as this.

  He returned his large hands to her head once again, holding it in place as he thrust upward. Hannah nearly gagged but remembered to breathe through her nose. He didn’t move away and he didn’t allow her to either. With his cock firmly lodged at the back of her throat, she inhaled and exhaled slowly through her nose until she heard the room go silent. Seconds later, he withdrew, then slammed forward again, this time groaning out loud as he climaxed.

  “Fuck, baby girl,” he cursed through gritted teeth. Hannah sucked at his cock, greedily swallowing every last drop of his release before allowing him to slip from between her parted lips with a wet pop.

  Finley pulled her out from beneath the desk, lifting her off the floor and into his lap. Amazingly, his cock was still hard, and she anticipated that he would want to continue this scene further. His next words, though, squashed that theory slightly.

  “I have to handle a few more things before I end my work day. I want you to go upstairs to the playroom and present yourself outside the door. I’ll be up there in a few minutes.” He lowered his head and as soon as the last words were out of his mouth, she parted her lips, allowing him free access.

  Hannah heard a muffled groan and knew that he must have tasted himself on her tongue. He pulled her even closer and her nipples hardened further as she felt the heat from his chest through the thin material of his white dress shirt. She could hardly wait to feel his skin against hers, but for now, she would take what she could. A smidgen of disappointment rose within her as he abruptly pulled away and pushed her gently off his lap.

  She rose to her feet, and when she turned to leave, his hand connected with one of her ass cheeks, causing her to moan at the loud smack. “Upstairs. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Hannah whispered, quickly exiting the office. Once outside, she closed the door softly and sighed. She loved the time that they spent in the playroom and she couldn’t wait to find out what he had planned for her tonight. The options were endless and, as she had learned in their short time together, Finley was extremely creative. That made for a lethal combination where her restraint was concerned.

  She didn’t want to keep him waiting, so she hurried upstairs and stopped just outside of the door to the playroom. So much had changed since the day she’d been caught trespassing. Already naked, she didn’t have to worry about disrobing. Gracefully, she lowered herself to her knees and placed her palms right-side up as she laid them atop her thighs.

  Chapter Twelve

  Waiting until the door closed, Finley finally exhaled the sharp breath he was holding. Inviting Hannah inside when he’d had this call had turned out to be a mistake. Not for anything that she had done on her part, however, but because of where the business conversation was headed. Fuck! She had been absolutely incredible, the way she’d brought him so quickly to orgasm. Her mouth was made for sin and that three-letter word was exactly what he planned to do with the little submissive once he was finished with business.

  Standing up, he tucked his still-hard cock back into his pants and took his seat. Before the earlier call had adjourned, he’d told them to take a ten-minute break, then paused the program from his end. After restarting it, he waited for Jim and Ethan to return. There were things that he wouldn’t want anyone else to hear, especially Hannah, about his business dealings. Finley was ruthless, driven, and determined to make life very difficult for Remington Industries and more importantly, Thaddeus Remington.

  The president of Remington Industries was his fiercest rival and for good reason. The two men were very similar in a lot of things, including their tactics. Neither accepted defeat, nor would they ever. That, unfortunately, was what Finley had had to swallow most recently when Thad had stolen the Breckenridge account out from under Wetherall Communications. The other mogul could gloat about that victory, but he wouldn’t when it came to the Doran account. Finley would make sure of it.

  When he saw both men back in front of their monitors, he decided to pick up where they’d left off earlier, before he’d sent Hannah away. “If you’re both ready, then let’s finish this call so I can get on with my evening.”

  “We were ready a while ago, Wetherall. You’re the one that paused the meeting,” Ethan told him. Finley looked at the middle-aged man currently fidgeting with something on his desk. At times it sucked to have to mainly deal with foreign investors in time zones almost a full workday behind, but at other times it allowed him to observe things about the ones he dealt with. For example, he could tell a lot about this particular man just from looking at the items behind him, sitting meticulously in their places on the bookshelf.

  There were a few photos of the man’s family—a wife, two kids and a dog. There were other individual portraits as well, such as his son’s soccer and daughter’s cheerleading pictures. Everything seemed to be placed just so, almost as if they were for show. Ethan wasn’t fooling Finley and, if he had to guess, the man was probably fucking the young blonde that had entered his office a few different times when they’d spoken earlier. It wouldn’t have surprised him in the slightest to learn that the blonde was his mistress. She seemed to be entirely too comfortable barging into his office to interrupt his calls without even so much a knock to alert him to her presence. The man didn’t seem to mind one bit, and he also noticed the way Ethan looked at the woman. It wasn’t any of his business what the man did or didn’t do, as long as it didn’t interfere with the business they were conducting.

  Fortunately for Finley, it didn’t. Shrugging at Ethan, he decided to pick right up where they’d left off. “So I believe that we’d get a much fairer price if the circumstances were different, but since they aren’t…” He paused to clear the lump in his throat. Fucking Remington! He hated to feel as if he was working for free, and while Wetherall Communications would still be making a nice profit, it was nowhere near what he’d hoped it would be when they’d developed the microchip. “I’d rather just eat a few hundred thousand than allow those bastards at Remington Industries to get it.”

  Ethan began to argue until
Jim decided to speak up, reminding him of what had happened with the Breckenridge account. “We played it safe on the last one and lost it. I’m with Wetherall, and I think we need to come in more than competitive in order to land this one.”

  Finley agreed. “Any profit is better than nothing, and knowing that we made something off it and Remington didn’t, makes it even better. I’ll play with the numbers and send you both something securely in the morning. Are we in agreement?”

  Jim nodded and Finley was glad to have the man on his side. He was very different from Ethan but just as qualified. He also wasn’t quite as easy to read as the other man because he seemed much more closed off. He had a head for business, though, and Finley prepared to go through with his bid, whether all three were in agreement or not.

  “Okay, Wetherall, I just hope that you know what you’re doing.” The concession was clear in Ethan’s voice and Finley smirked. Thankfully they wouldn’t have to do a majority vote since it was now unanimous. Now, he needed to work on the figures and get those sent off for review to the Ethan and Jim, then the proposal could officially be submitted to Phil Doran. He was confident they would win out over Remington Industries, and it was something that Wetherall Communications needed after losing the Breckenridge account a few weeks before.

  “I am well aware of what I’m doing and trust me, it’ll work. I’ve been running this company for about ten years and we’ve never fallen into the red. I don’t intend to start doing so now. If there isn’t anything else, I’m going to head out.” Finley waited for any objections and when none were forthcoming, he added, “I’ll talk to you both on the flip side.”

  Then Finley closed down the program and powered down his laptop. What he wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall when his bid was accepted over Remington Industries. He could already picture the look on Thad’s face, and that made him grin. That satisfaction would have to come later, because right now, he had a submissive waiting naked for him upstairs.

  His mind quickly turned from business to pleasure as he turned out the lights in his office before exiting the space. Finley headed upstairs, loosening the buttons on his shirt and removing it along the way. When he reached his playroom, the most beautiful sight greeted him. Hannah was in perfect presentation and his chest welled up with pride.

  She never even flinched as he stepped closer. The only reaction she had to him was a small moan when he ran a hand through her long, silken locks then tugged them sharply. “You make me so proud, baby girl. Up on your feet. It’s time to earn your reward,” he told her, while extending his other hand to her. As soon as one of her dainty hands slid into his, he helped Hannah to stand.

  She stood tall, completely unabashed in her nudity, and he slowly appraised her form—miles of lean, toned flesh that begged to be marked. Hannah wouldn’t have to wait long. He intended to completely overwhelm her senses as he took what rightfully belonged to him. She gave him her trust and her body… Before long, he would also have her heart. Finley would accept nothing less.

  He removed his one hand from her hair and entered in a new code, having changed it after her previous breaking and entering. When the code was accepted, the keypad flashed a green shade and he opened the door, motioning for her to step inside. Hannah did so without question and he smiled. Her trust would be tested tonight, and he couldn’t wait to see far they had truly come in their journey together.

  “I’d like for you to lie on the table over there,” he instructed, pointing to the piece of furniture. “And on your backside. I have to get a few items, then we’ll get started. Before we do, remember your safe word, which tonight will be ‘temperature’.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Temperature,” she repeated back to him in a breathless voice as she climbed atop the table and positioned herself the way Finley instructed. The leather was cool beneath her back but she knew in a few minutes that thought would be practically nonexistent.

  “Good girl,” he crooned to her in a raspy voice. Because he was British, his accent only made the deepness of the tone even sexier. She closed her eyes to him, wanting to show that she trusted him completely, only opening them at his urging. “Let me see your beautiful eyes one last time before I can’t for a while.”

  That request spoke volumes, and she slowly raised her lashes. Something told Hannah that she was in for the night of her life. She felt her thighs growing stickier as her mind raced with the many possibilities. She was so lost in those thoughts that she hadn’t realized she had closed her eyes again until she heard his disapproval.

  “Tsk tsk, baby girl. You’re on the way to earning yourself a punishment, and tonight was going to be all about pleasure. Open. Your. Eyes,” he ordered, and she immediately complied. Finley slowly grinned at her and, knowing what he was probably thinking, Hannah shivered.

  Their eyes only stayed locked for a few seconds before he stepped back then away from her and crossed the room. Their first few times together, she had found herself watching him, but, as her trust had grown, she was content to lie there and accept whatever he deemed necessary to do to her. When he returned, Finley had a blindfold, and his request about her eyes made perfect sense now.

  Hannah loved it when a Dominant used a blindfold on her. Besides it being extremely freeing, losing the sense of sight only heightened the ones of sound, smell, touch and taste. Remaining calm, she allowed him to place the patch of silk over her eyes. He played around with its spot until he was certain she wouldn’t be able to see a thing, and he was right. Even though her vision was cut off, she still closed her eyes behind it.

  He gripped her shoulders and tugged on her gently until her head was hanging halfway off of the top of the table. A few moments later, he made sure what felt like every strand of her hair was hanging over it as well, then she heard the very recognizable sound of metal in his hands. She knew immediately that he had cuffs, even before she felt the rounded metal encircle her wrists. She was blindfolded, and once he locked the cuffs in place and secured her hands to the table, she was also restrained. Momentarily she wondered what he had in mind, but she quickly forced those thoughts away. Trust was extremely important in this type of relationship, so whatever he had planned, she knew deep down that he would never hurt her or allow any harm to come to her.

  “You’re doing so well, baby girl,” he told her, while repeating his earlier actions, this time on her ankles as he cuffed them to the table. The position spread her legs wide for him and Hannah knew he had to see the glistening between her thighs as she remained just as wet—if not more so—as she had been in his office.

  A soft sigh escaped her as he lowered his mouth to the upper part of her inner thigh. The short hairs of his beard grazed her flesh, tickling it in the process, causing her to squirm. He smacked the outside of her other thigh and she stilled instantaneously.

  “Be still, Hannah. We’re about to start.” It sounded very much like a warning, and it was one that she intended to heed. Making sure her entire body remained still, she just hoped that she’d be able to stay that way once he got started.

  Just like that, he raised up, and she felt the loss of his body heat as he stepped away from her. Hannah could hear the sound of his footsteps as they retreated from her, then the rustling of his clothing as he presumably removed it. Another sound caught her attention moments before the pungent smell of sulfur filled the space. He’d lit a candle and her guess was that it wasn’t to light up the space. While her head was encased in darkness, his was not.

  As much as she tried, she couldn’t help but moan as she anticipated the feel of wax dripping onto her skin. Now I know why he chose that specific safe word. Hannah loved having her limits tested and pushed, which was why she thoroughly enjoyed edge play. Finley loved to push her out of her comfort zone and little did he know, her actually being here with him in his penthouse like this, day after day and night after night, definitely accomplished that. She couldn’t wait to see where this scene went, so she remembered his earlier comma
nd and forced herself to remain as still as possible.

  Expecting to feel the heat from the candle, the first thing she felt instead was his hands as he ran them up and down her torso. He brushed his nimble fingers over her nipples, teasing them until they hardened into tight peaks. “So responsive,” he murmured. “That should bode well for you tonight. Just remember your safe word, baby girl, and use it if needed. We’re about to continue.”

  He sucked one of her nipples inside his warm mouth and she almost arched upward until she remembered that she wasn’t supposed to move. Finley latched onto the bud with his teeth, pulling and elongating it until he released it and moved on to the other, lavishing the same treatment on it. A few seconds later, she felt a small pinch on the first one then a searing pain as the jagged teeth of the clamps dug deeper into the throbbing bud.

  “Oh God,” she cried out, feeling her eyes well with tears behind the blindfold. It was a good thing now that she was wearing it. Hannah knew the momentary pain would soon subside and, as soon as it did on one nipple, it began on the other as he placed a clamp on it too. Her chest was on fire, aching in so many ways, before that burn lessened into something much more bearable.

  “Are you okay, baby girl?” Finley asked, as he attached what felt like a chain between them. Hannah nodded, hoping that he could see. She didn’t want her voice to give him the wrong impression, so figured that it would be safer to give a nonverbal response instead this time.

  He tugged the chain and her jaw dropped. A zing of pain shot from the tip of one nipple to the other, then straight to her clit. Hannah had no doubt that Finley intended to torment her tonight, even though he’d said that the scene was a reward and not a punishment. Sweet, delicious torture was going to be what he delivered, and she felt an ensuing trickle of cream ooze from her. One final yank and she heard him step away from her.


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