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Fate gives Hannah Brinkley a second chance with her one-time infatuation until the secret she harbors threatens to tear it all apart. Fleeing the arms of one dynamic corporate tycoon, Hannah Brinkley crosses the Atlantic into the arms of another, who is equally as dangerous to her heart as Thaddeus Remington. Unlike the man she left behind in Atlanta, Hannah shares history with Finley Wetherall and those old feelings for him return once again. Successful, powerful and hung up on the girl that got away, Finley is determined to fight for Hannah's heart and do whatever is necessary to keep her. Years before, he was hesitant to make his move for fear that she couldn't handle his dark desires, but when she turns up on his doorstep, it has to be Fate. He will allow nothing and no one to stand between Hannah and their destiny. He soon finds out that he isn't the only one harboring secrets. Will Finley be able to break down the walls Hannah has built around...