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Page 10

by Anise Storm

  She must have thought him up, because her cell phone notified her of an incoming text. Pulling up her messages, she smiled when she saw that it was from Finley.

  Just checking to see how things are going for you, baby girl. Talk to you later.

  It’s been great so far. Talk to you later, Sir.

  Quickly sending her response, she put her phone back inside of her purse and opened up the next packet of material. This is going to be a long day.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Two weeks later, she had fully integrated herself into work and had developed a rapport with both of her new bosses. Stanley would occasionally give her glances that bordered on inappropriate, but they never materialized into anything further. Hannah credited that to the fact that she had pictures of Finley all over her office. The older man had asked her once or twice who he was, and each time she’d simply replied that it was the man she was currently seeing.

  Years ago, when she’d first met Finley, she’d had the biggest crush on him. To this day, Hannah still didn’t know whether he’d ever realized it or not. She never would have imagined that she would be living with him or that they would be as close as they now were. They’d even mentioned spending Christmas together.

  Hannah had planned to return home to Texas for Thanksgiving, but because she’d just started her job at Tucker Incorporated, she hadn’t wanted to ask for any time off. Her parents—especially her mother—had been very disappointed, but Hannah knew that they would get over it. Maybe after the first of the year, I’ll go home for a weekend. She knew better than that, however, because even if she had been in Atlanta, she still would have used work as an excuse to bypass having to return to Plano. She didn’t want to deal with the endless questions about why her previous relationship there had failed, making her go from engaged to single in a blink of an eye.

  Work for the day was about over, so she rose from her seat and gathered her things. She was about to leave when Brian appeared in the doorway.

  “Did you need something before I leave for the night?”

  Brian grimaced slightly and she knew whatever he had to throw at her wouldn’t be a good thing. Hannah suddenly realized what his expression could be about. Did I do something wrong? She immediately questioned herself. Losing this job would be the worst case scenario. She almost wondered whether she should sit down in preparation for whatever he might be about to tell her.

  “Don’t look so defeated, dear. I do have to talk to you about something, but hopefully it won’t be a bad thing,” he said, trying his best to reassure her. Hannah really needed to learn how to hide her emotions and thoughts, because she seemed to be very transparent to everyone around her.

  “What is it, Mr. Silverstein?” Hannah didn’t sit down after he told her that it wasn’t a bad thing, but she did use the edge of her desk to brace herself. Bad was a relative term and it depended on what his definition of that word really was.

  “We need for you to go to Manhattan tomorrow. Some paperwork needs to be hand-delivered to a very important client, and we’d like for you to do that for us.”

  “Would this be the Anderson account?” she asked, and he nodded in response. Hannah had been doing a lot of work on it and the ins and outs of the potential contract were practically ingrained into her memory. “And you said that I would need to leave tomorrow?”

  Hannah had some weekend plans with Finley. They had planned to visit a small bed and breakfast in the English countryside, but surely he would understand if she needed to take a rain check. He’d cancelled many plans with her all in the name of work, so she doubted that he would be too upset if she had to do the same.

  “It would, and we would naturally arrange for you to fly out there tomorrow afternoon. There is a conference going on at the Hilton Midtown Inn. All you’ll be required to do is hand off some paperwork to Ronald Anderson, then mingle with his guests for a little while. We can schedule your return for Saturday, or even Sunday, if you would like to see the city.”

  It sounded easy enough and thinking about being in a large city all by herself, she quickly answered, “A Saturday return will be fine with me.”

  “Great. We’ll have the travel itinerary ready for you in the morning. Thank you for agreeing to go for us at the last minute. It’s very much appreciated.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad to help out in whatever way I can,” she said, just as Stanley Pritchard stepped inside of her office.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Miss Brinkley. A go-getter like yourself will go far here at Tucker Incorporated.” Hannah merely smiled at him, sure that he had a different idea of what a go-getter was.

  “If that’s all, gentlemen, I need to leave for the night.” There was no objection, so she swiftly made her way out of the place.

  Thinking about Finley, she hurried downstairs where he was waiting in the lobby for her. She stood back for just a few seconds and watched the interaction between him and the doorman. Finley never failed to stand out in a crowd, tall and lean, decked out in one of his expensive designer suits. He was beautiful, even though she knew that he would spank her ass ten different shades of red for attaching that adjective to any description of him. It was the truth, though, especially at times like this. Hannah moved closer and didn’t even bother to hide her shiver at the sound of his deep chuckle as he laughed at something the older man was telling him.

  He had to have sensed her presence, because he turned and the grin he flashed had her knees weakening slightly. There was something to be said about a man that could drop a woman’s defenses with nothing more than a look, word or smile. Finley could drop hers with any of the three. “Hello, Sir. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long. My bosses had to talk to me about something just as I was about to leave.”

  Finley had to have caught the way her voice changed when she mentioned Brian and Stanley. Tipping her chin up, his eyes searched hers, and she forced herself to not blurt out the topic of that discussion. “Is everything okay?”

  Flashing a smile, she nodded, “It is, however, I do need to discuss something with you. Are you ready to go home? We could always talk there.” Hannah hoped that he wouldn’t press the issue here in this building. Knowing that she risked disappointing him by cancelling their weekend plans, she didn’t relish doing that here at work.

  “I am. Let’s go home, baby girl.” His arms wrapped around her as he led her out of the building. Finley had chosen to drive one of his sports utility vehicles today, so she made her way over to it. Once inside the Lexus RX hybrid, she spent the entire ride home trying to decide how to break the bad news to him.

  Finley was quiet as well and only looked over at her occasionally. He was very intuitive and Hannah knew that the gears were turning in his mind. He then surprised her by stopping to pick up dinner instead of going straight home. Since it was carryout, it prolonged her reprieve, but not by much. Once they left the Chelsea Riverside Brasserie, they went straight back to the penthouse.

  She offered to help carry in either the food or his briefcase but he declined. She shrugged but respected his wishes, immediately excusing herself when they stepped inside. Since it looked like it would be an informal night at home, she went upstairs to change into something more comfortable.

  Ten minutes later, she entered the kitchen and watched as he was pulling the last container of food out of the bag. Finley had also changed clothes, opting for a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. She was a bit more dressed than he was, in a pair of pajama bottoms and snug tank top. He looked up at her and she felt his gaze move down her body. As they had done each time he appraised her, Hannah’s nipples hardened. The response wasn’t lost on him, because he gave her a knowing smirk.

  She ignored her body’s response to him and took her seat on one of the bar stools. “The food smells wonderful,” she told him, as she inhaled deeply, detecting the scent of pumpkin. But you smell even better, she acknowledged, when he stepped closer to her and she caught a whiff of his cologne.

  Finley set down two plates of ravioli before reaching beside him to grab the bottle of wine. It was a red variety which would pair perfectly with the chestnut-and-truffle-infused pasta. “I’m looking forward to getting away this weekend, baby girl.”

  She nearly dropped her fork at his remark, and she knew that she would need to tell him that they couldn’t go after all. “About that, Finley. I’ve been asked to head across the pond and present some paperwork in person. I’ll be leaving for New York City sometime in the afternoon tomorrow.” Hannah told him before adding an apology. “I was really looking forward to it as well. I’m sorry.”

  Finley’s face didn’t register anger or even disappointment. If she hadn’t known any better, she would have sworn he wasn’t upset about her breaking their plans at the last minute. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. I can cancel the reservation, and we’ll go at another time. I know how important business is, so don’t stress out about it at all.”

  Hannah nodded, so relieved that he was okay with her going. She had known when accepting the job that she might have to travel, even though she’d doubted that she would have to so early in her time there. Finley was okay with it, so she would be too. Now that she knew he wasn’t mad, she could actually look forward to seeing Manhattan. New York City was beautiful during the holidays. Maybe if she had time, she could go to see the tree at Rockefeller Center before heading back to London.

  “I’m glad to see that your spirits have improved, baby girl. There is only one bummer to the fact that we’re not going to be together this weekend.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, moments before he lowered his head. He touched his lips to hers, tasting and teasing her, only pulling away when she let a soft moan escape.

  “I’m going to miss not having you here to touch,” he told her as he ran his hands up her body, pulling her closer. “And not being able to taste and to fuck you, however and whenever I want.”

  Her breath hitched in her throat and her panties became damp. Suddenly Christmas trees and making her bosses proud didn’t seem like such great things. And neither did eating, which was good because she heard the sound of the dishes falling into the large sink as he cleared them away from their place on the island.

  Hannah heard and felt her shirt and shorts being torn from her as he quickly got her naked and set her atop the marble slab. It was cold beneath her ass, but she knew that she wouldn’t feel it much longer. Finley was already shirtless, so when he pulled her closer, she felt his warm skin flush against hers. He returned his mouth to her body, this time sliding across her neck as he worked his head lower. He scorched a trail over her collarbone with his heated breath, down to the top of her breasts, which suddenly felt heavy.

  He palmed each globe while continuing to kiss his way down to her throbbing nipples. Hannah dropped her head back on her shoulders when he latched his mouth onto one of them, and she had to grab him to hold herself upright. He swirled his tongue around, soothing the ache each time he bit down on the hardened peak. Finley was taking his leisurely time, content to tease and drive her mindless. He moved from one nipple to the other and lavished the exact same treatment on it. Each pull sent a similar rush of sensation straight down to her clit.

  Hannah felt her arousal only growing, and she cried out his name as he slid two fingers through her wet slit. He clearly intended to unravel her, not that he had to try that hard. She couldn’t resist him at all, even if she tried. The good thing for her was that she craved moments like this with him. Weaving her fingers through his hair, she held him close to her. “Oh yes,” she moaned, when his fingernail grazed the top of her clit.

  “I want to fucking ravish you, baby girl. Knowing that you won’t be here for me to touch makes me want to fuck you so hard and so much that you still feel me inside of you while you’re gone,” he rasped aloud. Raising his head completely, he removed her hands from his hair and nudged her gently until she laid all the way back. “I want to crawl so deep beneath your skin, leaving no question as to who you belong to.”

  “Yes, please,” she gasped watching as he pulled the bar stool over so that his face was now level with her sex. She could feel how wet she had become and knew that he could see it by the way he grinned. Moments later, she felt him spread her pussy lips apart then flatten his tongue against them, swiping it from her entrance to her clit. Hannah tried not to put too much stock into the possessiveness of his words and, thankfully, his actions between her legs helped with that. She could barely hold still, much less think about anyone or anything.

  He lifted her legs slightly so that he could gain a better angle. When he nipped down on her sensitive nub with his teeth, she lifted her arms above her head so she could grip the other edge of the stone counter. Finley was very talented with his mouth, working her rapidly toward the edge of orgasm. Then, as if on cue, he raised his head, causing her to groan out in frustration.

  The loss of his touch wasn’t for long, though, as he inserted three fingers, then a fourth, inside of her. Instantly her walls clamped down around them, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from turning his wrist so that he could now toy with her sweet spot. “God,” she whimpered, trying desperately not to disappoint him further by coming without permission. Finley had to know how close she was, because he continued the torturous pace, bringing her to the brink before pulling back, then starting all over again.

  It was always like this with him—and most Dominants, for that matter. They always knew what buttons to push and they did so very often. Hannah loved it, even though she would never openly admit it. There was nothing better than the feeling she got when hovering just at the edge. It was almost as if she were flying. It enhanced her orgasm then sent her hurtling back to reality even faster.

  He returned his mouth to her clit and the dueling attack sent her body into sensation overload. She had the hard thrusts of his fingers, stroking and exploring every intimate inch of her, and his lips, tongue and teeth making her tremble. Her grip on the counter was tenuous at best and her hold, much like her control, was rapidly slipping. “Please, Sir, I need to…”

  “Come, now!” he barked out, after raising his head for just a second. His face returned to between her thighs as she allowed herself to fly. She could feel the cum seeping out of her as she flooded his face with her release. He poked and prodded her, drawing out her orgasm for as long as he could before the last tremor passed and she collapsed bonelessly atop the marble. “You taste so fucking good, baby girl.”

  His words invoked a sense of pride and she smiled drowsily at him. It wasn’t until she heard the sound of a foil wrapper that she realized they were nowhere close to being done. She was sated but he had yet to be. Hannah heard the sound of the bar stool as it crashed to the tile floor seconds before Finley grabbed her legs, dragging her ass over the edge of the counter.

  Finley entered her in one hard thrust, burying every long inch of his cock inside. Her walls, still swollen from his earlier ministrations, clamped down around him as he shuttled in and out of her, soon driving her back to the edge she’d resided on moments before her last climax. He didn’t allow her time to acclimate to him as he set a frenzied rhythm. Enter…withdraw…enter…withdraw… Each thrust bumped her G-spot until her legs and thighs tightened as the pressure in them began to build.

  Hannah was convinced by the look on his face that Finley was getting close to his own climax. His expression had her mesmerized and, when he noticed her gaze on him and their eyes met, she read his lips as he mouthed the word ‘again’. It was the only one he needed to give and she came undone for him once more, however, not orgasming alone. “I…” he groaned out through gritted teeth before stopping. Whatever he was going to say was lost as he continued to thrust into her until every drop of his own release had been emptied inside of the condom.

  Chapter Eighteen

  After dropping Hannah off at Heathrow airport, Finley drove aimlessly around as he attempted to clear his head. London was a beautiful city during any s
eason but, during Christmastime, the entire place seemed to come alive in what was otherwise a dreary time of the year. He couldn’t seem to think about anything else but the last twelve hours with Hannah. The night before had started off perfectly until he’d almost blurted out his feelings for her. It was a rookie mistake and thank fuck he’d been able to catch himself before telling her that he loved her. From that moment on, he’d been pushing her farther away.

  Earlier this morning, Hannah had kept apologizing for ruining their plans and having to leave. What did I do to reassure her? I told her that it was fine because I had other things to do anyway. Then she told him that she would call to let him know that she’d made it to the States okay. Again, what did I do? I told her that she could simply text me. It wasn’t as if she needed to check in with me.

  Now because of his callous responses, he was the one driving around town, sulking like a bear with a wounded paw. The truth of the matter was that she meant more to him than any other woman ever had or ever would. The few hours that she had been gone from him only reconfirmed what his life would be like without her in it on a permanent basis. Maybe it was time to finally tell her how he truly felt.

  Finley grimaced slightly at that realization, but he knew it was the right one. He had been waiting on Hannah to reveal her deep, dark secrets, yet he’d never really given her a reason to. As he pulled his car up in front of the jewelry store, he knew what he needed to do. After getting out of his Lexus RX Hybrid, he pulled his jacket tightly around him then hurried inside.


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