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Page 4

by Marie Tuhart

  “I’m creative.” He eased his cock out of her pussy then fixed her thong back into place. He stepped away and smoothed her skirt down.

  Kelsey took a deep breath and faced him. God, he was handsome. His dark hair was slightly mussed from her fingers, his eyes still blazing with desire, and a slight grin played around his mouth.

  She ran her fingers down his face, tracing his lips. “I love you,” she whispered, the words pouring from her heart.

  It was the first time she allowed herself to say the words. In the past when she’d said them to her boyfriends, they’d cheated on her shortly after. She could barely breathe, gazing at Michael’s handsome face. She wanted him to know he was the love of her life no matter how she was afraid she was going to lose him to another woman.

  His eyes flashed fire. “You picked the damnedest time to tell me that.” He tucked his cock back into his pants before pulling her into his arms.

  She snuggled close to him. The moment had felt right, though she hadn’t meant to blurt it out right then. But part of her was glad she’d told him of her love.

  “Hey, you two,” yelled Chris.

  Kelsey glanced over Michael’s shoulder to see Chris standing outside the doors. “Time to come back inside. There are a few more people I’d like Michael to meet.”

  Michael blew out a breath. “Be right there,” he called back to Chris. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “No need to be sorry. This is part of your job.”

  He dropped a swift kiss on her lips before taking her hand and leading her back inside. Kelsey smiled and nodded when they strode back into the party. She’d survive the party now. And maybe the blonde tramp would get the message. Michael was hers.

  Chapter Four

  Kelsey walked into her office on Monday with a grin. After the party Friday night, Michael had taken her home and ravished her. And then they had spent the weekend just lounging around the house, spending some quality time together.

  Lord, she loved being with Michael. The thought had her dropping down into her office chair. She really hadn’t thought about being in love with Michael. Yes, she enjoyed his company and sex was out of this world. Hell, she blurted out her love for him Friday night. She hadn’t meant to do it right then.

  She shook her head. Today wasn’t the time to think about this. She had a meeting in thirty minutes and needed to get ready.

  At one, her phone rang and she picked up the receiver. “Kelsey here.”

  “Hello, sweet Kelsey.” Michael’s husky voice swept over her skin like a lover’s caress.

  “What’s up?” Kelsey smiled.

  “Can’t I just call my lady love to talk?”

  She paused. Lady love?

  Don’t get to serious, Michael had warned when they first moved in together. He wasn’t ready for marriage, and she wasn’t, either.

  “Yes, but that’s not who you are.” She took a deep breath. He’d rather talk and do things in person, not over the phone. Well, except last week when he was in Dom mode and didn’t have a choice.

  “You know me too well.” He let out a chuckle. “Listen, Chris called me and wants me to come in this afternoon to run through another scene. So I’ll be late getting home tonight.”

  “Okay.” Kelsey nibbled at her lower lip. She trusted Michael, but she didn’t trust that blonde bombshell.

  “I’ll do my best to be home by seven. Don’t work too hard.” With that he hung up and Kelsey fought against calling him back for reassurance.

  Hadn’t she dealt with her ex’s infidelity by now? Michael wasn’t like them. They’d been together for over a year now and had lived together for eight months. He had never cheated on her, and he wouldn’t. But she didn’t have to like temptation being thrown in his face.

  She sighed. Nothing she could do about it. Michael had his job, and she had hers. Determined to shut out her misgivings, she opened the Robinson file and got to work.


  Michael sat on the sofa in the family room and hung up the phone with a frown. Kelsey sounded off. She probably didn’t like he was going to be late tonight. Throughout their time together, they always tried to have dinner together when possible. It was their way of keeping their relationship fresh and together. Michael tried to put thoughts of Kelsey out of his head, but the Dom inside him was disturbed.

  “Thanks for coming, Michael,” Chris said when Michael walked into the studio office an hour later.

  “No problem.” Michael tried not to frown. Was Chris having him in the office a good thing?

  “Please, sit.”

  Michael settled into the plush chair, and forced himself not to tap his foot.

  “I know you’re probably wondering why I asked you in here,” Chris said.

  “Yes.” Damn, maybe he didn’t do as good on the last audition as he thought.

  “Michael you’re a good actor.”

  “I hear a ‘but’ at the end of that.”

  Chris leaned forward, his elbows on his desk. “I need to know if you can work with Samantha Collins.”

  His muscles tightened up. “Work, yes. Anything outside of the film, no.” He wasn’t going to do that to Kelsey. Hell, he wouldn’t do that to any woman he was in a relationship with.

  “I sensed some tension between you and Samantha on Saturday.” Chris sat back in his chair and stared at Michael.

  “Look, Chris. I’m in a relationship, and it’s solid. Samantha was flirting and trying to make trouble. I’m sorry if it bothers you.” Michael started to rise.

  “Sit back down.”

  Chris ran his hand through his dark hair and kept his green gaze on him. Michael bit back a groan as he sank onto the chair. The last thing he wanted to do was piss off Chris, but he wasn’t going to allow anyone to hurt Kelsey.

  “I want you for this part, Michael, but the media will link you and Samantha together. I need to know if you can handle that.”

  “I can.” He let out a breath.

  “What about Kelsey?”

  Michael opened his mouth then shut it. She wouldn’t be happy. Hell, she’d probably get angry, but he’d reassure her he wasn’t like her past boyfriends. He needed this job. “I’ll talk with her.”

  “Good.” Chris stood up. “Now let’s go out and get some more of you on the film. While it’s ultimately my decision, I have to prove to everyone you’re the right actor for the job.”

  He let out a silent sigh of relief. “I appreciate the chance, Chris. I really want to do this film.”

  “Good.” Chris slapped him on the back.


  Three days later, as he sat for one of the first press conferences, Michael was beginning to have doubts about the film. Oh, not about his acting ability. So far, he’d been able to keep his dislike of Samantha under control, but today there was a media blitz.

  “So Michael, how do you feel about playing the part of Derek in Caroline?” a reporter asked as he shoved a microphone in Michael’s face.

  Michael faked a smile. “If I get the job, I will do my best to brink Derek to life and be a guy the audience can root for.”

  “And what about you, Samantha?”

  “I can’t wait to work with, Michael.” Samantha slipped her hand onto his forearm, and Michael fought his natural reaction to bat it away. “He’s such a sweetheart.” She leaned closer, her ultra sweet breath brushing his cheek.

  “And you, Michael. How do you feel about Samantha?”

  His fake grin widened. “Samantha is a consummate actress.” Consummate pain in the ass, he added silently.

  Samantha let out a laugh. “We’ve got something special going both on and off screen.”

  “Fantastic.” Flash bulbs went off and then the reporters were leaving.

  Michael took a deep breath, stood, the motion forcing Samantha to remove her hand from his arm. Chris herded the press to the front of the building, and Michael tuned to Samantha the second they were out of earshot.

  “We don’t have anyth
ing off screen.” He kept his voice low, but his tone was hard. A submissive would flinch at the finality in his words. But not Samantha. She just smiled.

  “Not yet.” She stood, leaned toward him, her hands on his chest. “Once we start filming, we’re going to be spending a lot of time together. Don’t fight the attraction.”

  “Great job,” Chris said, walking up to the pair. Samantha dropped her hands. Michael took a step back.

  “Why the media invites?” he asked Chris.

  “The studio wants to create a little hype. They know you’re my choice, Michael. All we have to do is show them one love scene between you and Samantha, and it’s in the bag.”

  “Love scene?” How did Michael not see this coming?

  “Don’t stress. It’s nothing major. I’ve emailed the pages to you, and it won’t happen until next Wednesday. You’ll have plenty of time to prepare.” With that, Chris marched away.

  Shit. Michael wasn’t prepared for this right now. Hell, how was he going to prepare Kelsey for this? He figured they wouldn’t do a love scene until they were into filming, not before.

  “I can’t wait until next Wednesday.” Samantha all but purred, leaning close. “I’ll be naked in your arms with your skin against mine. Who knows what will happen.” She turned, and sashayed away.

  Naked? What the hell? Chris had told him no nudity. Michael reined in his temper. Samantha was pulling his leg, but he needed to read those pages.


  Kelsey tossed the salad as she waited for Michael to arrive. He’d called her about forty minutes ago to say he was on his way home. He’d been working hard this week, trying to secure his role in the movie.

  She hated he was working so hard, but she knew it was only going to get worse. Once they were filming, she could expect him to be gone twelve to sixteen hours a day. She’d find a way to deal with it. Michael wanted this part, and she would support him.

  The phone rang, and Kelsey picked it up. “Hello.”

  “Hello, Kelsey dear.” The female voice sounded familiar, but Kelsey couldn’t place it.

  “Who is this?”

  “Samantha Collins. I was just calling to let you know you might want to go check out the report on the web—movie news dot com. It’s a good interview with myself and Michael. Chow.” The line went dead.

  Kelsey hung up the receiver. She and Michael kept an old-fashion landline for emergencies.

  Shaking, she strode to the desk with her laptop and sat down. She typed in the website and waited for it to load.

  Her heart stopped beating as the website popped up and the interview loaded. Hollywood’s newest couple. Kelsey closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened them. She began to read the article.

  Typical Hollywood reporter hype. Splashy headline to get a person to read the article, but nothing to indicate there was anything but business between Samantha and Michael. She sighed and shut down her laptop.

  She’d have to put up with articles like this when Michael got the part, but a little section of her mind reminded her that this was how her other boyfriends were lured away.

  A key turning in the lock had Kelsey rising from the chair. Michael pushed opened the front door.

  “Hi, sweetie,” she said.

  “Hi.” Lines of tiredness creased around his eyes, his lips pursed.

  “Bad day?” she asked, crossing the room to him.

  “I’ve had better.” He slipped off his jacket and hung it in the closet then turned and pulled her into his arms.

  Kelsey slipped her arms around to his back, pressing her cheek against his shirt-covered chest. Sickly sweet perfume tickled her nose. Not again. She fought her insecurities.

  “Dinner is almost ready.”

  “Is that pot roast I smell?” He nuzzled her neck.

  “Yep, along with potatoes and carrots.”

  “You spoil me.” He tilted her chin up and brushed his lips over hers. “Do I have time for a shower?”

  “Yes, if you make it quick.” She released him and stepped back.

  “Great. Samantha Collins rubbed up against me during an interview. I smell like a whorehouse.” He smacked her on the ass as he strode toward the bedroom.

  Kelsey’s heart lightened. See? There was nothing to worry about.


  “Oh hell,” Michael muttered the next day at home in his favorite recliner. He’d just finished reading the pages for the love scene. Now he understood Samantha’s smugness. It wasn’t just a short on screen kiss and fade to black. They were going to be in bed together. While he understood the need for a love scene, he didn’t want to risk his relationship with Kelsey. But he was an actor and he would do his job.

  Now how to break it to Kelsey. He looked up at the clock. It was five, and she should be on her way home soon. Maybe he’d order a pizza for dinner. They could cuddle and have a play session. Then he’d approach her about it.

  The phone rang. “Hello.”

  “Hey, Michael, it’s Chris.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I was wondering if you could attend a dinner party tomorrow night.”

  “Sure. What time?” Kelsey would enjoy another night out.

  “Seven, but…” Chris cleared his throat. “It’s only you, Michael. I’m having some of the other executives for the movie over, and it’s going to be a dinner meeting.”

  And that left Kelsey out. He didn’t like it, but he didn’t have a choice. This was his career. “Okay. I’ll be there.”

  “Great. I’ll text you my address, and I’ll see you tomorrow at seven.”

  He’d barely hung the phone up when Kelsey came breezing in the door. “I’m home,” she called out.

  “Hey, honey.” He crossed to her and drew her into a hug.

  His lips captured hers before she could take a breath. Lord, he loved her soft lips, the way she slid her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair. It was heaven to have her in his arms. When he lifted his head, her eyes were glazed over with desire.

  “I was thinking pizza for dinner.”

  “Sounds good to me.” She laid her head on his chest. “It’s been a long week. I’m so glad it’s Friday.”

  “Me, too.” He caressed her back. “Why don’t you go slip into your comfy clothes, I’ll call for the pizza and find a movie we can watch.”

  “Perfect.” She tilted her head up and kissed his chin before slipping out of his embrace.

  Later that night, Michael stared down at Kelsey while she slept in his arms. She’d been so tired she’d fallen asleep before the movie ended. She’d been putting in long hours, trying to get the Robinson project done. Part of him was upset he didn’t talk to her about the dinner tomorrow night, but another part was happy he let it go. His Dom side wanted to look after her well being and not upset her.

  He’d picked her up and carried her to bed, cleaned up their dinner and locked up. She hadn’t moved. He was wide awake, but didn’t want to be anywhere else.

  After the last few days of having to deal with Samantha Collins, he didn’t want Kelsey to feel threatened in any way. She shifted in her sleep, and murmured, “I love you, Michael.”

  His heart began to pound.

  Joy hit is veins once again. She’d said the words at the party after he had fucked her, but not since. He was so in love with her, but he held himself back from telling her. His fear of losing her was based on his past. Kelsey came from a loving family. He’d come from a broken home. Anytime he voiced his love, he’d been ridiculed for it. His father had beat into him that love didn’t put food on the table.

  Kelsey knew all of this and she never judged him, but there were times he didn’t feel good enough for her. And after she told him about her other two boyfriends cheating on her, he vowed never to hurt her emotionally or physically.

  Maybe it was time to start thinking about asking her to marry him. If she loved him, then maybe, just maybe, she’d be receptive to his proposal. His arms tightened around her.

  Tomorrow, he’d explain about the dinner party, and then he’d figure out when and where to ask her to marry him. Because now that the idea had taken root in his mind, he couldn’t wait to ask her.

  Chapter Five

  Kelsey woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. She grinned and stretched. Michael must be up already. She rose with a yawn and went into the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she sauntered into the kitchen.

  “Good morning,” she said as she entered, and her mind went blank. Michael stood at the stove in nothing but boxers and an apron.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.” He turned from the stove and gave her a wink. “Coffee is ready. Breakfast in five.”

  “You are a doll.” She tiptoed over to him. She brushed her lips over his and pulled back when he went to deepen the kiss. “Don’t burn the bacon.”

  Michael laughed as she slid over to the coffee pot. “Well, I know where I rank.”

  “Yep, bacon first, Michael second.” She poured herself some coffee, added cream and sugar. Then she got Michael a cup with only a splash of cream.

  Kelsey placed the mugs on the table, surprised to see it already set with plates and silverware. “Someone has been busy this morning.”

  “I wanted to cook breakfast for you.”

  “Interesting.” She studied his back. While he might act happy and carefree, something was up. A subtle tension in his shoulders and back told her that he was worried. She took her seat at the table, sipping her coffee while she observed him.

  When he turned from the stove, he had a platter full of eggs, bacon, and toast. Her mouth watered. She was hungry. Lunch had only been a sandwich, grabbed on the run to yet another meeting, and then at dinner last night she had been so tired. She’d only had one piece of pizza before she had curled up in Michael’s arms and had fallen asleep.

  “Want to spill?” she said as she loaded her plate with food.

  “Did I spill something?” He filled his plate as well, but his gaze was on her.

  Kelsey grinned. “Not yet. Maybe you should have made pancakes then we could have licked syrup off of each other’s bodies.”


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