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Page 5

by Marie Tuhart

  His blue eyes darkened with desire. “Eat.” He almost growled the word.

  “What, you don’t want to play?” She was pushing him, but damn if she didn’t like the lust in his eyes.

  “Oh, we will play but on my terms.”

  Kelsey stuck out her lower lip, and Michael laughed. She smiled and then dug into her food.

  “I need to go out tonight,” Michael said after she’d taken several bites.

  “Where are we going?” She’d rather stay at home.

  “Not we. Me.” He took a sip of his coffee and set the cup down. “Chris is having a dinner party for some of the movie executives, and he wants me there.”

  “And will Samantha be there?” She winced. Her insecurities were showing, but damn it, that woman was worse than a leech.

  “I’m sure she will.” His eyes narrowed. “Samantha means nothing to me.”

  “I know, but…” She set her fork down as her appetite fled.


  “I can’t help it.” She pushed her chair back. “She’s always getting into your personal space.”

  “Unfortunately, it’s part of the business.” He ran his hand through his hair. “This one role will lead to bigger and better roles. I’ve worked a long time to get here.”

  “I know you have. It doesn’t mean I have to like it,” she muttered.

  “No, but it’s my job. I’m sure I won’t be very late tonight.”

  “I still don’t have to like it.” She stood up and took her empty plate to the sink.

  “I won’t stray,” Michael whispered in her ear. She hadn’t even heard him get up from the table.

  “I know.”

  “Then trust me. I’ll be home by ten.”


  Kelsey glanced at the clock from her spot on the sofa. It was eleven forty-five. So much for Michael being home by ten. She fought the urge to text him to see what he was doing. She’d worked with enough Hollywood execs to know dinner parties could turn into marathon meetings.

  By one, Kelsey went to bed, but she wasn’t happy. She wanted Michael with her. She wanted his arms wrapped around her while she slept. Is this what it was going to feel like when he took the part? Missing him every second. Kelsey wasn’t sure she was strong enough to get through this.


  The next morning, Michael rolled over to find Kelsey’s side of the bed empty. Frowning, he sat up. Where was she? The better question was how angry was she? He hadn’t gotten home until three in the morning.

  He tried to text Kelsey to let her know he was hung up, but each time he pulled his phone out, he was interrupted by one person or another. By the time the conversation around the movie died down, it was after one thirty.

  Then had come the call about Samantha. Chris had asked Michael to help him out, and he’d agreed. It had taken them another forty minutes to drag Samantha out of the club and get her into the car so Chris could get her home.

  Michael made his way out of bed, into the bathroom, and then downstairs. Music was coming from the kitchen. That was a good sign. He stepped into the doorway, and a grin crossed his lips. Kelsey was cutting vegetables at the counter, her delectable hips swaying to the country music on the radio. He maneuvered behind her.

  “Careful, I have a knife.”

  He laughed and slipped his arms around her waist. “Good morning. What are you doing?”

  “Making the salad for the barbecue today.” She turned her head and brushed a kiss across his cheek as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

  “What barbecue?”

  “Michael Aaron Levin, you forgot my parents’ barbecue?”

  “Sorry, baby.” He squeezed her waist and kissed her temple. “With everything going on this week, I did.”

  Darn, he’d hoped they could have some down time today, but he couldn’t disappoint Kelsey. He wanted to talk with her about the love scene but also woo her a bit more because he kept thinking about proposing to her.

  He really should talk to her dad first. It was old-fashioned, but Michael wanted to ask Kelsey’s dad for her hand in marriage. “What time do we need to be there?”

  “Mom said noon.” She scooped the vegetables into her hands and tossed them into a big bowl holding lettuce.

  He glanced at the clock. It was ten. At least he had enough time to clean up and dress. “I’m off to the shower.”

  Kelsey admired Michael’s tight ass in his briefs as he sauntered out of the kitchen. She sighed and went back to the salad preparations. If they had more time, she’d follow him and have some fun. But he hadn’t gotten home until three in the morning, and she’d let Michael sleep when she’d gotten up.

  The phone rang, and Kelsey wiped her hands on the towel before picking up the receiver. “Hello.” Probably her mom who didn’t like cell phones.

  “I need to talk to Michael,” a female voice said.

  Kelsey’s eyes widened at the woman’s demanding tone. She shook her head. She wasn’t about to play this woman’s game. “Who is this?”

  A loud sigh made its way through the phone lines. “Samantha Collins. Now let me talk to Michael.”

  “I’m sorry, but he’s unavailable. Can I take a message?” Kelsey kept her temper in check by counting to ten in her head.

  “Tell him to call me right away. After our time together last night, I need him to escort me to a party tonight.”

  Kelsey’s mouth dropped open. The nerve of this woman. “That will not be possible. Michael happens to be in a relationship with me.”

  “Oh, honey, you may think that. Last night I held him in my arms. Just tell him to call me.” The line went dead.

  Taking a deep breath, Kelsey hung up the receiver instead of throwing it across the room. No sense in ruining a perfectly good cordless phone. Taking a few more breaths, her muscles began to loosen.

  Who did Samantha Collins think she was? Anger hit her veins once again. Michael had done a commercial with her and spent time in her company last night. So what? But that was it. Taking a calming breath, Kelsey went back to her salad. She wasn’t going to rise to the bait. This woman was trying to make trouble.

  After finishing her preparations, Kelsey went upstairs and changed from sweatpants into shorts. The weather was going to get warm today. Kelsey pulled her T-shirt over her head, and Michael sauntered out of the bathroom. Nude. She stopped and just stared at him.

  She loved this man. From the tip of his dark hair to the toes on his feet. He was solid muscle and an incredible lover, especially when they were in Dom and sub mode. He had a wicked sense of humor, and she loved the way he always took care of her.

  “Keep staring at me like that, and we’ll never make it to the barbecue.”

  Kelsey grinned and ducked her head. He laughed and crossed to the dresser.


  An hour later, Michael pulled up to Kelsey’s parents’ house in West Covina. It was an older neighborhood, and her parents had lived there for a long time. Michael parked the SUV in the driveway next to Kelsey’s brother’s minivan. After helping Kelsey from the car, he picked up the huge bowl of salad. The whole gang would be here today. Sometimes, Kelsey’s family overwhelmed him, but they all welcomed him with open arms, so he enjoyed himself.

  He followed Kelsey up the path to the house, and she pushed open the front door and closed it behind him.

  “We’re out back,” yelled her mom, Jessica.

  “Of course you are,” Kelsey yelled back, striding over to the screen door to slide it fully open.

  The backyard never failed to impress Michael. As Kelsey had explained it to him, her dad, George, and his brother, Paul, had bought the two houses side by side. They fixed them up, and when the kids came along, they took down the fence between the two properties.

  George had put in a swimming pool, and Paul had renovated his backyard with grass to play football and a play area for the smaller kids to enjoy.

  “Kelsey. Michael.” Jessica jumped up from the lounge chair
and hugged her daughter. “George, take the salad from Michael, so I can give him a hug.”

  George grinned, relieved Michael of the bowl, and carried it inside.

  Jessica enveloped Michael in a big hug. “I’m so glad you both could come over today.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” he said, and it was true. He loved Kelsey’s family. They always made him feel so welcome and a part of the group.

  “And you can help me with the barbecue,” George said, slapping Michael on the back as he returned outside. “That’s men’s work.”

  With a wink at Kelsey, Michael followed George to the huge charcoal grill where Kelsey’s brothers, Bob and Jake, waited.

  “The coals are hot, Michael. You’re the official cook today.” Bob handed him an apron.

  Michael loved being treated like a normal person and not some movie person, and he was grateful for how Kelsey’s family had welcomed him into the fold. His own family was so dysfunctional. His father had left them when he was ten, and his mother lived on alcohol. Michael learned to take care of himself from an early age.

  “Yeah, don’t burn the food,” Jake said.

  “I’ll do my best,” Michael said. He’d never barbequed anything. Nothing like a little pressure to make a man perform.


  An hour later, sweet laughter caught Michael’s attention, and his heart ached at the sound. Kelsey played with her nieces and nephews in the pool. How would he feel to see his kids in that pool? Kelsey would make a great mother.

  “So when are you going to make an honest woman of my little girl?” George asked.

  Michael almost dropped the burger he was flipping. The man was a damn mind reader. He’d been thinking about just that for the last few days.

  “Give him a break, Dad,” Bob said as he walked up.

  Jean, Bob’s wife, joined them. “Yeah, they’ve only been living together…what is it? Six or seven months now.”

  “Seven,” Kelsey’s sister, Wendy, said from her position by the food table.

  “Well, she is my baby girl,” George said.

  Michael glanced over at the pool. Kelsey was frowning at the group gathered around him, but he smiled and waved. He didn’t mind their questioning. They were only looking after someone they loved. It was something unique to him.

  “Oh, don’t badger the poor boy,” Jessica said, striding over from the house to shoo her sons and daughters away.

  “Jess—” George started.

  “Don’t ‘Jess’ me, Georgie. Michael makes our baby girl happy, and that’s all I need.” She entwined her arms with her husband’s. “Now come, help me set out the salads.”

  The pair walked away, and Michael’s heart constricted. He hadn’t had a family like this. His mother had been an alcoholic and his father…Michael could barely remember the man who had walked out when he was ten, but his father's life lessons had stayed with him.

  This was a loving, happy family. They’d embraced him from the very first meeting. His gaze sought Kelsey once again. She’d make a great wife and mother. As soon as they ate, he’d draw her father aside and speak with him. Right now, everyone was watching. And then maybe after this audition was over, he’d find the right moment to propose.

  But first, he had to get through the love scene audition. And tell Kelsey about it.

  Chapter Six

  Mondays suck, Kelsey thought as she drove home that evening. It had been a long day of meetings and conference calls. She’d told her boss they should put a moratorium on how many changes a client could make. There had been an accident on the freeway, which made her get home over an hour later than normal. She’d texted Michael, but all she got back was okay. She hoped his day had gone better than hers.

  She opened the front door and the heavenly scent of garlic bread teased her nose. Michael had cooked for her. She smiled. He was always taking care of her.

  “I’m home,” she called.

  “Dinner in ten,” he yelled from the kitchen.

  “Bless you.” She bounded up the stairs and changed into shorts and a T-shirt, leaving her feet bare. Then she ran downstairs and into the kitchen.

  “That smells delicious. I missed lunch.” Kelsey brushed a kiss over Michael’s cheek as he pulled the bread from the oven. Lasagna already sat on the counter. This would be hell on the waistline but totally worth it.

  “Busy day?” he asked, cutting the bread.

  “More so than usual.” She pulled plates and flatware out and set the table in the small nook area.

  Michael carried over the lasagna and bread. He served her a big slice of lasagna and handed her the breadbasket. He pulled a bottle of red wine out of the fridge and poured them each a glass.

  Kelsey took a bite of lasagna. Her eyes closed in bliss as the cheese and sauce melted on her tongue. “You are a fantastic cook.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere, my love.”

  Kelsey’s fork stilled. He had said “love.” He hadn’t done that before. “How was your day?” she asked, trying not to let her emotions get the better part of her. He probably didn’t even realize what he’d said. She tried not to dwell on the fact she’d said “I love you” and he hadn’t.

  “Good. I talked to Chris today. I go back on Wednesday.”

  “That’s fantastic. For Caroline?”


  “Michael, that’s huge.” She jumped up, rounded the table, and gave him a big hug. “I knew that part was perfect for you.”

  No matter how much she didn’t want to go to the party the other night, and him going out on Saturday night it was worth it for Michael.

  “It could be the boost my career needs.”

  The tone of his voice put Kelsey on alert. Something else was going on. And she guessed it might be Samantha Collins. “You’ll do fine.” She gave him another squeeze before returning to her seat.

  “Yeah.” He set his fork down. “Kelsey. I have to tell you, it’s a full-blown love scene with Samantha Collins.”

  Kelsey’s appetite fled. That woman was a barracuda if she’d ever seen one. And she hadn’t told Michael about her calling the house. Kelsey pushed her plate away.

  “I’ve already talked to Chris. You’re welcome to come to the audition with me.”

  “Yeah, like I want to see you make love to that…witch.” Kelsey stood. What was she going to do?

  “Kelsey.” Michael stood and started toward her.

  “No.” She held up her hands in front of her. If he touched her right now, she’d break down. “I have to think about this.”

  “Kelsey, you do understand this movie could be my big break?”

  “Yes.” Kelsey swallowed. His big break, but where did it leave her? “And what happens if you do get the part?”

  “What do you mean?” He began gathering up the uneaten food.

  “I mean how many love scenes will you have with Samantha Collins?”

  “I don’t know.” He put the food in the fridge, and then turned to Kelsey.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” Did he not want to tell her? Was there something between him and Samantha?

  Damn her insecurity was showing, but she couldn’t help it. She’d lost two other men to their leading ladies. She couldn’t lose Michael; she didn’t think she’d survive it.

  “Kelsey, I haven’t read the entire script—only pieces. Once Chris confirms I have the role then I’ll see the full script.”

  Okay, she could deal with this, couldn’t she? She wasn’t sure at this moment. There were too many odd things. Samantha calling, perfume on his shirt, him coming in late on Saturday when he promised to be home early…

  “I—” The ringing of the phone interrupted her. Maybe it was a good thing, because she didn’t even know what she was going to say. Her heart was heavy while her brain told her to be logical. Her past history with men wasn’t the best.

  “Yes.” Michael’s voice was tight. “How the hell did you get this number?” Kelsey’s eyes widened at his t
one. “Don’t call me here again.” He slammed the receiver down.

  “Who was that?” she asked, keeping her tone soft and even.

  “No one that should be calling.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Back to Wednesday.”

  “I need some time, Michael.” Her mind became jumbled with images of him and Samantha entwined.

  He let out a breath. “I don’t like it, either.”

  “Honey.” She crossed the room and put her hand on his rigid forearm. “I really hadn’t thought about you and her in a love scene. I need time to adjust. To get this into perspective.”

  “Very well.”

  “Are you mad?”

  “Not mad, frustrated.” He strode from the room, and Kelsey wondered if she could weather this storm.


  Tuesday started off even worse than Monday for Kelsey. She got a flat tire on the way to work. When she finally got there, Robinson and crew where foaming at the mouth about being kept waiting even though they weren’t supposed to be there. And now the last person she expected to see just waltzed into her office.

  Samantha Collins.

  “Quaint office.” She was dressed in a black mini-skirt with a bright red blouse. The scent of Samantha’s sweet perfume tickled Kelsey’s nose. The same scent she’d sniffed on Michael’s shirts. Her heart constricted. She trusted Michael, didn’t she?

  “What can I do for you, Miss Collins?” Kelsey straightened her spine. She wouldn’t let this woman intimidate her.

  “Oh, I just wanted to stop by and let you know you should check out that website again. There are some very interesting pictures you might like to see.” Samantha sauntered over to her desk. “You can’t keep him, Kelsey. Michael is all mine now. Tomorrow on the set will prove it.” Samantha turned and left.

  Kelsey sank down in her chair, shaking with anger and fear. Tomorrow? Oh Lord, the love scene. Okay, breathe. She forced herself to take deep, even breaths until she her chest stopped constricting. She really shouldn’t…but she couldn’t stop her fingers from typing that site on her computer.

  The page popped up, and her eyes widened and then tears filled them. There was a picture of Michael and Samantha in a full-on kiss. Kelsey blinked, trying to clear the moisture in her eyes.


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