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An American Life

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by Ronald Reagan

  North Korea, 369–70

  Northwestern University, 58, 65

  Notre Dame University, 90, 91, 94, 453

  Nuclear freeze, 552–54, 557, 558, 566, 568–70, 574

  Nuclear weapons

  arms race, 267–68

  Cuba and, 472

  defensive shield against, see Strategic Defense Initiative

  at end of World War II, 273

  Iraq and, 413

  MAD policy and, 257–58, 265

  reduction in, see Arms control

  Soviet preponderance of, 220, 234, 294–95

  O’Brien, Pat, 84, 90–91

  O’Connor, Sandra Day, 280, 282

  Office of Management and Budget, 253, 314

  Oglesby, M. B., 725

  Ohio State University, 330

  Oklahoma Outlaws, 78

  O’Leary, Jerry, 725

  Onassis, Jacqueline, 219

  O’Neill, Tip, 233, 250–51, 322, 329, 331, 386, 403, 639, 660

  and Central America policy, 479, 484

  economic recovery program opposed by, 234, 250, 284–85, 288, 306, 313, 317, 318

  and Grenada invasion, 454

  MX missile opposed by, 601, 610

  nuclear testing moratorium advocated by, 660

  in Soviet Union, 615

  Oregon, University of, 330

  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 610

  Organization of American States (OAS), 299, 473

  Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, 449, 454

  Orlov, Yuri, 645, 673, 674

  Ortega, Daniel, 481, 616

  Osborne, Kathy, 8, 539, 695, 725

  Osborne, Shelley, 725

  Ottawa economic summit, 350, 352

  Pakistan, 619, 703

  Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 408, 409, 412, 413, 417–424, 426–28, 430, 431, 435, 439–41, 445, 446, 464, 489, 507, 508, 704

  Palestinians, 414, 432, 434, 442, 492, 493, 511

  Palmer, Colonel B. J., 63

  Panama, 366, 704

  Panama Canal, 202, 473

  Paramount Studios, 117, 118, 171

  Parker, Dorothy, 79

  Parkinson, Gaylord, 150

  Parliament, British, 352, 554–55

  Parr, Jerry, 259–62

  Paye, Jean-Claude, 610

  Peace through Strength policy, 549, 564

  Pearl Harbor, Japanese bombing of, 96, 97

  Pensions of federal employees, 340

  Pentecostalists, 558, 572, 597

  Pepitone, Nino, 103

  Per capita income, increases in, 402

  Peres, Shimon, 427, 439, 493, 506

  Perestroika, 683, 702–3, 708, 709

  Pershing II missiles, 295, 296, 353, 551, 580, 581, 586, 592, 599, 621, 645, 653, 699

  Pertini, Alessandro, 388, 390

  Phalange Christian militia, 412, 437

  Philadelphia Story, The, 80

  Philip, Prince, 354, 387, 568

  Philippines, 187, 362–67, 507, 515, 703

  Pickford, Mary, 58

  Pitney, H. C, 26, 32, 54

  Plante, Bill, 725

  Poindexter, John, 364, 365, 517, 535, 667, 668, 673, 721

  Iran-Contra role of, 486, 509, 516, 522, 526, 528–30, 533, 534, 541–43

  Poland, 267, 301–6, 368, 372, 703

  economy of, 238

  martial law in, 299, 303–4, 320, 549, 551, 552, 557, 575

  Pork-barrel legislation, 336, 338

  Poseidon submarines, 620

  Poverty programs, 198–99

  Powell, Lieutenant General Colin, 535, 540, 722

  Pravda, 377

  Press, 392–94

  and Bitburg visit, 378, 379, 382

  budget process and, 337

  cancer surgery reported in, 502

  Central America and, 479–82, 485

  and Daniloff affair, 668, 674

  defense policy and, 572

  economic program criticized by, 307

  and Grenada invasion, 455, 456

  and Iran-Contra affair, 486, 527–530, 534

  and Libyan air raids, 518–19

  during 1980 campaign, 209–10

  and Strategic Defense Initiative, 548

  Prime interest rate, 230, 298, 306, 322

  Princeton University, 58

  Private Sector Initiatives Program, 398

  Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, see Grace Commission

  Procurement regulations, 340


  erosion of, 207

  increased, 335, 346–48

  investment to spur, 476

  Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO), 282–83

  Prohibition, 33, 53

  Property taxes, 191, 207

  Proposition 13, 207

  Protectionism, 241–42, 355, 356, 382

  Japanese, 515

  Qaddafi, Muammar al-, 280–82, 290, 444, 474, 496, 511, 514, 515, 517–20, 645, 655, 664, 704

  Quayle, Dan, 719, 723

  Quayle, Marilyn, 723

  Quiet diplomacy

  with Cuba, 475

  in Middle East, 504

  with Soviet Union, 567, 572, 575, 582, 592, 599, 601, 615, 686

  Rabin, Yitzhak, 495

  Racial bigotry, 105

  charges of, 149–50, 220, 221, 401–402

  parents’ opposition to, 30, 52

  Radio Free Europe, 606, 720

  Radio Liberty, 720

  Rafsanjani, Hashemi, 529

  Ramos, Lieutenant General Fidel, 363

  Randall, Gene, 725

  Ratushinskaya, Irina, 686–87

  Reagan, Ashley (grandchild), 565

  Reagan, Cameron (grandchild), 565

  Reagan, Colleen (Michael’s wife), 565

  Reagan, Doria (Ron’s wife), 322

  Reagan, Jack (father), 21–26, 28, 30–34, 36–39, 44, 52–55, 62, 90, 124

  alcoholism of, 32–34, 41, 93–94

  in California, 87, 92–94

  Catholic background of, 22, 31, 94

  cigarette smoking by, 53

  death of, 94

  discrimination opposed by, 30, 52, 402

  as federal program administrator in Dixon, 67–69, 101

  heart disease of, 31, 71, 93

  Irish ancestors of, 373, 374

  Roosevelt supported by, 66

  Reagan, Maureen (daughter), 92, 155, 378, 460, 534, 564, 565

  Reagan, Michael (great-grandfather), 373, 374

  Reagan, Michael (son), 92, 155, 564–565

  Reagan, Nancy, 7, 131, 132, 315, 385, 395, 396, 443, 449, 452, 490, 497, 532, 559, 571, 610, 611, 656

  antidrug campaign of, 437, 503, 702

  and assassination attempt, 260–61

  in Berlin, 680

  birth of children of, 125, 130

  and Bitburg cemetery visit, 377–81, 383

  and bombing of Marine barracks in Beirut, 453, 459

  and British royal family, 274, 287, 387–88

  and California governorship, 155, 166–67, 170–73, 176, 184, 191

  cancer surgery of, 693–95

  at Camp David, 396, 397, 464, 529, 609, 673

  and Challenger disaster, 403

  in China, 368–71

  at D-day anniversary ceremony, 375

  daily routine in White House, 249, 250

  on election day 1980, 221–22

  and “Evil Empire” speech, 570

  Feltsman and, 686

  at Ford’s Theater, 254, 255

  in Foster Grandparents Program, 187, 195, 204

  in Geneva, 11, 15, 634, 640

  and ghosts in White House, 399–400

  Goldwater and, 138, 141, 143

  on goodwill missions for Nixon, 186–88

  Gorbachevs and, 658, 701

  Gromyko and, 605

  and gubernatorial campaign, 145–148

  as hostess in White House, 389–91

  Imelda Marcos and, 365–67<
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  at inauguration, 225, 228–29

  leaving White House, 719, 721–726

  marriage of, 121–24

  in Moscow, 705, 709–11

  mother’s death, 695–97

  and 1968 campaign, 178

  at 1976 Republican convention, 202, 203

  and 1980 campaign, 214, 219, 221

  personnel changes urged by, 533, 536–38

  press and, 394

  at ranch, 192–95, 245, 275–77, 326, 331, 387, 503, 517, 532, 603

  relationship with children during White House years, 564–66

  and reelection, 325, 328–31

  and Ronald’s cancer surgery, 500–504

  Sadats and, 291

  stepfather’s final illness and death and, 319, 321, 322

  Stockman and, 314

  White House redecorated by, 243–244

  Reagan, Neil (Moon) (brother), 23, 25, 26, 28, 32, 34–37, 44, 52, 96, 534

  birth of, 21

  black childhood friend of, 30

  broadcasting career of, 72

  cancer surgery of, 501

  cigarette smoking by, 53

  in college, 50, 51, 54, 55, 61, 69–70

  Goldwater and, 141

  in high school, 38

  in Republican Party, 105

  Reagan, Nelle Wilson (mother), 20–26, 28–38, 40, 50, 54–55, 58–59, 61, 76, 124, 346, 374

  acting talent of, 35

  in California, 87, 93–94

  death of, 94

  discrimination opposed by, 30, 52, 402

  and Jack’s drinking, 32–34, 41, 93–94

  religion of, 22, 32, 45, 56, 226

  Reagan, Patricia Ann (daughter), see Davis, Patti

  Reagan, Ron (son), 130, 155, 187, 253, 319, 322, 534, 540, 564, 638, 686, 709

  Reagan, Ronald

  and Achille Lauro hijacking, 507–9

  as anti-Communist in Hollywood, 106–7, 109–15, 118, 119, 121

  arms control and, 257–58, 265, 269, 270, 293–97, 299, 353

  assassination attempt, 259–64, 271, 275, 396

  in Berlin, 680–83

  birth of, 21

  birth of children of, 125, 130

  Bitburg cemetery visited by, 376–384

  blacks and, 401–2, 638

  and bombing of Libya, 517–20

  and bombing of marine barracks in Beirut, 452–53, 458–66

  at Camp David, 396–99, 464, 529, 609, 673

  cancer surgery of, 499–504

  Central America policy of, 238–40, 471–84, 703, 704; See also Iran-Contra affair

  and ceremonial aspects of presidency, 387–92

  and Challenger disaster, 403–4

  childhood of, 23–38

  in China, 368–73

  in college, 44–60, 64–65

  at D-day anniversary ceremony, 374–76

  daily routine in White House of, 249–50

  and death of Nancy’s mother, 695–697

  defense spending under, 234–35, 294, 299, 561, 562, 568–69, 571–72, 574–75

  economic crisis during first term of, 342–46

  economic program of, 230–34, 256, 265, 279, 284–88, 298, 306–7, 311–25, 332–39, 350, 589–90

  at economic summits, 350–56, 373

  elected president, 221–22

  and “Evil Empire” speech by, 568–571

  and Falklands War, 357–60

  family background of, 20–23

  at Ford’s Theater, 254–55

  foreign policy of, 238–40, 265–73, 299–306

  at Geneva Summit, 11–16, 633–41

  as GE spokesman, 126–31, 137–38, 147, 170, 207

  and ghosts in White House, 399–401

  Goldwater and, 138–45

  on goodwill missions for Nixon, 186–88

  as governor of California, 46, 155–176, 178–86, 188–91, 207, 280, 338, 339, 396, 401, 638

  and Grenada invasion, 449–57, 459

  gubernatorial campaign of, 144–53

  and Haig’s resignation, 360–62

  in high school, 38–42

  horses and, 74–75, 103, 118, 131, 195

  inauguration of, 225–29

  and Iran-Contra affair, 484–87, 501–2, 504–7, 509–13, 515–17, 520–43

  and Iran hostages, 236–37

  in Ireland, 373–74

  and KAL Flight 007, 582–86

  leaving White House, 719, 721–26

  Libya and, 280–82, 289–92

  management style of, 161–62

  marriage to Jane Wyman, 92

  marries Nancy, 121–24

  and Middle East, 407–48, 461–67, 490–92, 704–5

  at Moscow summit, 705–7, 709–16

  movie career of, 42–43, 78–97, 102–4, 116–19, 138

  and Nancy’s cancer, 693–95

  in New York, 252–53

  in 1968 presidential election, 176–178

  in 1976 presidential election, 195, 200–203

  1980 campaign of, 203–4, 206–21

  Nixon and, 132–35

  O’Neill and, 233, 234, 250–51

  and PATCO strike, 282–83

  personal enjoyment of presidency by, 385–86

  and Philippines crisis, 362–67

  postwar political transformation of, 119–20

  press and, 393–94

  as radio announcer, 59–66, 69–75, 77–78, 80–81, 246–47, 256

  at ranch, 192–95, 245, 275–77, 326, 331, 387, 503, 517, 532, 603

  reduction of federal government by, 339–42

  reelection of, 325–31

  registers as Republican, 136

  relationship with children during White House years, 564–66

  at Reykjavik summit, 675–79

  and Screen Actors Guild, 89–90, 103, 107–9, 113, 114, 118, 121–122, 130–31, 171, 282

  second-term goals of, 488–89

  sense of isolation of, 395–96

  Soviet policy of, 548–692, 696–703, 705–21

  and space program, 264–65, 404

  speeches as president, 246–49

  Strategic Defense Initiative begun by, 381, 547–48

  Supreme Court appointments of, 279–80, 282, 668

  television work of, 125–27, 137–138, 144

  Thatcher and, 204

  trade policy of, 241–42, 253–55, 273–74, 346, 347, 355–57

  and TWA hijacking, 493–99

  volunteer programs advocated by, 342, 386

  at Washington summit, 684, 697–701

  and White House administrative line, 488

  during World War II, 96–102, 403

  Reagan Doctrine, 552

  Reapportionment process, 160–61, 482

  Recession, 205, 299, 306–7, 311–25, 475, 487

  hardships during, 342–48, 385

  international effects of, 351

  tax cuts and, 311

  Relief programs

  administrative costs of, 128

  during Great Depression, 67–69, 134

  See also Welfare

  Red Cross, 496, 497

  Regan, Donald, 253, 318, 319, 364, 365, 368, 449, 488, 501, 536–39, 610

  and Daniloff affair, 667, 668, 673

  and Iran-Contra affair, 510, 528–530, 533, 537, 543

  Rehnquist, William, 668, 673

  Republic Studios, 78

  Republican Party, 261, 327, 391, 483, 510

  and Bitburg visit, 379

  in California, 144–46, 149–50, 152, 156, 159–61, 184

  and Central America policy, 477

  defense spending and, 568, 571

  economic policy and, 284–86, 313, 315–18, 322, 590

  fund raising by, 398–99

  in Illinois, 22

  National Committee, 565

  in 1960 election, 132–35

  in 1964 election, 138–40, 144

  in 1968 election, 176–78

  in 1976 election, 200–203

  in 1
980 election, 206, 209–16

  in 1982 election, 323

  in postwar years, 105

  Reagan registers with, 136

  Senate majority of, 233

  trade policy and, 242, 255

  Reykjavik summit, 669, 673–79, 683–685, 687, 689, 698, 721

  Rhodes, Jim, 157

  Ridgway, General Matthew, 383, 384

  RKO, 118

  Roberts, William, 145, 151, 200

  Rockefeller, David, 239–40

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 144, 176–78, 255

  Rockne, Knute, 90–92, 94

  Rome airport terrorist attack, 511, 514

  Romney, George, 176, 177

  Rooney, Mickey, 118, 253

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 19, 66–67, 69, 112, 135, 171, 229, 285, 316, 323

  farm supports instituted by, 343

  Fireside Chats of, 169

  Latin America policy of, 239

  relief programs instituted by, 134, 185

  trade policy of, 242

  during World War II, 399

  Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr., 67

  Roosevelt, James, 112

  Rostenkowski, Dan, 286, 287

  Rotary Club, 119, 147

  Royal Navy, 358, 359

  Rubel, Cy, 156

  Russian Revolution, 686

  Ruth, Babe, 392

  Ryan, Fred, 8, 342, 725

  Ryan, Genevieve, 725

  Ryan, Genny, 725

  Sadat, Anwar, 290–92, 409, 414, 417, 419

  Sadat, Jehan, 291

  St. George’s University Medical School, 450

  St. Louis Cardinals, 73

  St. Lucia, 450

  St. Vincent’s, 450

  Sakharov, Andrei, 645, 667

  Salata, Stefanie, 8

  SALT I agreement, 549, 609, 618

  SALT II agreement, 220, 549, 600, 609, 618–22, 661, 665

  Salvatori, Henry, 156

  SAM missiles, 517

  Sandinistas, 299–300, 473, 474, 477, 479–81, 484, 485, 616, 703

  Santa Fe Trail, 92

  Saratoga (aircraft carrier), 509

  Sarkis, Elias, 423

  Saudi Arabia, 273, 410–12, 414, 415, 431, 433, 435, 444, 446, 463, 489, 492–93

  Savings rate, 322

  Scalia, John, 668, 673

  Scharansky, Anatoly, 363, 645

  Schary, Dore, 112

  Schmidt, Helmut, 296, 350, 351

  Schreiber, Taft, 126

  Schurz, Bernadette, 8

  Scobee, Francis, 403

  Scott, Zachary, 103

  Scowcroft, Brent, 531

  Screen Actors Guild, 89–90, 103, 107–9, 113, 114, 118, 121–22, 130–31, 171, 282

  Sears, John, 200, 201, 208–11, 213–14

  Secret Service, 172–73, 187, 255, 259, 261, 262, 275, 276, 396, 397, 400, 452, 460, 564, 668, 709

  Securities and Exchange Commission, 214

  Semon, Sheri, 8

  Senate, U.S., 132, 536, 666

  arms control and, 611

  Democratic majority in, 482, 540

  economic reform program in, 288, 319, 322

  foreign policy and, 483


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