An American Life
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INF treaty ratified by, 705
Middle East and, 414, 416, 446
Republican majority in, 233, 323
and SALT II treaty, 220, 609
Supreme Court nominations and, 668, 694
Separation-of-powers principle, 483
Sergeant Murphy, 86
Serrano, Eddie, 397
Service, Robert W., 31, 354
Shah of Iran, 218, 409, 411, 505
Shamir, Yitzhak, 425, 426, 704
Sharon, Ariel, 419, 421–25, 427, 442
Shcherbitsky, Vladimir, 610
Sheridan, Ann, 95
Shevardnadze, Eduard A., 623, 627–629, 645, 664, 668–69, 672–73, 687, 691, 696, 697, 710, 716, 718, 721
at Reykjavik summit, 675
Shiite Muslims, 408, 409, 443, 445, 453, 460, 464, 493–96, 523, 524
Shultz, George, 253, 361, 364, 365, 448, 449, 497, 523–24
at Brezhnev’s funeral, 559
and Central America policy, 477
at Chernenko’s funeral, 611
and Daniloff affair, 667, 668, 673, 674
and Geneva summit, 12, 628–31, 635, 640
and Grenada invasion, 449, 450, 454
and Iran-Contra affair, 510–12, 516, 528–30, 533
at Madrid conference, 585
and Middle East, 426, 427, 430, 437, 438, 441, 443–46, 453, 492, 704
and Moscow summit, 710–11
and Reykjavik summit, 657–77, 679
and Soviet policy, 558, 572, 589, 594, 601–3, 605–6, 609–11, 615, 617, 623–24, 627, 642, 645, 649, 661, 664, 666, 685, 686, 691, 692, 696, 718, 721
Shultz, O’Bie, 497, 710, 711
Siegel, Marilyn, 8
Signal, 277–78
Signal Corps, 99, 380
Sin, Cardinal Jaime, 362
Six Day War, 430
Small businesses
in China, 372
taxes on, 232
Smith, Alexis, 103
Smith, Michael, 404
Smith, William French, 279, 280
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 241–42
Snyder, Dick, 7
Socialized medicine, 135
Social Security, 140, 221, 313, 319
Solidarity, 301, 303
Somoza, Anastasio, 299–300, 473, 477
Sorrell, Herb, 107
South Korea, 369, 372
Souza, Pete, 725
Soviet Union, 369, 548–679, 705–21
anti-Semitism in, 377
arms control and, 293–97, 299, 353, 370, 489, 524, 548–55, 558–64, 567–73, 576–82, 584, 586–611, 615, 618–22, 624–31, 633, 636–37, 639, 643, 650–54, 656–66, 669–72, 675–79, 683–692, 696–703, 705, 709–10, 716–20
Central America and, 471–74, 477, 478, 558, 616–17, 687
Daniloff arrested in, 666—69
eavesdropping on U.S. embassy by, 400–401
economy of, 237, 316, 558, 561, 660
and Falklands War, 359
five-year plans of, 205
and Geneva Summit, 11–15
Grenada and, 455–56
invasion of Afghanistan by, 217, 238, 267, 272, 299, 304, 408, 549, 601, 604, 609, 618–19, 639, 644, 645, 648, 655, 672, 675, 687, 703, 719
Korean airliner shot down by, 582–586, 595
Latin America and, 238–39, 300
Libya and, 281, 290
Middle East and, 409–12, 417–21, 424–25, 431, 437, 441, 444, 462, 463, 489, 493, 504, 526
military strength of, 217, 220, 234, 257, 258, 294–95, 551, 561–62, 574, 595
and movie industry, 109, 110, 114, 115
Poland and, 301–2, 304–6, 320, 549, 551, 552, 557, 575
policy toward, 265—73
spy swap with, 363
trade with, 616–17, 705
in World War II, 106
Space program, 264–65
Challenger disaster, 403–4, 515, 516
intelligence gathering by, 490
military, 294
Spadolini, Giovanni, 323, 350
Spain, 188, 366
Spasowski, Romuald, 303
Speakes, Larry, 403
Special-interest groups, 234, 325, 336
Spencer, Stuart, 145, 151, 200, 214, 220, 533, 725
Spending cuts, 234, 279, 284–86, 298, 312–15, 335–37, 416, 487
in California, 165, 169, 175, 182
defense, 205, 315, 319, 320
negotiations on, 318
as second term goal, 488
Spiljak, Mika, 589
Spiritual revival, 299
Stalin, Joseph, 110, 305, 602, 636, 686, 707
Stallion Road, 103, 118
Stanwyck, Barbara, 118, 398
Stark (ship), 684
START treaty, 697, 699, 701, 702, 709, 716, 720
“Star Wars,” see Strategic Defense Initiative
State Department, U.S., 270, 271, 361, 364, 415, 499, 535, 552, 559–60, 571, 594, 620, 665
and Iran hostages, 237
State dinners, 389–91
block grants to, 298
sovereignty of, 198, 220
Statue of Liberty centennial celebration, 522
Stealth bomber, 294
Steinhoff, General, 383
Stethern, Robert, 497, 498
Stevenson, Adlai, 472
Stewart, James, 117, 155
Stewart, Potter, 279
Stockholm syndrome, 524
Stockman, David, 253, 314, 318, 320–21, 536
Stock market, 322, 323
election results and, 323–24
1929 crash, 47, 51, 54
1987 crash, 693–95
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), 294, 549
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), 294, 522, 563, 586, 683–84
Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI), 381, 547–48, 571, 574–75, 584, 586, 601, 602, 607–9, 628, 631, 639, 643–44, 646–47, 650–54, 665–66, 676–79, 684–85, 687, 691, 696, 697
Strolling Strings, 390
Student unrest, 152, 153, 173, 174, 179–82
Studio system, 116–18
Subic Bay naval base, 362
Submarines, 294, 620, 653
Soviet, 472
Sudan, 290, 444
Sugar Babies, 253
Sunni Muslims, 408, 409
Supply and demand, law of, 205, 355
Supply-side economics, 231, 232
Supreme Court, U.S., 279–80, 282, 668, 694
Sutherland, Thomas, 520, 524–25, 527
Suzuki, Zenko, 255, 350
Syria, 413, 525
Lebanon and, 412, 418, 420, 422–424, 429, 430, 433, 437–41, 444–47, 462–64, 489
Soviet Union and, 266, 409, 441, 462, 463, 493, 720
terrorists based in, 490
and TWA hijacking, 496, 497
Taiwan, 361, 368, 370, 703
Tariffs, 241–42, 346
Tau Kappa Epsilon, 46, 49–51, 60
Taxes, 147, 201, 207, 510, 516, 526, 536
on actors’ earnings, 117
in California, 153, 157, 165, 169, 175–76, 191
cuts in, 231–34, 279, 284–88, 298, 311, 313, 315, 317, 324, 335–36, 349, 351, 414, 416, 589–90
federal share of revenues from, 197
increased, 315, 321–22, 568
as 1984 campaign issue, 326–27
second term goals on, 488
simplification of, 332–35
Taxi Driver, 263
Tax Reform Act (1986), 333–35, 349
Taylor, Robert, 79
Terrorists, 396, 460, 564
at Augusta National Golf Course, 452
in Beirut, 436, 437, 439, 443, 453, 459, 462
Berlin bombing by, 517–19
Cuba and, 474
hijackings by, 493–99, 507–9
hostages held by, 490–92, 505, 507, 509, 510, 512, 516, 520–29, 535
Iranian, 489–90, 506, 523
Libyan support of, 280–81, 291, 293, 44
4, 489, 507, 511, 515, 517–20, 704
Palestinian, 412, 418, 421, 429, 511
Soviet-financed, 267
Texas primary, 202
Textile industry, 345–48
Thatcher, Dennis, 388
Thatcher, Margaret, 204, 388, 389, 685
during Falklands War, 357–60
at economic summits, 350–52, 354, 381, 685
Grenada invasion opposed by, 454–455
Gorbachev and, 609, 635
and Libya air strikes, 518
and trade agreement, 559
This Is the Army, 102
Thompson, Jim, 286
Tiananmen Square massacre, 373
Togo, 453
Tokyo economic summit, 366
Tolstoi, Leo, 714
Tomahawk missiles, see Cruise missiles
Total war, 549
Tower, John, 531, 560
Tower Board, 485, 531, 533, 538–42
TOW missiles, 505, 506, 516
Treasury Department, 536
Trade policy, 241–42, 253–55, 273–274, 347–48, 355–57, 382, 515
California and, 186
East-West, agreement of, 559, 560
liberalization of, 354
with Soviet Union, 238, 616–17, 705
Trident submarines, 294, 620, 653
Trivette, Paula, 694–95
Trowbridge, Pam, 8
Trudeau, Pierre, 240, 350, 353–54
Truman, Harry, 132–33, 228, 229, 312
Tucker, Sophie, 122
Tunney, Gene, 260
Tunisia, 431, 507, 508
Turkey, 265
Tuttle, Holmes, 144, 146, 156
TWA hijacking, 493–99
Twain, Mark, 29
Unemployment, 230
black, 402
during Carter administration, 205, 217, 219, 220
decrease in, 327, 333, 345, 351
during Great Depression, 19, 62
during recession, 306, 315, 324, 343, 346, 385
Soviet propaganda about, 638, 698
Unilateral disarmament, 270
United Fund, 128
United Kingdom, 188, 204, 350, 357–360, 554
arms control and, 577, 580–81, 620
Labour Party in, 119
Middle East and, 434, 465, 535
missile deployment in, 586
and U.S. bombing of Libya, 519, 520
United Nations, 271, 327, 422, 426, 438, 448, 472, 481, 552, 603, 629, 630, 719
Charter of, 578, 579
KGB agents in Russian delegation to, 667, 668, 673
Security Council Resolution 242, 414, 418, 431, 441
United States Information Agency (USIA), 293
United States Steel, 126–27
United Way, 147
United World Federalists, 106
Universal Studios, 118, 138
1984 campaign appearances at, 330
student unrest in, 152, 173, 174, 179–82
Unruh, Jesse, 159–60, 162, 185, 190
U.S. News & World Report, 666
Vatican, 387
Venezuela, 240, 248, 300, 449
Venice economic summit, 680, 685
Ver, General Fabian, 363, 365
Versailles economic summit, 320, 421, 554
Vessey, General John, 454, 585
Veterans Administration, 340
Victoria, Queen, 204
Vienna airport terrorist attack, 511, 514
Vietnam, 555, 720
Vietnam War, 133, 239, 266, 419, 451, 466, 479, 486, 540
Virginia Military Institute, 97
Voice of the Turtle, The, 116
Volcker, Paul, 538 Volunteer programs, 342, 386
W. R. Grace & Company, 339
Waggoner, Garland, 44
Waite, Terry, 535
Walesa, Lech, 301, 303
Walters, General Vernon, 475
Ward, George, 81, 85
War Department, U.S., 75, 97
Warfield, Sandy, 8
Warner, Jack, 80, 104, 138, 171
Warner Brothers, 79–97, 102–4, 115, 117, 118, 167, 231
“War on Poverty,” 198, 316
War Powers Act, 446
Warren, Earl, 279–80
Warsaw Pact, 577, 581, 600, 657, 677, 685, 686, 719
Washington Post, The, 249, 359
Washington summit, 637, 649, 661, 669, 684, 687, 697–701
Wasserman, Lew, 96–97
Watergate scandal, 393
Watts riot, 163
redistribution of, 205
transfer versus creation of, 476
Webster, William, 536
Weinberg, Mark, 8, 397, 723, 725
Weinberger, Caspar, 157, 159, 175, 281, 291, 296, 317, 364, 365, 448, 523, 673
and Grenada invasion, 454
and Iran-Contra affair, 510–12, 516, 528, 529, 533
and Middle East, 438, 446, 464, 465, 492
and Soviet policy, 594, 605–7, 609, 620, 628, 661, 665–66, 685
Weir, Benjamin, 507, 522, 524
Weizsacker, Richard von, 381
Welfare, 147, 201, 698
in California, 164, 174, 185, 188–190
during Great Depression, 67—69
Wells, H. G., 404
Western State University, 65
West Germany, 270, 350, 351, 554, 555, 560, 680–83
anti-nuclear demonstrations in, 297
missiles in, 295–96, 586, 685, 689, 691
Reagan’s visit to, 376–84
White, Pearl, 58
White House Office of Private Sector Initiatives, 342
WHO radio station, 63, 71–75, 77–78, 80–81
Wick, Charles, 293, 534
Wick, Mary Jane, 534
Wiesel, Eli, 378
Williams, Edward Bennett, 536
Williamsburg economic summit, 350–354, 381
Wilson, Bert, 45, 47–48
Wilson, Betty, 192–93
Wilson, Bill, 192–93
Wilson, Woodrow, 135, 229
Wing, Susan, 725
Winning Team, The, 116
Winthrop, John, 299
Wisconsin, University of, 49
WOC radio station, 63–65, 69–71
Wood, Sam, 96
Worldnet, 293
World War I, 25–26, 99, 102, 244, 549, 678
World War II, 96–102, 105–6, 119, 265, 273, 374–84, 399, 457, 519, 549, 636, 678, 707
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 69
Wright, James, 318, 454
Wyman, Jane, 92
Yale University, 58
Yalta Conference, 305, 636
Yankee Doodle Dandy, 96
Yip, Yip Yaphank, 102
Yugoslavia, 589
Zakharov, Genadi, 667, 669, 673, 674
Zanatta, Peter, 375–76
Zero-zero option, 293, 295–97, 352–353, 550–51, 559, 563, 567, 650, 675, 685
Zhao Ziyang, 369, 372
Zionism, 408
This photo of me with my parents and my brother, Neil, was taken in Tampico, the small town in Illinois where I was born. My “Dutch boy” haircut encouraged my father to call me “the Dutchman.” I later shortened it to “Dutch.”
Our first house in Dixon. Years later, when I returned for a visit, I was amazed at how small the rooms were.
The Dixon High School football team—when I was a freshman and still five foot three and just over 108 pounds. I’m the fourth from the left on the bottom row; my brother is third from the right in the last row.
The Eureka College swimming team, which I helped create; I was coach and captain. The picture above shows me in the uniform I wore as a lifeguard at Lowell Park in Dixon, a job I had each summer for seven years.
In Hollywood. Once I learned Warner Brothers was going to renew my first contract, I asked my parents to join me and I bought them the first house they had ever owned.
One of the benefi
ts of my success in Hollywood was being invited, along with my mother, to visit Dixon for the annual Petunia Festival.
This picture was taken in the early fifties, with Nancy, my mother, and Nancy’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Loyal Davis.
The birth of our children, Patti and Ron, brought much joy into our lives.
Here I am on Nancy D, Baby’s daughter, which I named after a young lady I was dating at the time. The pictures were taken at our ranch in Malibu, which we subsequently had to sell when I ran for governor.
Nancy and I spent many hours crisscrossing the nation during the 1980 campaign. I was rewarded with a big kiss on inauguration day. Nancy was also at my side when I returned to the White House after being shot in the spring of 1981.
The lowest point during my eight years in Washington was the day when 241 Marines lost their lives during the bombing of our Marine barracks in Beirut. One of the things about being president I never got used to was consoling the families of men and women who died in the service of their country, something that was necessary far too many times during my terms in office, including the tragic troop carrier crash in Greenland in 1985 and the bombing of the U.S.S. Stark in 1987.
On the fortieth anniversary of the Normandy landing, Nancy and I visited the graves of the thousands of American soldiers who died on D day.
It was at the Williamsburg economic summit in 1983 that I was asked: “Tell us about the American miracle.” Left to right; Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community Gaston Thorn, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, President François Mitterrand, President Ronald Reagan, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, President Allesandro Pertini.
Prime Minister Eugenia Charles of Dominica, a truly great lady, was one of the Caribbean leaders who asked us to conduct our successful rescue operation on Grenada.
Nancy and I at Rancho del Cielo. I’m proud of the fact that I built the dock we’re sitting on and that fence across the pond.
The entire Reagan family got together on inauguration day 1985. At left front are Bess and Neil, behind them are Maureen and Dennis, then Michael and Colleen with Ashley Marie, Cameron is with me, then Patti, Nancy, Ron, Doria, Geoffrey and Anne Davis, Dick and Patricia Davis.
Preparing a speech on taxes, and, later, a briefing during one of our first major crises in my second term, the hijacking of TWA Flight 847. George Bush is at my right and George Shultz is at my left in the White House Situation Room.
Whenever it was possible, George Bush and I had lunch together on Thursdays, when I got a chance to bring him up to date on problems and the administration’s current agenda. We looked forward to these private lunches; the White House mess featured Mexican food on Thursdays, since George was from Texas and I was from California.