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Blue Phoenix

Page 282

by Tinalynge

  Any pill which could increase their cultivation base was instantly ignored because they had the golden pills at their disposal. At the same time, they also skipped past the red pills and other energy restoring pills.

  "I need to get some Yang pills," Jo mused to herself. "Father has plenty of Yin pills, but now that I am a King ranked cultivator, I need lots of Yang energy." Although she was mumbling, Hui Yue heard the words and nodded his head. Another coin storage Stone appeared and flew to Jo.

  "There are another ten spirit coins in here. Now, in total you have twenty spirit coins. Buy all the Yang pills you can get." He said seriously. "This is very important for your cultivation. I will try to learn how to make them, but it will take me some time. You are right that you need pills like these, I am sorry I didn't think about it before," Hui Yue apologized. He truly felt sorry as he had given Lao ten Yin pills, but nothing was given to Jo. She needed to balance her energies as much as Lao.

  "Don't worry about it father," Jo said happily. "I cannot imagine how long it would have taken me to reach the King rank without your assistance, not to mention that I would never have been able to consume that pill had it not been for Uncle Feng. Without him, I would have had to let all the energy leave my body due to the overwhelming pain."

  Hui Yue nodded his head because what she said true. At first, he had expected Silvermoon's Pill to be a strong pill that anyone would kill to gain. However, these pills were mainly given to children Jo's age in the heavenly realms, but the pain was indeed very excruciating so much so that it was very hard for a child to accept such levels of pain. This was true not only in the heavenly realms but even more so here in a world where children did not start cultivating until they were around seven or eight years old. And that was only the age when noble children to started to cultivate, the citizens of many cities did not start until they were around ten years of age.

  In the heavenly realms, the children prepared to use Silvermoon's Pill by the time they turned five. The first five years of their lives were used to prepare for the pill. After they turned five, they would take Silvermoon's Pill and their strength, maturity, and intelligence would soar above the nine heavens; they would then start their cultivation from a rank similar to the King rank of this plane.

  "What about you Lao?" Hui Yue asked curiously. "Is there anything that caught your attention?"

  Lao kept looking through the leaflet and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." He said truthfully. "I am interested in some of these pills that help with one’s elemental affinities. Although my foundation is solid from Silvermoon's Pill, I do not have a great affinity with my elements." Lao mused.

  Hui Yue nodded in agreement. "Jo, you should also buy some of those pills. If you guys do not have enough, I'll give you more. These pills are very important for your future." He said seriously, and after some time the two children nodded their heads.

  Their cultivation was something they did not wish to jeopardize; they wanted to become stronger and stronger, not only for their own sake but also for the sake of Hui Yue.

  Time went by quickly, and the four of them joked amongst each other as all the seats around them started to fill up.

  Experts from the sky would frequently appear on flying swords and descend. Many of these experts had already reserved seats at the front, and they were filled with arrogance as they took their seats. Many looked at them with reverence, but Hui Yue had to hold back his laughter. All of them looked so smug, yet Hui Yue knew that the flying swords they had were actually horrible. Their swords were so ordinary that they would without a doubt break after some time because the swords were unable to handle the constant Wu Wei. Hui Yue did not care about this as he could just provide the Black Market Auction House with more flying swords to sell.

  As the final person descended from the sky, a beautiful woman appeared on stage. This woman, Hui Yue instantly recognized as the woman in control of the exams. However, today she was wearing a form-fitting green gown. A dress that showed off her curves as her hair cascaded down her back and around her face. She was incredibly attractive, but Hui Yue only appreciated her beauty, he did not lose his mind like many other males present. Seeing her, a smile appeared on his face.

  "Welcome everyone to this year’s annual pill auction!" The woman started. Her voice sounded clear in the ear of everyone present. Seeing that she was able to use her energy like this, Hui Yue knew that she was an Emperor. It was obvious that the higher rank one was as an alchemist, the higher rank their cultivation would be as well.

  "This year we will have a total of seven auctions. The first auction will be held today. All ladies and gentlemen in attendance, you have received our leaflet and today we will start with item number one. The first item to be auctioned is a set of twelve Crystallized Hymn Pills. These pills allow for one to heal injuries they have sustained. These Crystallized Hymn Pills are all rank five pills. These pills only take ten minutes to heal almost any type of wound. Because this is only a rank five pill, It does not restore energy.”

  "Let us start the auction with fifty gold coins for this set of twelve pills!" The lady’s alluring voice echoed out. Quite a few numbers were raised, and the battle for the pills was rather intense in first few minutes before it quickly died out. There was after all four sets of these Crystallized Hymn Pills, and they sold incredibly quick.

  One pill after another was brought forth, but these pills held no interest with Lao, Jo, or Wang Ju Long. They all wished to purchase the high ranked pills, and those would be the last pill up for auction today.

  As they waited and watched, Hui Yue and his small family were busy observing the people around them. They looked at who purchased which items, and who was not buying any items.

  They had quite a lot of patience, and they had fun watching everyone in the square. Sometimes they got a sour look back and hurried onto another person, other times they got a smile and smiled back in response. There were many people present who were waiting for the final pills, the higher ranked ones.

  Finally, the stage cleared and a few guards appeared with a jade case. Now the pills were no longer were sold as a package of twelve. Instead, they were sold individually. Their rank was so high that if they were sold in batches, not many would be able to join the bidding war, and they would lose money.

  "Here we have a poison pill known as the Butterfly's Pearl. It is named such as there is a picture of a butterfly imprinted upon the pill. This poison pill is so potent that anyone who eats it will die within three days. There is no way to trace this poison, nor is there any cure for it. We start the price at fifty gold coins!"

  Hearing the explanation, Hui Yue saw Wang Ju Long's eyes glow with excitement. It was clear that she was like a child on Christmas Eve. He found her behavior so adorable that he could not help but laugh. Fortunately, Wang Ju Long did not have time to look at him as she was focused on the pill in front of her; this was a pill that she really wanted.

  Chapter 420 - Butterfly's Pill

  * * *

  Chapter 420: Butterfly's Pill

  Looking at the pill which was on stage, Wang Ju Long was filled with excitement. The Butterfly's pill was an incredibly rare poisonous pill. It was a pill which could kill anyone without a doubt. It did not matter if the person was a Saint or a Disciple. No matter who they were, they would die.

  Such a poisonous pill was exactly what Wang Ju Long wished to have in her collection to study. If she had time to examine the pill she should be able to use her ability to create some new poisons on her own. Although it was impossible to copy this pill or any other medicine made by an alchemist, Wang Ju Long was good at copying and creating poison powder inspired by the pills she had examined.

  Raising her sign, Wang Ju Long was the first person to bid on the pill. Both she and Hu Yue hoped that no one else wished to purchase such a unique item. Unfortunately, it turned out that they were mistaken. Three signs were raised after one another, and the price was close to seventy gold coins by the time Wang Ju
Long placed yet another bid.

  The bidding started slowing down, and suddenly there were only two experts left to struggle against each other. One of the experts was Wang Ju Long, and the other was an elderly man near the front. Both were incredibly stubborn as neither backed down and seeing this everyone turned completely silent, curious to see who would win the pill.

  While these experts were watching Wang Ju Long, their eyes also landed on Lao, Jo, and Hui Yue. See these two their eyes opened wide from shock and their jaws dropped.

  It was clear that these two children were King ranked experts and the man by their side was without a doubt the Grand Marshal of the Beast Army.

  The elderly man also noticed the power of the group which Wang Ju Long came from. "My life is more important than this pill," The man mumbled to himself, but even so his heart was hurting with longing for the poisonous pill. Shaking his head, he could only blame himself for not being strong enough, and a self-mocking smile appeared on his lips as he allowed for Wang Ju Long to make the final bid.

  "Sold! The winning bid for the Butterfly Pill goes to number four hundred and seventy-four. The final price is ninety-five gold coins!" The woman on stage was almost as ecstatic as Wang Ju Long. Selling poison pills was usually not profitable in the least. One needed to be interested in poison to even start which excluded many people. Almost everyone considered it is a skill for cowards, so nobody chose that path.

  Even so, today quite a few such pills had appeared and the price they sold at was quite high; she would make quite a bit from commission.

  On the other hand, Wang Ju Long had saved up money for years while healing people and she had the ten spirit coins that Hui Yue gifted her. The price was not something that made her depressed. She was willing to use more than half of her money to purchase the pill.

  "Next, we will be staying in the world of poisons." The beautiful woman said as yet another pill was placed on the stage near her. "This poisonous pill is different from the Butterfly's Pill. This is known as the Blood Corroding Pill. It is a slow moving poison. When someone ingests this pill, their blood will very slowly start to corrode. It is, like the Butterfly's Pill as there is no antidote, but this pill does not work on Saint ranked experts, only Emperors and below."

  Hui Yue looked at his lover to see whether or not she was interested in this poison as well, but her eyes were filled with uncertainty. The pill only worked on Emperors, and she knew the people Hui Yue fought were almost all Saints. She wanted to be useful to him, and therefore this pill was too weak.

  "Let us start the sale of this Blood Corroding Pill at fifty gold coins!" The woman called out excitedly, but the excitement quickly turned sour when she noticed that Wang Ju Long did not want the item.

  The elder man, however, did not feel depressed about the fact that she was not bidding, to him, this was the perfect chance. He did everything in his power to win the pill.

  Although a few others bid on the pill, they quickly backed out, and the elderly man won it for seventy gold coins.

  He was so excited that his eyes were shining. They shone with even more greed when the next poison pill appeared on the stage. In total seven poison pills appeared. Wang Ju Long purchased every one which was effective against Saints. Unfortunately, there were only three such pills, and so the elderly man purchased the other four.

  The elderly man had quickly understood that the ones Wang Ju Long was bidding on were things she truly wanted and he did not feel like going into a bidding war with someone who had so much influence. If they got annoyed by him pushing the price up, it was very likely they would find him to get revenge. He decided not to upset them and he still got his hands on four poison pills because of this he was very excited.

  After the poisons were auctioned, the pills which Lao was interested in appeared. These were pills which boosted one’s affinity for their elemental. He bought a large portion of such pills, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face after the round of bidding was finished. Although he had almost spent all the money that Hui Yue had given him, he knew it was a good investment. This would allow for his strength to increase by an amazing amount.

  After these pills, it was time for pills with Yin energy to appear. Hui Yue was surprised when he saw that some of the pills were the white pills from the grave. While other pills also had Yin energy, none of them were as potent as the pills from the grave. To Hui Yue, it was obvious why this was the case. The owner of the grave was from another world, a heavenly world, and therefore it was natural that his pills were far more outstanding than the pills which originated from this lower ranked world.

  The fight for the Yin pills was incredible to watch. So many experts wanted to buy the Yin pills that they were willing to pay an extravagant price to gain them. Some of them even reached the price of one spirit coin.

  The ordinary Yin pills were also interesting for some of the poorer families, those who could not afford to participate in the bidding wars of the more outstanding pills.

  As the final Yin pill was sold, the Yang pills appeared. This caused Jo to instantly move to the edge of her seat as she held her sign ready to bid.

  As soon as the pill was introduced Jo lifted her hand and called out with a clear voice, "one spirit coin!"

  The voice resounded through the entire auction, and everyone was floored by the high bid. Even Hui Yue was taken by surprise as he heard her voice, but after a second a smile appeared on his lips. There were a total of ten Yang pills of various strength, and it just so happened that she had the same amount of spirit coins.

  Thinking about it, Hui Yue was not very surprised. They needed to have Yang pills for every single day of auctions so it was only natural that they would only sell ten a day. It had been the same with the Yin pills.

  "The young lady four hundred and seventy-five has bid one spirit coin. Anyone wishing to bid higher?" The lady on stage asked with a large smile on her face. The prices she had gotten during this auction were definitely satisfactory.

  No one called out and Jo won the first pill. The second pill came out, and the same happened followed by the third pill. Everyone seated at the auction was starting to get a headache; it was clear that Jo was not willing to let even one of the pills go. Her clear voice kept resounding through the area, and everyone looked at her only to see a young child with a terrifying aura. The entire group she was a part of was terrifying.

  After the sale of the last Yang pill various miscellaneous pills appeared. Some made it possible to change one's appearance or aura. Another made it possible to completely hide one's aura. One could make you invisible, and another could make you countless times more attractive. Many of these pills, although useful in some situations, were not usually very expensive, they were mostly fun or entertaining. The auction ended with the customers in a great mood, having laughed at what these pills were capable of doing.

  "Let us pick up the pills before we return to the marketplaces." Hui Yue said as the auction ended, and with a flick of his hand, a new golden coin storage stone appeared which he gave Jo. She had spent all the money she had. Although she had saved up some money previously, all of it had been used on food, and the money Hui Yue had given her, had all been spent on Yang pills.

  "Here is another ten spirit coins." He said, and afterward he also filled Lao's golden storage stone with more spirit coins. Neither Lao nor Jo rejected them, but Hui Yue could see that Wang Ju Long was not going to accept them. With a sigh, he could do nothing but put the coins for her back.

  "Master Hui!" Someone called out as a middle-aged man came towards them, his hand waving and a smile was on his face.

  "General Ji," Hui Yue said with a smile towards the person coming their way. He had met this general while heading to the Grave of the Unknown. He had been working under the third prince at the time, but who he was working for now, Hui Yue did not know.

  "To meet mister Hui here and have the honor to see these two outstanding geniuses, perhaps you can introduce me?" He said with a s
mile on his face. It was clear that his intention was to befriend the two children, but neither Lao nor Jo were dumb. They could instantly see his intention but even still they smiled at the elder.

  "General Ji, these are my two children, little Lao and little Jo. It is indeed true that they are geniuses, they have managed to reach the King rank at such a young age. We are very proud of them." He said with a smile while looking dotingly at the two children.

  Hearing the words, General Ji was shocked. Not only him, but many experts had been hanging around to hear the conversation between the general and Hui Yue. When they confirmed their assumption that the children were, in fact, Kings, they were deeply shaken inside. Their cultivation speed was truly monstrous.

  "General, you’ll have to excuse us, we need to pick up our items." Hui Yue said with a smile before he gently led his family towards the desk were one paid for the pills they had won.

  "Father, aren't we too abnormal?" Lao suddenly asked as he looked at Hui Yue, but the older man just patted his head. "Abnormal? Perhaps. But I do not care about stuff like this. I want you to be safe. Your life is far more important than being normal." Hui Yue said solemnly, and Lao nodded his head. Who cared if they were abnormal. What was important was the fact that they could become strong.


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