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Blue Phoenix

Page 283

by Tinalynge

  Chapter 421 - Jo's Dream

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  Chapter 421: Jo's Dream

  Having paid for and picked up the pills, the group decided to return to the marketplaces. While walking down the road of a major marketplace, Hui Yue could not help but notice what was happening around him. Many experts were moving aside and making space for Hui Yue and his family as they walked forward.

  At the markets, many mercenaries were selling beast cores and herbs that they had gained in the last few months. From time to time, Hui Yue would purchase some of the items. The higher rank he became as an alchemist, the more beast cores he would need as ingredients for his pills. Although he had obtained many cores from his time within the Dungeons of the Divine, Hui Yue had not been killing many beasts as of late.

  Moving through the marketplace, they soon reached the end. Looking outside, Hui Yue saw that there were multiple restaurants and entertainment houses present.

  "Why don't we go eat at one of the restaurants together?" Hui Yue asked with a smile. Today was a great day; he had allowed himself to relax, and although he had not forgotten Sha Yun and her situation, he decided that he could have one day of relief.

  "You have to take us to a great restaurant!" Jo said, her eyes shining and Hui Yue swore that he could see her salivating. Looking at her Lao felt that she was a little too bold. He feared that Hui Yue would scold her but instead the white-haired young man gave a hearty laugh and patted her affectionately on the head. "Of course, it will be a proper meal. You will be able to eat as much as you want, and if you behave you can try tasting some wine too." He laughed.

  Although Jo and Lao were children, they were King ranked experts. Normal wine could no longer get them drunk only immortal wine was capable of this, and immortal wine was not something one could purchase in shops.

  "Jo, since you want to eat a lot of food, why don't you decide where we should eat?" Hui Yue asked smiling brightly. For him it did not matter where they ate, he just wished to experience the feeling of being with his family one more.

  "Can I really decide?" Jo asked with big eyes as her voice trembled slightly. Hui Yue nodded his head. Everyone looked at Jo, and it was clear she had something in mind.

  "When it was just Lao and me there was this restaurant I would often walk by. The scent of the food was intoxicating. When I was hungry, I always went there, but the servants would shoo me away. I used to dream about going inside every time I passed by, but knowing our situation how could I ever tell big brother about my wish?" Jo's face was filled with emotion as she remembered the many times she had walked past the restaurant. Although she was much more intelligent now, her wish to one day eat at the restaurant was still there, and now that she was allowed to choose, she wanted to eat at that place.

  "In that case, lead the way," Hui Yue said with a smile on his face. Allowing for Jo to have a dream come true, how could Hui Yue not grant her simple wish?

  It was not only Jo who was ecstatic, Lao was just as excited, but as he was older, it was embarrassing to show this excitement. Still, his steps were swift, and his face had a large smile which he could not suppress.

  The small family of four made their way through the busy streets heading towards the restaurant which Jo had dreamt about so many times.

  After walking through half the town, Jo finally came to a standstill. In front of her was a bustling restaurant filled to the brim with people. A delicious scent of food wafted out from within. Hui Yue could imagine how the younger Jo would have felt walking past this busy place.

  Jo, who had been at the front, no longer wished to walk in first, so she hid behind Hui Yue, holding Wang Ju Long's hand. Her behavior was understandable because the only real interaction she had with this place was being shooed away. Although she knew things were different now, those emotions could not be changed. Even Lao was somewhat apprehensive and took Wang Ju Long's other hand.

  The woman looked at the two children and felt her heart turn soft. With a gaze at Hui Yue, she conveyed her intention. He was to move first, and the three would follow behind him.

  Feeling slightly helpless Hui Yue shook his head before he moved towards the entrance. Two guards were blocking the way but upon closer inspection of Hui Yue and his family they respectfully bowed and opened the doors.

  Entering inside was like going into another world. The light was dimmed, and many booths were already filled with parties. Some were mercenaries celebrating the sales they had had that day while others were merchants celebrating the same. There were also alchemists celebrating as well.

  Clattering sounds could be heard as glasses were used to toast and cutlery clanged on the plates. Loud voices were chatting and laughing, the mood within the restaurant was filled with excitement. Only a very small group of people noticed Hui Yue and his family's entrance, and they quickly lost interest in them.

  A servant rushed towards them, "Milords, what can I do for you?" He asked with a deep bow and his hands clasped together. His eyes quickly scanned over the entire group, and his heart shook when he noticed the two children. Although they were holding their mother's hand like good children both of them had an aura which was much stronger than his own. It was so strong that he was incapable of even guessing their strength. He was a Grandmaster ranked cultivator and to see children so much stronger than him, his heart could not help but quiver.

  "Do you have a private booth?" Hui Yue asked as he looked around the noisy restaurant floor "A place where we can have some peace and quiet? I will pay extra of course."

  "Yes, yes. We have VIP rooms." The servant said while turning around as he led the group of four to the very back of the restaurant and up a set of stairs.

  On the second level, there were many rooms which were blocked from one another with heavy blankets and curtains. This ensured that the sounds from within the rooms were muffled. Only two of the five curtain and blanket covered rooms were occupied, the others were free.

  The servant lead the four experts into one of these private booths. Three walls were covered with curtains and blankets that had beautiful embroideries on them. They were of various magical beasts, while the last stone wall had two large french doors leading out to a small balcony. One could choose to open the door and get some fresh air into the room.

  In the middle of the room was a round table and on the ground were pillows scattered all around. Clearly, these pillows were suited for someone to sit on.

  "Please make yourself comfortable. If you need to summon this lowly one for ordering food and drinks feel free to use the memory stone in the middle of the table. Sending a message into this stone will instantly send a message to me." He explained.

  Hui Yue and the family sat down around the table, and the servant left a card in front of each guest. A card which explained the food and drinks they sold.

  Seeing the guest focused on the menus, the servant bowed deeply and left the room. He ensured that the curtains were drawn so that no one would be able to hear what was said within. Although no one could hear exactly what was said, indistinct sounds could be heard from the neighboring room and from time to time laughter could also be heard as well.

  "So Jo, now we are here, what would you like to order?" Hui Yue asked gently, but Jo's eyes were wide, and her face was filled with uncertainty. "I don't know..." She said helplessly as she looked at the menu. "Everything looks so good I really cannot choose!"

  "I have to admit that I have a hard time choosing as well." Wang Ju Long laughed as she looked at the same menu, completely uncertain about what to choose.

  "Well let’s do it like this then." Hui Yue said as he summoned the waiter. It only took a mere moment, and he appeared in front of Hui Yue and his family.

  "What can I do for you?" He asked very politely, inwardly quite surprised that they had already summoned him. Usually, it would take quite some time to decide what to eat, yet this family had made a quick decision.

  "We will take one of each dish on the menu." Hui Yue said with a n
od of his head, and the waiter felt his own eyes go wide. "You want to have one of each dish?" He repeated stunned, but when he saw Hui Yue nodding his head, he was elated. One who wished to order one of each dish had to be very rich. This meant that there was a chance of him getting a very good tip if he did his job well. He bowed deeply and was about to leave before he turned around once more. "Milords, for your drinks what would you prefer?" He asked politely.

  "All of us would like to have some wine. I will let you chose the best of the ones you have to offer," Hui Yue said casually. Although the servant was elated, he started to wonder if Hui Yue truly had as much money as he was pretending to have.

  Seeing the hesitation in the waiter’s eyes, Hui Yue withdrew three spirit coins and tossed them to him. "Here you go; this should be enough to pay for the entire meal and the drinks. You can keep the rest."

  Seeing the three spirit coins, the mouth of the waiter went dry. One and a half was sufficient to pay for everything and even leave a nice tip, but three spirit coins were more than he had gotten over the past year.

  Bowing even deeper, the waiter could not help but say "thank you," with a trembling voice. He instantly rushed downstairs to find his boss, and when the boss saw the three spirit coins, he too felt his mouth go dry.

  "These guests, treat them well." The boss said as he held the shoulders of the waiter with a firm grip. "If they can become regulars then I will make you the headwaiter!"

  Hearing this promise, the servant was willing to do anything to make them enjoy the visit so much so that they would come back.

  "Boss, I am going to take the peach wine." He said seriously, and the boss nodded his head. "Take it. Let them drink as much as they want to drink and let them have a party here all night. Even if they stay after the restaurant is closed, let them. We are here to entertain, and the money they paid is really extravagant!"

  The waiter could only agree as he nodded and rushed to the wine cellar where he picked up two old bottles of wine. Both of them were from a group of only twenty bottles, yet these bottles were still taken out. The servant lifted the bottles and headed towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

  "Milord, please enjoy this peach wine. It is a specialty our restaurant has made. There is a very limited supply, but I am sure that you will enjoy it!"

  Having said this, the servant poured the wine into a glass, and Hui Yue tasted it. The moment the wine entered his mouth a pleasantly surprised expression appeared on his face, and he nodded his head. "This is some very good wine." He complimented, and the servant felt as though a stone had been lifted from his shoulders.

  Pouring the wine to each of the guests the servant bowed once again. "I will return shortly with your meals." He said humbly before he vanished behind the heavily embroidered curtains.

  Chapter 422 - Young Master Shao

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  Chapter 422: Young Master Shao

  Soon food was placed on the table, however, they had ordered so much that not even half of it could fit on the table at once. Because of this, the servant placed some of the meals on the table and then left the room, letting the curtains and blankets fall leaving the family in peace within.

  The embroideries on these blankets and curtains were filled with various runes. These runes blocked words from leaving the room, only letting indistinct laughter and sounds outside. While words weren't allowed out of the room, they could still hear everything from outside.

  As soon as the food arrived, everyone was eager to taste it, and as they did their eyes were filled with bliss. This was one of the most expensive restaurants in town, and although the price of all the meals was extravagant, the food clearly lived up to its reputation.

  Tasting the food, everyone suddenly turned silent. They were savoring the great dishes and said nothing; all of them completely overwhelmed.

  After some time when they had eaten the food, Hui Yue turned to Lao. "Will you continue to study at the academy? One can graduate when they reach the King rank." Hui Yue asked curiously, and Lao clearly contemplated for some time.

  "Although I can graduate I think I am going to keep attending the classes. I did not have the chance to learn much about the basics of cultivation before, and to be honest, you are a terrible teacher." Lao said honestly while looking at Hui Yue who could not help but laugh out loud. He was perfectly well aware that he was not a good teacher.

  "I have no interest in doing what the Rong twins do," He said with a serious expression on his face. "Although it is beneficial for the kingdom to have many strong martial arts, I am not willing to sacrifice my cultivation for something such as helping a kingdom which never assisted me." He said seriously, and Hui Yue could understand him.

  Lao looked at Hui Yue with serious eyes. "Don't forget that you promised that when I become an Emperor, I can travel with you!" He said seriously. At his statement, Hui Yue nodded his head. For once he did not laugh but was serious. "When you become an Emperor you can come with me to help me with the various things I need to do." Hui Yue confirmed, and a smile appeared on Lao's face. For him, the most important thing was to become useful to Hui Yue. He felt that he owed his new father the world and he would do anything in his power to be of assistance to him. He was not willing to assist a kingdom which did nothing for him when he needed it the most.

  "Tell us about the Dungeons of the Divine!" Jo pleaded, and with a laughter, Hui Yue and Wang Ju Long started telling them about the experiences they had gone through. Hui Yue hid nothing for these children and his lover. They were his family, and they deserved to know the truth.

  While they were chatting, the servant appeared from time to time taking empty plates and placing new ones. There was a constant supply of food and hour after hour went by as the family enjoyed the delicacies while drinking the delicious peach wine. The family felt as though they were able to relax and enjoy each other's company. Even Hui Yue suppressed his feelings of grief and worry about Sha Yun to have an amazing day with his family before it was time for him to once more use all his energy to win the alchemist’s contest.

  Just as they were speaking Hui Yue suddenly frowned as he looked at the entrance to the room. The others stopped speaking and looked at Hui Yue to see if he was going to say anything but he just shook his head and smiled.

  Soon after, however, the others also heard some turmoil in the lower level of the restaurant causing them to frown. They had been enjoying the time within the restaurant and now someone interrupted their good mood.

  The sound came closer and closer, and soon they could hear a servant talking as well. "Good sirs, the VIP rooms are all occupied. We implore you to not cause any trouble. We can reserve a room for you tomorrow!" The voice was trembling and filled with fear yet, even so, he still dared to try and protect Hui Yue and the other VIP guests.

  "Don't worry about this old man." An arrogant voice sounded out. "Although there is nothing open right now, I will empty a room for you. I'll ensure that nothing bad happens to your restaurant."

  The voice was not longer distant but incredibly close, and suddenly the blankets and curtains closing off the entrance to Hui Yue and his family's room spread open.

  Looking at the doorway, Hui Yue casually picked up a dumpling and ate it slowly, ignoring the people who had burst inside.

  There was seven people: four Kings and three Emperors. All of them had an air of arrogance and as they looked at the small family within they couldn’t help but laughed out loud. They knew they had picked the right room.

  "Leave now, and we will let you live!" A King ranked expert said as he took a step forward as a knife appeared in his hand.

  "Lao, how is your training going?" Hui Yue casually asked his son, and the boy in question grinned. "The attack you taught me is exceptionally strong!" He said. Happily, he too ignored the people who were standing in the doorway.

  "Good," Hui Yue nodded his head in satisfaction. This weird behavior of this father and son caused the King ranked expert who spoke earlier to lo
se his temper, and he charged towards Hui Yue. "It's your own fault! You should have listened!" He called out, but less than a second after Lao moved his hand so quickly that no one was able to see anything other than a blur and a shine of gold.

  The charging expert fell to the ground with a shriek. Looking down at the legs, he found two perfect round holes which had severed his muscles and made it impossible for him to move his legs anymore.

  "You mongrels! This is the young master Shao!" One of the Emperors called out as he too moved forward. Looking at this advancing expert a small flame appeared on top of Hui Yue's index finger. Watching the advancing expert, he flicked his finger and the flame turned to a ball of fire. This fireball was at most two centimeters in diameter, and it rapidly shot towards the Emperor.


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