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Blue Phoenix

Page 314

by Tinalynge

  While in this darkness, everything seemed to try to pull them all away from one another but since the bull had told them to hold each other’s hands, they held on. The world twisted and turned around them making it almost impossible to understand what was going on. As all of them had become confused, nauseated, and uncomfortable, the silvery barrier started to break from the top. It once more let the light of the world inside while slowly disintegrating. The light vanished into the bull in the same manner it had appeared.

  Looking around, they were all stunned. They were standing on top of a mountain, yet this mountaintop had no peak. It was flat, and everything in the world was red. There was a blazing red sun in the sky, the sand on the ground was red, and even the rock of the mountain was red Everything was red, and right in front of them was a large formation. It was the most complex formation Hui Yue had ever seen and just looking at it hurt his eyes. It was engraved on the mountaintop itself, and Hui Yue understood that the one he had seen in his trial was far different from the real formation.

  Engraved into the ground were four overlapping circles which were interwoven into one another, and within these four circles were four depictions of the four Divine Beast Gods. Mixed in with these were also the patterns of stars, trees, and signs that Hui Yue had never seen before. All of this was carved into the ground below.

  “How am I supposed to take it with me?’ Was what Hui Yue thought, but for now, that was not the most important thing. He felt as though he was standing in the middle of a storm. The essence of the heavens and the earth which were being created within this formation was so plentiful that it felt like a real storm when it left the formation. The pressure in the whole area was immense, and Jo, Lao, Sha Yun, Wang Ju Long, and Deng Wu were forced a few steps backward by the strong gusts of energy.

  "The first person to enter should do so now. The rest of you should use this energy to raise your cultivation level as much as you can. The higher your rank, the less time you will need within the Formation of Life."

  Hui Yue nodded his head, and everyone looked at him with great expectations. "Go!" Wang Ju Long and Sha Yu both urged him. They nudged him forward, and Hui Yue steeled himself and nodded his head as he inched closer and closer to the formation.

  The closer he approached, the more intense the energy and pressure became. At some point he even had problems breathing because the energy was entering his mouth and nose, almost choking him. After stopping for a second, he steadied himself and breathed deeply as he stepped forward.

  Inching closer and closer everyone looked at him with wide eyes. Some were fearful that suddenly the formation would swallow Hui Yue, while others were just excited about the fact that Hui Yue would soon become a God. Watching Hui Yue, Cai Jie's eyes were shining, and he instantly sat down starting to cultivate. He was not in the mood to wait and watch any longer as he felt a longing from deep within. A longing to once more become a God. A longing to get revenge for his slain martial brother. Cai Jie understood that the more he trained now, the sooner he too would become a God.

  Everyone had their own goals in life, but all of them felt that they had been given a chance at these goals because of Hui Yue. Therefore no one envied him being first. The volatile essence of the heavens and the earth around them was so dense that it was a hundred times more effective than when they cultivated in the Divine Beast World.

  Seeing Cai Jie sit down and start cultivating, it did not take long before everyone else followed his lead. With one last look at Hui Yue, who was still inching closer to the formation, everyone's eyes filled with determination. They had to raise their strength as much as they possibly could before it was time for them to enter the formation. They owed it to Hui Yue to do their very best!

  The bull had a smile on his face as he looked at Hui Yue and the others, nodding his head in approval. “This batch of experts was clearly much better than that An He and his followers. I am glad that the divine master made us wait for the right cultivator to arrive. Even though we were unhappy with his arrangements, there is no shame when the experts in question are these children."

  Although the bull spoke out loud no one heard the words he said. Everyone was fully focused on themselves. All, apart from Hui Yue, were cultivating, while Hui Yue was slowly struggling with the dense energy trying to enter the Formation of Life. He had never expected that it was like trying to break through a wall. A wall created from sheer energy.

  Chapter 471 - Overwhelming Energy

  * * *

  Chapter 471: Overwhelming Energy

  Hui Yue stopped and was currently unable to move any further. In front of him was a massive barrier made of energy and no matter how much Hui Yue tried to push through, it would not budge in the slightest.

  He placed both his hands on this invisible wall and pushed with all his might, yet nothing happened. There was not even the slightest ripple in this energy wall. Hui Yue was at a loss for what to do.

  'Let’s try merging your energy with this wall. Since it is made from energy, perhaps you can move through it if you use your own energy to protect yourself!' Lan Feng suggested, and Hui Yue nodded his head.

  As a layer of Qi gathered around his body, he touched the wall and felt a slight tremble, but it was as impossible to get through as it had been before. It seems like his Qi was simply not powerful enough.

  After noticing that Qi wouldn’t do the trick, Hui Yue stepped it up a notch and used his spiritual energy. This time the ripples grew stronger, but once again it was impossible for Hui Yue to get through the wall. Summoning all his spiritual energy, he was able to push one hand into the wall but it never reached the other side, nor was it enough to let his body through.

  The third attempt, Hui Yue used Wu Wei. This time one hand could reach through the barrier. He found that he had made a hole ten centimeters wide but as soon as he tried to reach his second hand through, he found it simply impossible. He was at his limit.

  Sighing, Hui Yue looked around. Everyone was cultivating, and he too felt how he was constantly being assaulted by the essence of the heavens and the earth, but what was the use of this Formation of Life if they could not enter it?

  "If it doesn't work with Ancestral Worldpower then I really won’t know how to enter!" Hui Yue grunted while activating his flame attributed Ancestral Worldpower within his body. It poured through his meridians and veins covering his body like a blanket.

  The first hand went through the barrier fairly easily, and so did the second hand. His leg had a little more struggle before his body was pressed into the barrier. The more of Hui Yue which entered, the more difficult it became to pass through.

  Pulling back, Hui Yue looked at the barrier, but instead of feeling displeasure, he was excited! Ancestral Worldpower proved to be the correct way to break through this barrier, but even so, it would not be easy.

  Hui Yue started not with his hand this time but his head. Getting the head through he could breathe a heavy sigh of relief. But, the moment he entered the formation, he was assaulted by an atmosphere of dense Ancestral Worldpower. Ancestral Worldpower flowed into him like a river during a storm. It felt as if it would break apart his body and caused Hui Yue to have a severe, splitting headache. It was impossible for him to try and get the rest of his body through this barrier with the current pain he was feeling, therefore, he had no other option than to withdraw once again.

  Leaving the barrier, his head was spinning, and he almost blacked out. "Frightening." He said while shuddering. The amount of energy within this barrier was simply extraordinary, but all of this energy was what was going to help Hui Yue become a God. Although his head was throbbing badly, he was excited. This meant that he was going to become a God for real!

  Closing his eyes and summoning all of the Ancestral Worldpower within his body, Hui Yue covered one foot first and pushed it through the barrier. A thought suddenly appeared in his mind and a smile sprouted on his face.

  Instead of covering his entire body with Ancestral Worldpower
constantly, he only covered the part of his body which was entering the barrier. The layer of Ancestral Worldpower which covered his body was so thick that it easily went through the barrier. Soon half his body was through. Now only his head and the upper body remained outside, and Hui Yue was standing in a terrible position. However, he was using all his willpower as well as energy to keep his body in position as he slowly pushed more and more of his body through the barrier.

  So far it had been easy, but the further he went, the harder it became. By the time it was his head's turn, he felt blood rush to his face as his head was pushing through the solid barrier. Soon a bit of blood started to drip from his nose, and a stream of blood ran down the corner of his lips. Blood flowed from his eyes as the pressure was becoming more and more severe, but Hui Yue refused to give up. He kept forcing his head further and further into the barrier.

  It was as though he had met a wave of water which came crashing down upon him. It was impossible to breathe while being in it, and almost impossible to fight against. Hui Yue felt that he was about to drown in energy, yet moments after, he finally felt relief as his head broke through the barrier. His eyes were wide open and he was gasping from lack of air.

  The pressure finally dissipated and he could once more breathe again. His blood stopped flowing out, and he gently wiped it away.

  Now standing in this new area what he felt was a new kind of pressure. The winds pulled at his robe as he stood in the middle of an onslaught of energy which assaulted his body. Every vein and blood vessel in his body felt as if it were being ripped apart as the energy invaded his body. At first, Hui Yue was hesitant, but then he stopped fighting the energy and allowed it to do whatever it wished.

  He moved towards the middle of the formation, and everywhere he went, it was the same. The energy entering his body made him feel as though he was being ripped apart, but at the same time the energy also mended all the injuries it caused.

  The Ancestral Worldpower within the barrier at first seemed as if it was moving in a chaotic way, but after observing it for some time and feeling the flow of energy enter his body, Hui Yue found that there was a pattern to it. The energy seemed to enter his body at specific intervals every ten seconds. Every gust of energy contained an immense amount of Ancestral Worldpower which slowly penetrated the deepest parts of Hue Yue’s body. It started to reform the cells that his body was made out of.

  During this process, his body slowly changed. His flesh and bones were infused with Ancestral Worldpower, and his entire body was being recreated from Ancestral Worldpower. Hui Yue’s already strengthened body was able to absorb even more energy than normal bodies, and he gobbled up every single wave of energy which came towards him.

  Being outside this formation, time ticked by much slower than inside it. Time passed so slowly that they often looked at Hui Yue within the formation, yet they were unable to see any changes to him; he just sat there as still as a statue.

  One month passed by in the blink of an eye. To Hui Yue, this time went by swiftly. Every small change to his body was invigorating and filled him with hope for the future. This helped him understand just what true strength was. Although he was far from being as imposing as the four Divine Beast Gods, or as overpowering as the Demon Lord, he was still able to feel how his abilities were changing, and how his strength was evolving.

  The Qi he had trained as a child, his elemental affinities he had worked so hard to unlock, and his Wu Wei which had saved him time and time again were slowly vanishing. Strand after strand of energy was being remade into Ancestral Worldpower, and Hui Yue finally understood that the Gods were different from mortals on a fundamental level. They were no longer creatures of flesh and blood, they were no longer cultivators of the dantians, they were Gods. Their entire body were created from energy, and this energy was the only kind of energy that their bodies could contain.

  It was not only Hui Yue who could feel the change, Lan Feng within his lower dantian was undergoing a similar change, his soul lost strand after strand of energy as his soul was being remade. His soul was being formed from just Ancestral Worldpower.

  By the time one year had gone by Wang Ju Long had reached the Saint rank. Everyone was working their hardest. They were cultivating almost nonstop, and although a lot of time had gone by, none of them were worried. The bull had already told them that it would take quite a while. They passed the time by watching Hui Yue from time to time, eating the food they had brought with them, and focusing on cultivating.

  While Hui Yue could feel every single change to his body, he never noticed how much time had passed. Every minuscule change happened right after each other, and the Ancestral Worldpower kept his body nourished. As his body became less mortal and more like a Gods, he felt no hunger nor discomfort.

  At the start, he had felt the pressure of the wind of energy as they obstructed him, but now when he was hit with each gust of energy, his body was invigorated.

  Another two years passed before Hui Yue opened his eyes with excitement. These deep blue eyes held a flame within, but just moments after the eyes opened the flame vanished and Hui Yue stood up. His body, which had not moved an inch for the last three years, showed no signs of being sore neither did he feel any discomfort at all.

  As Hui Yue stood up, he levitated into the air and with no problems. He floated past the barrier and into the essence of the heavens and the earth where his friends were waiting for him.

  Currently, all of them were cultivating, but suddenly they felt an overpowering aura which pressured them. An aura so overwhelming that they awoke from their cultivation instantly.

  Hui Yue was still not able to fully control his aura or his newfound strength, but even so, he was doing his best to restrain the aura he released. Still, it was far from enough and the small bit of aura which did escape him was enough to pressure his friends greatly. Even the Saint ranked one's present finally understood that being a God was far different from being a Saint. The difference between a God and a mortal was as vast as the distance between the heavens and the earth!

  "You succeeded!" Cai Jie called out excitedly as he looked at Hui Yue. His face was filled with excitement as he looked at Hui Yue and everyone else joined in the celebration. Even the bull came closer and congratulated Hui Yue.

  "Becoming a God so quickly, you truly are talented!" The bull praised as he looked at Hui Yue and nodded his head in approval. "Now that you are a God there are multiple things we need to do."

  "First, I need to get you to become the Crowned Sovereign of this world. Second, I need to gift you the item that this rascal Deng Wu asks about all the time, and finally, I need to give you a message from the divine masters."

  Every word he spoke was making everyone excited, and they all looked at the bull with impatient expressions.

  However, Hui Yue had changed. He was no longer the person he had been before. With a calm smile on his face, he nodded his head gesturing for the bull to proceed.

  Chapter 472 - Universe Box

  * * *

  Chapter 472: Universe Box

  Looking at Hui Yue, everyone became silent. His temperament seemed much more majestic than what they were used to. He was like an emperor overlooking his subjects. His eyes were incredibly gentle but if one were to look within they would find it impossible to look away. At that moment, they would feel as though their soul was being sucked out.

  A gentle smile had been on his lips since he returned and it seemed liked it would stay there as well as an aura of mystery that had appeared around this young man. Looking at him, it was simply impossible for them to understand just how powerful he was, and what secrets were hidden within his newly created body.

  It was not only his personality and demeanor which had changed, but his body was clearly completely different from before. His skin was now milky white with a silvery sheen, and as soft as a newborn baby’s. He had grown taller but also less muscular and his entire body had changed to one formed from energy.

lthough he had lost his lower dantian, Lan Feng and the nine caves had not vanished, and neither had the Nirvana Phoenix Flame or his elemental flames.

  Around his chest area, where his middle dantian used to be, a small cave had appeared, and everything was gathered within. Although the cave seemed incredibly small, it was able to contain many things, and never seemed cramped.

  Hui Yue found that he still had access to all the energies that he had before, except Qi, spiritual energy, and Wu Wei; however, the loss of these three energies was not a big deal to Hui Yue. As long as he still had the blue cloud, the beast core, and lifeforce, alongside his newfound Ancestral Worldpower, he was satisfied.

  Hui Yue was no longer a mortal, and therefore, his life expectancy was limitless. He could live for eternity as long as he did not get killed. When he became a God his lifeforce didn’t seem to matter in terms of vitality, but was now a strong current of energy in his body that he could draw upon.


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