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Blue Phoenix

Page 315

by Tinalynge

  The changes not only affected his lifeforce, but his other energies as well. With his beast core Hue Yue could feel that it had been moved to his chest cave and was pulsating with a terrifying amount of energy just waiting to be unleashed.

  His beast energy had been refined by the Ancestral Worldpower and was now much stronger than before. Now his beast core was so full of energy that Hui Yue almost feared it would burst.

  When Hui Yue first realized that his entire body was being recreated cell by cell into a body from Ancestral Worldpower, he started pondering on the differences between humans and beasts.

  Humans were different from beasts in that when they became Gods they had to have their bodies remade from Ancestral Worldpower whereas beasts did not. Humans had to give up their current energies for the more refined and powerful Ancestral Worldpower.

  Hue Yue’s human body had been reformed by the Ancestral Worldpower, but this did not mean that his previous body was of no concern to his advancement and strength at the God rank.

  Quite the contrary, Hue Yue found that when one’s body became immortal it would fuse their flesh and blood with the Ancestral Worldpower, and therefore, the stronger one’s body was before this process, the better foundation they would have as a God ranked cultivator.

  The body was the foundation of a God’s strength, and Hui Yue had quite an outstanding body even compared to those cultivators in the heavenly worlds. This was due to the various rewards he had gotten over his many travels. Especially, the last advancement he gained from the Vermilion Bird’s longevity blood.

  During his time in the Formation of Life, his body had fused with so much Ancestral Worldpower that he felt like he had a massive reservoir of power, like a deep lake, and he could feel energy roaming throughout his entire body!

  The memories Hui Yue had of the red wolf becoming a God were completely different than what he had experienced. This was why he knew of the differences between humans and beasts. The transition from being a Saint to becoming a God was not a process where the wolf's body was reformed into a body made from Ancestral Worldpower; instead, his body stayed mostly the same from when he was mortal. The wolf’s flesh and blood were just strengthened and enhanced by Ancestral Worldpower.

  Due to their energy coming from their beast cores they did not need to become a being created from energy. During this process, their souls fused with the Ancestral Worldpower making them become immortals. As a beast, at the time they reached the Saint level, their bodies were already as strong as divine treasures. Where the mortal human body could not accommodate an immortal soul, the beast bodies were capable of doing so, and therefore, they did not need to have their body reformed.

  "I wonder why humans were created so much weaker than beasts and demons." Hui Yue mumbled to himself as he was caught up in his earlier ponderings, but he also knew that this was something that he did not have time to dwell on at the moment. He had just become a God, and there were many secrets of the universe which he was currently not fit to know.

  Instead of continuing to think about these things, Hui Yue shook his head. He once more smiled at the bull who had patiently been waiting since he saw Hui Yue's eyes grew distant. He was in no rush, and seeing that Hui Yue was thinking about something, he did not interrupt. Hui Yue had after all just become a God. He had many thoughts that needed to be fully comprehended, and need to seek enlightenment in meditation on them.

  As the bull saw that Hui Yue was present once more, he turned to move towards the Formation of Life. Lifting his hand, he was moving as effortlessly as Hui Yue had just before. The closer he came to the formation, the more curious Hui Yue and the others became.

  The bull did not enter the barrier, but the moment he reached the formation he lifted both his arms and the ground started trembling. An earthquake appeared out of nowhere, and soon a small crack appeared in the ground around the Formation of Life. At first, it was just a small crack, but it rapidly grew. In a matter of moments, it changed from a small crack to a large canyon. This canyon destroyed the mountain on which they were standing and made it split into multiple peaks with the formation floating in the middle.

  "You can store this formation within me." A voice suddenly rang out in Hui Yue's mind, one he knew very well. The voice of the spirit of the Universe Box.

  After having become a God, this Universe Box and he were much more compatible. It was now much easier for Hui Yue to converse with the spirit, and he no longer needed to enter the box to do so. Also, now it was possible for him to use a great deal more space than he could before.

  "Oh, I can?" Hui Yue asked curiously. He had worried about how to bring this formation with him, however, if he could store it in the Universe Box, then that would solve his problem.

  "I told you before that if you get strong enough, you can even store the entire galaxy in my space." The spirit said with a humph, clearly insulted that he had not listened earlier. "I was not joking. At your current strength, having this formation and a few living beings inside is absolutely not an issue." He continued proudly, and his words caused Hui Yue to feel excited. He could even hold living beings within the box... Wouldn't that be the safest place to cultivate?

  "Jie!" Hui Yue called out, and he instantly turned to look at him. His eyes were blazing with excitement. He did not know what Hui Yue was about to say, but he could guessed the gist of it. It was now his turn to become a God.

  "Enter the formation, and no matter what happens, stay within until you become a God once more!" Hui Yue ordered, and Cai Jie nodded his head seriously. He was unaware of Hui Yue's plans, but he would follow his directions anytime.

  Moving forward, Cai Jie easily jumped past the canyon that had appeared between them and the formation before he reached the barrier.

  "Use Ancestral Worldpower to cover the part of your body which is entering the barrier." Hui Yue advised with a low voice, but for Cai Jie, it felt as though his good friend was right by his side causing him to be excited for what was coming. Hearing the solution of how to go through the barrier, Cai Jie followed the instructions as closely as he could. Finally, after a short while, he managed to get a part of his body through.

  His facial expression changed as he felt the ravaging gusts of energy which blew around inside the barrier. Though, he soon steadied his face and his eyes shone with determination. He was determined to enter this formation even if it cost him greatly.

  It went pretty much the same as when Hui Yue entered. Blood flowed freely from his face by the time he tried to finally push through.

  Everyone watched as Cai Jie finally managed to break through the barrier, and all of them were amazed. It was one thing that Hui Yue had succeeded in breaking through the barrier, but for Cai Jie to do so was much harder.

  What they did not know was that Cai Jie's body could not truly withstand the pressure, but with sheer stubbornness and his urge to become a God once again, he forced himself through it. He would never give up in pursuit of his goals.

  Arriving inside the barrier, Cai Jie did exactly what Hui Yue told him to. He went straight to the middle and sat down starting to cultivate.

  Seeing Cai Jie enter the barrier, Hui Yue nodded in approval. Hui Yue lifted his hand, and a golden light shone from his palm as a box appeared out of nowhere.

  "The Universe Box?!" The bull exclaimed shocked as he saw that Hui Yue summoned forth such a treasure; his eyes went wide and were on the verge of popping out of his head. His mouth was agape, like a stranded fish, and his heart was beating erratically.

  Hui Yue ignored the bull and focused on the voice within his mind. ‘You now have the power to summon forth my true self, but only do so when it is absolutely necessary. You are not strong enough to keep this box. If it got out that you were in possession of a treasure such as myself, every expert would hunt you down."

  "Now surround the Formation of Life with you Ancestral Worldpower and after that slowly drag it towards you."

  Hui Yue frowned but did as he was told,
and soon the formation of life with Cai Jie inside started floating towards him. The golden light from within the Universe Box started shining much brighter than it had previously. This light left the box illuminating the outside world. The golden light moved to surround the Formation of Life, as it slowly shrank in size.

  Cai Jie was already deep in meditation and he did not notice that the world around him was shrinking. That the world was constantly becoming smaller and smaller and was moved into a storage realm.

  It was then swallowed before the box slowly vanished into Hui Yue's palm once more.

  Cai Jie and the Formation of Life had completely vanished from the face of the realm, but Hui Yue could feel Cai Jie's heartbeat. Closing his eyes and reaching out with his consciousness, he could also see Cai Jie who was cultivating within the formation. He watched his friend who still had not noticed what had happened to him.

  Hui Yue opened his eyes as the golden light vanished and everyone looked at him as if he were a monster.

  "You have the Universe Box in your possession?!" The bull exclaimed loudly, as he looked at Hui Yue with shock and uncertainty in his eyes.

  "Oh, you know of it?" Hui Yue asked surprised, and only now did he remember the words that the spirit had told him moments ago. "Please do not tell anyone that I possess this item." He said humbly, and the bull nodded his head. "It’s not good for others to know that this storage realm has once more resurfaced in the universe. When it last appeared, it was an event big enough to shake the entire galaxy and shatter the peace of the heavenly worlds. You are far too weak to protect it as you are now, and thus we cannot tell anyone about this."

  "The fact that you have the Universe Box is a great blessing though." The bull continued as his face was filled with a great smile. "This makes it much easier for me to gift you with the second item I wish to give you."

  The moment the bull spoke everyone became interested. Off in the distance one beam of light after another appeared heading in their direction. As for what these beams of lights were, Hui Yue did not know, but he knew that something major was about to happen.

  Chapter 473 - Master

  * * *

  Chapter 473: Master

  These beams of light all appeared in front of Hui Yue, and they morphed in the shapes of various beasts. In total, there were eight new beasts that had arrived. Amongst these beasts Hui Yue instantly recognized two. Had Cai Jie been here, then he too would have noticed two of them.

  The ones Hui Yue recognized was the snake-woman and the rhinoceros, the two experts he had fought before. Upon seeing them, he instantly noticed that they were not as weak as they had been when he was up against them. They were now many times more powerful, and their auras were so overwhelming that even Hui Yue, who had just become a God, could see that these experts were stronger than him.

  The friends who were standing by Hui Yue's side were all shocked, but none of them were capable of feeling their overwhelming auras. It was like when Hui Yue had first seen the bull; they could simply feel nothing from them.

  These friends of Hui Yue were not slow, and upon seeing the hesitation within the white-haired young man's face, they all looked at the newcomers with hesitation as well.

  The beasts that had just arrived were all surprised to see their alert faces, but they also smiled gently. They held no hostility as they all looked at Hui Yue with great interest.

  "I told you that I have a present for you." The bull started. "And that is true. Within this broken realm, a group of us experts from the second generation have been living for a long time. A very long time." The bull sighed. "We were all asked if we wanted to wait in here, and we agreed, but we never knew it would be so long. We were told that when the next Crowned Sovereign appeared, we were to follow him and support his decisions alongside protecting this realm our masters left behind."

  "Now you have appeared, we, the guardians of the formation, will follow you on your journey to make this Divine Beast World into a peerless heavenly world."

  "Let us introduce ourselves." The many beasts said.

  "You already know me." The snake-woman said as she looked at Hui Yue with curiosity in her eyes. There was still something familiar about Hui Yue, something that she could not put her finger on, but it felt as though they had known each other for a very long time... But she was certain that the first time they had met was in the black stone tower chamber just recently.

  "You have met me as well." The rhinoceros said with a harrumph, and Hui Yue nodded to the tall beast in a greeting. These two he had indeed met before.

  The third one to step forward was a large creature which reminded Hui Yue of Anubis, the Egyptian god from his previous life. This creature was a mixture between a black jackal and a human. Its eyes were one of the most beautiful golden colors Hui Yue had ever seen.

  "I am Shen Wei." The jackal said with a smile. "I am one of the Nine Guardians of the Formation of Life. These are my brothers and sisters. All of us are from the second generation, and we have decided to follow the new Crowned Sovereign and assist him in his future adventures."

  "I am Tang Tian." A flood dragon introduced himself. "I am Zhong Li." A qilin beast said, and only now did Hui Yue remember a conversation he had with Lan Feng. This was when he had seen a qilin for the first time that was tamed by the Rong family when he was a child. It was now obvious why those qilins had never surprised Lan Feng when he personally knew what their ancestor, Zhong Li, was like.

  "I am Lu Jing." A dog with three heads introduced himself, and after him came a massive sea snake. "I am Jia Na."

  The final beast that appeared in front of him was a turtle. This turtle was not black like the divine beast but deep blue like the ocean. "I am Yan Lei."

  In front of them stood nine Gods, and these Gods were all filled with excitement and determination. All of them had bodies far bigger than Hui Yue and his friends, but upon seeing the somewhat uncomfortable expression on Hui Yue's face, all of them took on human form. Even the snake-woman whom Hui Yue had expected to stay as a half beast turned into a human with long legs. She was the only woman in the group, but no one looked at her with greed. If anything they were kind of apprehensive and fearful when they looked at her.

  "But there is one more thing I wish to gift you." The bull said excitedly. "Everyone here you can trust completely, and thus I have to tell them that you are in possession of the Universe Box." These words caused all the eyes of the Gods to widen in surprise, and a few even opened their mouths in shock.

  Hui Yue was not very happy with the fact that these unknown cultivators had been told this secret of his, but he trusted the Vermilion Bird and the bull. If they had picked out these guardians, then they had to be reliable. Therefore, he did nothing to show his slight displeasure.

  "The reason I am telling these experts about this is because of the realm we are currently residing within."

  "It is a broken world, and as it is now, no one is willing to create a formation that belongs to this realm exclusively. It has been able to survive by depending on the Formation of the Divine Beast World, but now that you have removed this formation it is just a matter of time before this world collapses. With the world like this no one is willing to become its sovereign, nor to spend the time needed to mend it. This realm is simply too weak and has nowhere near enough lifeforce to create a Crowned Sovereign, therefore, not many are willing to become the core, the foundation, and the owner."

  "However, although this realm is weak and on the verge of breaking down, we have to remember that this realm was created by the divine master. It was something he left behind for the generations to come. We guardians have already lived here for eons, and we are emotionally connected to this red world. Although it is like a prison, it has also become our home."

  "Earlier, this friend of yours, Deng Wu, wanted to have a broken world as your personal refuge, why not accept this realm as your second world? Although you are not yet capable of mending it completely, you will be able to slowly men
d and rebuild it. It will become stronger, and eventually, migrate some inhabitants from the Divine Beast World to this realm. One day it could become a real world and flourish once more."

  It was clear that this was something that truly mattered to the bull, but not only him, everyone present had faces filled with expectations. Seeing these faces, how could Hui Yue possibly say no?

  "Will it be a problem for me to become the sovereign of more than one world?" Hui Yue asked. If there were any bad side effects, then he was not going to accept this task, but if it did not bring with it any downsides, then he would accept it. Just looking at Deng Wu's excited face, he could not help but smile at him.

  "There are no downsides to having merged with more than one world." The bull assured Hui Yue. "It is hard to create two worlds in a row because of the energy needed and the toll it takes on the body, but when the worlds have already been created it is different."


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