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Blue Phoenix

Page 394

by Tinalynge

  After visiting the herb shop, he stopped at the armory, the weaponsmith, and the treasury. Everywhere he went he would look at the things that were for sale, but nothing caught his eye and made him want to spend Worldpower Stones. Although there were some tempting things, they were not items that he felt an urgent need to own. The prices the sellers wanted in Worldpower Stones were all rather high, but it seemed that if one used contribution points they were more reasonably priced. Unfortunately, Hui Yue still had absolutely no contribution points.

  Although he had achieved the unthinkable by becoming the Second Judge of Hell, the patriarch understood quite well that if he gave Hui Yue a lot of contribution points, then the other members of the sect would definitely be insulted by it. In the end, it would do him no good.

  Even Hui Yue knew this, and it was why he did not mind much. Although he wished to have contribution points, he did not want to provoke others’ ire that badly. He could always work hard and get his own contribution points later.

  Because of this, he did not enter the contribution point hall; the place where everyone with contribution points could go and check how many points they had.

  He did, however, go towards the administrative building that dealt with everything that had to do with the sect and its members.

  The administrative building was not big, but there were a lot of people entering. Mainly these people were here to announce the birth of new members of the sect, or get information about family members out on missions.

  There were also young members of the sect who came to announce that they were now old enough to be considered cultivators or even that they no longer belonged in the younger generation.

  Hui Yue went straight for the counter this time, and when the person behind the counter saw him, he was shocked. He was completely stunned at first but then the reason for why Hui Yue was there dawned upon him.

  "You are here to sign up as a member of the Celestial Sword Sect I assume?" he asked timidly, and Hui Yue nodded.

  Both looked at one another for a moment not completely sure how they were supposed to go about this, and finally, Hui Yue sighed. He did not fully understand how they did things here, so it was not his place to come up with solutions.

  "Ugh, this is not going to be easy," the man behind the counter mumbled to himself before he turned to leave. "Stay here," he ordered as he started walking away. "I will get an elder who will be able to help set up your papers."

  Just like that, he dashed away, but while he ran, Hui Yue became the center of attention for everyone within the building. No one tried to mask that they were curious about him and were sizing him up. Seeing this, Hui Yue could do nothing but ignore them.

  Hui Yue stayed in place for only a few moments before an elder came rushing towards him with an apologetic smile on his face. The moment Hui Yue saw him, he understood that this elder was one of those who had a favorable opinion of Hui Yue and he was relieved. It would have been annoying if there was an elder trying to make problems for him already.

  "We will do it like this; first we will pretend that he is a newborn. Fill in the papers as you would when someone comes to announce the birth of a new member of the sect," the elder ordered, and the man who had notified him nodded his head and scrambled to find the papers.

  "Full name?" He requested, and Hui Yue answered straight away, "Pei Yue."

  "Father?" He continued, and Hui Yue answered, "Pei Tian."


  "Third Generation."

  When he wrote third generation down his hand trembled slightly. It was shocking to even see someone of the third generation, and to deal with such a sect member face-to-face was simply unthinkable.

  "Mother?" he asked, and Hui Yue hesitated for some time. "Do I need to answer that question?" Hui Yue asked tentatively. He was not willing to leave any clues to finding his other parents. If someone disliked Hui Yue, then they would take out their hate on his parents, and this was something he could not accept.

  "Usually, we need the name of the mother, but in this case, we will make an exception. We will write Unknown instead," he ordered, and the man behind the counter quickly did as he was told.

  Then came many questions about the appearance of Hui Yue. His eye color, his hair color, and his skin color.

  "Okay, then on to the next part," the elder said as he found another stack of papers which they needed to fill in. These were the papers showing that Hui Yue was now a member of the younger generation of cultivators; that he was no longer a child.

  The papers asked questions such as which dao did he first gain insights into, and what his talents were and so on.

  It took Hui Yue a full three hours to fill out all paperwork, and when he finally left the building, he had his hands on an emblem with his new name and some basic information about him. This emblem would need to be updated from time to time when he became a higher ranked member of the sect.

  The contribution points were also stored within this emblem, and if one were to use the points to purchase something, then they needed to display their emblem.

  Having sorted the issues at hand, Hui Yue ended up aimlessly wandering about the sect. He looked at one building after another, and he looked at everything from Ancestral Worldpower Skills to the training fields.

  Wherever Hui Yue moved, people would stop and stare at him. Many were curious about what kind of person he was, and it was not before now that Hui Yue noticed that the main emotion they felt towards him was curiosity, not hostility. Although there was some with jealousy in their eyes, it was far from everyone.

  Hui Yue continued to walk past the many training experts as he watched people who were sparring or training on their own. He enjoyed the friendly atmosphere that was filled with voices, yells, and other sounds coming from the training experts from when their attacks hit their targets.

  Walking around, Hui Yue saw a dummy which no one was using, and with a casual slash of his hand, using the dao of gale around him, he formed a wind blade which instantly sliced it in half.

  The attack was effortless and everyone who watched it narrowed their eyes. One had to know that these dummies were rather sturdy and only an Immortal of Creation was capable of breaking them.

  This young man, who was only fifty years old, was capable of destroying it with utter ease.

  They were unaware of what kind of attack he had used, but if they knew which dao he used with his hand, they would have been able to understand the attack better.

  Hui Yue was a third generation descendant of the great roc, a beast which had an innate connection with the wind. Hui Yue integrated the insights he had gained while fully comprehending the dao of the gale into his simple attack causing its power to skyrocket. His attack was in no way inferior to an Immortal of Creation attack.

  Chapter 600 - Bloodline Pressure

  * * *

  Chapter 600: Bloodline Pressure

  The moment the dummy was sliced in half, Hui Yue watched as it lit up with a strange glow. The bisected dummy started to repair itself, and moments after, the glow vanished and it looked as if nothing had ever happened to it.

  "Amusing," Hui Yue mumbled to himself as he summoned forth another ten wind blades and chopped the dummy into even smaller pieces.

  Although it was now spread all over the floor, the same thing happened once more. The strange light shone, and the broken dummy mended itself once again.

  Having broken the dummy twice, it was easy to guess that it would mend itself again if he were to slice it into even smaller bits, but he could not help but be curious. Would it also be able to mend itself if it was crushed into smithereens.

  Hui Yue used his dao of gravity which put a thousand fold pressure on the dummy, but even when he did this, it was not enough to crush it. All that happened was that it snapped and started digging into the ground under the immense pressure.

  Hui Yue paused for a moment and released the pressure exerted by his gravitation field before he saw the light shine and
the dummy repair itself.

  Up until now, Hui Yue had been quite a bit away from the dummy, but now that he was curious about it, he moved closer to inspect it. It seemed like any other metal dummy, completely simple and not as marvelous as its regenerative abilities would suggest. Constantly repairing itself must take quite a bit of energy, and Hui Yue had no idea how it was capable of doing such a thing.

  'Although you have just become a God, I figured you would be smarter,' Lan Feng's voice suddenly mocked in Hui Yue's mind, and the young man instantly stopped to hear what the bird’s explanation was.

  'When you were a mortal cultivator, you studied some inscriptions, and you know that Deng Wu deals with inscriptions too. It should be obvious that there are Gods who specialize in inscriptions, and theirs are many times more profound than the ones you knew as a mortal.'

  'Apart from inscriptions, there are also formations. They are specialists in their field just like alchemists are. I am surprised you did not see them when looking around earlier. Perhaps they just did not catch your attention, but now that you are a God, inscriptions and formations will be much stronger than any you have seen before.'

  'I bet that there are countless formations around this world set to protect it should any enemy’s invade. I also think there is a formation that makes it so only those with the bloodline of the great roc are capable of entering the inner sect's area.'

  'I see,' Hui Yue mumbled to himself, and suddenly, a brilliant smile appeared on his lips as he fully understood what Lan Feng said. He had a slight understanding of inscriptions and formations, and he wished to deepen this understanding, but at the same time, he also understood that it should only be something he did in his spare time. He could not afford to delay his cultivation because of it.

  Hui Yue was still standing in front of the dummy, but his thoughts were far away. He was chatting with Lan Feng about cultivation, inscriptions, alchemy, and formations.

  "Are you just going to stand and look at the training dummy or are you going to attack and practice your dao?" A fairly sour voice sounded from behind Hui Yue who was dragged from his thoughts. He turned around only to find that there was a whole group of experts staring at him.

  The one who had spoken out was a young woman who seemed rather annoyed. Her hands were resting on her hips, and her expression said that she was looking for a fight. Despite this, Hui Yue just observed her with no change to his expressions before he flashed a friendly smile to her. He then turned around to leave, "sorry." He said with an upbeat voice, "I was thinking about something and must have lost track of time; please go on ahead."

  The already sour expression on the face of the woman turned even darker when she heard his reply. Her words had been rude and rough, they were practically begging for Hui Yue to fight her, or at the least, he should have been greatly insulted, yet this seemed to not be the case.

  Those who were just normal cultivators saw this and started to looking down on Hui Yue instantly. One should never apologize if they had strength, but those with a bit higher intellect instantly understood that Hui Yue was just avoiding the challenge. He was not willing to show off his full strength yet.

  "Coward!" The girl yelled out, her face livid but Hui Yue just completely ignored her as she kept moving until he sensed her attack and dodged to the side.

  The moment he dodged, he noticed a windblade shoot past where he had just been standing. The windblade was not small, and it was full of killing intent.

  Although Hui Yue was a kind person, he would be cold to those who were cold to him. If someone treated him with respect, he would treat them with respect, if someone treated him with hostility, then he would kill them as soon as he had the chance.

  Although he thought like this, Hui Yue understood that it would be a very bad idea to kill someone within the sect, but he couldn’t just let this woman get away with attacking him like she had.

  His face was still blank, and no emotions showed when he turned around as he looked at the woman who had attacked. "What is the meaning of this?" He asked with a frosty voice.

  The girl, who had expected to see him fly into a frenzy and return the attack, was shocked when she saw his expression and the casual way he requested an explanation.

  "You are a coward that runs away! Our Celestial Sword Sect does not need members like you!" She exclaimed, but Hui Yue just shrugged his shoulders as he glanced at her.

  The girl was no longer a member of the younger generation, but her strength was definitely below that of Pei Ze and Pei Feng, not to mention the youth from the Nightcrawler Sect. Thus Hui Yue looked down on her. Not only was she far weaker than him, but he had two bloodlines that could easily suppress her.

  First was the bloodline of the roc. He was a third generation descendant, and thus his bloodline was many times stronger than hers. Secondly, he had the bloodline of the Vermilion Bird, and although it was weak, it was still the sovereign of all birds. So far he had never made use of this bloodline but to threaten this woman, he felt like it was not too much.

  He stepped closer to the woman, and the closer he came to her the more of the bloodline of the Vermilion Bird he activated. The woman and everyone else present could feel the overwhelming pressure that Hui Yue released.

  Their own bloodlines were being suppressed, and unknown fear crept into the hearts of everyone who looked at Hui Yue. They could feel the bloodline he was activating. Was this the power of a third generation bloodline? Everyone was shocked, but no one was feeling worse than the woman who had challenged him.

  "I don't usually fight girls," Hui Yue said casually as he took another step forward and the pressure intensified. "I don't see a reason to fight over something as useless as this dummy." he continued as he took another step forward.

  "I don't approve of sneak attacks," was said following another step. "I don't care to fight weaklings."

  "I don't see why I should waste my time on someone like you who cannot even stand up to the pressure emitted from someone from my generation," Hui Yue finished with one more step. By now he was a mere three steps away from the woman who was sweating with a pale face, and the fear in her eyes was obvious.

  She was trembling, and her entire body seemed weak. She was incapable of saying a single word. Her body refused to answer to her, and it unwillingly took a few steps backward.

  Hui Yue, who was usually a very admirable young man was currently looking at the young woman with disgust.

  "Don't annoy people stronger than you. One day you will meet someone who is not a member of the Celestial Sword Sect, and it will be your end." Hui Yue sighed as he withdrew the bloodline of the Vermilion Bird back into his body.

  The moment he did everyone suddenly felt as if they could breathe again. It had just felt as if someone was holding their hearts and could squash it at any time, killing them with but a glance. They were all absolutely horrified.

  This was a strength that Hui Yue had and that the other strong members of the Celestial Sword Sect had compared to the other and later generations.

  While some felt awe towards Hui Yue most felt jealousy. Some felt that Hui Yue was just abusing his innate bloodline to bully others, but many understood that it was not the case. Hui Yue was likely to have many tricks up his sleeve, but one of them, and the one which proved that Hui Yue was almost unbeatable within the sect was his bloodline.

  What they did not know was that the bloodline Hui Yue had just used was that of the Vermilion Bird and that it had nothing to do with him being a third generation descendant.

  Even if he were up against a second generation, or even the Great Roc itself, then Hui Yue would be able to put some pressure on them.

  Hui Yue did not wait for them to speak. He just snorted at the woman as he turned around and left.

  The entire area was deadly silent. No one knew what they were supposed to say or do. All of them had felt the pressure, and they instantly understood that Hui Yue was someone they needed to be wary of. Even the stronger experts wit
hin the Dummy Training Field had felt this pressure, and they too had been greatly shocked.

  The girl was dejected. Her heart felt like it had been ripped out and she felt her face flare red with embarrassment. She had expected that since she was as strong as Pei Ze and Pei Feng, dealing with a member of the younger generation would not prove difficult. Little did she know that this expert was many times stronger than both Pei Feng and Pei Ze.

  "Did he have to be so ruthless with his words?" She mumbled to herself as she regretted her actions. Today she wished to use Hui Yue to gain some fame but had instead become a stepping stone for him to have his name spread all over the sect once more.

  Just as she knew it would, the events of today only took moments before word of what had happened spread across the entire sect. It was said that Hui Yue's intimidating air was so frightening that everyone felt their hearts stop and their bodies tremble uncontrollably.


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