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Page 10

by Tony Corden

  World Achievement: First 1 (1, Painite)

  Enter the Demon Realm

  Atherleah (Level 100) You have entered the demon realm of Çaresiz. This is your first World Achievement: 'First 1 (Painite)’.

  You are the first player to enter this playing area. Like the Continent of Vatan, Çaresiz has been developed as a land to be explored and tamed by travellers.

  Reward 1: 10000 x 100 (41.5%) Experience Points (150000/150000) …(101978/190000)

  Reward 2: + 10% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 1 x 10 Diamond

  Reward 4: Increased probability of valuable drop. Luck is increased by 15 whenever you are in Çaresiz.

  Fame: 15000 Fame Points (35050)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]

  Before she could retain her privacy, there was a flash of light, and Emil Riverton appeared in his avatar of a distinguished looking elf. He was standing several meters in front of her.

  “Atherleah, I don’t know if you realise this, but you are causing numerous people to lose both their sleep and their sanity. You have a habit of being where you’re not supposed to. Now, once more I must interrupt, as I’m afraid a mistake has been.”

  “Another mistake, let me guess. Nobody is supposed to visit hell yet.”

  “Well, technically, this isn’t hell, it’s more a dark realm of demons and other amazing races and quests. The thing is this is still under development and isn’t due to be released for several months. We have been using the current live parts of Dunyanin to help train and develop the AIs of this world. So people from Vatan who are into the dark arts have been learning about the world as they summon demons and the like. In return, the AIs who play those roles have been learning about humans, elves and dwarves, etc. You have stumbled into one of these links and dragged into this world months ahead of schedule. I would like to discuss ways that we might keep this quiet until the right time.”

  “Why you?”

  “Well, the administration knows we have met, and I was already on a task force that was evaluating your play style. When this came up, I was the natural choice.”

  “What about my play style?”

  “Well, you’ve upped the game a fair amount. We’ve always had the odd player who has a real life skill that has meant they have some advantage if they use their natural ability rather than the preset moves. They always advance quickly, and it upsets our statistics and formulas. Your natural agility is probably around what we program for those who are Level 200-250. Your accuracy is amazing, and the only people better are some who really are physical stars in real life, like an Olympic athlete. We are trying to work out ways to give you challenges that might slow you down. Unfortunately, you’ve upped your game. I don’t know how, but your sword skills came out of nowhere. We watched you at the beginning, and you were a slash and cut player, so we tried to give you a reason to use the presets. If you’d become dependant on them, you would probably have slowed down. But suddenly you have amazing skills in archery and swordsmanship. We thought, making you choose a team, would slow you down, but no, you help them change their gameplay, and now we have six of you to worry about.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because we want you to be completely quiet about Çaresiz until we release it. Some of the higher-ups wanted to send the lawyers, but I believe truth and some incentives would be easier and cheaper in the long run.”

  “Ok, I’ll keep quiet.”

  “But you haven't heard our terms.”

  “I don’t need to. I mean, I’d be happy with inducements. I need everything I can get. But the reality is, I hope I’m not the sort of person who profits by screwing someone over for an honest mistake. Now, Jason, I was happy to try and ruin him because he’s a jerk. But I can accept that someone simply made a mistake.”

  “You realise that we have this taped and this is legally binding.”

  “It doesn’t matter, if I start breaking my word then what sort of person will I end up being. I promise though that if word gets out, it won’t be from me.”

  “Thank you. Now for the inducements which I am going to give you anyway. Firstly, you can keep the achievement, the EP, the money and the fame. The Plaque, however, will be blank until we open the area and then you will have to share the title with whoever makes it first. Secondly, we would like to give you a piece of property in Ticareti to have as a clan headquarters until you claim a keep or a castle. It is a small mansion that we built for an anticipated quest line that never got off the ground. We have been looking to put it on the market, but will give you the deed instead. It comes with several house servants, groundsmen, cooks and the like. You will need to pay them, but we will provide the property taxes for one full Dunyanin year before asking you to contribute. Do we have an agreement?”

  Leah didn’t have to think at all, and so she said, “Yes, all is agreed. Now how do I get back to the dungeon at Platin? My friends are still there.”

  “Ah, …, here we have another problem. I can transport you back, but then the current Odyssey will see you as having failed; this is an in-built condition and would require some serious work to get around. The Odyssey is managed by a very stringent AI, as is right for such a beneficial experience, and we hesitate to manipulate such AI, though we can and will if need be. One of my colleagues though has the suggestion that you be at a particular location in five hours where another NPC mage, in the same dungeon, is planning on summoning a demon. If you make it to the location and defeat the demon there, then you will be summoned instead. Your friend Amy has already released Thad, and they are working on the others. If they can work their way through to the third level in five hours, then you can meet there. If it doesn’t work out, we will step in but would prefer you to take this route.”

  “Can I let them know? The rings aren’t working!”

  “You can’t reveal our conversation but the rings will work once I leave and you can direct them to move forward. Here is a map of Çaresiz, we know you like maps, and on it, we have marked the location you need to find. It is twenty kilometres away and the ground between here and there is Level 100+, which you now are, but please be careful.”

  At that, he disappeared, and Leah was left standing there alone. She harvested the dead demon:

  You have harvested:

  1 Demon Heart changed into a Blood Diamond

  10 Copper Coins minted with an image of the Demon Lord of Çaresiz.

  1 Complex Spell of Summoning

  2 Vials of Demon Blood*

  * Note: A highly prized ingredient used by Alchemists and Necromancers. Vampires will kill you to get this prize.

  She checked through her messages to see what had caused her increase in speed.

  Your skill of using Ki in attack has progressed to Mastery Level 1 (1/10)

  Your Ki attack if activated will increase your speed and accuracy to levels that are to be considered supra-normal.

  For a more detailed analysis of speeds that may be achieved, please refer to the manuals.

  Leah took a deep breath and began loping in the direction the developer had given her. She tried to contact the group. She said, “Hey guys, can you hear me now?”

  Amy responded, “Atherleah, where are you? You just disappeared.”

  “I know, I’m in a strange place but am making my way back to you. I’ve discovered some clues and should be able to make it back but only to the third level of the dungeon. You guys will need to group up and get there on your own. I’m not dead, but the MOBs here are all 100+ so I best concentrate. Have you released everyone yet?”

  Thad said, “We are almost at Zack, and we also have a few clues. We’ve found a portal to the first level; it was hidden behind a wall which we broke down. We’ll see you in a while, how long will it take you?”

>   “My calculations say just under five hours, so you guys need to hurry.”

  After a few more instructions and comments they closed the connection and Leah was once more on her own. She was running up a small dune and slowed as she reached the top when she heard the noise of battle. Peering over the top, she saw two demons being attacked by what looked like a massive ladybug beetle. It was about the size of a car and had two huge red wings with black spots shaped like skulls. Its six legs ended in claws and the jaws moved side to side. It had large fangs which dripped with venom. One demon held several spears and a large shield. The other had a large, powerful bow which he was using to shoot arrows at the bug, most of the arrows simply bounced off the armoured underbelly.

  MINOR DEMON SHIELD BEARER (Level 105) 5900/11025HP (5250EP)

  MINOR DEMON ARCHER (Level 110) 3020/12100HP (5500EP)

  DEMON SUCCUBEETLE (Level 115) 9670/13225HP (5750EP)

  The beetle had the upper hand, and it seemed like only a short time until it would be victorious. Leah noticed that as the wings moved away from the body, there was what appeared to be softer flesh underneath. From her vantage point, she might be able to wound the thing. Almost without thinking, Leah equipped her bow and took two quick shots, both plunged into the tissue under the wings, and the Succubeetle shuddered in its flight and struggled to stay aloft. Two more arrows and it was down. The Succubeetle, however, wasn’t out of the fight and turned toward Leah and started scurrying up the hill toward her. Suddenly one of the spears pinned the beetle through a gap between its wings, and it turned to renew its attack on the demons. Leah came in behind it and put two arrows in the back of its head region. Finally, it stopped, and after a few small tremors, it died and transformed into a large female demon with long horns and fangs like a vampire. The two surviving demons began advancing on Leah. She said, “Hey guys, I just saved your lives.”

  The Archer just smiled and said, “How foolish, now you die knowing you should have waited. Your anguish as you realise your mistake will fill my belly for many days.”

  As he raised his bow, she cast Chain Lightning at them and then in their moment of stunned surprise removed their heads. She harvested all three.

  You have harvested:

  3 Silver Coins minted with an image of the Demon Lord of Çaresiz.

  15 Copper Coins minted with an image of the Demon Lord of Çaresiz.

  1 Succubeetle Cuirass

  1 Demon Wing Bow and Quiver*

  3 Shield Bearer Spears

  3 Vials of Demon Blood**

  * Note: Made from the Radius bones of the wings on a defeated Demon Lord

  ** Note: A highly prized ingredient used by Alchemists and Necromancers. Vampires will hunt and kill you to get this prize.

  She quickly checked the Cuirass and Bow

  Succubeetle Cuirass (Rare)

  Armour Level 100

  This is a naturally occurring armour that develops on the body of a transformative Succubus. It is made from secretions in the demonic body and is inert (it has no negative effects). During transformation, the Cuirass unfolds to protect the underside of the Succubeetle.

  + 25 Constitution

  + 25 Strength

  Durability 100/100

  Demon Wing Bow and Quiver

  This bow is of ancient times and has probably been in the defeated demon’s family for generation. It is made from the Radius bones of the wings on a defeated Demon Lord. The string is from the cured wing tendons, and the arrows have been shaped from the other smaller wing-bones. The quiver was made from the cured skin off the wing membrane. Arrows pulled from it will return as long as they are undamaged.

  This bow will be recognised by any of the Demon Lord’s descendants, and they will seek revenge.

  Minimum: Level 100 (A100, S120)

  Arrow return: 4 Arrows/minute

  Base Damage: 850HP

  Binds on pickup

  The Cuirass was a deep black, and though the spots had disappeared, there was a fine lace-like etching over the armour. Leah equipped the Cuirass and then resumed her journey to the coordinates given to her. The Cuirass gave her added strength and stamina, and she increased her speed. Over the next four hours, Leah came across an amazing array of animals, monsters and demons who all attacked on sight. None of the animals and monsters was yet to be found on the forums, and she knew she would need to keep the loot until after Çaresiz opened up. There was a huge wolf called a Demonic Alfakurt, there were various snake and cat analogues along with numerous imps and demons. The constant delay to fighting the demons slowed her down, but finally, she stood upon the marked area. She was ten minutes early, and nothing and nobody was in sight. She heard what sounded like a herd of galloping horses coming toward her but it turned out to be a large demon riding a huge centipede. The demon was over three metres in height, and the Centipede was thirty metres in length and was loaded up with all sorts of boxes and chests.

  LOWER ELITE DEMON - TRADER (Level 135) 18225 HP (6750 EP)

  DEMONIC MEGAPEDE (Level 186) 34596 HP (9300 EP)

  The demon pulled the megapede to a stop and hopped down, unslinging a huge sword as he ambled toward Leah.

  “What have we here? A lost traveller, a lone adventurer or most likely I think, a tasty morsel and a tantalising trinket.”

  Leah equipped her sword and assumed a simple pose with the sword angled down, away from her body, she said, “I’m not lost, just waylaid. I might be tantalising, but I’ve a sting. I mean you no harm. Just go.”

  “Oh, but I can’t. While I’m not strictly a warrior, I am a demon. We love pain, and we love conundrums. I’m particularly fond of strange things, and though I usually tempt others, you tempt me. You stand like a master, but your level is almost a joke. I think I’ll keep your skin and sell it as a curiosity.”

  Then without warning, he attacked. Leah, however, had been approached similarly by several demons, they all liked to attack when they thought you were weak. None had been as strong as this, but she was calm, and at her new speeds, she was able to react in time to his moves. Back and forth they went, and after several minutes he stepped back and said, “Magnificent, if only I could take you alive, amazing what I could sell you for.”

  This time it was Leah who attacked without warning. She cast Chain Lightning and then began to step forward, but he shrugged it off. He smiled and began to bring his sword across his body to slash at her. Instead of finishing her step she allowed the leg to crumble and she rolled under his stroke and thrust her knife into the back of his knee as she cast Petrify. The knife and leg both turned to stone. His swipe dragged his body off balance. As he fell, Leah brought herself close to him and followed him to the ground where she landed on his back. She moved her hands up and cast Freeze on his head.

  She stood quickly and prepared to defend herself against the Megapede, but it was standing still and watching her. Standing defensively she reached down and harvested the body of the Lower Elite Demon:

  You have harvested:

  2 Gold Coins minted with an image of the Demon Lord of Çaresiz.

  12 Silver Coins minted with an image of the Demon Lord of Çaresiz.

  1 Sword of the Demon Elite

  1 Demonic Megapede Owner’s Choker*

  1 Vials of Elite Demon Blood**

  * Note: The Centipede to whom this belongs can be controlled by the wearer of this Choker.

  ** Note: A highly prized ingredient used by Alchemists and Necromancers. Vampires will hunt and kill you to get this prize.

  She placed the Choker, which looked like a silver Centipede, around her neck as she approached the Demonic Megapede and a message appeared:

  You have equipped the controlling Choker for a Demonic Megapede:

  The Megapede is considered a beast of burden in Çaresiz and has a similar use to the mule in other lands.

  Your Megapede can be used to transport enormous quantities of goods. It can also be ridden as a mount.

  If you wish you can transfer the Megaped
e and all it carries into the Choker until required. To do this place your hand on the Choker and ‘will’ the Megapede into it while touching the Megapede. To retrieve the Megapede and goods grasp the Choker and ‘will’ it to reappear at the place your other hand is pointing.

  She touched the Megapede’s snout and felt the choker flash with heat and then the Megapede disappeared. Turning around she saw a portal flare to life near where she was standing, she rushed forward and stepped into a nightmare.

  The floor she fell onto was made of black marble, she was in a dark circle of runes carved into the floor. The runes were filled with blood and on the outside were five dark elf mages and five necromancers. Several bodies were hanging from the ceiling that had all been drained of blood. Each of the runes was pulsing with life, and Leah knew she was trapped inside the circle and the portal unless she could somehow break the enchantment or destroy the blood. She equipped the Demon Wing Bow and shot at a Necromancer who watched it strike the barrier and drop. Leah walked close to the boundary, as did the necromancer, who said, “You’re no demon, how did you get summoned?”

  Leah smiled and looking down said, “It’s all because I had this.”

  As the necromancer looked down, Leah brought one silver end of the Haladie around and through the barrier taking off his head. Grabbing one of the silver knives, she flicked it end over end into the neck of a Mage. As her captors took a step back, she cast Chain Lightning at them, but it arched into the barrier and couldn’t penetrate. Leah noticed that the blood began to sizzle. She cast Chain Lightning again and then equipped her pick looking at the ground around her for areas she could mine: there were several. She cast Changing Attraction and saw a slew of new places she could mine. She continued to cast Chain Lightning until she heard a mage say, “She is almost through. We need to close the portal and banish her.”

  In desperation, she equipped Merdiven and slammed it into the barrier, which exploded. Leah’s Mana and Ki were empty, but the result on the mages was catastrophic. They had all fallen to the ground with blood coming from their ears and noses. She stepped out of the circle just as the portal collapsed. She downed two potions and then went around and finished off all the elves and necromancers. As she harvested them, she noticed they all dropped a spell called Shatter which she suspected was the spell used by Merdiven.


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